Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y2 Wk beg

Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 12:15pm

Hi Everyone

What a busy week we are having in school. Lots of Christmas play rehearsals and church services to get ready for. Mrs Elson and I are really pleased witht the children's writing. They are working so hard on their letter formation, joins, adjectivces and adverbs. We will continue to focus on this in our wrinting next week as we become poets. Our maths work will focus on addtion problem solving. We will be exploring contractions in our spelling work. The children learn that when two words are contracted into one, for example can not becomes can't, the apostrophe stands for the letters that are missing. This week's spellings are:

can't, didn't, I'm, he'll, she'll, I'd, couldn't, wouldn't, won't, we'd

Please continue to read at home with your children as often as possible, it is crucial for their love of reading, attainment and progress. We require three comments each week from an adult to ensure that the children receive a raffle ticket and have a chance of winning. We are having lots of fun, learning our words for the play with expression. Please come and see Mrs Elson or myself if you have ay questions. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice

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