Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Wk Beg 8th November 2021

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 8:22pm

Hi Everyone

What a wonderful start to this half term we have had! I have been so impressed with the children's attitudes to learning and their engagement in all lessons. We have enjoyed our first Cricket PE lesson, our first Ukuele lesson (where we played and sang at the same time!) and learnt the first song from our Christmas production, Hoodwinked! It is just wonderful to hear children singing again in school. The children also enoyed exploring the properties of shape during our Maths Day. 

Mrs Rice's spelling group have explored common exception words that contain a silent letter or a lerter that we pronounce quietly. Our words to learn this week are:

library, length, strength, business, February, island, answer


Mrs Brennan's spelling group have explored adding the suffix er and est with words ending in a y. The y is dropped and chamged to an i before adding er and est

For example: happy, happier, happiest. 

Next week, we will begin to explore a new story in our Writing lessons, Winter's Child by Angela McAllister. We will be using illustrations from the book to make predictions, explore a range of new vocabulary associated with the text and focus on our sentence structure and punctuation. This is a beautiful story with inviting illustrations, a great stocking filler! In our Reading lessons, we will focus on the pace of our independent reading, our expression and intonation to enhance meaning when reading out loud. The story, The Ice Palace by Robert Swindell will be the focus text in our Reading lessons. We will infer a character's feelings and actions by hunting for clues in the text and 'reading between the lines'.  

We will begin our new Science topic, Light - How we see things. The children will explore different sources of light and how how light travels. Our virtual Stone Age visitor will join us again and help us to learn about life in PreHistoric times. We are also taking part in a Science Light and Faith workshop, led by a lady from Chester Cathedral which we are extremely looking forward to. 

Times Tables Rock Stars has lots of times tables games and practice for the children. We are currently working on our 5 times tables and the children are making great progress with their rapid recall of the facts. Please continue to practise times tables with your children at home as having these facts at the ends of their finger tips, makes so many other areas of Maths more accessable. 

Thank you for your support with home reading. The children are enjoying reading a wide variety of stories and poems from our class library. This website, has the Top 100 Reads for each year group on, we have a selction of texts from Year Two and Year Three recommendations for the children to explore in class. These could make fantastic Christmas presents! 


The children will have PE with Mr Ault on a Monday and now a Cricket lesson on a Wednesday. Please ensure that your child comes to school in warm school PE uniform on Mondays and Wednesdays as the lessons can be outside. 

Please always ask me if you have any questions or queries about anything. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan xxx


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