Wednesday 23rd September
Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 8:55pm
Wednesday 23rd September 2020
Good morning Goldfinches. You have put so much energy and enthusiasm into your home learning so far and I couldn’t be more proud of you.
I think lots of you picked up paper copies of the learning packs yesterday so this should make things easier. I will keep letting you know on the Blog which page or activity to have a go at over the next couple of weeks.
Remember please phone or email to ask for a pack to be printed or to ask for any resources like paper/pencils/colouring pencils.
Money- See the Power point attached. Today is all about subtracting money so you might find it useful again to collect some coins from around the house to help you but remember to ask an adult first before you empty their purse again!
Poetry- See the Power point attached. We are continuing with our Poem ‘The Brook’ by Alfred Tennyson. Today our focus is comprehension of the poem and handwriting practice so remember to sit smart and try your best joins.
Story time
Have a sneaky peek into a beautiful book called Dragonology which is from our class bookshelf.
When we started to read counting on Katherine, we did a little bit of writing about the ‘Space Race’ Have a look at to find out a little more. I wonder if you can also find out about the first animals launched into space? We mentioned monkeys and dogs in class. You might like to find out a little more about this by clicking on the links below.
Your reading today might be all about the animals in Space (see the links above in History) You might want to relax with a book on the sofa, curled up on a beanbag or cushion or in bed.
Remember to get an adult to sign on Wednesday in your Week 3 page of your diary so you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Brain Break
We normally go around the track outside for our brain breaks. If you can- go out and play for a while. Can you do 10 press ups? How long can you hold the plank for? Can you make a running track in your driveway or garden?
If it is still raining and you like to dance, then try this Hip Hop Space dance today.
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix ‘cian’
Today’s word: Magician (word family words: magic, magical)
Previous words: Politician (word family words: politics, political)
Musician (word family words: Music, musical)
Times Tables
Find the 6x table target board sheet in your pack (it is also attached to today’s Blog) Use the 100 square from yesterday to help where you circled all of the multiples of 6. (This is also in your pack)
Have a go at playing Hit The Button to practise your 3x or 6x tables.
TTRockstars Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Sit comfortably and showing you are ready for worship then read the words in blue aloud.
We come together in the name of:
God the Father who gives us all things to enjoy,
God the Son who loves the world and all the people in it and
God the Holy Spirit who gives us the spirit of Thankfulness.
Our words of wisdom for thankfulness are ‘Always be thankful’
Yesterday we were sharing our ideas about what ‘Counting your blessings’ means. Thank you so much for all of your ideas. Miss Randles is typing them up to share with Mrs Rice for a whole school display.
Click on the link to watch a video about Bella and Barney and Thankfulness. (Thank you to my Lola for helping me with this!)
Barney and Bella found lots of things to be thankful for didn’t they. Share what you are thankful for today with someone at home and perhaps you could make these ideas into a little prayer.
Discussion: Today please use the discussion to share a skill or talent you have. Something you are really good at. Remember you can also use the discussion to ask questions about the blog and work.
Have a super day Goldfinches. Be Ready, Respectful and Safe today.
Mrs Evans