Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Year One - Week Beginning 13.1.20

Date: 9th Jan 2020 @ 5:04pm

Starlings have had a super first week back after the Christmas break. They have explored tens and ones in maths and have written super predictions and described settings in our writing lessons. We have loved being back into the routine of Read Write Inc and have had lots of lovely catch up chat’s with our wonderful friends. We are all so excited to start our new ‘Animal Explorers’ topic tomorrow with an exciting (and slightly terrifying) Creepy Crawly Show.

In our writing lessons we have now started reading the exciting story ‘The Lion Inside’ by Rachel Bright and Jim Field. Next week we will be describing and comparing characters from the story. We will also hunt for words in the text with an –ed, -er, -est, or -ing ending and write exclamative sentences based on mouse’s thoughts.


Next week, the children will continue to focus on place value in our number work, identifying how many tens and ones numbers to 20 have. They will both compare and order numbers.  


In our topic lessons, we will be creating an exciting explorer vehicle for Sunny the meerkat to travel around the world in. We will also learn about animals and their structures in our science lessons.


Just a little remind about home reading. Please can the children read with an adult at home at least three times each week as this is so important for their progress. Thank you for all of your continued support. It is lovely to welcome such happy, smiling and hardworking children every day.


Please come and see Mrs Southern or I if you have any questions or concerns.

Miss Gillam

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