Y6 Week beginning 23.9.19
Date: 18th Sep 2019 @ 5:46pm
Toucans class have worked so hard over the past week. They particularly enjoyed taking part in the Go Run for Fun event at Moss Farm on Wednesday afternoon. They were among 1500 children who took part and everyone received a t-shirt and a medal for their efforts!
Next week, the children will be continuing their writing based on our book 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope'. In Maths, they will be looking at written addition and subtraction methods. In Science, the children will be looking at the topic of 'Light' – What is light? What does it do? Can you see more than just your face in a mirror? Our on-going theme of conflict, sees us focusing on our Geography skills by locating oceans and continents so we gain a better understanding of where some of the wars have taken place. In History, we will begin to research the Civil Wars that took place in Great Britain. In RE, we will be exploring the big question: Who is a Jew? In PE, the children will be taking part in National Fitness Day which will take place on Wednesday this week so they need their PE kits on this day too. This workshop will be delivered by Theresa. They will also have their PE lesson with Mr Ault on Friday.
New this week…
Your children will come home with a new Maths revision book ‘KS2 Maths SATs Question Book’ on Friday. We briefly mentioned this at the ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions but this is going to be our maths homework this year. The maths homework books are designed for the children to be able to complete independently and the answers are provided at the back of the books. However, if you can support your child by going through any answers they have got wrong this would help enormously. The books won’t be marked by us as they are designed to be marked at home as part of the revision process so that any incorrect answers are identified immediately and corrected. However, if your child has found a topic particularly difficult, mark the page with a red dot and then we will work on these weaknesses as part of our intervention sessions in school.
Each week, we will circle and date the page numbers that we would like them to complete that week, they can write it in their homework diaries and we will also put on the blog each week, the page numbers we would like them to do too! The books will go home on a Friday each week and will be due in on the following Wednesday.
This week, we would like them to complete pages 6 and 7 (Ordering Numbers) due in on Wednesday 25th September.
Our spelling words next week will focus on suffixes: -er, -ing, -y, -ed and –tion.
trader making grimy persuaded creating tickled appreciated observant fading creation
Some of our children will also be taking part in a football competition at Rudheath Senior Academy on Friday afternoon.
Thank you so much for all of your help with encouraging your children to read at home. We have really enjoyed discussing their books with them and reading your comments.
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick