Y3 Wk beg 9.11.20
Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 10:25pm
I hope that everyone is safe and well. Thank you for making your parents evening bookings on line for Fiday 13th November, I'm really looking forward to speaking to everbody. If you haven't made an appointment yet, please have a look on School Spider to see which times are still available.
Now that we have settled back into school life so well, we are going to return to our weekly spellings each Friday. The children were really excited when I showed them the list and said "We haven't done this for ages!"
Our spellings for this week are based on the prefixes dis and in.
disagree, disappear, disapprove, dishonest, dislike, incapable, incorrect, invisible, incomplete, independent
We have started our addition and subtraction work of three digit numbers in Maths. I am really proud of how the children are tackling trickier problems and showing perseverance. We are continuing to explore rapid recall of multiplication and division facts of the three times tables.
In Science, the children are learning how we see things, how light travels and how shadows are formed. We will be investigating how to make the biggest shadow and why the shadows change size during the day.
In our reading lessons, the children have thoroughly enjoyed reading Lights On Cotton Rock by David Litchfield (if you're looking for a Christmas stocking filler, they have absolutely loved this story.) This week, we will be exploring our likes and dislikes of the story, any questions we still have and patterns across the text that we have spotted.
Thank you for continuing to read with your children at home, please may I remind everyone that homework at the minute is daily reading (three comments in reading diaries equals a raffle ticket) Times Tables Rock Stars and now, weekly spellings. Thank you for your continued support with this.
This week, we will be celebrating Remembrance Day by laying our wooden crosses at The Cenotaph. We will also be collecting Pennies for Pudsey on Friday 13th for Children in Need. Just copper coins please, we have a laminated Pudsey that we would like to cover in pennies.
If you have any questions or worries, please contact me via the office admin email or give me a call at school. It feels so very strange still, not being able to chat to you all each day. Your children remain a delight to teach. We are having a wonderful time together in Robins class. This half term, we have lots of exciting Christmas activities planned for the children, some magical moments will be recorded and sent home to you, watch this space...!
Many thanks
Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan