Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y2 Wk beg 02.09.19

Date: 5th Sep 2019 @ 10:53am

Welcome to Swallows class and to our  weekly blog. I will post a blog each Thursday to let you know what the following week will entail and the learning that the children will be taking part in. Firstly, Mrs Elson and I would like to congratulate our new children on thier attitudes and behaviour this week. They have setled into Y2 so well and have arrived each morning with huge smiles which is a delight to see. Hopefully the children wil be sharing their learning with you on the Titanic disaster which has captured their interest greatly. Our reading challenge is up and ready, three comments each week in diaries equals a raffle ticket and really supports the children's reading progress. Please talk with your child about what they have read, what they have enjoyed and the meaning of any tricky new words.

Next week we will continue with our class text "Troll Swap" by Leigh Hodgkinson. The children will be making predications about the story and looking at character information that we gain from the text. We will be constucting sentences focusing on correct punctuation, letter formation as well as the use of the conjunctions 'and' and  'because' within our writing.Our maths learning will focus on place value. The children will be counting forwards and backwards in steps of 10 from any given number and partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones using equipment. We will also be positioning numbers to 100 on  a number line. In Science, the children will be learning about the properties of materials with Mrs O'Mara by going on material hunts around school and taking part in investgations.

Thank you for your continued support, we are always available after school if you need to discuss anything with us. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson 

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