Y3 22.01.21
Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 3:30pm
Let's add two, three digit numbers today!
Click here to watch the you tube video of my Maths Power Point.
Click here to watch the vimeo of the White Rose teacher in her lesson if it is not loud enough for you on my you tube video.
Times Tables
Learn your 4 times table. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of 4? Begin with the multiples in order like we do it school, then in a mixed up order and finally with the division facts eg 12 divided by 4 = 3. TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Follow this link for a fun and catchy song that will help the 4 times tables stick. I think your grown ups will recognise this tune!
Today we will be writing our conversations using correct speech punctuation.
Here is the you tube link to my Writing Power Point as a video. It was too big to attach as normal today as I have tried another fancy trick....
I have attached the First News newspaper again as there were so many great articles for you to enjoy. Can you find 3 new facts today to share with someone in your house?
Time for our quiz! I have recorded the spelling quiz for you, it is attached to the Story Time Power Point. Good luck!
Our worship today is brought to you by Mrs Powell. She explains about The Global Goals that we will be exploring from now on at school.
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."  
(Genesis 2:15) 
Our new Christian Value is RESPECT. Look again at the 17 Global Goals below and think about how we can respect our own homes, gardens, parks and local area.
Talk to your family about the Global Goals and think about what small actions you could take at home. Make a pledge on the blank puzzle piece attached to today’s Blog about what you and your family could do.
For example: Mrs Evans’ family are no longer using plastic food bags and cling film. They are on a mission to make sure they turn off the lights in the rooms they are not using and they go for walks and runs locally so they don’t use the car as much.
Time to stop and relax and come with me as Sophie and The BFG make the journey to London!
If you can't hear me on the Power Point, I have turned today's story time into a you tube video for you.
Thank you all so much for your hard work, concentration, effort and your Zoom smiles this week.
Have a super duper weekend.
Love from
Mrs Rice xxx