Monday 20th April
Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 3:01pm
Monday 20th April
Hello Team Goldfinch
It’s lovely to be back with you and I hope you had as much fun as possible this Easter. I have loved seeing some of the things you have Tweeted or e-mailed me.
In my house, we have been enjoying different ways of staying fit: Joe Wicks, Go Noodle, 5-A-Day, running, walking, cycling and the latest: we all write 2 exercises on different pieces of scrap card, put them out in the garden and make our own circuit course with 30 seconds per activity. (The mountain climbers are my biggest challenge!)
We have also enjoyed some garden pamper time with cucumber over our eyes and soaking our feet! Bliss! The girls even gave me rainbow painted toenails!
Over the past week we finished our Food Web which we are really proud of… we just ran out of string to link up the last few animals. (I wonder whether you could see which ones we still need to string together)
School Jobs:
Weekly guide: (attached as 'Summer 1: Weekly plan and resources)
This week I have set a weekly guide again with focus areas to work on. I have changed it slightly (to hopefully be more manageable) with one project as a topic focus which the writing activities are linked to. I’m going to set a different one each week- but this might take longer than a week and there are no deadlines to any of this work. As always- do what is right for you, when it is right for you. The most important thing is calm, happy children.
I have trialed the I SEE Maths with both of my girls (Y4 and Y6) and really like it. Gareth does the teaching for you and you don’t need to print anything off. My girls just recorded any working out in their work books. There are even answers provided and the video link guides you through the process and how to record it. I would highly recommend starting at the beginning (Mon 23rd March) as the lessons follow on from each other and recap. We have been doing a lesson every other day (ish) Give it a go and see how you get on.
Spelling: (attached)
I am going to set the weekly spelling lists that you are used to sticking in your diaries each week. (you don’t need to print them) and each week I will include ideas of how to practise them. Sometimes they will be a recap of spelling patterns we have already covered and sometimes they might be topic linked. Remember you have loads of ideas about how to practise your spellings.
Topic Focus: Water Cycle
See attached timetable and attachments for all the links, resources and ideas. This is a topic that you might do a little bit of over different days. It might take a week, it might take longer- it really doesn't matter. My timetable guide might help you to organise how to split up the activities.
Finally for today: Parents this is a card a very good friend of mine sent me a few years ago. I keep it on my noticeboard to make me smile and thought you would like it too!
Stay strong... you are doing an amazing job.
Missing you lots and looking forward to blogging tomorrow,
Mrs Evans x
Message from Mrs Powell:
When you talk, you are only repeating something you know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” – Dalai Lama
What have you learnt from someone around you? On our daily walk, I found out that my daughter is an expert on windfarms. What could you learn from someone? What could you teach someone?