Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Y3 21.01.21

Date: 20th Jan 2021 @ 10:54am

Welcome to a terrific Thursday smiley


More column subtraction today with some excellent exchanging of tens or hundreds. Look out for my red pen again! I'm glad this is helping you.  These type of Power Points are too large to attach to the blog so they have to be viewed as a you tube video. The maths teacher is on the first slide, you can watch her as usual by clicking play, then I show you how to solve the column subtractions with my clever red pen again on the next two slides again you have to wiggle your mouse underneath the image to click on the play button and finally the last few slides are questions for you to complete, Challenge Time and the answers as usual. 

Click here to watch the you tube video of my Maths Power Point. 


Click here to watch the vimeo of the White Rose teacher in her lesson if it is not loud enough for you on my you tube video. 



  Times Tables

Learn your 4 times table. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of 4? Begin with the multiples in order like we do it school, then in a mixed up order and finally with the division facts eg 12 divided by 4  = 3. TTRockstars   https://ttrockstars.com/   Where can you get to on the leader board today?


See the Power Point attached. Today we will be learning how to write a conversation between two characters. Gather two teddies, two action heros, two Lego men, two dolls... as we will be role playing the conversation. 

Here is the you tube link to my Writing  Power Point as a video. 




I have the pleasure of attaching the next edtion of the First News newspaper that we enjoyed reading last week. Please spend time exploring the articles. It is a great read. Can you tell a grown up three new facts that you have learnt? 


This week we will be looking at words that have the 'c' sound spelt by 'ch'. eg

character, chaos, chemist, school, echo, mechanic, stomach, chorus, chemical. 

chaos = when things are frantic, unsettled, crazy

I have given us more words this week and we will have a quiz on Friday again. 


Which spelling strategies have you been using? Roll and Spell, a spelling doodle, look, say, cover, write, check....Let me know.


Time to have a sing song. Did you enjoy learning how to sign the hymns last week? Let's have another pratice. 


Our God is a Great Big God



Be Still for the Presence of the Lord https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDvK1u0mrZ4


Time to stop and relax and come with me as Sophie and The BFG mix their dream!

If you can't hear me on the Power Point, I have turned today's story time into a you tube video for you.


I am looking forward to seeing you all on our Zoom call at 9am. 

Love from 

Mrs Rice xxx












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