Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y3 Wk Beg 29th March 2021

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 2:15pm

Hi everyone

We have made it to the final week of the term with huge smiles as we are so happy to be back together. smiley

The children have been busy with assessments and have made me so proud with their attitude towards these. 

We are continuing to enjoy The Sea Book by Charlotte Milner as a stimulus in our reading lessons. The children are using the contents and index pages to navigate the text, making predictions and summarising key points of paragraphs. This book is also helping us to take care of God's oceans and the creatures that live in them by considering how we can reduce the amout of plastic that sadly ends up there. 

This week we will be wriitng a letter from one character to another in our Seal Surfer story. We will take on the roke of the boy in the story and write to Grandad, telling him of our adventures witht he seals in his absence. 

Our spellings this week contain the letters 'ch' but make the 'c' sound

chaos, chorus, mechanic, character, anchor, echo, aching, chemist, schemed

In Maths we continue our work on multiplication and division exploring the patterns and connections of the 4 and 8 times tables. 

We are thoroughly looking forward to visiting church on Wednesday to watch a pre recorded Easter worship by Mr Cliff.

Lostock are celebrating World Book Day on Thursday. The children can come to school wearing their pajamas ready for a wonderful day of story. 

We are so proud of our class for the happiness and joy that they bring with them each day.

Have a great week. Please contact me if you have any questions or queries.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan.

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