Year One - Week Beginning 21.10.19
Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 5:29pm
Hello and welcome back to Starlings Class Blog,
Starlings have had such a busy and exciting week, continuing to make Miss Gillam and Mrs Regan proud each and every day. We have loved meeting Mrs Southern this week who will be joining us after the half term holidays.
We have yet another busy week ahead of us next week.
Tuesday 22nd – No Outsiders afternoon for the whole school.
Friday 25th – will be a non-uniform day for the Christmas Fair. Please bring in something chocolaty!
Monday 4th November – INSET School closed
Our focus in maths will continue to be addition and subtraction this week. We will be solving problems involving addition using the part-whole model taught last week.
E.g. Always, Sometimes, Never
When I add two numbers, the answer is always smaller. Explain your reasoning.
This week we are going to be continuing our journey, discovering the adventures of Nibbles the book monster. Will be learn about the mischief Nibbles causes as he enters a range of traditional tales in our classroom. We will consider the thoughts and feelings of the character in each story and write sentences to help the staff at Northwich Library to know how to keep Nibbles well fed and happy.
In our Topic lessons we will be continuing with our history focus, learning about how transport has changed over time. We will continue to look at old maps of Northwich to see how the town changed as transport methods modernised. We will look at how bicycles have changed over time. We will also learn about how the types of bikes we ride change as we grow up and why.
- 3 reads - Please make sure you keep all 3 reading books in your book bag each day. You should have a home reading book, RWI book and a book bag book.
- Maths Challenge – Can you count back? Can you count backwards from 50? Can you start at 39 and count backwards? Use the 100 square in your book bag to help you.
- Spellings – see your slip in your reading diary.
Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.
Miss Gillam