Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Wk Beg 04.11.19

Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 4:14pm

Swallows have had a super first week back after half term. They have explored the bar model in Maths to help their understanding that addition can be done in any order.  We have started our new story "The Owl Who Was Afraid Of the Dark" by Jill Tomlinson. The children have been introduced to the main character, the cute baby barn owl, Plop. Next week, the children will continue with addition of multiples to ten that total 100 and the addition of 2, 2 digit numbers. In Science, the children will be exploring materials and investigating using torches, which material is the most suitable to make curtains that block out the light. 

Our spellings are words that begin with the 'n' sound using the letters 'kn.' 

knight, knit, knead, knee, knife, know, knot, knock, knuckle, kneel. 

Please come and see Mrs Elson and I if you have any questions. 

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