Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Goldfinches: Blog items

Goldfinches WB 14.11.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 4:50pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Well done for working hard to settle back in to routine everyone!

Friday Superstar: Bella

Top Table: Hattie and Molly

This week we have:

…been superstar problem solvers in maths, enjoyed finding out about our teeth and also what it was like to live in Greece 2500 years ago! We have loved beginning to learn the songs for Matilda and have impressed Mrs Evans with our use of ambitious vocabulary in our writing.

Thurs 17th November- Greek workshop in school.

Matilda: Tickets are available to book for our KS2 Christmas performance. Goldfinches class will be dancing as Children from the play. Shirts and ties are kindly being provided by Donna North and they will just need their school skirt/trousers and shoes for the performances.

Next week we will:

Writing: Explore further into our book ‘Leon and the Place Between’ and develop our use of ambitious verbs, adverbs and adjectives in our descriptive writing.

Reading: We have loved reading our new book ‘The Train to Impossible Places’ and are keen find out more about Suzy and the strange world she is about to enter.

Reading homework: Please comment in your child’s diary when they have read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is words with the spelling patterns eigh, ey, ei

Spellings to learn for our test on Friday 18th November: grey, prey, obey, they, eight, eighty, freight, rein, vein, veil

We have used the strategy of colouring the vowel patterns in different colours.

Maths:  We will continue our unit on addition using the formal column method with exchanging. We will work on recalling the 8x table facts.

 Maths Homework:  

There is an 8x table game in book bags- match the card to the answer as quickly as you can. Turn over the cards and play matching pairs. 1 person hold the answer card and say the matching fact e.g. hold 32 and say- “I am 4 times 8 or 8 times 4”

Have a go at the online game ‘Maths Chase’ to practise the division facts for the 4x table https://www.mathschase.com/games/division-4/

For the  8x table, use these online challenges to practise https://www.timestables.co.uk/8-times-table.html

Music: This half term is Goldfinches’ turn to have weekly Ukulele lessons on Thursday afternoons.

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Goldfinches WB 7.11.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 4:26pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Welcome back everybody- we hope you had a wonderful half term!


Friday Superstar: Nathan

Top Table: Alex and Jacob C

This week we have:

…entered the circus and used our senses to predict and write setting descriptions about our new book ‘Leon and the Place Between’. We have sorted foods into their food groups and designed a balanced meal in science to launch our new topic of teeth, digestion and healthy food choices. It was lovely to see how engaged Goldfinches were in their first Ukulele lesson- they really impressed the teacher!

Book Trade – Message from our new School Councillors 

We will be holding a book trade on the first Friday back after half-term (Friday 4thNovember) straight after school. Please bring your book in on book trade day to swap your unwanted books for a new one to enjoy. Recommended for adults too. Thank you from, school council. 


Next week we will:

Writing: Develop our descriptive writing skills as we ‘Step into the magic’

Reading: We have begun our new book ‘The Train to Impossible Places’ and will find out more about Suzy and the strange world she lives in.

Reading homework: Please comment in your child’s diary when they have read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is words with the prefix ‘inter’

Spellings to learn for our test on Friday 11th November: international, intercity, interact, interrelated, internet, interlock, intermediate, intergalactic

We have used spelling doodles to help us practice and there is a blank doodle in your child’s bag to use at home.

Maths:  We will begin our unit on addition using the formal column method. We will rehearse our division by 4 facts out of order and build up our recall of the 8x table facts.

 Maths Homework:  

Have a go at the online game ‘Maths Chase’ to practise you’re the division facts for the 4x table https://www.mathschase.com/games/division-4/

For those of you who have moved onto your 8x table, use coconut multiples to practise. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/times-tables/coconut-multiples

Music: This half term is Goldfinches’ turn to have weekly Ukulele lessons on Thursday afternoons.

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Goldfinches WB 31.10.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 7:47pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Happy half term everybody!


Friday Superstar: Freddie

Top Table: Chloe and Harriet W

This week we have:

…enjoyed doing our best writing yet in Year 4 with our own stories inspired by Gorilla! We discovered what modern day Greece is like in Geography and we learned to create our own Avatar to promote online safety in computing. In Maths we have been amazing at estimating and placing numbers on different number lines.

Book Trade – Message from our new School Councillors 

We will be holding a book trade on the first Friday back after half-term (Friday 5thNovember) straight after school. In the half-term holiday, we suggest you sort through your books to find any you don’t want anymore. Please bring them in on book trade day to swap your unwanted books for new ones to enjoy. Recommended for adults too. Thank you from, school council. 


After half term we will:

Writing: Launch our magical new Pathways to writing book. Watch this space…

Reading: We will finish reading and discussing stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and understand how using inference (the facts from the text + our knowledge of the world) can help us understand what we are reading.

Reading homework: Please comment in your child’s diary when they have read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is words from the Y3/4 Statutory word list/

Spellings to learn for our test on Friday5th November: accident, accidental, accidentally, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath

We have used different colours to underline the tricky parts to help us practice.

Maths:  We will practise recalling the division facts for the 4x table and use the 4x table to help us learn the 8x table. We will focus on rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 in our place value lessons.

Maths Homework:  

Have a go at the online game ‘Hit the button’ to practise your 4x table and increase your speed with the 4x and division by 4 facts. If you are really fast, try the 8x table. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Play 4x table dominoes (print outs in bags. Cut out the dominoes and match the answers with the questions)

Music: This half term is Goldfinches’ turn to have weekly Ukulele lessons on Thursday afternoons.

Science: We will begin our new topic learning all about teeth, digestion and the effects of a healthy and unhealthy diet.

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely half term,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Goldfinches WB 17.10.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 4:32pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Wow! A whole half term almost complete! We have done so much learning and are really beginning to show how grown up we are. 


Friday Superstar: Amber

Top Table: Logan and Bobby V

This week we have:

…enjoyed using a speech sandwich to write a conversation between Hannah and the Gorilla! We made super progress in recalling our 4x table facts both in and out of order. We had fun comparing the pitch of different thicknesses of elastic bands during science. Played along to Mamma Mia with the glockenspiels and discovered where in the world Greece and that it is made up of so many islands! A huge well done to everybody who is working hard at home on their reading, spelling and times tables. Remember little and often is the key to improving your learning.

Parents’ evening: Please sign up for a slot on either Wednesday 19th or Thursday 20th October. If you would prefer a phone call, please contact school and we will arrange a call on a separate evening.

Harvest: Thank you for all of your harvest donations so far. If you would like to make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank, the following items are currently in short supply and would be greatly appreciated: rice pudding, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, jelly, tea bags, custard, tins and mashed potatoes. Our donations will be delivered to the local food bank. We look forward to seeing anyone who can make it at our service in Church on Monday 17th October.

Next week we will:

Writing: we will use Gorilla for inspiration to write our own animal fantasy stories.

Reading: We will continue to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and understand how using inference (the facts from the text + our knowledge of the world) can help us understand what we are reading.

Reading homework: Please comment in your child’s diary when they have read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is words with the suffix ‘ly’ and the effect on the y ending where the y changes to ily and ally.

Spellings to learn for our test on Friday 21st October: happily, sleepily, cosily, cheekily, angrily, breezily, heavily, basically, frantically, magically.

We have used look, cover, write, spell and check to help us practice.

Maths:  We will continue to consolidate the 4 times table and focus on using prior facts to help us learn it out of order and know the associated division facts. We will learn to round numbers to the nearest 1000, 100 and 10.

Maths Homework:  Have a go at the online game ‘Happy Burger’ to practise your 4x table and build some delicious burgers. https://www.timestables.co.uk/happy-burger.html

Complete the division by 4 sheet. You can use the 100 square to help you if you colour in the multiples of 4 first.

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Goldfinches WB 10.10.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 4:28pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

We had such fun in the forest this week!


Friday Superstar: Matthew

Top Table: Charley and Hannah

This week we have:

…loved reading the twist in the story in our Gorilla book! We had fun exploring how we can change the volume of different instruments during science. We have worked very hard on our handwriting and presentation and are trying hard to apply it in all our different subjects. We continued to build on our teamwork, persevence and problem solving skills during forest schools where we learned to tie different knots to help us make a Pendulum Paint Tripod.

Parents’ evening: Please sign up for a slot on either Wednesday 19th or Thursday 20th October.

Harvest: Thank you for all of your harvest donations so far. If you would like to make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank, the following items are currently in short supply and would be greatly appreciated: rice pudding, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, jelly, tea bags, custard, tins and mashed potatoes. Our donations will be delivered to the local food bank.

Book Fair: Our annual book fair will arrive next Thursday (13th) and be in school for 2 weeks.

Next week we will:

Writing: Continue to use our book ‘Gorilla’ to explore using adverbials of time, place and manner (e.g. later that night, beside the bed, curiously) to the front of our sentences to become fronted adverbials.

Reading: We will continue to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and understand how using inference (the facts from the text + our knowledge of the world) can help us understand what we are reading.

Reading homework: Hooray! Diaries have finally arrived! Please comment when your child has read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is words with the prefix ‘auto’

Spellings to learn for our test on Friday14th October: autograph, autopilot, automobile, automatic, autocue, autobiography, automated, autobus.

We have learned to use boxes, coloured pens and different styles of writing to help us practice

Maths:  We will consolidate the 4 times table and focus on using prior facts to help us learn it out of order e.g. 7x4 =?    “I know 5x4 is 20 and 2x 4 is 8 so 7x4 = 28”

Maths Homework:  Colour the multiples of 4 on a hundred square (in diaries) and talk about the pattern made.

Play pass the ball and say the multiples. Can you pass a ball/pair of socks to and from each other and count up in multiples of 4. If you get really quick change this so the thrower shouts a question e.g. 4x6 and the catcher says the answer =24.

Here is a link to an online activity: https://www.timestables.co.uk/4-times-table.html

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Goldfinches WB 3.10.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 4:30pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Amazing teamwork this week.


Friday Superstar: Alexa, Naomi and Callum

Top Table: Nathan and Evan

This week we have:

…had a wonderful day at Petty Pool developing teamwork, leadership and friendship skills. We showed so much perseverance and patience and made Mrs Evans very proud. We have used our research to write and present a report on Gorillas in our very own mini book. We enjoyed visiting church for worship with Vicar Andrew.

Forest Schools: Our first forest school session will be the morning of Thursday 6th October. Please send your child in to school in old, warm clothes, old trainers/wellies and a waterproof coat. Please send in their uniform to change in to for the afternoon in case we end up very wet and muddy.

Harvest: Thank you for all of your harvest donations so far. If you would like to make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank, the following items are currently in short supply and would be greatly appreciated: rice pudding, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, jelly, tea bags, custard, tins and mashed potatoes. Our donations will be delivered to the local food bank.

Next week we will:

Writing: Use our book ‘Gorilla’ to explore moving adverbials of time, place and manner (e.g. later that night, beside the bed, curiously) to the front of our sentences to become fronted adverbials.

Reading: We will support your child to choose from our large collection of books to both in school and at home. Lots of children have enjoyed choosing from the recommended reads basket this week. We will continue to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and use questions to support our understanding.

Reading homework: Hooray! Diaries have finally arrived! Please comment when your child has read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is the suffix ‘ture’.

We have learned to use a spelling doodle to help us practice (paper copy in your child’s bag)

Spelling words to learn for our test on Friday7th October:

picture, creature, nature, adventure, furniture, moisture, fracture, puncture, structure, temperature

Maths:  We will continue to consolidate the 4x table and look at the links between the 2x and 4x facts using doubling and halving to help us.

Maths Homework:  4x table fortune teller game (paper copy in bags) and click on the link for this week’s online game: Number Diving. Use this to practice the 4x table and if you are really successful, add the 8x table.


PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Goldfinches WB 26.9.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 4:49pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Thank you for all your enthusiasm this week Year 4.


Friday Superstar: George

Top Table: Ella and Alexia

This week we have:

…loved researching facts about gorillas and categorising them. We have worked brilliantly on our understanding of 4 digit numbers, place value and partitioning and have shown a super understanding of the vibrations made by sounds in science. We impressed Mrs Evans by showing such respect and love in our reflections about the late Queen Elizabeth.

Petty Pool: Our visit to Petty Pool is this Wednesday (28th September.) Please send your child in to school wearing their PE kit – tracksuit bottoms, hoody, and trainers with wellies and waterproofs in case of wet weather. We will be outside all day. Please send a names water bottle, snack and packed lunch unless you have ordered a Cat Bag.

Forest Schools: Our first forest school session will be the morning of Thursday 6th October. Please send your child in to school in old, warm clothes, old trainers/wellies and a waterproof coat. Please send in their uniform to change in to for the afternoon in case we end up very wet and muddy.


Next week we will:

Writing: Use our research on gorillas to write in paragraphs and use conjunctions to link sentences.

Reading: we have a wonderful selection of reading books which we will support your child to choose from and read both in school and at home. We will continue to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and use questions to support our understanding.

Reading homework: Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary once they have read. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is the suffix ‘sure’ and the rules associated with adding ing, ed, ly and ment. We have learned to use a spelling pyramid to help us practice this week.

Spelling words to learn for our test on Friday 30th September:

treasure, measure, pleasure, leisure, enclosure, measuring, measurement, measured, treasured, leisurely

Maths:  We will consolidate the 4x table and look at the links between the 2x and 4x facts using doubling and halving to help us.

Maths Homework:  4x table board game (paper copy in bags) and click on the link for this week’s online game: Coconut Multiples. Use this to be as fast as possible with the 2x table and to practice the 4x table. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/times-tables/coconut-multiples

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Goldfinches WB 19.9.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 5:01pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

We have been settling in well to the Year 4 routines this week.


Friday Super star: Jacob H

Top Table: Alexa and Daisy


This week we have…

Enjoyed starting our new writing and reading books ‘Gorilla’ and ‘A world full of animal stories’. Shown Mrs Evans how beautifully we can read around the class during shared reading. Achieved our first recognition board treat.

Thank you to all who attended our meet the teacher evening- it was lovely to put names to faces and meet you in person. I have saved the power point onto the Goldfinches’ class page. If you were unable to attend and want to pop in and have a chat, please contact me via the office to arrange a suitable time.

Diaries: We are still waiting for diaries to arrive so please bear with us and the post its we are using in the meantime!

Forest Schools: Our first forest school session will be the morning of Thursday 6th October. Please send your child in to school in old, warm clothes, old trainers/wellies and a waterproof coat. Please send in their uniform to change in to for the afternoon in case we end up very wet and muddy.

Next week we will…

Writing: use expanded noun phrases to add detail to a setting description.

Reading: use questioning to support our understanding of a story.

Reading homework: Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary once they have read. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling homework: We are learning words with the prefix ‘dis’ ‘mis’ ‘un’ ‘in’ which give a word the opposite meaning. Our test will be next Friday 23rd Sept. I have sent home a copy of ‘roll and spell’ which is a fun way to practise spellings.

disable, disagree, misunderstood, mistreat, unfair, unlikely, inhuman, inactive, misspell, mistrust

Maths: we are working on place value activities with 4 digit numbers, number lines and using practical equipment to make, partition and order numbers.

Maths Homework:  We have spent time recapping the 2x, 10x, 5x tables and using these facts to support our learning of the trickier ones. Homework is a 5x table pairs game (which your child will have in their bag. (Also attached to the bottom of the blog) Please cut up the fact cards and play pair/snap/match. The focus is on fluency and speed. If your child is really secure and fluent- add in the division facts and include the commutative way of asking the fact e.g. 3x5 and also 5x3…… 7x5 and also 5x7

Here is a link to Hit the button which is a fun way to practise any of the times table facts. Again please focus on answering the 2x, 10x and 5x with speed both in order, mixed up and division facts.


PE: Friday mornings. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via a note in your child’s diary or through the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Goldfinches WB 8.9.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 8th Sep 2022 @ 7:50pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog 

We have had a super start to Year 4. 

 Friday Superstar: Archie

Top Table: Ethen and Lydia

Mrs Judge, Mrs Evans and Miss Wilkinson have enjoyed getting to know all of our lovely Goldfinches. Highlights have been creating our own lunchtime and end of the day prayers, sketching our beautiful Goldfinches, beginning our gorgeous Pathways to Reading book 'A World of Animal Stories' and learning the words to Mamma Mia in our appraising music lesson.

Mondays: Mrs Judge  

Tuesdays-Fridays: Mrs Evans 

Miss Wilkinson is our Teaching assistant.  


This week:  

Wednesday 14th September: Please sign up for one of the four slots on our Meet the Teacher evening. 3.15pm, 3.45pm, 4.45pm or 5.15pm - these are for parents and there will be a creche available for your children to attend on the evening.

We will continue to have lots of lovely activities to support getting to know each other and the classroom and to help us all settle quickly into our routines. 

Writing: We look forward to beginning our new Pathways to writing book.  

Reading: we have a wonderful selection of reading books which we will support your child to choose from and read both in school and at home. We have begun to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ 

Reading homework: Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary once they have read. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.  We are still waiting for our order of reading diaries to arrive so as soon as they do we will issue your child with one.

Spelling: We will set our first set of spellings to go home to learn next Friday 16th September. 

Maths:   Our focus will be on place value and we will spend time recapping the  10x and 5x tables and using these facts to support our learning of the trickier ones.

Maths Homework:  There will be a weekly times table homework. This might be an activity or game on paper or a link on the class blog to an online game. 

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning and we have a lovely long session. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via a note in your child’s diary or through the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270 

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson. 

Goldfinches WB 5.9.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 5th Sep 2022 @ 10:25am


Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog 

We are so happy and excited to see you and hope you have all had a wonderful summer. 

Mrs Judge, Mrs Evans and Miss Wilkinson can’t wait to continue to get to know you in these next few weeks. We are going to enjoy lots of new learning together.  

Mondays: Mrs Judge  

Tuesdays-Fridays: Mrs Evans 

Miss Wilkinson is our Teaching assistant.  

This week: We will have lots of lovely activities to support getting to know each other and the classroom and to help us all settle quickly into our routines. 

Snack: Please support us to continue to be a healthy school by sending in a healthy snack (e.g. fruit, cereal bar, cheese and crackers) and a named water bottle each day. 

Reading: we have a wonderful selection of reading books which we will support your child to choose from and read both in school and at home. 

Reading homework: Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary once they have read. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.  

Maths:  We will spend time recapping the 2x, 10x, 5x tables and using these facts to support our learning of the trickier ones. 

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning and we have a lovely long session. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via a note in your child’s diary or through the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk 01606668270 

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson. 

Goldfinches WB 18.7.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 18th Jul 2022 @ 1:58pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog 

The final blog for the class of 2021-2022! 

Friday Superstar:  Samuel 

 Top Table children: Amy and Harriet 

We would just like to say what a pleasure it has been to see our wonderful Goldfinches grow and mature over the past year. We are proud of each and every one of them in their journey through the Year 4 curriculum and their own personal development. They are more than ready to fledge up to Skylarks and start their Year 5 adventure but we still want to see them popping in to Goldfinches to say hello next year! 

This week:  

Please remember we finish at 1pm on Thursday 21st July. 

DT: We will use our Scientific knowledge of electricity and circuits to make our own working torches. Please send in any clean and empty plastic bottles, yoghurt pots/packaging for us to recycle. 

Science: We will be setting up and carrying out our own Science experiments. Again, we would be grateful if you could raid your recycling bins for clean/empty packaging. 

Reading books: Please ensure all school reading books are returned. 

Reading: The Library Reading Challenge is on once again and it would be lovely to hear how well our children have got on with it over the summer holidays.  

Times Tables: Continue to use the websites you love to keep the tables ticking over. 




PE: Final PE session for Y4 on Monday. 

Geography/Art: We will add the final touches to our lovely river collages. 

Thank you also to all of our lovely Goldfinch parents and families for your support over the past year. Have a wonderful, safe and relaxing summer.  

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge. 

Goldfinches WB 4.7.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 3rd Jul 2022 @ 7:24pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog 

What superstar performers this week! 

Friday Superstar:  Gracie 

Top Table children: Tilly and Alexa 

This week:  

Tuesday afternoon- Forest Schools. If wet weather please bring a raincoat and old trainers/wellies. If hot, please bring a sun hat and suncream. 

Wednesday is Transition day, where Goldfinches will visit Miss Beattie and Mr Beswick in Skylarks class. 

Tuesday and Wednesday – Please feel welcome to pop in after school to look through your children’s work books and celebrate their work with them. 

Writing and Reading: We will introduce our final Y4 writing book alongside the new shared reading text. 

Reading homework- Please continue to support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary.  

Spelling homework: This week’s words are more words from the Y3/4 statutory spellings. These will be the last set of spellings this year. 

Spellings: minute, natural, naughty, notice, occasion, occasionally, often, opposite, ordinary. 

Maths: we will continue to learn about equivalent fractions. 

Times Tables Homework:  Keep working on TTRock stars to increase your fluency in recalling the times tables.  


Or Hit the Button and Coconut multiples are always good fun and support quick thinking skills: 



Science: We will be starting our final topic ‘Changing State’ 

RE: We will learn about the importance of the book of Exodus in Judaism. 

Geography: We will learn about the water cycle and its importance to our world. 

PE: Monday and Friday - striking and fielding games. 

German: We will have a go at a listening comprehension.  

Computing: We will complete our computing topic ‘Reading Power’ 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge. 

Goldfinches WB 27.6.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 4:10pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog 

What creative singers, dancers and presenters we have been this week! 

Friday Superstar:  Jake 

 Top Table children: Samuel and Frazer 

This week: We are so excited to finally be performing Hoodwinked on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and evening. Please ensure all costumes are in school by Monday.  

Writing: We will continue write and present our own non-chronological report on forests and deforestation after making a wonderful start last week. 

Reading homework- Please continue to support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary.  

Spelling homework: This week’s words are words from the Y3/4 statutory spellings. 

Spellings: interest, island, knowledge, learn, length, library, material, medicine, mention. 

Maths: we will learn about equivalent fractions. 

Times Tables Homework:  Keep working on TTRock stars to increase your fluency in recalling the times tables.  


Or Hit the Button and Coconut multiples are always good fun and support quick thinking skills: 



Science: We will be applying our knowledge of food chains to creating food webs. 

Geography: This will be linked with English to create our own written report on forests. 

PE: Monday and Friday -We will practise our dance for Hoodwinked and play striking and fielding games. 

Music: We will practise the Hoodwinked songs ready for our KS2 performance. 

German: Reading comprehension on descriptions 

Computing: We will start our new computing topic ‘Reading Power’ 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge. 

Goldfinches WB 20.6.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 16th Jun 2022 @ 9:32pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog 

What hard working Goldfinches this week! 

Friday Superstar:  Jessica

Top Table children:  Erica and Willow

Worship: A fantastic example of teamwork, knowledge and courage was shown by everybody in our class worship last week. Well done for sharing our message about how important forests are to the world and what we can do to protect them. 

This week: We will complete the multiplication times table check. 

Writing: We will write and present our own non-chronological report on forests and deforestation. 

Reading: We will continue to read about other Courageous Advocates who helped the environment like Anita – the founder of the Body Shop. 

Reading homework- Please continue to support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary.  

Spelling homework: This week’s words are words with the prefix ‘anti’  

Spellings: antifreeze, antibody, antibacterial, anticlimax, antiseptic, antisocial, antigravity, antidote, antibiotic, anticlockwise 

Maths: we will continue to learn about pounds and pence and make the link to tenths and hundredths.  

Times Tables Homework:  our Multiplication Tables Check is this week and we have been working hard in class to practise using lots of games- both online and paper. Please support your child to practise daily at home:  

Maths Frame Multiplication check mirrors the national test and gives the children 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer each one. It can be any fact up to 12x12 


Also use TTRockstars to help you practice 


Or Hit the Button and Coconut multiples are always good fun and support quick thinking skills: 



Science: We will be applying our knowledge of food chains to creating food webs. 

Geography: This will be linked with English to create our own written report on forests. 

PE: Monday and Friday -We will practise our dance for Hoodwinked and play striking and fielding games. 

Music: We will practise the Hoodwinked songs ready for our KS2 performance. 

German: Reading comprehension on descriptions 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge. 

Goldfinches WB 13.6.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 4:28pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

A wonderful week back for everyone. Well done!

Friday Superstar:  Willow

 Top Table children: Lily and Jessica

This week: Extra PE session on Wednesday morning. Please send your child in their PE kit.

Mrs Evans is teaching on Monday instead of Mrs Judge and we will be working together to prepare our class worship to share our learning about Global Neighbours with other classes in school.

Writing: We will learn to write sentences which have impact and grab the reader’s attention, learn to write sub headings to introduce different paragraphs and writing a mini report about sloths.

Reading: We will learn about the courageous advocate Wangari Maathai and compare her actions to those of Isatou Ceesay. We will learn how speech bubbles, paragraphs, sub-headings and images are used to enhance the readers’ understanding of the text.

Reading homework- Please continue to support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary.

Spelling homework: This week’s words are words with the ‘shun’ sound spelt ‘tion’

Spellings: fiction, caution, option, position, solution, imagination, introduction, pollution, operation, production

Maths: we will continue to learn about tenths and make the link to division by 10.

Times Tables Homework:

Our Multiplication Tables Check is coming soon in June and we have been working hard in class to practise using lots of games. Please support your child to practise daily at home:

Maths Frame Multiplication check mirrors the national test and gives the children 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer each one. It can be any fact up to 12x12


Also use TTRockstars to help you practice


Or Hit the Button and Coconut multiples are always good fun and support quick thinking skills:



Science: We will be recapping food chains using the book ‘pond Circle’ and applying this knowledge to food webs.

Geography and Worship: We will combine our understanding of forests, deforestation and climate change and what solutions we can use to Make One Change and share this with other classes during our Class worship on Monday.

PE: Monday and Friday with an extra session on Wednesday this week -We will learn our dance for Hoodwinked and play striking and fielding games.

PSHCE: We will read our next No Outsiders book.

Music: We will continue to prepare a performance of ‘Lean On Me’ and learn to use the Glockenspiels as an accompaniment. We will remind ourselves of the Hoodwinked songs.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge.

Goldfinches WB 6.6.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 26th May 2022 @ 4:46pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Super music makers this week!

Friday Superstar:  Alexa

 Top Table children: James and Violet

Worship: This week in worship we have enjoyed Open the Book, listened to a Story and learned a song with Vicar Andrew and said a fond farewell to our lovely Mrs Elson.

After half term: No school on Monday. Tuesday 7th is our Jubilee celebration day and picnic. Friday 10th 1pm Sports day. 

Writing: We will use clips of David Attenborough’s Planet Earth programmes to inspire us to write our own transcript for a wildlife commentary and have a go at performing it to each other using our voice to create drama.

Reading: Continuing to read and research about different courageous advocates and identify how the layout of a text supports our understanding.

Reading homework- Please continue to support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary.

Spelling homework: This week’s words are recapping tricky words from our own writing which are also homophones (words which sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.

Spellings: father, farther, which, witch, their, there, they’re, our, are

Maths: Jubilee maths and continuing our focus on finding equivalent fractions.

Times Tables Homework:

Our Multiplication Tables Check is in June and we have been working hard in class to practise using lots of games. Please support your child to practise daily at home:

Maths Frame Multiplication check mirrors the national test and gives the children 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer each one. It can be any fact up to 12x12


Also use TTRockstars to help you practice


Or Hit the Button and Coconut multiples are always good fun and support quick thinking skills:



Geography: We will continue to learn about the important work of the Courageous Advocate Jane Goodall and her important discoveries about Chimpanzees. As part of our Global Neighbours focus we will research the work being done locally to protect our environment and the wildlife that lives in it.

PE: Friday and Sports Day.

Music: We will continue to prepare a performance of ‘Lean On Me’ and learn to use the Glockenspiels as an accompaniment.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. Have a lovely and restful week off,

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge.

Goldfinches WB 23.5.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 19th May 2022 @ 4:16pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Forest school superstars and environmental artists!


Friday Superstar:  Hetty

 Top Table children: Gracie and Amy

Forest schools was so successful this week. The children all showed such perseverance, patience and support for each other whilst learning to light a fire safely.

Art Trail -our beautiful piece of art work, on the theme of Connections and inspired by our learning about Climate Change and Human impact, will be on display in the shopping units opposite H&M from Friday 20th May until Friday 23rd June. Please pop down to admire our work!

Worship: This week in worship we have enjoyed Open the Book’s story of the hole in the roof. We were wowed by Robin’s worship based around their Global Goal focus ‘Life Under Water’ and learned lots about how we can make small changes to help reduce plastic pollution. Look out soon for our Water Pipe Challenge which we are doing to raise money to provide clean and safe water for a community in South Africa.

Next Week:

Recycling collection: Thank you to those who have sent in empty clean bottles, yoghurt tubs, cardboard boxes etc. for our collection ready for our day of music next Thursday 26th May. Please keep raiding your recycling boxes!

Reading and Writing: Our new texts: Rainforests in 60 seconds, Where the Forest Meets the Sea and Fantastically Great Women who changed the world have really captured our interest in learning about rainforests and the environment. Next week we will be using the texts to support our understanding of the possessive apostrophe and building up our rainforest vocabulary and knowledge.

Reading homework- Please continue to support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily and to sign their diary.

Spelling homework: This week’s words are words from the Y3/4 statutory spelling list: guard, guide, heard, heart, height, history, imagine, increase, important

Maths: Monday maths with Mrs Judge will focus on money and solving money problems. Maths with Mrs Evans will focus on finding equivalent fractions.

Times Tables Homework:

If you like a sing song try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7rYbk9PNuM

For mixed Times table practise use TTRock Stars or Maths Frame Multiplication Table Check https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check


RE: This week we will decide how verses in the Bible about love help Christians to follow Jesus.

Science: This week we will be learning how to use classification keys to sort according to their characteristics.

Geography: We will continue to learn about the important work of the Courageous Advocate Jane Goodall and her important discoveries about Chimpanzees. We will compare tropical, temperate and boreal forests of the world.

PE: Monday and Friday -Athletics with Mr A.

PSHCE: We will continue with our theme of Too Much Selfie isn’t Healthy.

Music: Our whole school music day on Thursday will involve the children being part of a bigger orchestra with the online Halle orchestra, making instruments, learning songs and making the links with the environment and sustainability.

German: We will learn to name parts of the body.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child. Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge.

Goldfinches WB16.5.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 12th May 2022 @ 3:54pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Super hard work and lovely story writing this week!

Friday Superstar: Beth

Top Table: Jake and Kyan

Next week: Tuesday afternoon is our Forest school’s afternoon. Please wear old tracksuit bottoms and send in a waterproof coat, wellies or old trainers to change in to in the afternoon.

Writing: We will begin our new text for writing next week…. No reveal today except for it linking beautifully with our Global Neighbours environmental theme.

Reading: We will begin to read our new text.

Reading homework- regular reading, little and often is so supportive at this age to enable your child to read with confidence, speed and fluency. We are working hard in class to read fluently and for speed.

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are words with the tion suffix

Next week’s spellings: nation, condensation, precipitation, evaporation, transpiration, creation, station, elation, imagination, separation.

Maths: We recap our knowledge of fractions and learn to make the link between tenths and hundredths. Monday will continue with our focus on time.

Times Tables Homework: The National Multiplication test for Y4 is coming up in June so please support your child to become fluent in their times tables up to 12x12


Hit the button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

https://ttrockstars.com/ - Who is top of the leader board this week?

Science: We will carry out a local study of the plants and animals in our school grounds. We will continue to observe and measure the growth of our pea plants growing in different conditions.

RE: We will be learning about love and charity.

Geography: We will learn about the work of Jane Goodall as one of the Courageous Advocates we are focussing on.

Art: We will complete our whole class entry into the Northwich Art Trail which is on the theme of ‘Connections’ this year on the theme of Global Neighbours.

PE: Monday and Friday – Athletics with Mr Ault

PSHCE: We will continue to learn about how humans grow and change as they get older.

German: We will be learning the names of parts of our face.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child. Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

Goldfinches WB 9.5.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 5th May 2022 @ 3:46pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Lovely focus and concentration this week.

Friday Superstar: Erica

Top Table: Hannah and Destinee

Writing: We will plan, write and edit our final piece of writing inspired by ‘When the Giant Stirred’.

Reading: We will continue with Ariki and the Island of Wonders and focus on drawing inferences about characters and settings using evidence from the text.

Reading homework- regular reading, little and often is so supportive at this age to enable your child to read with confidence, speed and fluency. We are working hard in class to read fluently and with expression to each other.

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are words with the ‘ssion’ suffix

Spellings: discussion, permission, confession, depression, submission, possession, admission, transmission, progression, impression

Maths: We will continue to learn methods to solve division problems including dividing 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers with and without remainders. Monday will continue with our focus on time.

Times Tables Homework: The National Multiplication test for Y4 is coming up in June so please support your child to become fluent in their times tables up to 12x12


Hit the button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

https://ttrockstars.com/ - Who is top of the leader board this week?

Science: We will make a conclusion about our understanding about the human impact on the environment and monitor the growth of our pea seeds in different conditions.

RE: We will be learning about Jesus and his Disciples.

Geography: We will learn about the work of Jane Goodall as one of the Courageous Advocates we are focussing on.

Art: We will contribute to a whole class entry into the Northwich Art Trail which is on the theme of ‘Connections’ this year and for which we will use our understanding of Global Goal 13 'Climate Action' .

PE: Monday and Friday – Athletics with Mr Ault

PSHCE: Too Much Selfie isn’t Healthy- we will learn about the importance of putting others needs before ours and thinking about acts of kindness.

German: We will be talking about what we do in our spare time.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child. Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

Goldfinches WB 2.5.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 30th Apr 2022 @ 9:22am

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

What an amazing week we had last week!

Our Goldfinches were an absolute credit and we all had so much fun.

Friday Superstar: The Whole Class

Top Table: Yara and Connor

Bank holiday Monday- No School

Writing: We will use varied nouns and pronouns to avoid repetition through writing a letter to describe the eruption on the island.

Reading: We will continue with Ariki and the Island of Wonders and focus on drawing inferences about characters and settings using evidence from the text.

Reading homework- regular reading, little and often is so supportive at this age to enable your child to read with confidence, speed and fluency.

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are words with the ir prefix- ROLLED OVER FROM LAST WEEK

Spellings: (they are tricky so only 5 this week) irresistible, irrelevant, irresponsible, irregular, irrational

Maths: We will continue to learn methods to solve division problems.

Times Tables Homework: The National Multiplication test for Y4 is coming up in June so please support your child to become fluent in their times tables up to 12x12


Hit the button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

https://ttrockstars.com/ - Who is top of the leader board this week?

Science: We will learn about the human impact on the environment and set off an investigation into the conditions needed to grow plants.

Geography: We will use mapping, OS symbols and our own knowledge to compare Lostock and Llandudno.

Art: We will complete our Llandudno sketch maps as beautiful memories of our trip away.

PE: Friday – Athletics with Mr Ault

PSHCE: Too Much Selfie isn’t Healthy- we will learn about Elizabeth Everest.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child. Have a lovely long weekend!

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

Goldfinches WB 25.4.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 7:57pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

I can’t believe it is the summer term! Welcome back and I hope you have had a wonderful Easter break.

Friday Superstar: Lily

Top Table: Hetty and Thomas

Next Week:

Wednesday- Thursday: Our adventure to Llandudno which will cover most lessons! History- the Great Orme, Geography- comparing Llandudno and Lostock and the geographical features of a seaside town, PE- walking, skiing, Art- sand art, PSHCE- team building, leadership and FUN! FUN! FUN!

We have welcomed Miss Wilkinson who will be completing her teaching practice with us for the next few weeks.

Worship: We enjoyed our worship with Vicar Andrew and as always, it was wonderful to be part of Open the Book again this week.

Writing: This week we have focused on creating a thought, feelings and speech chart to help us with recount writing and will use this in our writing on Tuesday.

Reading: We will continue to focus on answering questions with details and find evidence in the text to back up our answers within our book Ariki and the Island of Wonders

Reading homework- Please continue to support your child to read 5 times a week minimum to enable them to become fluent and confident. This can be a mixture of them reading aloud to you, you reading to them and reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are words with the ir prefix

Spellings: (they are tricky so only 5 this week) irresistible, irrelevant, irresponsible, irregular, irrational

Maths: We will solve division problems.

Times Tables Homework: The National Multiplication test for Y4 is coming up in June so please support your child to become fluent in their times tables up to 12x12


Hit the button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

https://ttrockstars.com/ - Who is top of the leader board this week?

RE: We will be thinking about what the story ‘The Great Catch’ teaches Christians.

PE: Monday and Friday – Athletics with Mr Ault

German: We will learn about our hobbies.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child. Have a lovely weekend- happy packing!

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

Goldfinches WB28.3.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 7:30pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Goldfinches have been amazing this week and our visitor was very pleased to see how hard they are working!

Friday Superstar: Frazer

Top Table: Esmae and Beth

Next Week:

Tuesday – Llandudno parents’ meeting 2.45pm in the hall.

Tuesday - Cake Sale- Cakes donated by Owls, Starlings and Swallows will be on sale after school. 30p each or 4 for £1 All money raised will go towards waterproofing our reading den roof.

Wednesday – Own clothes day £1 donation towards the reading den roof. Disco 6-7pm.


Worship: We enjoyed our worship with Vicar Andrew and as always, it was wonderful to be part of Open The Book again this week.

Writing: We will continue the story of When the Giant Stirred.

Reading: We will focus on answering questions with details and find evidence in the text to back up our answers.

Reading homework- Please continue to support your child to read 5 times a week minimum to enable them to become fluent and confident. This can be a mixture of them reading aloud to you, you reading to them and reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are tricky words from the Y3/4 word list

Spellings: knife, weight, typed, recycle, quickly, reliable, exercise, adjust

Maths: We will continue to practise multiplying numbers using different methods.

Times Tables Homework:

Goldfinches have been challenging themselves in class to get quicker at the Maths Frame Multiplications check game. This is also helping them to recognise which times tables they need more practice on.


Hit the button 7x tables this week and then challenge yourself with 11x and 12x tables. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

https://ttrockstars.com/ - Who is top of the leader board this week?

RE: We will be continuing to think about the story of the 10 lepers and how Jesus was their saviour.

Science: We will write a conclusion to explain the results of our conductor and insulator investigation.

PE: Monday - Mr Ault Hockey, Gymnastics and agility. Thursday- Swimming – this will be our final lesson.  

PSHCE: We will focus on Health education to learn about how our bodies change as we grow from babies to children.

Music: We will enjoy our final Ukulele lesson.

German: We will learn about colours.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child. Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

Goldfinches WB 21.3.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 3:38pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Thank you for all of your hard work and helpfulness this week.

Friday Superstar: Connor

Top Table: Amy and Harriet

Welcome to Miss Wilson who we are delighted to have working with Goldfinches and Robins classes:

Worship: We launched our new whole school environment topic where we will learn to be Global Neighbours and Courageous Advocates for change. We learned about some of the environmental problems there are in the world and what people are doing or planning to do to help.

Writing: We will be developing our use of fronted adverbials through a diary based on ‘When the Giant Stirred’

Reading: We will find out more about our new shared reading text ‘Ariki and the Island of Wonders’ and identify the different question types as well as improving our fluency in reading.

Reading homework- Please support your child to read 5 times a week minimum to enable them to become fluent and confident. This can be a mixture of them reading aloud to you, you reading to them and reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are words with the u and or sound spelt ough

Spellings: rough, rougher, roughest, tough, tougher, toughest, fought, thought, bought, brought

Maths: Monday with Mrs Judge will be learning about time and Maths with Mrs Evans will continue to focus on multiplication problems, multiplying 2digits by 1 digit and 3 digits by 1 digit.

Times Tables Homework:

Goldfinches have been challenging themselves in class to get quicker at the Maths Frame Multiplications check game. This is also helping them to recognise which times tables they need more practice on.


Hit the button 7x tables this week and then challenge yourself with 11x and 12x tables. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

https://ttrockstars.com/ - Who is top of the leader board this week?

RE: We will be thinking about the story of the 10 lepers and how Jesus was their saviour.


Geography/History: We will learn about physical and human geographical features and begin to explore the question: How have humans impacted the land in and around Northwich?


Science: We will plan our own investigations into which materials conduct and insulate electricity.

PE: Monday and Friday- Mr Ault Hockey, Gymnastics and agility. Thursday- Swimming will continue until Easter.

PSHCE: We will focus on Health education to learn about how our bodies change as we grow from babies to children.

Music: We will continue to learn Ukulele.

German: We will learn about colours.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child. Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

Goldfinches WB 14.3.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 5:14pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Thank you for all of your hard work this week.

Friday Superstar: Kyan

Top Table: Taylor and Gabriel

This week:

British Science Week

Tuesday: Cross country competition at Rudheath Academy (If your child brought a letter home)

Wednesday: It is Goldfinches’ turn to have an extra PE session with Mr Ault on Wednesday Morning. Please come in PE kit. The field is still quite wet so please bring spare shoes and socks to change into in case of wet feet.

Worship: We loved welcoming Open the book back into school this week and enjoying worship together in the hall.

Writing: We will be developing our rich vocabulary and descriptive writing based around our beautiful new text ‘When the Giant Stirred’

Reading: We will find out more about our new shared reading text ‘Ariki and the Island of Wonders’

Reading homework- Please support your child to read 5 times a week minimum to enable them to become fluent and confident. This can be a mixture of them reading aloud to you, you reading to them and reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are words with the g sound spelt ‘gue’

Spellings: fatigue, colleague, catalogue, dialogue, league, tongue, vague, rogue, analogue, Prague.

Maths: Monday with Mrs Judge will be learning about time and Maths with Mrs Evans will focus on multiplication problems, multiplying 2digits by 1 digit and 3 digits by 1 digit.

Times Tables Homework:

Goldfinches have been challenging themselves in class to get quicker at the Maths Frame Multiplications check game. This is also helping them to recognise which times tables they need more practice on.


Hit the button 7x tables this week and then challenge yourself with 11x and 12x tables. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

https://ttrockstars.com/ - Who is top of the leader board this week?

RE: We will ask ourselves why Jesus chose to be a saviour to Zacchaeus.

History: We will begin to explore the questions: Who has made a difference to the world?  How do people influence others?   We will learn about the environmental activist Jane Goodall.

Science: As part of our Science week focus on growth, we will be learning about the impact of growing cities on the ocean and finding out about ocean habitats and food chains. We will be exploring the impact of oil spills and how we could solve an oil slick problem.

PE: Monday and Friday- Mr Ault Hockey, Gymnastics and agility. Thursday- Swimming will continue until Easter. This week only: Extra PE session on Wednesday.

PSHCE: We will look at the next part of our Health education to learn about managing our feelings and our friendships in a positive way and continue with our Heartsmart lessons- too much selfie isn’t healthy.

Music: We will continue to learn Ukulele.

German: We will learn about classroom objects.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child.

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

Goldfinches WB 7.3.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 6:40pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

What a fun way to start back after the holiday!

We hope you had a wonderful half term holiday.


Friday Superstar: Taylor

Top Table: Lily and Willow

This week: It is Parent’s evening. Please call the office if you have not yet made an appointment for either a face to face chat on Tuesday or Wednesday evening or by phone call on Thursday morning.

Worship: We have continued to explore the Christian value of forgiveness.

Writing: As with reading, we will be immersing ourselves into our beautiful new book. No spoilers here though... you will have to ask your children on Tuesday and keep an eye on Twitter!

Reading: We will start to read our new shared reading text. One of our first tasks is to predict so I won’t reveal anything yet!

Reading homework- Let’s all work hard to get back into our lovely routines of reading 5 times a week to enable us to become fluent and confident.

Spelling homework:  This week’s spellings are the same words with the sound k spelt que:

Spellings: unique, cheque, antique, grotesque, boutique, picturesque, plaque, arabesque, mosque, opaque

I have rolled these over from before half term as this week has been so busy with the Chester trip and World Book day I think we need another week to practice.

Maths: Monday with Mrs Judge will be starting a new focus on time and Maths with Mrs Evans will continue with our new focus of multiplication.

Times Tables Homework:

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/times-tables/coconut-multiples have another go playing coconut multiples 7x tables this week and then challenge yourself with 11x tables.


RE: We will learn about why we think of Jesus as a saviour.

History/Geography: We will wrap up and complete our learning about the Romans by learning about Boudicca and the resistance of the Inceni tribe.

Science: We will identify why some circuits will not work to recap what is needed for a working circuit then we will have a go at designing our own switches.

PE: Monday and Friday- Mr Ault Hockey, Gymnastics and agility. Thursday- Swimming will continue until Easter.

PSHCE: We will look at the next part of our Health education and learn about managing our feelings and our friendships in a positive way and continue with our Heartsmart lessons- too much selfie isn’t healthy.

Music: We will continue to learn Ukulele.

German: We will learn about our classroom.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your child.

Mrs Evans and Mrs Judge

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