Goldfinches: Blog items
Goldfinches WB21.6.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 9:43pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
What another hardworking week we have had whilst enjoying the fact that summer really is here! Once again, your Goldfinches have all made me so proud of their passion for learning.
Star of the week goes to: Mason M
Top Table award goes to: Francesca
Trip (in school) we are looking forward to having The Makers of History company on Wednesday for our experience going back in time to the Roman Empire.
In worship this week we have been discussing Global Goal 13- Climate Action. We have loved listening to Jack Johnson’s 3 Rs song to help us think about the actions we can take to recycle, reuse and reduce our waste. We watched the video which explains how to turn our old t-shirts into re-useable bags and look forward to doing this on Friday.
It was lovely to zoom call with our lovely Miss Randles for her last day of work before starting her maternity leave last week.
And.. what a lovely surprise visit we had from Rocky the parrot! A super start to our Thursday! Thank you Ryan and Ryan's mum!
English- I cannot be more proud of the enthusiasm, care and effort all of our lovely Goldfinches have put into their ‘best piece of writing yet’ in Y4. Our stories of ‘Escape to Pompeii’ are wonderful.
Spellings- we will be focusing on words from the 4th column of the Y3/4 words.
Our words this week are: minute, natural, naughty, notice, occasion, occasionally, often, opposite, ordinary, signature
Please work with your child to ensure he or she understands the meanings of the words and can use them in a sentence as well as being able to spell them. There are different suggestions of activities to do each week to support practising the spellings.
Reading- We have continued with our ‘Volcanoes’ book and have enjoyed using questioning strategies to form our own questions for each other to answer.
Maths- we have begun learning about decimal numbers and equivalent fractions and have really impressed Mrs Evans with our quick learning.
The Multiplication Tables Check App is coming up soon- we will be ready to have a go at the trial version by the 25th June.
The official Y4 multiplication check has been postponed until next year, however, as a school we have made the decision to trial it for ourselves this year. The game below is almost the same as the format for the multiplication check we will do in June. Please support your child to practise using this at home regularly alongside TTRock Stars
This week we will have a go at the official practise site to become familiar with how it works and what we have to do.
Science- we used our knowledge of classification keys to classify leaves and creating our own questions. We had a lovely walk in track time on Thursday to identify some of the trees in our school grounds
RE- Our RE topic is Judaism where we worked very hard to write about the Israelites on Monday.
History and Geography- we completed our inquiry about our big question: What Legacy was left by the Ancient Greek civilisation? by studying and researching different themes and sub-questions about Ancient Greece.
German- this week we will have enjoyed learning to ask ‘Wo wohnst du? (where do you live?).
PE- this half term will focus on Athletics and Striking and Batting games (rounders and cricket). It will continue to be on Monday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure your child wears the Lostock Gralam PE uniform and has long hair tied back and earrings removed or covered please.
Cricket club was very well attended. Please ensure that if your child is attending they wear their PE uniform, not their own clothes during the day and follow the same safety rules of bringing a hair band for long hair and taking earrings out/covering them with tape.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office if you want to discuss anything regarding your child.
Mrs Evans
Goldfinches WB 14th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 5:11pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
What another hardworking week we have had whilst enjoying the fact that summer really is here!
Star of the week goes to: Sophie
Top Table award goes to: Ryan
In worship this week we have been discussing the Christian Value of Courage. We listened to the story of Moses in the burning bush and the courage he showed. We have written a shared acrostic poem for courage and have considered an up and coming challenge which might require us to show courage.
On Friday we will hopefully have a zoom call with our lovely Miss Randles for her last day of work before starting her maternity leave. We send her and her new baby all our love and best wishes. I will be popping round to her in the next couple of weeks and would be happy to pass on any gifts you may have as I know some of you had asked about this. Thank you all again for sending in such gorgeous photos of your child for the card.
Next week we welcome Mrs Shimmin back for a couple of weeks to complete the final part of her teacher training.
Trip (in school) During this time of covid regulations, it has been so difficult to find a safe trip out of school which is relevant and meaningful to the work we are focusing on at the moment in class. This is why I decided to book The Makers of History company (which I have used numerous times in both this school and my last school) By not travelling out anywhere, will have the entire day from 9am-3pm and will have a truly fun and meaningful learning experience going back in time to the Roman Empire.
English- We have got very good at using the present perfect tense in our writing this week (have + past tense verb e.g. I have worked very hard this week) through writing a reflective memory of life after the eruption of Vesuvius. We have planned and begun to write our own historical story based on the events.
Spellings- we will be focusing on words with the prefixes il, im, un, in, im, dis which all have the meaning ‘not’
Our words this week are: illogical, illegal, illiterate, unkind, unclear, incomplete, incorrect, impolite, disagree, dislike
Please work with your child to ensure he or she understands the meanings of the words and can use them in a sentence as well as being able to spell them. There are different suggestions of activities to do each week to support practising the spellings.
Reading- We have continued with our ‘Volcanoes’ book and have enjoyed learning more technical language as well as understanding how the layout and features of non-fiction texts support our understanding. Ask your child about pumice, mud flows or pyroclastic currents!!
Maths- we have moved onto finding the area of shapes (using multiplication and division to support us) we will continue this into next week before beginning to look at decimal numbers.
We have had another practise with the Multiplication Tables Check App this week in preparation to have a go at the trial version by the 25th June.
The official Y4 multiplication check has been postponed until next year, however, as a school we have made the decision to trial it for ourselves this year. The game below is almost the same as the format for the multiplication check we will do in June. Please support your child to practise using this at home regularly alongside TTRock Stars
This week we will have a go at the official practise site to become familiar with how it works and what we have to do.
Science- we recorded the next results of our eggs in different drinks to find out the effects on our teeth. Coke, energy drinks and orange juice were the most damaging and water and milk were the best for keeping our teeth healthy.
We used classification keys to sort out sweets and then mini-beasts into different categories using questions.
RE- Our new RE topic is Judaism.
History and Geography- we worked very hard on Tuesday to inquire about the big question: What Legacy was left by the Ancient Greek civilisation? We thought about sub- questions to ask to support our research and used the I-Pads and library books to research Democracy, Olympic Games, Alphabet, Architecture and an area of our own choice. Did you know the Greeks invented the catapult and the vending machine?!
German- this week we will learn months of the year.
PE- this half term will focus on Athletics and Striking and Batting games (rounders and cricket). It will continue to be on Monday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure your child wears the Lostock Gralam PE uniform and has long hair tied back and earrings removed or covered please.
Our first Cricket club was very well attended. Please ensure that if your child is attending they wear their PE uniform, not their own clothes during the day and follow the same safety rules of bringing a hair band for long hair and taking earrings out/covering them with tape.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office if you want to discuss anything regarding your child.
Mrs Evans
Week beginning 7th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 28th May 2021 @ 6:48am
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
What another hardworking week we have had and I wish you all a happy, sunny half term holiday!
Star of the week goes to: Zach
Top Table award goes to: Mason J
In worship this week we have been learning about the Golden Rules mosaic which is displayed in the UN Headquarters and how it encourages everyone to live out their lives following the rules. ‘Do unto others as you would have then do unto you’.
We have also shared more of Mr Cliff’s answers to our ‘Big Questions’ we asked as part of our Ethos work before Easter.
This week we have discussed another P4C (Philosophy for children) sticker. Your child will wear a sticker home every now and again to prompt a family discussion!
We celebrated all getting on the Recognition Board for 'Getting straight on' with our work by going out and playing in the sunshine.
English- We have used the present perfect tense in our writing this week (have + past tense verb e.g. I have worked very hard this week). We have written letters imagining we were Tranio or Livia’s parents giving them advice about how to stay safe and we have continued to work on writing and punctuating direct speech. After the holiday we will complete our work on Escape from Pompeii with further historical writing.
Spellings- we will be focusing on words from the 4th column of the Y3/4 statutory word list
Words to learn this week: interest, island, knowledge, learn, length, library, material, medicine, mention.
Please work with your child to ensure he or she understands the meanings of the words and can use them in a sentence as well as being able to spell them. There are different suggestions of activities to do each week to support practising the spellings.
Reading- We loved starting our new ‘Volcanoes’ book and being immersed in some of the very technical vocabulary! We now know what a volcanologist! We have been learning more technical language as well as understanding how the layout and features of non-fiction texts support our understanding.
Maths- we have been solving division problems this week using the part whole method of partitioning to support us. After half term we will move onto finding the area of shapes (using multiplication and division to support us)
We have been enjoying practising with the Multiplication Tables Check App this week.
The official Y4 multiplication check has been postponed until next year, however, as a school we have made the decision to trial it for ourselves this year. The game below is almost the same as the format for the multiplication check we will do in June. Please support your child to practise using this at home regularly alongside TTRock Stars
This week we will have a go at the official practise site to become familiar with how it works and what we have to do.
Science- we recorded the results so far of our eggs in different drinks to find out the effects on our teeth. We were surprised that some of the shells were starting to dissolve and some were changing colour! We began researching ideas for a presentation on keeping teeth healthy.
RE- Our new RE topic after half term is Judaism.
History and Geography- we have found out where Ancient Greece fits in on the timeline and in the world using timelines and maps. We worked beautifully together in groups to research the question ‘How great was Alexander the Great?’
Music- we did so well and enjoyed our final Ukulele lesson.
German- this week we will learn months of the year.
PE- this half term will focus on Athletics and Striking and Batting games (rounders and cricket). It will continue to be on Monday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure your child wears the Lostock Gralam PE uniform and has long hair tied back and earrings removed or covered please.
As always please e-mail or phone the office if you would like to speak to me about anything.
Mrs Evans
Week beginning 24th May 2021, by Mrs Evans
Date: 19th May 2021 @ 10:09pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
What another hardworking week we have had!
Star of the week goes to: Isabel C
Top Table award goes to: Riley
This week in worship:
We had a lovely class visit to Church and to meet Vicar Andrew.
We have played a board game to highlight the importance of water and to have an opportunity to enjoy playing with our friends. Our school councillors launched a competition to make a poster about saving water. These can be done at home and are due in on the first Tuesday back after half term.
We have shared some of Mr Cliff’s answers to our ‘Big Questions’ we asked as part of our Ethos work before Easter.
We enjoyed using our first P4C (Philosophy for children) stickers to prompt our discussions. Your child will wear a sticker home every now and again to prompt a family discussion!
Our No Outsiders focus was on including everybody and the special facemasks for people who are deaf.
English- We have looked at different tenses, completed a zone of relevance with key vocabulary from the book and recapped using speech punctuation.
Spellings- we will be focusing on words with the sion suffix
Words to learn this week: explosion, television, collision, division, invasion, decision, erosion, confusion, decision, revision.
Please work with your child to ensure he or she understands the meanings of the words and can use them in a sentence as well as being able to spell them. There are different suggestions of activities to do each week to support practising the spellings.
Reading- We have explored the layout and organisation of non-fiction books and how they can support our understanding of a topic and this has helped us expand our technical vocabulary. We will continue to use the book to investigate how a volcano is formed, erupts and becomes extinct.
Maths- we have been brilliant at use partitioning to support the division of 2-digits by 1-digit and moved on to 3-digit numbers, understanding how a remainder is created. Next week we will link our understanding of multiplication and division to finding the area.
The official Y4 multiplication check has been postponed until next year, however, as a school we have made the decision to trial it for ourselves this year. The game below is almost the same as the format for the multiplication check we will do in June. Please support your child to practise using this at home regularly alongside TTRock Stars
This week we will have another go at the official practise site to become familiar with how it works and what we have to do.
Science: this week we have continued about the importance of making healthy snack and drink choices and about how to look for the sugar content on food labels as part of our Change 4 Life focus. We have set off another investigation into the effects of different drinks on eggshells (which are very similar to the enamel of our teeth) and made predictions as to what will happen to the eggs after a week. Next week we will find out what has happened, record our results and learn about tooth care.
RE- we have continued to explore the theme of Discipleship.
History and Geography- we have compared and contrasted the similarities and differences of the ancient civilisations to find out what made them some of the world’s greatest civilisations. This week we will begin to discover where Ancient Greece fits in on the timeline and in the world.
Art- We have all used the techniques of collage to make a unique sunflower petal to form part of a whole school display. We have also all contributed to a beautiful piece of shared art for the Northwich Arts festival on the theme of ‘Belonging’.
Music- we are really working hard in our final few Ukulele lessons.
German- this week we learn and practise colours names of the week.
PE- this half term will focus on Athletics and Striking and Batting games (rounders and cricket). It will continue to be on Monday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure your child wears the Lostock Gralam PE uniform and has long hair tied back and earrings removed or covered please.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school admin email if you wish to discuss anything.
Mrs Evans
Week beginning 29th March 2021, by Mrs Evans
Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 8:35am
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
Goldfinches have continued to work hard this week and make us so proud.
Star of the week goes to: Abi
Top Table award goes to: Grace D
This week we have… and next week we will…
…continued to enjoy the opportunities to be back together again and working in teams in lots of different subjects.
English- We have really got into the story of Leon and The Place Between and have met more of the characters. We have recapped our use of subordinate clauses within some beautiful descriptive writing. Next week we will continue to explore more of the story and of course, we are looking forward to finishing the term in our pyjamas for our very own World Book Day on Thursday.
Spellings- continuing with words with the spelling pattern ‘ey’ ‘ei’ ‘eigh’
Maths- In maths we have enjoyed exploring how to record multiplication methods in different ways in order to solve multiplication problems. We have started our times tables challenges again.
History- we investigated a range of pictures and artefacts to help investigate more about what life was like in Ancient Greece.
Music- Ukulele is going well and we are learning to play in time together which is a really tricky skill but lots of fun!
German- We enjoyed learning to greet each other and recapped asking each other’s names.
PE- We have enjoyed playing team games and solving problems together outside.
Art- We have found out about the artist Lynne Pugh who shares her Christian faith through art. Her painting has inspired us to create our own mixed media collage and we have begun by recapping tint in colour by adding white.
No Outsiders- Our story this week was ‘Crayon’ and through it we enjoyed giving advice about being the best people we can be and being proud to be ourselves.
As always, if you want to speak to me, please don't hesitate to contact the school office by phone or e-mail.
Mrs Evans
Week beginning 22nd March 2021, by Mrs Evans
Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 7:58am
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
It has been absolutely fantastic to welcome each and every one of our wonderful Goldfinches back into school. They have continued to make us so proud with their passion for learning and happy faces.
Star of the week goes to: Willow.
Top Table award goes to: Savannah
This week we have… and next week we will…
…enjoyed the opportunities to be back together again and working in teams in lots of different subjects.
English- We have enjoyed predicting and exploring our new English book ‘Leon and the place between’. Our sentence descriptions have been wonderful as we are developing a rich and varied vocabulary. We have started to read ‘The train to impossible places’ and are finding out about the characters and unusual setting. This week our focus is on using our rich and varied vocabulary to write a diary entry and to recap using a wider range of subordinating conjunctions.
Spellings- words with the spelling pattern ‘ey’ ‘ei’ ‘eigh’
Maths- In maths we have solved addition and multiplication problems after recapping multiplying and dividing by 1 and 0. We are moving on to using a range of written methods of multiplication.
Science- We explored a range of different foods from Mrs Evans’ cupboard and worked together to sort them into their food groups.
History- we read a range of myths and used them as sources of information to find out about life in Ancient Greece. This week we will use further primary and secondary sources of information to find further clues about the past.
Music- Ukulele is going well and we are learning to play in time together which is a really tricky skill.
PE- We have enjoyed playing team games and solving problems together outside.
Computing- Our first E-Safety lesson this term focused on playing online games safely together. We will use our understanding of this to support us in our next theme of ‘Entering a digital world’ and help us learn to create a presentation.
As always, if you need any support, please don't hesitate to contact me at school via e-mail or by phone.
Mrs Evans
Week beginning 15th March 2021, by Mrs Evans
Date: 10th Mar 2021 @ 5:19pm
Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog
It has been absolutely fantastic to welcome each and every one of our wonderful Goldfinches back into school. They have continued to make us so proud with their passion for learning and happy faces.
Star of the week goes to: Edward.
Top Table award goes to: Ellie
This week we have… and next week we will…
…enjoyed the opportunities to be back together again and working in teams in lots of different subjects.
English- We launched our new English book ‘Leon and the place between’ with a visit to the circus and let our senses explore lots of delights! We have made predictions about our shared reading book ‘The train to impossible places.’ Next week we will write setting descriptions to support our use of a wider range of conjunctions and building a rich and varied vocabulary.
We will continue to award raffle tickets for home reading so please support your child to keep their diary up to date and signed as you read with them daily.
Spellings- words adding the prefix ‘inter’
Maths- In maths we have recapped multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Next week we will be multiplying and dividing by 0 and 1 and solving addition and multiplication problems.
Science- We have really enjoyed finding out about different scientists, jobs and inventions as part of Science week and were very successful at the balloon challenge. I was very impressed with how much knowledge and understanding the children were able to share of our Sound Topic. We will move on to our new topic Teeth, digestion and healthy food choices.
History- and Art skills were used to create our own clay coins inspired by the coins of the Ancient Greek city states.
Music- We enjoyed our first Ukulele lesson in Y4 and really impressed Dan.
German- We enjoyed recapping our knowledge of Germany and where it is in the world and are answering the register in German.
PE- We have enjoyed playing team games and solving problems together outside.
Thank you all for your continued support and as always, if there is something you would like to discuss with me, please don't hesitate to phone or e-mail the school office.
Mrs Evans
5.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:25pm
Friday 5th March 2021
Happy Friday everyone. Here we are again at the end of another hard working week. You are all amazing and we are just so proud of how much enthusiasm and hard work you are putting into your school jobs.
Well done superstars- we couldn’t be more proud of the amazing children we have at Lostock Gralam and don’t forget to tell your adults that we think they are superheroes.
Click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today: Science
Click on the link for today’s Science lesson with Mrs Evans:
If you have them, you will need some drinking straws for today’s lesson (they can be any type but only use what you have already at home. Please don’t go out specially to buy them)
Reflect and return to school task:
Today we would like you to just reflect on the last 8 weeks of remote learning and to think ahead to your return to school. There are some lovely activities below to help you to do this. You might want to print them from the attachment, or you might want to create your own doodles in your own style.
If you want, you could play this lovely relaxing music whilst you create your ideas today:
This next activity might help you to zone in on your feelings and share your thoughts about Lockdown.
We are so excited about welcoming you back to school on Monday. Have a lovely weekend and see you very soon!
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles, Mrs Shimmin and Mrs Whittingham xxxx
4.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:25pm
Thursday 4th March 2021
Good morning everyone are you ready for our day’s lessons and learning?
Today’s sing and sign is I’m Gonna Jump up and down
Can I Click this link for Mrs Evans’ lesson:
Times Tables
Have a go at times table pairs. Have a go with the 12 x table.
Can I write a myth? Click the link for today’s lesson:
Reading Global Goals
Look at this article!!! It’s amazing!
One of the best-preserved dinosaur footprints ever found in the UK has been discovered by a little girl on a Welsh beach…
We are learning the words were where we’re wear.
There is an activity attached (you don’t need to print it, just have it up on the screen and write the correct word. (DON’T write out the whole sentence)
Charlotte’s Web- the final chapter:
Try and use these PE ideas for mini brain breaks in between your lessons. Like we do in school with playtime and track time.
Banana, banana meatball:
Here is the 5 a day Jubilee dance that lots of you love doing in class
Enjoy your day today and I look forward to seeing your wonderful work.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
3.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:24pm
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Good morning Team Goldfinch and I hope you are all ready for another day. Can you do something today to makes someone feel proud of you?
- Tidy your room without being asked.
- Read out a piece of the work you are proudest of (perhaps to a relative over the phone)
- Help prepare or cook a meal (with an adult)
We could share our ideas on zoom tomorrow or on today’s discussion page.
In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity:
or… here is a link to a gorgeous turtle video with calming piano music.
Can I divide by 10? Click the link for today’s lesson:
If you want to print the worksheet, the resources page is attached below.
Times Tables
Goldfinches play Hit the Button today and practise your 12x and 6x table.
Can I write a myth? Click the link for today’s lesson with Mrs Evans:
Did you enjoy your reading yesterday? What is going to happen in your story today? Curl up in a cosy spot and find out.
We are learning to spell and understand the meaning of the words were where we’re wear. Click on the link below for a short lesson and reminder.
Charlotte’s Web:
Here are the Marvel, Star Wars and Harry Potter workouts in this link:
Here is a This is a very fast dance workout!! I loved it and think you will be brilliant at it!
Don't forget to have a look at the clubs available this week.
Enjoy your lessons, fitness and play time today Goldfinches- stay motivated and feel proud of all of the great work you are doing.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Rundles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
2.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:24pm
Tuesday 2nd March 2021
Good morning gorgeous Goldfinches. How did you get on yesterday? Remember that keeping focused and having regular brain breaks will help you get things done.
Today’s worship is from Open the Book. Today’s story is: The Sower
Can I multiply by 100? Click on the link below for Mrs Evans’ lesson.:
If you want to print out the maths worksheet to write on, it is attached below.
Times Tables
Have a go at Tommy’s Trek again today:
Can I write my own myth? Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ writing lesson:
I realised after the recording was done that I’d used Perseus twice for names of characters. I meant Theseus for the older Greek man!
If you want to print them, there are resources attached for today’s lesson but you don’t have to.
How did you enjoy the First News Paper yesterday? If you want to read more articles, just go back to yesterday’s blog and click on the attachment. If not, today is a perfect day to curl up for 20 minutes with your story book. Enjoy!
We are learning the spellings and meanings of were, where, we’re and wear.
Have a go at the activity below. You don’t need to write out the whole sentence- just write the question number and the correct were, where, we’re or wear word.
The answers are attached below so you can mark your own.
Story –
Charlotte’s Web:
Charlotte’s Web part 2 (because I had to pause due to a delivery at the door!)
How about trying a Zumba dance today?
This is a great Minions one: (sorry mums and dads…)
Or … here is a very strange Guacamole song/dance that my 3 love!!!
Think about ways you could relax and play off screens when you have finished your school jobs today. Keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
1.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:24pm
Monday 1st March 2021
Welcome to another month. Spring is really coming now. I love looking for the signs of Spring out and about on my walks and runs. I wonder which signs of Spring you have spotted recently?
Mrs Whittinhgam is going to be on the zoom call today and will also be commenting on the discussion page. She will be give feedback on any work you have uploaded to the homework tool.
Please click the link to Mr Cliff’s worship today:
Arithmetic- See the Power point attached below for Mrs Whittingham’s lesson.
If you can’t hear the audio on the Maths Power point please use this video link
These links also appear in the power point for further learning
Fraction Games
Let’s sing along with a cover of Taylor Swift’s song ‘Shake it off’ to learn our 6 times tables
Times Tables
TTRock Stars today.
Click on the attached power point below for your lesson with Mrs Whittingham or if you can’t hear the sound, click on this link
These links also appear in the RE power point for further learning
I have attached the final FIRST NEWS which is a newspaper just for children. There are some really interesting articles and stories in there. What can you find out today?
Don’t forget to keep getting your diary signed to collect all those raffle tickets when you are back in school.
We are learning the spellings and meanings of were where we’re wear Click here for today’s lesson:
More from Charlotte’s Web:
How did you get on with making your own circuit up last Monday? Maybe today you want to have another go and improve. Create a scoring or recording system to see how well you are doing e.g.
How many star jumps can you do in 30 seconds?
How long can you hold the plank for?
Can you sprint on the spot for 30 seconds?
How many sit ups can you do in 30 seconds?
How many lunges in 30 seconds?
How many press ups in 30 seconds?
CLUBS: Please see these week’s clubs attached below.
I know you will have a wonderful day today Goldfinches because you are so good at this. I know a lot of you are getting up and straight onto school work so you have some lovely time to rest and play in the afternoons!
Love from Mrs Evans, Mrs Whittingham, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxxx
26.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:21pm
Friday 25thth February 2021
Happy Friday everyone. It is definitely time for a yummy hot chocolate or warm juice later today. What are you watching for your movie night this weekend or where are you going for a walk or explore?
Click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today:
We will continue to learn about Sound and Hearing. Click on the link for our lesson: You will also need to watch these videos to help you today:
Times Tables
TTrock stars today. Remember, little and often is the best way to learn your times tables. So many of you are moving up the leader board now. I’m really impressed Goldfinches! Please remember to keep your passwords to yourselves and not show them to anybody.
Can I write a fact file? Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ lesson:
Find a comfy, cosy curl up spot to relax and enjoy the book you are reading at the moment.
We are learning words with the suffix ‘ly’
Have a practise of the words then click on the link for our weekly spelling test:
More from Charlotte’s Web:
You normally have a whole hour of PE on a Friday so this link is a little bit of a longer activity:
Haaaaaapy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
25.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:21pm
Thursday 25th February 2021
Good morning everyone and here we are on a lovely Thursday morning ready for our day’s lessons and learning.
Today’s sing and sign is Be Still for the Presence of the Lord
Can I multiply by 10? Click this link for Mrs Evans’ lesson:
Times Tables
Have a go at times table pairs. Have a go with the 7x 9x table or 11x table.
Or choose 7x, 9x or 11x tables in Tommy’s Trek in this link:
Can I use a speech sandwich to add detail to my writing? Click the link for today’s lesson:
Reading Global Goals
I loved reading this article which is linked to our work on the Global Goals about ways to give our planet a little love. It made me think of just a couple more ‘Make One Change’ ideas to add to my pledge for the Global Goals. As well as checking light switches are off in unused rooms, I’m making sure we all turn the tap off whilst brushing teeth and I’m starting to think about which plants and seeds I can begin to sow in my garden or in pots on the windowsills ready for spring and summer. I wonder what you might do?
We are learning words with the ‘ly’ suffix
Make your own spelling doodle today or, if you enjoyed the Spelling Frame games yesterday, have another go at a new one today. Just click on the free games
Charlotte’s Web:
Try and use these PE ideas for mini brain breaks in between your lessons. Like we do in school with playtime and track time.
Fabio’s meatball run still makes me laugh…a lot!
Have a dance to ‘party rock’ and learn some new moves:
Enjoy your day today and I look forward to seeing your wonderful work.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
24.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:20pm
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Good morning Team Goldfinch and I hope you are all ready for another day. Can you do something today to makes someone feel happy? What could your small act of kindness be today?
- tell someone they are wonderful
- give someone in your house a big snuggly cuddle
- zoom call/phone a friend or relative and tell them a joke or something funny
We could share our ideas on zoom and on today’s discussion page.
In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity:
or… here is a link to a calming aquarium
Can I find the perimeter of rectilinear shapes? Click the link for today’s lesson:
If you want to print the worksheet, the resources page is attached below.
Times Tables
Learn the 11x table with the Supermovers
You could also play Hit the Button today and practise your 11x table. Remember to include the division facts too.
Can I use speech punctuation? Click the link for today’s lesson with Mrs Evans:
Click here for the story about the Wooden Horse:
Did you enjoy the myth yesterday? Have a look at First News which I have attached today.
We are learning words with the suffix ‘ly’
Play the free games on Spelling Frame to help you practise words with this suffix
The free games seem to change around and they are not always the same one each day so keep an eye out. My Toby’s favourite is Birds Vs Robots and my Lola’s favourite is Match Wall. I have tried Mini golf but I’m not very good at getting the aim right!!!!
Charlotte’s Web:
Here are the Marvel, Star Wars and Harry Potter workouts in this link:
Here is a different link for Kidzbop if you fancy a dance:
Enjoy your lessons, fitness and play time today Goldfinches- stay motivated and feel proud of all of the great work you are doing.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
23.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:20pm
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Good morning gorgeous Goldfinches. How did you get on yesterday? It was fantastic to hear how many of you got back into the swing of things. Remember, it is hard at first after a week off, but keep focused and you will soon get things done.
Remember to upload your work on the Homework part of School Spider (there is one for maths and one for writing) so I can give you some individual feedback. If you want to chat to your friends, you can use the discussion part.
Today’s worship is from Open the Book. Today’s story is The Two Sons
Can I find the perimeter of rectangles? Click on the link below for Mrs Evans’ lesson.
If you want to print out the maths worksheet to write on, it is attached below.
Times Tables
Join in the 11 x table song
There is also an 11 times tables loop card game attached today.
Adventures in Ancient Greece. Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ writing lesson:
Click here for links to the Greek Mythical Creatures websites:
This week is all about Ancient Greek Myths so I have attached a link to ‘Helen of Troy’ which you could follow as you listen to it being read to you:
We are learning words with the suffix ‘ly’
Use italic writing or bubble writing or fancy writing or robot writing to practise 2 or 3 of your spellings today.
Charlotte’s Web:
How about trying a Zumba dance today?
Or … here are the 5-a-day login details:
Username |
Login |
lost9261 |
Ns9h0an6 |
Think about ways you could relax and play off screens when you have finished your school jobs today. Keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
22.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 7:42pm
Monday 22ndFebruary 2021
Welcome back! I hope you have had a wonderful rest and enjoyed your half term holiday.
Mrs Whittinhgam is going to be on the zoom call today and will also be commenting on the discussion page. She will be give feedback on any work you have uploaded to the homework tool.
We now have all of this week’s worships in one place. Please see the weekly worship page attached below.
Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today:
Arithmetic- See the Power point attached below for Mrs Whittingham’s lesson.
If you can’t hear the audio on the Maths Power point please use this video link
These links also appear in the power point for further learning
Maths Games
Let’s sing along with a cover of Taylor Swift’s song ‘Shake it off’ to learn our 6 times tables -
Times Tables
TTRock Stars today.
Please make sure you don’t share your password with anyone else.
I have added the local school’s leader board. At the moment we are in 24th position based on speed. Keep going this week and see if you can get faster bit by bit and day by day!
Click on the attached power point below for your lesson with Mrs Whittingham or if you can’t hear the sound, click on this link
These links also appear in the RE power point for further learning
5 Pillars of Islam
Steps involved in performing Hajj
Please click here if you would like to find out more about the Water Aid charity which was what Mrs Powell was talking about in her worship today.
Don’t forget to keep getting your diary signed to collect all those raffle tickets when you are back in school.
We are learning words with the suffix ‘ly’
Task: choose 2 or 3 of your spellings today and write the words from their word families
e.g. breezily word family words= breeze, breezy, breezed
Return to Charlotte’s Web:
I wonder if you can make up your own circuit today Goldfinches. Choose 6 different exercises and number them 1-6. Roll a dice (or write 1-6 on some small pieces of paper and pick them out of a pot)
Whichever number you roll or pull out of the pot, do the exercise for 30 seconds.
Our clubs are starting this week. You can choose which one (ones) you do this week. The list and links are attached below.
Have a super first day back to home learning Goldfinches- it might be difficult to get back into at first but we know you can do it.
Love from Mrs Evans, Mrs Whittingham, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxxx
12.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 5:43pm
Friday 12th February
Gung hay fat choy is how Cantonese speakers wish you a happy new year—literally "wishing you great happiness and prosperity."
In China, the official language is Mandarin. Gong xi fa cai is how Mandarin-speakers wish you a happy new year—literally "wishing you to be prosperous in the coming year."
Hello everyone. We think you have worked so hard with your remote learning this half term so as a little treat and a big thank you here are some lovely activities for you to choose from today.
We would like you to start with Mrs Powell’s worship then complete your Science lesson.
Then the choice is yours! Perhaps these will give you some nice ideas to do over the half term holiday too.
Please click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today
Please click here for the link to today’s science lesson.
If you also wanted to watch the next BBC Teach video all about stringed instruments, then click on the link here.
Please click here for the link to a video of all of the teachers explaining the fun activities below!
Build a den either inside (or even outdoors if we are lucky enough to have a warm, dry day) You could use blankets, sheets, cushions, old boxes, chairs. Could you put your teddy bear in there and a book?
While you are out on your daily walk, why not look out for the following things and tick them off when you see them. There is a large copy of the sheet attached to the blog.
Puppet show
•Make up your own story to act out or you could use one of your favourite stories instead
•Make your own puppet characters – these could be sock, stick or finger puppets
•You could even make your own puppet theatre out of a cereal box
•Perform your story using your puppets for your family
Obstacle course. You don’t need any fancy equipment. Just get creative with the things you have already got at home or in your garden. E.g.
- Balance a potato on a spoon
- Balance a cushion on your head
- Jump over a skipping rope/piece of string, pair of tights
- Use rolled up socks as cones and run in and out of them
- Keepie uppies with rolled up socks
Lego building challenge
How many of these objects could you make using your Lego?
Don’t worry if you don’t have any Lego, could you make these using different materials that you could find around your house e.g. Empty toilet roll holders, cereal boxes, plastic bottles etc.
Make A Glitter Jar
Have some fun creating your very own glitter jar – fill it with water and whatever you have around the house then shake it and let your mind calm as you watch everything float to the bottom.
Art – Can you make your own view finder?
Are you feeling creative and outdoorsy today? Why not have a go at creating your own view finder with Miss Gillam today. Use your view finder to help you to bite off a measurable chunk of a landscape to draw. This can be anywhere from your back yard to your garden or even the view from your balcony. All you will need is a piece of paper, a pencil and some string. Don’t forget to share your masterpiece with your family, our school Twitter page and in your next class Zoom call.
Let’s make our walk today a little more interesting, time to play ‘Walking Bingo!’
And print off a bingo card to take with you on your next walk. Search for the numbers on your card on houses, signs, bus stops....If you find a number on you card, you can cross it off. I wonder if you can get a line or even a full house?
Or, perhaps you could make your own number pavement trail using chalk?
Build a structure using marshmallows and spaghetti
Story - ‘One Hundred Steps’ by Sir Captain Tom Moore
This is a beautiful story written by Captain Sir Tom Moore, who we remember for raising money for charity in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an important message of resilience and optimism, just when we need it most. It’s a book about adventure, family, hope and what we can achieve when we work together. This will help to remind us of Sir Tom, who sadly passed away last week, and of the kindness and courage we require in these unprecedented times. Please follow the link to ‘One Hundred Steps'
Have fun and Happy Half Term,
Love from the whole Lostock Gralam Team xxx
11.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 5:42pm
Thursday 11th February 2021
Good morning my Superstars. We are really, nearly at half term. Well done and I know you can keep going for just a little longer. Then you will really appreciate a lovely rest at half term.
Tomorrow is the start of the special festival of Chinese New Year when we say goodbye to the Year of the Rat and welcome the Year of the Ox.
Here are some links to follow if you want to find out more:
Today’s sing and sign is Our God is a Great Big God.
Can I find perimeter using a grid? Click this link for Mrs Evans’ lesson:
If you want to print the worksheets or squared paper for today, they are attached below.
Times Tables
Have a go at times table pairs. Have a go with the 7x 9x table or 11x table.
Can compare texts? Click the link for today’s lesson:
For some reason Spider wouldn't let me upload the Ancient Greek texts. If you printed yesterday or Tuesday, this is the same text. The texts are also on screen today or linked to yesterday's blog.
Enjoy your reading time each day. Just 20 minutes a day can make such a difference.
Here is a link to Newsround again. What articles will you choose to read about today?
Click on the link if you are a Harry Potter fan and want to have a go at a quiz. (Please note, this video has no sound)
We are learning words from the Y3/4 Statutory word list.
This week, choose 2 or 3 of these words each day and add them to your own spelling doodle.
You can also play games with these words. Choose the games with the FREE red star
Use the dictionary to find out the meanings of your spellings then write them in a sentence
Charlotte’s Web:
Try and use these PE ideas for mini brain breaks in between your lessons. Like we do in school with playtime and track time.
Fabio’s meatball run made me laugh…a lot!
And brush up on your dance moves with the Cha Cha slide.
Here is the 5 a day Jubilee dance that lots of you love doing in class
Enjoy your day today and I look forward to seeing your wonderful work.
Love from Mrs Evans and Miss Randles xx
10.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 5:42pm
Wednesday 10th February 2021
Good morning Team Goldfinch and I hope you are all ready for another day. Do something today to make yourself feel proud- I wonder if you could do something the first time you are asked. Could you help tidy a room? Could you send a message or have a call with a relative or friend who you don't live with?
In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity:
If you prefer the other mindfulness sessions here is a link to the New Horizon Meditation:
Can I measure perimeter? Click the link for today’s lesson:
Today you will need a piece of string or wool and a ruler or tape measure.
If you want to print the worksheet, the resources page is attached below.
Times Tables
Goldfinches play Hit the Button today and practise your 11x table.
Times Tables Rally- see if you can get any further. I’m going to persevere for longer today!
Can I use the dictionary efficiently? Can I use past tense verbs? Click the link for today’s lesson with Mrs Evans:
I have also attached the Ancient Greek Text – This is the same as yesterday so you don’t need to re-print it if you already have a copy.
Here are the links to the Greek alphabet pages:
Did you enjoy your reading yesterday? What is going to happen in your story today? Curl up in a cosy spot and find out.
Click on the link if you are a Harry Potter fan and want to have a go at a quiz. (Please note, this video has no sound)
We are learning words from the Y3/4 Statutory word list.
This week, choose 2 or 3 of these words each day and add them to your own spelling doodle.
You can also play games with these words. Choose the games with the FREE red star
Charlotte’s Web:
Here are the Marvel, Star Wars and Harry Potter workouts in this link:
Here is a different link for Kidzbop if you fancy a dance:
We are so nearly at the end of such a strange half term and you just continue to impress me every day. Be proud of your achievements today. You are all wonderful.
Love from Mrs Evans and Miss Randles xx
9.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 5:42pm
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Good morning gorgeous Goldfinches. I hope you enjoyed your zoom call with Mrs Whittingham yesterday and enjoyed your school jobs.
Remember to upload your work on the Homework part of School Spider (there is one for maths and one for writing) so I can give you some individual feedback. If you want to chat to your friends, you can use the discussion part.
Today’s worship is from Open the Book. Today’s story is The Long Journey
Can I subtract lengths? Click on the link below for Mrs Evans’ lesson:
If you want to print out the maths worksheet to write on, it is attached below.
Times Tables
Have another go at the grid challenge today. Have a go with the level 3 challenge. and perhaps even try challenge 4. I have attached a paper copy of the grid if you would prefer.
Last week, me and Toby found this brilliant times tables puzzle which really got us thinking
Adventure to Ancient Greece. Can I understand the information in a text? Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ writing lesson:
Dictionary work:
If you want to print it, there is a copy of the text attached for today’s lesson and will also be used in the following few lessons.
Have a lovely read today Goldfinches. I have enjoyed our Zoom book club chats so much recently and it makes me so proud to hear what a love of reading and books so many of you have.
We are learning words from the Y3/4 Statutory word list.
This week, choose 2 or 3 of these words each day and add them to your own spelling doodle.
You can also play games with these words. Choose the games with the FREE red star
Story time- More from Charlotte’s Web:
Kidz bop today: This is a great collection.
Mrs Brennan is applying for some litter picking equipment and would love your help to win some for free. You could choose an activity to have a go at over the next few days. Once you are finished, please drop into school whilst you are on your daily walk and the entries will be put up in our sharing window. · Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and display in a window at school or at home · Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new.
· Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter · Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing. (perhaps via zoom from home and the findings put into a document)
Have a great day Goldfinches
Love from Mrs Evans and Miss Randles xx
8.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 5:41pm
Monday 8th February 2021
Welcome to week 6. What an amazing amount of remote learning you have been doing. You should be so incredibly proud of yourselves. Here we go for another week- YOU CAN DO THIS!
Mrs Whittinhgam is going to be on the zoom call today and will also be commenting on the discussion page. She will be give feedback on any work you have uploaded to the homework tool.
Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today.
Arithmetic- See the Power point attached below for Mrs Whittingham’s lesson.
If you can’t hear the audio on the Maths Power point please use this video link
These links also appear in the power point for further learning
Times Tables
TTRock Stars today. Have a look at the leader board. These were the latest top 11 scorers in Y4 by Friday evening. Look at these scores! Wow! Well done Super stars!
I have also added the local school’s leader board. At the moment we are in joint 22nd position based on speed. Keep going this week and see if you can get faster bit by bit and day by day!
As it is Monday, you will have your RE lesson with Mrs Whittingham. Click on the attached power point below or if you can’t hear the sound, click on this link
These links also appear in the RE power point for further learning
5 Pillars of Islam
National Anthem
Fans at a concert
I have attached the next FIRST NEWS which is a newspaper just for children. There are some really interesting articles and stories in there. What can you find out today?
Don’t forget to keep getting your diary signed to collect all those raffle tickets when you are back in school.
We are learning words from the Y3/4 Statutory word list.
This week, choose 2 or 3 of these words each day and add them to your own spelling doodle.
You can also play games with these words. Choose the games with the FREE red star
More from Charlotte’s Web:
Check out these exercises to get you moving today Goldfinches. We tried this out at the weekend and it really motivated us.
Have a super day at home Goldfinches.
Love from Mrs Evans, Mrs Whittingham and Miss Randles xx
5.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 1:48pm
Friday 5th February 2021
Happy Friday everyone. What are you doing later today? Maybe enjoying a lovely hot chocolate or choosing a Friday night movie?
Click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today
We will continue to learn about Sound and Hearing. Click on the link for our lesson:
You will also need to watch these videos to help you today:
BBC Teach class clips:
This is Gustav Holt’s Planets music:
Times Tables
TTrock stars today. Remember, little and often is the best way to learn your times tables. So many of you are moving up the leader board now. I’m really impressed Goldfinches!
Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ lesson:
Find a comfy, cosy curl up spot to relax and enjoy the book you are reading at the moment. Or, if you like reading about animals or nature, have a look at
We are learning words with the prefix ‘auto’ which means ‘self’
There are no new auto words today. Just have a practise of the 8 words then click on the link for our weekly spelling test:
auto bus
More from Charlotte’s Web:
You normally have a whole hour of PE on a Friday so this link is a little bit of a longer activity.
Haaaaaappy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend.
Love from Mrs Evans and Miss Randles xx