Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Our blogs

Week Beginning 16.09.19, by Miss Beattie

Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 9:22pm

Welcome to Robins class blog! Every Thursday a new blog will be posted to inform you about what the children will be learning about in the upcoming week.

Firsty, I would like to thank all the parents who attended our 'Meet the Teacher Evening' - I have attached the PowerPoint from these sessions to our class page. 

The children in Robins class have settled into Year Three extremely well and I am very proud of their mature attitude and behaviour, as well as the work they have produced so far. 

This week we will be continuing our writing based on our book 'Seal Surfer'. In maths, we will continue to build on our knowledge of place value by comparing and ordering numbers up to 1000, as well as writing these in numbers and words. In science we will be exploring different light sources, making links to Stone Age fires. On Wednesday, we have our very exciting Stone Age Workshop to look forward to!

Our spelling words, which will be set on Friday 13th and tested on Friday 20th, will focus on words containing the dis- and in- prefixes. Our spellings this week are - disagree, disapprove, disappear, dishonest, dislike, incapable, incorrect, invisible, incomplete, independent.

I  have attached the link to a fabulous website where the children can practice their Times Tables, alongside using TT Rockstars: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

If you have any questions or queries, please speak to either myself or Mrs Esling. 

Thank you, 

Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling

Week beginning 16.9.19, by Miss Gillam

Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 9:00pm

Hello and welcome to Starlings Class Blog,

What a busy start to the year we have had… I am amazed with the independent learning that I have already seen this year.

We have another busy week ahead of us next week.


In Maths we are continuing to focus on Place Value. We are going to be representing objects in different ways and counting, reading and writing numbers.  Later in the week, we will focus on counting one more and one less than a given number. 


Last week, we loved using clues to identify our new class text, Lost and Found. Next week we will be continuing our reading journey, uncovering the story one page at a time.  We will be writing labels for lost animals, writing character descriptions and writing factual sentences about penguins.


We will be having a Geography focus week this week, preparing for our school trip to Northwich on Wednesday 25th September. We will be looking at maps, photographs and books to find out about our local area.


  • 3 reads
  • Maths Challenge - How many ways can you make the number 10? Eg. 6+4=10, 5+5 = 10. 
  • Spellings (In diary on Friday)

Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.

Miss Gillam

Week beginning 16.09.19, by Miss Thwaites

Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 8:23pm

Week beginning  16.09.19




Welcome to Skylarks class weekly blog. Every Thursday evening a blog will be posted containing information on what the children have been up to during the week and with expectations of what is to come in the following week. I would like to stress how pleased I am with how the new year 5 class have settled into the daily routine. Their behaviour is impeccable and our new behaviour policy is ensuring that their positive behaviour continues. Thank you to all of the parents who attended our ‘meet the teacher’ evening, it was lovely to meet you all.




This week we have began our learning on place value with some fun games and tricky problems.Next week, the children will be continuning to build on these skills of place value looking at Roman Numerals and comparing numbers.




Skylarks have loved inferencing ideas on what our new class book is, from which, we have began to create some brilliant pieces of writing. Next week, we will be writing up begin to create descriptions of settings based on pictures in the book.  The children are working collaboratively to ensure that they are meeting expectations during lesson time.




Homework will consist of weekly spellings, reading, times tables rockstars and a piece of maths homework. Spellings and maths homework will be given out on a Friday and is due back the following Friday for marking and testing.




I hope everyone has a fantastic week and if you are unsure of anything please feel free to come and speak to me (Miss Thwaites) or Mrs Hulse in the mornings.


Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse

Week beginning 16.9.19, by Mrs Downing

Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 5:17pm

Thank you to all parents who attended our 'Meet the Teacher' sessions last week. The PowerPoint we used is on Toucans class page for you.

This week, the children will be continuing their writing based on our book 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope'. In Maths, they will be looking at place value with numbers up to ten million including negative numbers. In Science, the children will be looking at the topic of 'Light' - what do they already know and what would they like to find out? Our on-going theme of conflict, sees us looking at The Battle of Hastings. We will be using our ICT skills to create a report on this conflict focusing on recording the facts from this battle by examining the Bayeux Tapestry. In RE we will be researching the beliefs of Jews and how this impacts on their way of life. Our Heartsmart work will be based around the book 'Where The Poppies Now Grow' and we will be thinking about why people fight in wars and how we can remember them. In PE we will be learning how to play invasions games and the skills needed to attack and defend effectively, working as part of a team. 

Our spelling words next week will focus on the letter string - ough - thoroughly, borough, although, doughnut, plough, drought, boughs, thought, though, ploughed.

Toucans and Skylarks will be participating in the Go Run For Fun event at Moss farm on Wednesday afternoon. They did this last year and really enjoyed the challenge. 

Some of our children will also be taking part in a friendly home football game against St Bede's after school on Tuesday. The children who have been selected will be given a letter for you to sign. 

Thank you for your continued support and come and see us if you have any questions

Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick




W.C 16th September, by Mrs Campion

Date: 9th Sep 2019 @ 8:17pm

We are so proud of how well the Owls have settled into their new class and they had a fantastic first full week at school. 

This week, we will be starting our new topic 'What happens when I fall asleep?' which is all about nightime.  On Tuesday, we wil be having a pyjama day so the children are invited to come to school in their pyjamas for the day!(Favourite night time cuddly toys are also invited!) Please can children wear normal school footwear, as we will be going outisde. We will be reading a story 'When the World is ready for bed' and using it to discuss our bedtime routines. We will also discuss things that help us to fall asleep at nght and share them with each other. The children will then create a picture with their something happy to help them fall asleep. 

In Maths, our number of the week is number 3. We will be practising counting and writing numbers correctly. 

As always, please come and ask if you have any questions.

Have a lovely week.

Mrs Campion & Mrs Hoskins.


Fun Foxes, by Mrs Brennan

Date: 6th Sep 2019 @ 7:40am

Fun Foxes are back in full swing and it’s lovely to hear of so many summer holiday stories and adventures.

After a summer tidy up the children have enjoyed playing with our new dolls house, and tepee reading area.

Next week we are going to become Autumnal Detectives, looking at changes in the seasons, making craft masks & looking at our harvest produce. Theresa will be assisting the children in reaching the  governments’ recommended primary children’s 60 minutes of activity per day, with their very own individual activity sticker sheet.

Y2 Wk beg 02.09.19, by Mrs Rice

Date: 5th Sep 2019 @ 10:53am

Welcome to Swallows class and to our  weekly blog. I will post a blog each Thursday to let you know what the following week will entail and the learning that the children will be taking part in. Firstly, Mrs Elson and I would like to congratulate our new children on thier attitudes and behaviour this week. They have setled into Y2 so well and have arrived each morning with huge smiles which is a delight to see. Hopefully the children wil be sharing their learning with you on the Titanic disaster which has captured their interest greatly. Our reading challenge is up and ready, three comments each week in diaries equals a raffle ticket and really supports the children's reading progress. Please talk with your child about what they have read, what they have enjoyed and the meaning of any tricky new words.

Next week we will continue with our class text "Troll Swap" by Leigh Hodgkinson. The children will be making predications about the story and looking at character information that we gain from the text. We will be constucting sentences focusing on correct punctuation, letter formation as well as the use of the conjunctions 'and' and  'because' within our writing.Our maths learning will focus on place value. The children will be counting forwards and backwards in steps of 10 from any given number and partitioning 2 digit numbers into tens and ones using equipment. We will also be positioning numbers to 100 on  a number line. In Science, the children will be learning about the properties of materials with Mrs O'Mara by going on material hunts around school and taking part in investgations.

Thank you for your continued support, we are always available after school if you need to discuss anything with us. 

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson 

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