Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y2 10.06.20

Date: 9th Jun 2020 @ 7:32pm

Buenas Dias Swallows

I hope that you are all happy chappies today. It is so lovely chatting to you on our discussions page, please bob on over to take a look at what today's discussion is. 

I know that some of you are beginning to get bored now and really want to comeback to school. I totally understand this Swallows. It will happen one day, I am not sure exactly when, but on that day, I will be there to welcome you back to our special school and we will do lots of lovely activities together. 

Time for a story, it is the turn of Mrs Whittingham today. I love listening to her beautiful Irish accent as she reads. https://youtu.be/IEB5oavzP_U

I forgot to add yesterday's story so I will put it here too, I'm sorry!  Here is Miss Twaites reading The Darkest Dark. https://youtu.be/taG8mwAHBeI

Ours lessons today focus on word endings in English    https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zxpx8hv

In Maths, we look again at finding halves of amounts . I have attached some shading fractions sheets for you. 


In RE we are going to learn about what Jewish people believe about The Messiah. I have attached a word search that you might like to do. 


I have made home learning packs for you all, please contact the office if you would like to collect one. 

A message from Mrs Powell

Some of you are returning to school but we need to remember lockdown is hard for everyone. Talk about their feelings to someone special at home and to try to understand that everyone is finding this time difficult in some way. Have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/-RXF5-29VGU


You may wish to use the following prayer.

Dear God,

During this time of lockdown, Please help us to think about others and their needs. Help us to be kind and helpful. Help us to talk openly about our feelings So that together, we can grow stronger and closer.


Have a wonderful day my super Swallows. I have also attached a beautiful picture book called Rain Before Rainbows for you to read. Just enjoy the gorgeous illustrations. 

I miss you all every day, more and more.

Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx

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