Y3 1st March 2021
Date: 26th Feb 2021 @ 3:13pm
Monday 1st March 2021
Good morning Robins and welcome to the marvellous month of March. Happy Saint David’s Day. I hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend in the glorious sunshine and that you are ready and raring to learn. This time next week, I will be seeing you in person! I can’t wait J
This week, I would like us to have a real focus on our times tables. Our tables are really important as they help us in many other areas of Maths such as division and fractions. So, there is no “lesson” for today. I would like you to use this website to practise the times table that you are working on. It is called Hit The Button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button.
I have attached different sheets and activities that you can print off. Each day I would like you to have a go at the Tables Test, just do the ones that you are comfortable with. Don’t forget there will be others that you can do for example you could do 3X9 as you already know 9X3. Time yourself and see if you can beat your own time each day. It is great to challenge ourselves.
I have attached the latest edition of First News for you to enjoy. What three facts can you learn today?
Please follow this link to watch my lesson as we write the second paragraph of our diary entry.
exercise (exercising, exercised)
experience (experienced, experiencing)
How are you going to learn this week’s words?
Roll n Spell/Spelling Doodle/Post It Notes/Look Say Cover Write Check…?
Let’s have a dance to Disney songs today J
Have a super day at home Robins. Keep going, remember how proud I am of you all.
Love from Mrs Rice xx