Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Week Beginning 9.12.19

Date: 4th Dec 2019 @ 10:16am

Robins have made me extremely proud this week and have worked so hard during their assessments, which we will be finishing next week.

As we look ahead to next week, the final preparations for our Aladdin Production will take place. The children are again working so hard on this and are very excited to share it with you next Tuesday and Wednesday! Thank you for sending in such fabulous costumes!

In maths next week we will be looking at the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and using this to help us solve problems.

In our writing lessons, we will be consolidating our learning around subordinating conjunctions and developing our descriptive writing using similes. We will then apply our learning by writing and editing a letter. In reading, we will continue to make predictions based on information stated and implied.


Robins spellings for the test on Friday 13th December will look at the suffix –ture:

mixture, future, picture, capture, creature, nature, adventure, texture




Monday 10th: Aladdin Production 6pm

Wednesday 11th: Aladdin Production 1.30pm and 6pm

Friday 13th: Christmas Jumper Day for Children in Need


As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop in and see me.

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

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