Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Wk beg 16.12.19

Date: 13th Dec 2019 @ 12:55pm


Swallows have been very busy rehearsing for our Christmas production, Angel Express.

We are really pleased with the effort and enthusiam that the children are showing in rehearsals.

Thank you so much for the super costumes that you have provided. Next week we have our performances on Monday afternoon at 1.30pm, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 9.30am. Our Carol Concert is on Friday 20th December at 9.15am.

We will be having our Christmas lunch on Tuesday 17th and the school disco is on Wednesday 18th December. We are also visiting the pantomine on Thursday 19th December. What a busy but exciting week!

We will not have a spelling test this week, we will be focsuing on spelling the Y2 common exception words that were handed out in September. Please see me for another copy if you require one.

Thank you for all of your support at home with reading and times tables. The children have tables to play on Times Tables Rock Stars and books waiting to be looked at in Bug Club. 

As always, please ask me if you have any questions. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson

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