Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Monday 1st June

Date: 25th May 2020 @ 7:03am

Hello again wonderful Goldfinches,

I have really missed writing to you in the daily Blog this week. I hope you had a well deserved week of chill time and relaxing and perhaps tried out some of the lovely ideas to look after your mental health. We have been on lots of walks and bike rides, we tried out the permenant orienteering course at Marbury Park which was great fun and have spent lots of time in the garden and paddling pool this week. (Here is the link to the orienteering site where you can buy a map for £1) https://www.britishorienteering.org.uk/poc/marbury_park

I thought this little clip was so lovely so I thought I would share it with you:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evfOzPrzIu0

I hope you all got to see our Lostock Lockdown Memories. I loved the pictures you sent in- they made me so proud of our wonderful school. Here is the link if you missed it or are not on twitter:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPp5GuVgkVg&feature=youtu.be

School Jobs

English: We are going to start looking at a new book called 'Blue John' by Berlie Doherty. I have attached the lessons for this week to today's blog.Have a go at some of the activities today and then do the rest on another day this week. 

Spellings: Y3/4 words column 6 https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/72/34-Word-list-years-3-and-4---sep--to-su-

Times Tables: Practise the 2x, 4x and 8x tables. How do they relate together? What do you notice about all the multiples?  TTRock Stars- remember to go on weekly to practise all the challenges I have set for you. 

Geography: Caves. This project is to find out all about cave and Blue John which links in with our English focus. Have a look at the Summer Term 2 Week 1 Plan for links to websites and ideas for activities. Remember this project can be done in little bits over the next week or 2. 

Book Review: Here is a wonderful book review of 'Yellow Island.' 

Here is a little story about a really inspirational lady called Amelia Earhart. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dBcgJUJhF4&feature=youtu.be

Have a wonderful day. Be safe in the sun, have fun and look after each other,

Mrs Evans smiley 


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