Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Year One- Week Beginning 23.9/19

Date: 19th Sep 2019 @ 7:53am

Hello and welcome back to Starlings Class Blog.

Starlings have had such a busy week and have made Miss Gillam very proud of them.

We have another busy week ahead of us next week.


  • We have gymnastics on Tuesday afternoon – PE kits needed (PM)
  • We have our school trip to Northwich next Wednesday 25th September (AM)
  • National Fitness Day – Wednesday 25th September – PE kits needed (PM)
  • Tennis Workshop on Thursday – PE kits needed


In Maths we are continuing to focus on Place Value. We are going to be comparing groups of objects using the words greater than, less than and equal to. We will then learn the mathematical symbols for each of these words (><=).  We will be solving problems involving comparing numbers towards the end of the week.

Vocabulary:  count   greater than     less that    equal to     groups   compare   same   different



Next week we will continue to write factual sentences about penguins during our writing lessons. We will be really focusing on our handwriting and letter formation, ensuring our letters are sitting on the line. Towards the end of the week we will be helping George and the penguin from our story ‘Lost and Found’  to write a list of things to pack in their suitcase.



We will be continuing to focus on Geography during our topic lessons this week, completing activities linking to what we have learnt on our exciting school trip to Northwich on Wednesday 25th September. We will be researching well-known buildings and writing informative leaflets to teach others about where we live.


  • 3 reads 
  • Maths Challenge – How many ways can you make 10? Collect 10 objects (socks, coins, pebbles etc). How many different ways can you make 10 using your objects? Eg. 7 socks add 3 socks = 10 socks. This is a practical activity and does not need recording.

1+__  2+ __ 3+ ___  4+___ 5+__  6+__  7+__  8+__  9+__  10+__

  • Spellings – see your slip in your reading diary.

Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.

Miss Gillam

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