Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness


Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 4:44pm

Wednesday 13th January 2021                             

Good morning Team Goldfinch. I’m so proud of hearing all about how hard you are working at home. It was lovely to speak to your families. If I didn’t manage to contact you, please don’t worry, I will get in touch again very soon.

Don’t forget to go on the discussion page today where we can ‘chat’ about the work you are doing and I will be able to answer any questions you have.


In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWOHcGF1Tmc


Add two 4-digit numbers with more than one exchange- See the Power point attached below.

If you can’t hear the audio on the Maths Power point please use this video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDqtQtSqCO0

  Times Tables

Goldfinches play Hit the Button today and practise your 9x table. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Animal Fact file- See the Power point attached below.

If you can’t hear the audio on the English Power point please use this video link    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4U6QRxkQWbI 


Did you enjoy your reading yesterday? You might choose to read about the animal you are researching.  Let me know which animal you have chosen on our discussion page. Remember to get an adult to sign your diary when you have read. 


We are revisiting words with ed endings this week and I will add two words a day for you to practice.

Today words:

Created         (word family words: create, creative, creativity, creating, creator, creation)

Hopped        (word family words: hop, hopping, hopper)

Previous words:

Watched      (word family words: watch, watching, watcher)

Opened         (word family words: open, opening, opener)

Believed     (word family words: believe, believing, belief, disbelief, unbelievable)           

Followed      (word family words: follow, following, follower)

I have attached an ‘ed’ endings game below that you might want to print and play with someone at home.

Story time- More from Danny the Champion of the World.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAlnACGtwS0



Goldfinches I know how much you love PE and sport and how much you enjoy a challenge so please see the attached poster for your Fitness Challenge.

Can you do 20mins or over of continuous movement and 21 mins or over of continuous exercise every day? 

There is a recording sheet too. I have already printed mine out ready for day 1 today.

We would love to see photos of everyone taking part in the challenge on Twitter so please use #2021FitnessChallenge and tag @ValeRoyalSSP on your tweets. Have fun!

Enjoy your lessons, fitness and play time today Goldfinches.

Love from Mrs Evans and Miss Randles xx

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