Year One - Week Beginning 7.10.19
Date: 3rd Oct 2019 @ 12:33pm
Hello and welcome back to Starlings Class Blog,
Starlings have had yet another busy and exciting week. We enjoyed performing our special song during our Harvest Service on Wednesday. We also had the opportunity to invite our parents in for our ‘Come and Join Us’ session. Thank you so much to those who were able to make it.
We have yet another busy week ahead of us next week.
Monday 7th October – Kevin and Erwin to speak to the children about Guide Dogs.
Tuesday 8th October – Gymnastics (PE Kit needed)
In Maths we will be continuing to solve problems involving comparing numbers and learning about ordinal number (1st, 2nd, 3rd). We will also be ordering numbers and exploring number lines. The children will see that a number line can be used to:
- Count to 10
- See one more/one less
- See greater than/less than statements
- Order three numbers
Vocabulary: count greater than less that equal to compare same different more less order
We are going to be authors this week in our writing lessons and create our very own stories based on our amazing class text ‘Lost and Found’. We are going to make changes to the original story and then write our own version. Who will be the characters in your story? Where will the story be set?
In our Topic lessons, we will be looking at old maps of Northwich to see how the town has changed over time. We will also compare Lostock Gralam to Northwich town centre, focusing on both the human and physical geography of both areas.
- 3 reads
- Maths Challenge – Go on a door number hunt. Can you read the numbers on each door? What is the highest number you can find?
- Spellings – see your slip in your reading diary.
Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.
Miss Gillam