Our blogs
Week beginning 4.1.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 9:27pm
Welcome to Goldfinches' Weekly Blog.
Wow! The end of our first term as Goldfinches and what a busy one it has been! Well done to each and every one of you for your hard work, enthusiasm and fun. You are a wonderful class to work with and I can’t wait to see what we can achieve next term.
Star of the week: Congratulations and Good Luck to James.
Top Table: Congratulations to Gia.
Home Reading
Goldfinches are really loving time in the day to ‘disappear into a book’ please support your child to continue this lovely way to relax over the Christmas holidays.
Spelling focus: Spellings will start again in the new year which will be a mixture of words with a particular spelling pattern and words from Column 2 of the Y3/4 Statutory word list.
Times Tables
Have a go at as many tables as you can with this online grid game.
This week we have…
…had a lovely mixture of working hard in our lessons and the rewards of watching the pantomime, completing our beautiful calendars and cards, doing some lovely Christmas colouring and making our gorgeous reindeer decorations today. We hope you like them!
In RE we thought about the role of the shepherds and the awe and wonder they would have felt as they visited Jesus. In History we researched different city states in Ancient Greece. Science was great fun when we were learning to make our own switches. This will help us later in the year in DT when we make our own torches. Once again, we have loved reading a story from the 50 Animal Stories from around the world and using pictures to help us predict.
Coming up next term….
English: Staring our new class book ‘Leon and the place between’ and using a linked book ‘The train to impossible places’ in shared reading.
Maths: Applying addition and subtraction strategies to solving problems.
Science: Learning about sound and hearing.
History and Geography: Ancient Greece- the way of life and the legacy left.
Art: Using Ancient Greek art as our inspiration.
Music: Ukulele lessons.
PE: Mondays and Fridays- Team building and problem solving activities.
We hope you have a safe and peaceful holiday. Thank you for all of your support this term and for all your kind wishes and generous gifts.
Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you all in January,
Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Whittingham
Starlings blog 17.12.20, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 8:28pm
Hello Starlings and welcome to this week's blog
What a fun, festive week we have had in school! We have enjoyed watching the Christmas panto, made Christmas crafts, written Christmas poems, feasted on Christmas dinner and modelled our Christmas jumpers.
For our last worship of the term, we shared our hopes and dreams for the new year together and wrote these onto guiding stars. Most of the children wished for parents and carers to be able to visit school for class worship, for bubbles to be able to mix and for the virus to go away. How thoughtful and reflective!
We have also completed some Read, Write, Inc assessments so we will have some new groups in the new year. A sticker will be put into diaries with information about changes in groups in the first week back.
Meanwhile, in phonics our groups have worked hard on the following this week:
Pink group
Book: 'In the night'
Sounds focus: ure, tion
Orange group
Book: 'Look out!'
Sounds focus: ure, tion
Yellow group
Book: 'The Duckchick'
Sounds focus: o_e, u_e
Green group
Book: 'Pip's Pizza'
Sounds focus: oo, oo, ar
Red group
Book 'A Cat in a Pot'
Sounds focus: special friends ng, nk, th
We have sent the phonics books home but this is all we would like you to do over the holiday. Christmas is such a special time and our little starlings will be big toucans in the blink of an eye so enjoy every moment of your time together and make special memories. We can't wait to hear all about it!
We cannot thank you enough for the support you have given at home this term. It means so much to us and is having a great impact on the children.
Thank you also for the kind and thoughtful gifts you have given to us. We are so very grateful.
Please enjoy a happy, safe and healthy Christmas together. We will look forward to seeing you in 2021!
With best wishes,
Mrs. Southern, Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge and Mrs. Esling
Skylarks W.B. 4.1.21, by Miss Beattie
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 4:19pm
Hi everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog 😊
I can’t quite believe the Christmas holidays have arrived!!!
Firstly, Mrs Hulse and I want to say a huge thank you for the lovely gifts and cards we received this year. We are overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness.
We hope you have enjoyed watching our virtual Christmas plays and carol service this year. The children had a wonderful time putting them together and I know I will certainly cherish the memories we have made this year. If you have not received the links for any of the performances, please email admin who will send it to you 😊
When we come back to school in January, we will spend some time recapping our writing book ‘Queen of the Falls’. We will then summarise the main events of the story in a timeline. This will help prepare us for our writing the following week.
In maths we will be focussing on graphs, in particular line graphs. The children will begin by interpreting line graphs, before drawing their own.
Our maths knowledge will also help us in our science lesson. We will first investigate soluble and insoluble materials, as well as how long it takes for soluble materials to dissolve fully. We will then present our results using a bar chart.
In RE, we will be finishing our topic ‘Incarnation’. We will be looking at further titles given to Jesus in scripture and will discuss what they might mean. We will then reflect back on all the titles we have explored throughout this topic and suggest why they are helpful for Christians today.
In our reading lessons, we will be exploring a new book: ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Neil Gaiman. We will begin by evaluating the authors’ choice of language, looking specifically at figurative language and why it is used.
The children should complete pages 12 and 13 of the maths CGP book over the Christmas holidays or during the first week back in January. This homework should be returned, completed and marked, by Friday 8th January 2021.
Remember, if your child is unable to complete their homework at home, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime so that they can complete it in school. During this lunchtime, any children who may be struggling on a particular question at home can also come to ask an adult for help.
Please encourage your child to read and practice their spellings/times tables over the holidays also.
Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 8th January will look at words containing the suffix -able:
Understandable, breakable, suitable, enjoyable, noticeable, changeable, adorable, reliable, enviable, bearable
Please encourage your child to remove the -able suffix and focus on the root word while practising their spellings.
Have a wonderful, safe Christmas and a very happy new year!
From Miss Beattie and Mrs Hulse x
10.12.20 Swallows Class Blog, by Miss Gillam
Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 10:34pm
Hello Swallows!
I hope you are all keeping well and are looking forward to the Christmas break! I can’t believe we are looking ahead to the last week of term already. Time flies when you are having fun!
What a fun, festive week we have had! The children have worked exceptionally hard to put on a Christmas production for you with their Starling and Owl friends over the past few weeks. We hope you enjoy our very special performance and that it helps spread some Christmas cheer! We certainly enjoyed having the opportunity to watch both the KS1 & 2 performances in school as a little preview this week.
Read Write Inc
Swallows loved having the opportunity to showcase their Fred Talking skills in our Phonics ‘show me what you know’ this week. Miss Gillam is so proud of the super progress all of our Swallows are making with their reading. Next week, we will be looking at groupings for the new year. These new groupings will be shared after the Christmas break.
Pink & Orange |
Blue & Yellow |
Grey |
New Text: Up in the air (Non-fiction focus week) |
New Text: How to make a peach treat (Non-fiction focus week) |
New Text: The ice and snow book (Non-fiction focus week) |
New Sounds: tion – pay attention, it’s a celebration cious/tious – scrumptious delicious ure – sure it’s pure |
New Sounds: Longer word (chunking) focus week Ph – take a photo Wh – whisk whisk Ck- tick tock clock |
New Sounds: Longer word (chunking) focus week Ph – take a photo Wh – whisk whisk Ck- tick tock clock |
As we look ahead to the final week of the half term, we have lots of fun and festive activities planned to keep us busy. Over the week, all of the children will have the opportunity to watch a virtual Christmas Panto, complete some Christmas maths challenges and get creative with some lovely Christmas crafts. We will have our school Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 16th December and each class will also have a Christmas party on Friday 18th December. We can’t wait!
We are looking forward to starting a brand new unit of work based on the wonderful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ in our Writing lessons next week. We will consider what we already know and what we want to find out about owls. We will make links to the familiar story ‘Owl Babies’ and write a description of an owl. Swallows will be introduced to commas and will be encouraged to use them to separate adjectives.
E.g. Plop has a wide, gentle and friendly face. His eyes are sparkly, shining and bright. His curved, yellow beak shines as bright as the sun. He has fluffy, soft brown feathers all over his body. He sits on the branches of a tree with his sharp and deadly claws.
We will solve addition and subtraction problems involving money in our Maths lessons next week. Will Swallows solve our problem before Miss Gillam has a Christmas shopping disaster?
Can you solve the problem below? Please record on the slip inside your reading diary.
How many number facts can you think of? Remember to use the example at the top of the slip to help you.
Please remember to practise spellings this week again, ready for our final quiz on THURSDAY this week. Thank you for the continued efforts with learning these. It is clear to see how hard the children have been working at home and it has such an impact in class.
New spellings: fast father find
Thank you for your continued support with home reading, spelling and maths challenges at home. These three areas continue to be the homework for Swallows class until after the Christmas break.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone J. Please don't hesitate to ring me at school or send me an email via admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk if you have any questions or queries.
Miss Gillam
Week beginning 14th December, by Mrs Evans
Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 9:45pm
Welcome to Goldfinches' Weekly Blog.
Star of the week: Congratulations to Toby.
Top Table: Congratulations to Nuo Yu.
Break time- please support your child to bring a healthy snack to school for break time. E.g. Fruit, vegetable sticks, bread sticks, raisins, bagel, oatcakes, rice cakes, cheese crackers, low sugar cereal bars. Please also talk to your child about the importance of starting the day with breakfast. It is a long time until lunchtime for Goldfinches.
Water Bottles- please send your child with water in their bottle to drink throughout the day. Juice should only be in their packed lunchbox to have with their lunch.
Home Reading
Goldfinches are really loving time in the day to ‘disappear into a book’ please support your child to continue this lovely way to relax at home.
Spelling focus: This week please just look back through your child’s diary with them and focus on any of the words they misspelt during the last few spelling tests. NO SPELLING TEST on the last Friday (18th)
Times Tables
Have a go at as many tables as you can with this online grid game.
This week we have…
Music/Worship…Goldfinches have done so well with their signing this term. There is a lovely treat for you from us in the Carol service.
Writing...this week we have written our own animal stories based on Gorilla. I am so proud of how hard each and every Goldfinch has worked on their writing.
Maths and Reading:… We have completed our quizzes this week and again, I am so proud of how focused the children have been. We have had some lovely relaxing treats like colouring, extra playtime and 5-a-day as rewards for working so hard.
Art: We have been busy creating some beautiful cards and calendars.
PE: PE is on Monday. Due to our early finish on Friday, there will be no PE on 18th December. Well done to all of the children for taking part in the Rudolph Run and thank you for your kind donations.
Coming up….
Pantomime: We will be watching a virtual pantomime this week.
Christmas Dinner: Wednesday
Party Lunch, games and film: Friday
Thank you all once again for your ongoing support,
Mrs Evans
Starlings blog 10.12.20, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 9:17pm
Hello lovely Starlings and welcome to this week's blog.
What another fun, festive week we have had! We absolutely loved watching the KS1 and KS2 Christmas performances in class this week, we hope you have enjoyed watching them at home too! Luckily for us, the festive fun didn't end there, we made some Christmas decorations out of recycled materials for Lostock Friends, continued with our 12 days of fitness, and took part in the whole-school Rudolf run!
In English we have finished writing our diary entries to finish our work on Nibbles the Book Monster, and we were so happy to learn that there's a new Nibbles book which we enjoyed in class.
In Maths we have continued with some of our addition work using part, part whole.
Phonics this week:
Yellow group
Book: Fun at the fair
Sounds focus: oi, a_e, i_e
Red group
Book: Pick it Up
Sounds focus: special friends th, sh, ch, ck, nk
Orange group
Book: My sort of horse
Sounds focus: ear, ure, tion
Pink group
Book: The Greedy Green Gremlin
Sounds focus: ear, ure, tion
Green group
Book: The Web
Sounds focus: ee, igh, ow
Next week we are looking forward to watching our Panto, completing some more Christmas crafts, continuing with our addition and number bonds work in maths and exploring poetry as part of our English work.
We cannot believe how quickly our first term has gone and despite all the tricky changes we could not be prouder of the children we are so privileged to teach!
Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Esling, Mrs. Judge and Mrs. Southern
Toucans week ending 11th December, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 4:52pm
Week ending the 11th December
Another busy week recording our Carol Service and completing the Rudolf Run. We have also strted to make Christmas cards.
Thank you for supporting your child with their homework this week.
Remember they can mark their Maths work themselves at home (answers are in the back of the books). However, we would still like them to bring in their books every Thursday to check that they have done the homework and if they need any help with particular questions, Mr Beswick will be able to work with them before we return the books to the children on the Friday.
Maths Homework
Pages 10 and 11 Written Adding and Subtracting due in on Thursday 17th December
Next week we will not have a formal spelling test but will complete a variety of spelling activities throughout the week to revise the spelling rules that we have covered this term. The focus has been on adding suffixes to root words.
Just take a look back at the spellings covered over the past few weeks. They can be found in homework diary and are on our blogs.
Spellings for the first week back after the holidays will focus on the rule – the ‘sh’ sound spelt ‘ti’ or ‘ci’
Spellings will be tested on Friday 8th January – direction, especially, explanation, appreciate, competition, ancient, cautious, delicious, motion, spacious
Art Day on Thursday 17th December so please bring an old t-shirt as we will be doing some painting.
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.
We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.
Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day.
Kind regards,
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick
Skylarks W.B. 14.12.20, by Miss Beattie
Date: 10th Dec 2020 @ 7:55am
Hello everyone 😊
I hope you are all keeping well and are looking forward to the Christmas holidays! I can’t quite believe we are looking ahead to the last week of the Autumn Term.
The children have worked exceptionally hard to put on a Christmas production for you, albeit a little different than normal. We hope it makes you smile and helps spread some Christmas cheer!
As we look ahead to the final week of the half term, we have lots of festive activities to keep us busy. Over the week, all of the children will have the opportunity to watch a virtual Christmas Panto. Each class will also have a Christmas party on Friday 18th December with party games and a Christmas movie.
In maths, we will begin to look at our next unit ‘Statistics’. We will be focussing on reading and interpreting tables.
In writing, we will be using everything we have learnt about Annie Edson Taylor to write an extract about her in the style of our shared reading book ‘Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls’.
In our topic lesson, we will be carrying out research to find out more about Northwich. We will use primary and secondary sources to find out about Northwich’s population, industry, employment opportunities and types of houses.
In our reading lessons, our focus remains on drawing inferences. We will continue to use our ‘thinking out loud’ and ‘visualising’ techniques to infer characters’ thoughts, feelings and motives. We will also continue to make comparisons within and across the texts we have read.
The children should complete pages 10 and 11 this week, to be returned by Thursday 17th December (We are asking for the children to return it a day early next week on Thursday so that we can have a festive, fun-filled day on Friday!)
Remember, if your child is unable to complete their homework at home, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime so that they can complete it in school. During this lunchtime, any children who may be struggling on a particular question at home can also come to ask an adult for help.
Please encourage your child to read and practice their spellings/times tables in addition to their new maths homework.
Our spellings for the quiz on Thursday 17th December will be the next 10 statutory words from the Y5/6 list:
Available, average, awkward, bargain, bruise, category, cemetery, committee, communicate, community
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
If you have any questions of queries please do not hesitate to contact me via the school admin email address or telephone 😊
Miss Beattie
Y3 Wk Beg 07.12.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 9:40pm
Hi Everyone
What a great week we had last week! Christmas has definitely arived at Lostock Gralam! I hope you all like our Christmas tree in the playground that we will plant on the field in January as a premanent reminder of how different Christmas 2020 was. Robins have enjoyed learning how to play 'Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer' on the ukuele and sounded absolutely fantastic on Thursday when we recorded a little something for you. The children also enjoyed making their own Christingle, another first in these different times. We have missed having our sevice in church however our room looked beautiful with every child's glow stick shining in the darkness, a reminder that Jesus is the light of the world. The children took part in a recorded worshp with Mr Cliff leading us in the making of our Christingles and they were able to explain the significance of each element. We have loved learning how to sign Christmas songs and carols and it was just magical for the whole school to be out side in the playground together, socially distanced, as we all signed a special song for you. A few tears were shed by the adults!
This week we will be having little assessments in reading, spelling and maths to add to my own, continuous teacher assessments. Inbetween the assessments, as a treat for all of their hard work, the children will be watching a pantomine from The Grange theatre that they have kindly sent into school for us. We will continue to explore the app 'Book Creator' on the ipads during our computing lessons, adding sound, music and graphics into the super hero books that the children have already started. The children have been excellent in these lessons, listening well, having fun and supporting each other.
In PE, Robins are learning how to play Netball with Mr Ault, focusing on shooting, passing and receiving the ball as well as how to get into a good space during the game. Please remember that all PE lessons are now on a Monday and the children can wear gloves as it is getting colder.
Thankyou for your continued support with home reading, spelling and times tables. These three areas, continue to be the homework for Robins class. Please don't hesitate to ring me at school or send me an email via admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk if you have any questions or queries.
Have a great week.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan xxx
Away in a manger, by Miss Beattie
Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 5:35pm
Hi Skylarks
Here is the link for our Away in a Manger song we are learning for the carol service. Enjoy practicing and have a lovely weekend!
Miss Beattie xx
Starlings blog 3.12.20, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 7:46pm
Hello Starlings and happy advent to all of you!
This week the festive spirit has arrived in class and we have been so busy with making Christmas crafts, signing Christmas carols and filming our Christmas performance. We can't wait for you to see the videos!
As well as all that we have still been busy with our phonics work.
Green group
Sounds focus: ck, ay
Book: Tug Tug
Red group
Sounds focus: ng, nk, ck
Book: In the Mud
Yellow group
Sounds focus: ie, ea
Book: The Foolish Witch
Orange group
Sounds focus: ew, ire
Book: Too Much
Pink group
Sounds focus: ew, ire, ck
Book: Sanjay stays in bed
In English, we still had time to plan our big write. Next week we will be writing our diary entry in role as Nibbles the book monster.
In Maths we started our work on addition and subtraction to 10. We will work next week on finding addition facts and solving word problems using addition.
Thank you, as always, for your continued support with learning at home.
See you next week
Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern
Week beginning 7.12.20, by Mrs Evans
Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 4:54pm
Welcome to Goldfinches' Weekly Blog.
Star of the week: Congratulations to Isabella.
Top Table: Congratulations to Edward.
Christmas Cards- if your child wishes to send a Christmas card they can bring one for the friends in their Goldfinch bubble and they will be rested in school for 72 hours before being given out.
Break time- please support your child to bring a healthy snack to school for break time. E.g. Fruit, vegetable sticks, bread sticks, raisins, bagel, oatcakes, rice cakes, cheese crackers, low sugar cereal bars. Please also talk to your child about the importance of starting the day with breakfast. It is a long time until lunchtime for Goldfinches.
Water Bottles- please send your child with water in their bottle to drink throughout the day. Juice should only be in their packed lunchbox to have with their lunch.
Home Reading
Please support your child to read at home. Little and often is best with a mixture of them reading independently, them reading aloud to you and you reading aloud to them.
Spelling focus: words from the Y3/4 statutory spelling list.
breathe, build, busy, business, calendar, caught, certain, accidentally, answer, bicycle
Spelling tests are on Fridays. The spellings will be glued into your child’s diary every week.
Times Tables - A challenge for you this week...
Have a go at as many tables as you can with this online grid game.
This week we have…
Dance… we have had fun rehearsing and filming our soldier dance and can’t wait for you to see the video.
Writing...this week we have enjoyed writing a diary entry from Hannah’s point of view and are practising writing direct speech using a speech sandwich. Next week we will write our own animal stories based on Gorilla.
Shared Reading: We love our 50 Animal Stories book and have enjoyed exploring vocabulary and answering questions about ‘Why Hippo lives in water’
Maths: This week we have been adding 4-digit numbers with exchanges and have begun to look at subtracting 4-digit numbers.
PE: PE is on Mondays and Fridays with Mr Ault. Dodgeball and Netball at the moment.
Worship/PSHCE: We loved watching Mr Cliffe’s Christingle worship and making our own Christingles.
Music: Learning to sign ‘Little Donkey’ and ‘Jingle Bells’
Today we say a temporary goodbye to Mrs Shimmin while she continues the rest of term at university before returning to train with us again in January.
Thank you all once again for your ongoing support,
Mrs Evans
Toucans week ending 4th December, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 4:10pm
Week ending the 4th December
Another busy week putting the final touches to our Virtual play. The children have been fabulous, making props, learning lines, signing songs etc. We are so looking forward to sharing it with you soon…
Thank you for supporting your child with their homework this week.
Remember they can mark their Maths work themselves at home (answers are in the back of the books). However, we would still like them to bring in their books every Thursday to check that they have done the homework and if they need any help with particular questions, Mr Beswick will be able to work with them before we return the books to the children on the Friday.
Maths Homework
Pages 34 and 35 Ading and Subtracting Fractions due in on Thursday 10th December
Spellings to be tested on Friday 11th December
Happily, copier, applied, mysterious, spying, busier, heavily, trying, beautiful, happiness
In Maths we are continuing our work on Fractions by multiplying fractions and solving fraction problems
In English we are continuing with our new writing unit based on the book Star of Fear, Star of Hope, which links nicely with our Conflict topic as well.
In RE we will be exploring what makes a Christian Community.
In Science, we will continue with our topic Light exploring sources and how light travels.
In Geography, we will be looking at where conflicts took place around the world
In History, we are finding out about the life of children during World War 1.
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.
We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.
Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day.
Kind regards,
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick
Swallows Blog 3.12.20, by Miss Gillam
Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 3:58pm
Hello and welcome back to Swallows class blog.
What a busy week Swallows have had this week! We just love the run up for Christmas in school. We made our own Christingles, videoed our final Christmas play performance, created Christmas cards for the residents of local care homes and even went outside to create a whole school socially distanced surprise. Swallows also enjoyed having the opportunity to ‘show what they know’ in some of our special quizzes this week.
Can you solve the mixed addtion and subtraction problems below? Please record your answers on a piece of paper or in your reading diary.
45 + 32 = 38 – 16 = 56 + 33 = 100 – 80 = 50 + 30 =
Read Write Inc
Blue & Yellow Group |
Green Group |
Grey Group |
Pink & Orange Group |
Text: A hole in the hill
New Sounds: e-e – go Pete and Steve kn - Knock, knock, who’s there? ue – come to the rescue ph – take a photo
Text: Stitch the witch
New Sounds: Revisit set Ay – may I play? Ee – what can you see? Igh- fly high
ew – chew the stew ire- fire fire ear – hear with your eat ure – sure it’s pure
Text: Vulture Culture
New Sounds: e-e – go Pete and Steve kn - Knock, knock, who’s there? ue – come to the rescue ph – take a photo
Spelling focus: Kn ly wh ph |
Text: My Best Shirt
New Sounds: ew – chew the stew ire- fire fire ear – hear with your eat ure – sure it’s pure
Please use your 'Look-Cover-Write-Check’ whiteboard to learn these spellings at home. The children are really enjoying making up their own little rhymes to remember their spellings in school. Perhaps you could think of some to help you to learn how to write our spellings this week?
every everybody eye
Note: I have only set 3 spellings this week as they are particularly tricky. Please also spend some time revisiting spellings from previous weeks. Remember to check the sticker in your diary to see how many spellings you got correct in our quiz.
Quiz date: Friday 11th December 2020
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home this week. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been given raffle tickets for our special reading raffle. Will we beat our record once again next week? We were so close last week!
Please contact me via the school admin email address or give me a ring if you need me, I am always here to discuss any questions or queries.
Have a great weekend Swallows!
Many thanks J
Miss Gillam
Skylarks W.B. 7.12.20, by Miss Beattie
Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 7:51am
Hi everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog 😊
We have had another excellent week in Skylarks Class. The children have worked extremely hard to put the finishing touches on their Christmas production performance and carol service and can’t wait to share these with you virtually over the coming weeks.
Next week in our reading lessons, our focus remains on drawing inferences. We will continue to use our ‘thinking out loud’ and ‘visualising’ techniques to infer characters’ thoughts, feelings and motives. We will also continue to make comparisons within and across the texts we have read.
In maths we will continue to problem solve and reason using both formal written methods and mental methods of addition and subtraction.
In worship we will be thinking about the Christmas story and will write our own poems asking God for guidance, just like the star gave the wise men guidance.
On Wednesday 9th December the children are invited to come to school wearing a Christmas jumper or their own clothes to take part in the Rudolph Mile. School will provide antlers and a red nose for each child as they walk or run the mile. We will be collecting donations for St. Luke’s Hospice on this day 😊
As you know, the children in year 5 are now set a weekly maths homework which they should complete and mark at home before returning it to school each Friday.
Remember, if your child is unable to complete their homework at home, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime so that they can complete it in school. During this lunchtime, any children who may be struggling on a particular question at home can also come to ask an adult for help.
The children should complete pages 8 and 9 this week, to be returned by 11th December.
Please encourage your child to read and practice their spellings/times tables in addition to their new maths homework.
Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 11th December will continue to look at words containing the -ible suffix:
invisible, edible, flexible, resistible, responsible, impossible, irreversible, convertible
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
If you have any questions of queries please do not hesitate to contact me via the school admin email address or telephone 😊
Miss Beattie
Y3 Wk Beg 30.11.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 30th Nov 2020 @ 10:12pm
Hi Everyone
We are going to be very busy this week with Christmas crafts, signing songs and practising our Christmas song on the ukueles. I can't wait!
The children are really enjoying our story Seal Surfer. They will be using speech marks for the first time as they learn to write conversations correctly. We will explore synonyms for said to make our writing more interesting. We will also use dictionaries to find the definition of new vocabulary that we uncover in the story.
In Maths, the children will continue their addition of three digit numbers with a focus on the tens digit. They will be adding tens that cross over into the hundreds column above or below. We will also be exploring problem solving activities involving addition of three digit numbers. In addition, we will also be consolidating fractions work that we missed in Y2.
We will be enjoying reading lots of different non fiction Stone Age texts and exciting new stories. I will introduce the children to DEAR (drop everything and read) that we will enjoy daily.
Our spellings for this week continue with the prefix 'im'. They are challenging however we will be exploring the meaning of each word all week.
impartial, immaturity, improper, improbable, impatiently, immovable, immeasurable, important
In Science, we will be exploring which materials form shadows when a torch is shone on them. The children will make and test their predictions whilst embedding their understanding of how and why a shadow is formed.
It will be a busy but exciting week. All our PE lessons are now on a Monday. Mr A has said that the children can wear gloves. Please continue to read with the children and practise their spellings and times tables. We really appreciate your continued support and as always, love working with Robins class.
Please ask me via the admin email if you have any queries about anything.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan
27.11.20 Swallows Class Blog, by Miss Gillam
Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 10:04pm
Hello and welcome back to Swallows class blog.
We have had another busy week of laughter and learning in Swallows class this week. We have been making Christmas cards, reading play scripts, creating costumes, signing songs, playing musical instruments and using our best acting skills to perform the Christmas story.
Swallows have enjoyed creating and describing their own new characters in our writing lessons this week. They sequenced events from our story ‘Troll Swap’, created story maps and started writing their own innovated version of the story. We will complete our ‘big write’ next week.
Our Maths learning proved to be quite a challenge this week. We have been solving subtraction problems using exchanging. We continued to use the column subtraction method to help us. Here is a video showing how to use the column subtraction method at home. In Year Two, we only calculate within 100.
Can you solve the problems below? Please record on a piece of paper or in your reading diary.
Read Write Inc
Blue & Yellow Group |
Green Group |
Grey Group |
Pink & Orange Group |
Text: A box full of lights
New sounds: tion – pay attention, it’s a celebration
cious- scuptious delicious
ue- come to the rescue
kn – knock knock, who’s there?
Text: Tug Tug
New sounds:
Ar – start the car Or – shut the door Air – That’s not fiar
Please continue to speed read both your Set 1 and 2 sounds at home.
Text: Andrew
Spelling Focus: Homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings.
see sea son sun blue blew night knight saw sore
Challenge: How many homophones can you think of? Record them in your diary. |
Text: My sort of horse
New sounds:
Ow – brown cow Ai – snail in the rain Oa – goat in a boat
Please continue to speed read your set 2 and 3 words at home. |
Please use your 'Look-Cover-Write-Check’ whiteboard to learn these spellings at home. The children are really enjoying making up their own little rhymes to remember their spellings in school. Perhaps you could think of some to help you to learn how to write our spellings this week?
clothes could cold door even
Quiz date: Friday 4th December 2020
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home this week. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been given raffle tickets for our special reading raffle. Will we beat our record once again next week? We were so close last week!
Please contact me via the school admin email address or give me a ring if you need me, I am always here to discuss any questions or queries.
Have a great weekend Swallows!
Many thanks J
Miss Gillam
Starlings blog 26.11.20, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 9:04pm
Good evening Starlings, welcome to this week's blog.
We have had another busy but super week in class. Things are getting very festive and we are in full rehearsal mode for our Christmas performance. Watch this space!
Thank you to Ethan's family for donating the beautiful and very special reindeer to our class. We absolutely love it!
Here's a little snapshot of what we have been up to this week and what we are looking ahead to next week.
In Phonics this week we have been learning:
Red group
Book: 'Cluck'
Sounds focus: th, ch, sh, qu
Green group
Book: 'Chips'
Sounds focus: ck, ow, oi
Pink group
Book: 'Tab the Cat'
Sounds focus: ow, ai, oa
Orange group
Book: 'Haircuts'
Sounds focus: ck, ai, oa
Yellow group
Book: 'A Model Bird'
Sounds focus: wh, ph ,ue
We have been working hard this week on completing different part, part, whole challenges. Next week we will be moving on to learning number bonds to 10.
We are absolutely loving our class story 'Nibbles the Book Monster' and we are getting so much fantastic writing work from it. This week we have focused on singular and plural forms of words, and retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk by writing a diary entry. Next week we will write letters to tell the other characters how they can stop Nibbles from eating their books. We will also predict the ending of the story and write lists for Nibbles.
Please remember to practise spellings this week again, ready for our quiz on Friday. Thank you for the continued efforts with learning these. It is clear to see how hard the children have been working at home and it has such an impact in class!
Take care and have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern
Toucans ending 27.11.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 5:10pm
Week ending the 27th November
Wow! What a busy week we have had getting ready for our Virtual play. The children have been fabulous, making props, learning lines, signing songs etc.
Thank you for supporting your child with their homework this week.
Remember they can mark their Maths work themselves at home (answers are in the back of the books). However, we would still like them to bring in their books every Thursday to check that they have done the homework and if they need any help with particular questions, Mr Beswick will be able to work with them before we return the books to the children on the Friday.
Maths Homework
Pages 29 and 30 Fractions due in on Thursday 3rd December
Spellings to be tested on Friday 4th December
Admitting, forgotten, committed, beginner, referring, regretted, forbidden, preferred, stoppable, wettest
In Maths we are continuing our work on Fractions by comparing fractions and by adding and subtracting fraction
In English we are starting our new writing unit based on the book Star of Fear, Star of Hope, which links nicely with our Conflict topic as well.
In RE we will be working on our new topic on Christian Community. We will look at how Christians worship and how they come together as part of a community.
In Science, we will continue with our topic Light exploring sources and how light travels.
In Geography, we are learning about where places are in the world, developing our map reading skills.
In History, we are finding out about life in the trenches and general life during World War 1.
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.
We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.
Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day.
Kind regards,
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick
Week beginning 30th November, by Mrs Evans
Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 5:09pm
Welcome to Goldfinches' Weekly Blog.
Star of the week: Congratulations to Nuo Yu .
Top Table: Congratulations to Isabelle W.
Home Reading
Wow! Well done to so many of you reading regularly at home – you are really impressing me with how much progress you are making.
Spelling focus: words with the pre-fix ‘sub’
subzero, subway, submarine, subheading, subtitle, submerge, subdivide, subsoil, subcontinent, subscribe
Spelling tests are on Fridays. The spellings will be glued into your child’s diary every week.
Times Tables
6x table and 9x table.
Sing along with the Number Jacks for the 6x table this week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CGnFEp9k24
Practise your speed tables with Snappy Maths http://www.snappymaths.com/multdiv/6xtable/interactive/newlook/6xtableintd.htm
TTRockstars- Let’s see how many Y4 rock stars we can get on the leader board! Login details are on a sticker in your child’s diary. https://ttrockstars.com/
This week in…
Dance… we have had fun choreographing our toy soldier dance and are learning about synchronisation and movements in canon.
Writing/computing...this week we have enjoyed publishing our gorilla reports using the computers. We have written a diary entry from Hannah’s point of view and are practising writing direct speech using a speech sandwich.
Shared Reading: We love our 50 Animal Stories book and have enjoyed exploring vocabulary and answering questions about ‘Why Hippo lives in water’
Maths: This week we have used place value counters to recap the column addition method and have extended this to adding 4-digit numbers.
PE: PE will continue to be on Mondays and Fridays with Mr Ault. Dodgeball and Netball at the moment.
Worship/PSHCE: We have enjoyed listening to Mrs Powell’s story about being part of the same team. We are all contributing to a gorgeous piece of sunflower Artwork which we have been inspired to create by Henry Fraser. During our PSHCE session we watched the second part of the growth mindset video clip and created our own statements for both fixed and growth mindset.
Science: We have really enjoyed investigating which materials allow the current to flow through the circuit and make the bulb light up in our electricity topic.
Music: We are beginning to learn to sign ‘Little Donkey’ and ‘Jingle Bells’
Finally, thank you all for your continued support, please e-mail or phone the school office if you would like to speak to me about anything.
Mrs Evans
Skylarks W.B. 30.11.20, by Miss Beattie
Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 1:08pm
Hi everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog 😊
We have had another super week in Skylarks Class! The children have been busy making props and rehearsing for our Christmas Play and Carol Service and cannot wait to share these with you virtually before the Christmas holidays.
Next week in our writing lessons we will be focussing on Annie Edson Taylor’s journey down the river towards the edge of Niagara Falls. We will work collaboratively to create a story map of her journey before writing our own first person account.
In maths we will be problem solving and reasoning using our knowledge of addition, subtraction and inverse operations. The children will work together to solve word problems, carry out investigations and give reasons for their answers.
In reading our focus remains on drawing inferences. We will be using our ‘thinking out loud’ and ‘visualising’ techniques to infer characters’ thoughts, feelings and motives. We will also continue to make comparisons within and across texts.
In RE, we will be thinking more about the titles given to Jesus at Christmas time. We will be looking specifically at the title ‘Emmanuel’ and discussing what we think it means.
Over the next few weeks in school, the children will complete NFER assessments in maths, reading, spelling and punctuation and grammar. We will be taking it at a slower pace than usual this year by spreading these out across the next 3 weeks. We will also balance these days with lovely Christmas activities to ensure the children’s wellbeing remains a priority.
In Year 5 we are going to start setting the children a small amount of maths homework to be completed each week. Homework will be set on a Friday, starting tomorrow 27th November. The children will be told which pages they need to complete and I will also include these on our blog. The children are then asked to mark their own work at home using the answers provided in the back of the book.
If your child is unable to complete their homework at home, Mrs Hulse and I will ensure that supervision is provided on a Wednesday lunchtime so that they can complete it in school. During this lunchtime, any children who may be struggling on a particular question at home can also come to ask an adult for help.
Children are expected to return their completed and marked homework to school the following Friday when it will be stamped by a teacher and new homework set.
The children should complete pages 6 and 7 this week, to be returned by 4th December.
Please encourage your child to read and practice their spellings/times tables in addition to their new maths homework.
Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 4th December will look at words containing the -ible suffix:
possible, terrible, legible, horrible, sensible, reversible, credible, visible
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
If you have any questions of queries please do not hesitate to contact me via the school admin email address or telephone 😊
Miss Beattie
20.11.20 Swallows Blog, by Miss Gillam
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 6:21am
Hello everyone! Welcome back to Swallows class blog.
I can’t quite believe that it is the end of yet another week already. Swallows have been so busy this week! We continued to learn how to use written methods to solve addition and subtraction problems during our maths lessons. Can you answer the questions below in your reading diary?
78 – 16 = 84 – 41 = 29 – 28 = 43 + 31=
We loved applying the skills we learnt in our writing lessons last week in different contexts this week. We wrote a pursuative letter to Tabitha and a diary about what happened when the troll and little girl swapped places in our story ‘Troll Swap’. Swallows are completing longer, more extended pieces of writing this year and I love to see the detail that they are adding to their work. Please use the vocabulary list below to challenge your Swallow to use more powerful word choices when writing at home. Can your Swallow give you a spoken definition for each word? Can your Swallow tell you which words are appropriate for describing Tabitha and Timothy? Are the same word choices appropriate for both characters? Do you have a favourite 3 words from the list?
Here is a link to Troll Swap to support you with this.
Anti-Bullying Week
This week we have been marking Anti-Bullying by wearing odd socks, discussing how we are all unique and different and thinking about ways that we can unite against bullying. Swallows loved creating their own special ‘No Outsiders’ artwork using a range of drawing techniques and inks to show that although we are all different, we are all valued and special. We love to celebrate our differences in Swallows class.
We have been getting into the Christmas spirit this week as we prepare for our virtual Christmas play. You are in for a special treat this year as we have never done a virtual play before! All the children who asked for a speaking part have been given one and lines will be sent home on Friday 20th Novemmber for practising. Please spend time learning these and become confident with using your loudest and proudest voice to say your lines in the best possible way on filming day!
We do hope you saw on the Newsletter that our Swallows School Council representatives have been voted and chosen in class and we are so looking forward to see how these superstars represent our class this year.
Well done Archie and Harriet!
Read Write Inc
Blue & Yellow Group |
Green Group |
Pink Group |
Grey Group |
Orange Group |
Text: Jelly Bean New Sounds: Oa - goat in a boat ire - fire fire ear - hear with your ear This week we have been focusing on reading and spelling mixed sets of words containing all of our set 3 sounds. Please use your yellow Speed Sound books to speed read each sound at home. Can you spell words containing each sound?
Text: Black Hat Bob
This week we have been focusing on reading and spelling mixed sets of words containing all of our set 2 sounds. Please use your yellow Speed Sound books to speed read each sound at home. Can you spell words containing each sound?
Text: So Cool!
New sounds:
aw – yawn at dawn are – care and share ur – nurse with a purse er- a better letter
Text: Andrew
Adding the suffix y with a short vowel sound such as fun- funny and then as the long vowel sound as shine, shiny.
Text: A good cook?
New sounds:
aw – yawn at dawn are – care and share ur – nurse with a purse er- a better letter |
Please use your 'Look-Cover-Write-Check’ whiteboard to learn these spellings at home. The children are really enjoying making up their own little rhymes to remember their spellings in school. Perhaps you could think of some to help you to learn how to write our spellings this week?
child children Christmas class climb
To see how many spellings your Swallow spelt correctly in our quiz this week, please refer back to the sticker in your diary where we have ticked or dotted against each word. Please continue to learn any spellings that your Swallow is finding tricky.
Next Week
We will continue to focus our writing on the fantastic story ‘Troll Swap’ next week. We will be completing our ‘Big Write’ where the children will have the opportunity to write their own story using their own new characters. We will use what we have learnt about Tabitha and Timothy to help us to consider personality traits and we will use our A-Z vobaulary list to encourage exciting and appropriate word choices. It will then be time for us to reveal our new and exciting focus text!
In Maths we will be continue to focus on on written methods for subtraction this week. We will solve problems involving two 2 digit numbers using the bar model to help us.
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home this week. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been given raffle tickets for our special reading raffle. Will we beat our record once again next week? We were so close last week!
Please contact me via the school admin email address or give me a ring if you need me, I am always here to discuss any questions or queries.
Have a great weekend Swallows!
Many thanks
Miss Gillam
Starlings blog 19.11.20, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 9:05pm
Hello Starlings and welcome to this week's blog
What another fun and busy week we have had! We have been getting into the Christmas spirit as we prepare for our virtual Christmas play. All the children who asked for a speaking part have been given one and lines have been sent home for practising. Please spend time learning these and becoming confident with using your loudest and proudest voice to say your lines in the best possible way on filming day!
We do hope you saw on Twitter that our class councillors for school council and our Ethos group representatives have been voted and chosen in class and we are so looking forward to see how these superstars represent our class.
In English, we are still enjoying reading our new class book 'Nibbles the Book Monster', we have used a diary entry to retell the stories of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Little Red Riding Hood. We have also started to look at the concept of singular and plural.
Next week we will continue with making predictions and retelling traditional tales. We will also be giving Nibbles clear instructions, as well as using the word 'and' to connect two sentences.
In Maths, we have completed our first unit of work in Power Maths and have focussed our learning this week on understanding the order of numbers on a number line. Next week we will move onto using part-whole within numbers to 10.
In Phonics this week, our focus has been:
Pink Group
Sounds focus: are, ur, er, ck
Book: 'The Dressing Up Box'
Red Group
Sounds focus: y, ck, d, h
Book: 'Let's Sing'
Yellow Group
Sounds focus: e_e, ck, kn
Book: 'Grow your own Radishes'
Orange Group
Sounds focus: are, ue, er, ow
Book: 'Come on Margo!'
Green Group
Sounds focus: or, air, ir
Book: 'Black Hat Bob'
Children will come home with a new set of 5 words to learn this week so please practise these as often as possible ready for our Friday quiz.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern.
Week beginning 23rd November, by Mrs Evans
Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 6:35pm
Welcome to Goldfinches' Weekly Blog.
Star of the week: Congratulations to Riley.
Top Table: Congratulations to Isabel C.
Well done to our School Councillors: Ellie and Isabella and well done to everyone who tried out for the post. You were all so great.
Home Reading
Wow! Well done to so many of you reading regularly at home – you are really impressing me with how much progress you are making.
Spelling focus: words with the pre-fix ‘super’
superficial, supersonic, superwoman, superglue, supermarket, superman, supermodel, superpower, superstar, superhuman
Spelling tests are on Fridays. The spellings will be glued into your child’s diary every week.
Times Tables
6x table and soon moving on to the 9x table.
Try playing Coconut multiples for your times tables this week.
TTRockstars- Let’s see how many Y4 rock stars we can get on the leader board! Login details are on a sticker in your child’s diary. https://ttrockstars.com/
This week we have…
Writing...this week we have enjoyed using drama to help describe the mood in the scene of Hannah’s kitchen and researching facts about gorillas to write a fact file. Next week we will be writing a diary from different points of view.
Shared Reading: We love our 50 Animal Stories book and have enjoyed reading, discussing and making true or false statements about the story of ‘The White Parrot’ from Spain.
Maths: This week we have succeeded in counting in 25s and exploring negative numbers. Coming up next week is addition and subtraction strategies.
PE: PE will continue to be on Mondays and Fridays with Mr Ault. Dodgeball and Netball at the moment.
Worship/PSHCE: This week we have thought about what we could do to ‘Unite Against Bullying’ and have enjoyed wearing odd socks, designing our own odd socks and creating a piece of puzzle for Team Goldfinch.
History: We enjoyed investigating different artefacts to help us learn about what life may have been like in Ancient Greek times.
Science: We have really enjoyed investigating switches in our electricity topic with a fun way of becoming a human circuit.
Music: We are beginning to learn to sign ‘Little Donkey’.
Finally, thank you all for your continued support, please e-mail or phone the school office if you would like to contact me about anything.
Mrs Evans
Toucans week ending 20.11.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 4:09pm
Week ending the 20th November
We have had a busy week this week in Toucans as we have begun to prepare for our Christmas play. You are in for a special treat this year as we have never done a virtual one before! I will attach links for the songs that we are learning to sign in school so that the children can practise them at home.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2MWz7t_GDs Silent Night
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs4uTjMOBKY Jingle Bells
Anti-Bullying Week
This week we have been marking Anti-Bullying by wearing odd socks, discussing how we are all unique and different and thinking about ways that we can unite against bullying.
Thank you for supporting your child with their homework this week.
Remember they can mark their Maths work themselves at home (answers are in the back of the books). However, we would still like them to bring in their books every Thursday to check that they have done the homework and if they need any help with particular questions, Mr Beswick will be able to work with them before we return the books to the children on the Friday.
Maths Homework
Pages 6 and 7 Decimals and Rounding due in on Thursday 26th November
Spellings to be tested on Friday 27th November
Careless, flavourless, hopeful, deceitful, meanness, lateness, achievement, amazement, definitely, thoroughly,
In Maths we are continuing our work on Fractions by simplifying fractions, placing them on a number line, comparing and ordering them. We will then start adding and subtracting fractions.
In English we will be editing and using ICT to publish our information texts on Black heroes. We will also begin our new guided reading and comprehension lessons
In RE we will start our new topic on Christian Community. We will look at how Christians worship and how they come together as part of a community.
In Science, we will continue with our topic Light exploring sources and how light travels.
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.
We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.
Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day.
Kind regards,
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick