Monday 18th May
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 1:34pm
Hello my wonderful Goldfinches,
Welcome to Summer Term Week 5. Wow! You are all doing such amazing things- whether it is helping at home, doing exercise, being creative, doing school work or learning new skills I am proud of everything you are doing.
Here is a little 'Happy' clip for you - hopefully it will make you smile! We made this on Lola's birthday back in April for part of a zoom quiz challenge.
I think some of you Goldfinches would be able to choreograph a fantatsic 'Happy Dance'
We had a pretty chilled weekend- all of us were tired so we did a bit of gardening and enjoyed playing board games we haven't had out of the cupboard for a long time! The weather was chilly on Friday so we have moved our garden sportsday to a day later in the week when it is warmer.
Goldfinches our bean plants are starting to grow flowers which means it is getting close to the time they will begin to make beans!
On Friday I forgot to say that Jack Ousbey is the name of the poet who wrote 'Gran Can You Rap'.
School jobs:
English: Grab your air guitar and watch this video clip to remind you all about expanded noun phrases. Can you have a go at writing a few of your own after?
Maths: This week we will remind ourselves about multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers. Have a go at White Rose Learning Y4 - Summer Term Week 3 Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers Lesson 1 (remember you don't have to print out the worksheet that goes with it. Lola just makes notes or says the answers out loud to me if i'm with her at the time.)
Times Tables: 12 x table games. Make up your own or use the loop cards attached. Make the 12 time table number line. Keep going on TTRock Stars, Hit the Button and Coconut multiples. Or why not try challenging someone in your house to the times table memory game.
No Outsiders: Our topic this week is based on a No Outsiders book that we would have read in class this term. Watch the YOUTUBE clip of the story 'Dogs Don't Do Ballet'. There are different activities linked to it which you could do over different days this week. Please do NOT do all of them. Just pick one or two that you like the look of. (Link to activities is on the attached weekly plan)
Take care my lovely team, be good, listen well and stay safe.

Oak National Academy have shared an assembly on 'Hope' you might want to watch.
Message from Mrs Powell:
Sometimes we are faced by big challenges, reading a large book, completing a big piece of writing or even learning to ride a bike can seem a huge task. Problems and difficulties can seem really big but if we break them down to small steps we can make progress and achieve anything we set our mind to do!
Dear God
When we find things difficult, help to keep us going.
Thank you for all the people who help us to take the small steps to overcome our problems. Please help us be there for others.