Y3 18.03.21
Date: 18th Mar 2021 @ 9:32pm
Hello everybody
What a pleasure it is to have my gorgeous Robins back in class, happily learnng and laughing together. We are so impessed with how hard the children have settled quickly back into routines and into excellent learning behaviours. We look forward to seeing their smiles and hearing their giggles every day and treasure every moment with them.
Hopefully I can keep them now until July!
The children are absolutely loving watching the frog spawn develop daily in our classroom, it is the first thing they all rush to when they come in. They have enjoyed fun PE sessions with Mr A, time on our track as well as playtime games and time in our new woodland. Lots of outdoor fun is helping with our happiness.
Next week, we will be writing letters in our English lessons from different characters in our Seal Surfer story. We will explore the structure and language of letters and focus on prepositions of time, place and cause. In Maths, we will be continuing our work on multiplication and division. As a class, we are learning the four times tables, noticing patterns the multiples of four make on a 100 square, looking at the connection to the two times table and increasing our rapid recall of these facts.
The children are now having weekly virtual German lessons with Mrs Judge which they are loving.
Please continue to read with your child daily and recording in their reading diaries as the children feel so proud when they are able to put their ticks onto the chart and gain a raffle ticket. Daily reading is so beneficial for our children. Not only because it improves their vocabulary and writing skills but it is a gorgeous opportunity to escape into the wonderful land of stories, adventure and imagination. Our weekly spelling quizes have resumed each Friday. I have asked the children to spend five minutes each evening practising their spellings and five minutes on their times tables in order to keep these key skills ticking over and for the children to gain in confidence.
Our spellings this week are focusing on the suffix 'ation' being added to verbs to form nouns. For example when we add 'ation' to the verb 'exclaim' the word 'exclamation' is made. We will explore which letters are dropped when this suffix is added. Our new words are:
explanation, exclamation, preparation, exploration, temptation, separation, admiration, information.
Thank you for your continued support and as always, I am at the end of the phone or an email if you need to talk to me. What a class of super stars I have!
Have a great weekend
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan