Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Monday 22nd June

Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 11:16am

Good Morning Goldfinches. Wie Gehts? 

I hope you had a lovely weekend. 

Here is another book review for you all: 


 How are you feeling about things this week? Share your thoughts in our discussion.

National Sports Week

This week is National Sports week so everyday we are going to have a sporting challenge you can do at home. You can share your results on the daily discussion page if you would like to! 

Monday- Wastepaper Basketball – Mrs Simmonds

How far can you shoot a basket from into a bin? Challenge someone to beat your distance and find new ways to throw it in? Can you adapt the challenge to make it more creative or encourage more family members to be involved?

School jobs:

Sports: In your Home learning pack you have 2 copies of the connect 4 sports game. How are you getting on with completing the challenges on them? What can you tick off today? Have fun!  (I have also attached them for anyone who can't find theirs) 

Reading:  Usain Bolt- read the attached information to find out about the fastest man on earth!  I have also attached the Picture News for this week. (The Gorilla article is interesting!)

Spelling: This week we are focusing on the correct use of 'their, there and they're'. We will be recapping their differences and in which different ways we need to use them.  Use this BBC Bitesize lesson to remind you.    Please note there is not a list of spellings attached this week as the focus is on their, there, they're




Times Tables: Use your great knowledge of the 7x table to help you with the 70x 700x and as a challenge the 0.7x tables. I have attached a Maths Pack sheet if you want to use theis to help you.

Geography/Science: If you enjoyed the Amazon Art work and learning last week then I have added more links to this week's Home Learning Plan. Perhaps you can research an endangered animal? 

This was Toby's research about the endangered Green Sea Turtle:


Have a great day. Make good choices and be ready to learn. 

Mrs Evans smiley

Message from Mrs Powell


Today we are thinking about Tolerance.  Look at this video, it made me smile!

Which characters were being intolerant?

How do you think the big bird felt?

Why were the little birds mean to the big bird?

What could the little birds have done to make the big bird feel welcome?

Now read this poem, could you make a poster of it for our sharing window?

We are all born

In a different way

How we look

And what we say.

From different countries

Around the world

Of different genders:

Boys and girls.

Of many sizes

And colours too,

The things we like

And the things we do.

If everyone

Were the same you see

You wouldn’t be you,

And I wouldn’t be me!


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