Our blogs
Y2 04.05.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 7:35am
Buenas Dias Swallows
I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend. Did you manage to see the butterlfies being released on Twitter? If not, ask your grown up if you can watch. Thomas helped me, they were beautiful. They didn't fly out of the basket for ages, we had to wait and wait! They stayed in the front garden for most of the day, each time I went out I could see them sitting on a leaf however when I checked at tea time, they had gone, flown off on an adventure. Talking of adventures, I finished rwading our story on Twitter last night. What adventures the children have had in the Enchanted Wood!
A little challenge: I have asked if you can desgin a new front cover for the story. Maybe draw your favourite characters in an exciting new land or the slippery slip or Dame Washalot's water running down the Faraway Tree? So many characters to choose from, you could include them all! We have a box in the entrance to school for you to pop any work in that you would like us to display in our sharing window. I'd love to see some, I'm in school today. Or you could draw/paint a picture of our butterflies and caterpillars for the sharing window?
Today, I'd like you to have a look at The Oak Academy again for our English and Maths lessons. They extend your learning from the previous lesson really well. https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-2/#schedule I think that I will buy The Firework Maker's Daughter, I am enjoying listening to parts of it with Miss Emms, the English teacher. Maybe this could be our new class story? I'd love to hear any other ideas from you about what we could read next.
A message from Mrs powell
Good morning! This week we are going to think about V.E day. I’m going to tell you little stories that my Granny Peggy told me; she lived in London during the war and my Grandad was an RAF pilot. First of all, I want you to think about a day you will always remember, happy or sad. A birthday, a family event, something you shared with friends. Is there a special food that reminds you of that day? My niece Edith is now 3 and I was lucky enough to visit her in hospital when she was a few hours old. I remember that gorgeous feeling, how hot the hospital was and helping my sister eat the chocolate I had brought for her! What special memory do you have? What reminds you of that? Some memorable days are happy and some are sad. Each of us will have our own experiences and our own reactions to them. There are as many different sorts of memorable days as there are different sorts of people.
Have a fabulous day Swallows, ask your grown ups to start thinking about what you can do on riday to celebrate VE day. Maybe you could wear red, white and blue clothes and have a pic nic outside?
Lots of love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Monday 4th May, by Mrs Campion
Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 5:50pm
Happy Monday everyone and May the 4th be with you!!
Hope you have all had a lovely weekend? It is wonderful to have the sunshine back isn't it? It always cheers me up.
Here are some activities I think you might like for this week:
Lots of you enjoyed doing the rainbow lessons on the Oak National Academy website that I thought we could try our Maths lessons on there this week. (Grown ups- please give feedback on how you find doing Maths this way.)
Today's lesson is talking all about your daily routine and acting it out. Here is the link to follow. https://www.thenational.academy/reception/maths/talking-about-your-daily-routine-reception-wk3-1
I have included a 30 day fitness challenge on this weeks learning journey.
Day 1 challenge: Do 10 star jumps!
If you want something extra to do today maybe you would like to draw a picture of one of your friends and discuss ways you can be a kind friend. I would love to see your pictures of your friends.
You will find all of your phonics and reading activities for your group on Tapestry. I love how much lots of you are enjoying your phonics and reading at home.
I hope you have a wonderful day.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell:
Good morning! This week we are going to think about V.E day. I’m going to tell you little stories that my Granny Peggy told me; she lived in London during the war and my Grandad was an RAF pilot. First of all, I want you to think about a day you will always remember, happy or sad. A birthday, a family event, something you shared with friends. Is there a special food that reminds you of that day? My niece Edith is now 3 and I was lucky enough to visit her in hospital when she was a few hours old. I remember that gorgeous feeling, how hot the hospital was and helping my sister eat the chocolate I had brought for her! What special memory do you have? What reminds you of that? Some memorable days are happy and some are sad. Each of us will have our own experiences and our own reactions to them. There are as many different sorts of memorable days as there are different sorts of people.
Home Learning 6.5.20, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 3:01pm
Hello Skylarks,
I am really missing you all and I am thinking about the great memories we have made this academic year. I am thinking about how far you have all come and how much you have grown! I am thinking about how much fun we had creating our Rockstars dance at Christmas and how fantastic each and every single one of you were in the production! It is clear how talented some of you are in dance and performance. The reason you were all so good, is because you worked super hard as a team and shared encouraging words of support with one another to be the best you could be. Today, I would like you to have a look at this lesson to support your well being and develop your understanding of the benefits of working as a team. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdq3bdm
Take some time to have a look at this lesson about positions and coordinates. We have looked at coordinates before in Geography and I know you completed some of this learning with Mrs Evans last year. https://www.thenational.academy/year-5/maths/describing-positions-and-coordinates-year-5-wk1-3
Today's riddle: What's bright orange with green on top and sounds like parrot?
Yesterday's answer: Your eyes
Message from Mrs Powell:
What did the world look like on VE day? What were people eating? Over the past few months, you might have had to eat something different because shopping is a little more complicated. What food did people eat on VE day? Lots of you have been growing your own fruits and vegetables; I’m growing tomatoes, herbs and strawberries and waiting to see if my peppers will grow! During the war, food was rationed so people grew as much food as they could. Another one of my Gran’s favourite foods was liver and she would make me and my brothers and sisters eat it all the time because she said it was good for us! We really didn’t like that but I like the ideas of some of these war time food; my Gran Peggy would have loved the liver casserole!
Here's some of the popular foods eaten during World War II and the sort of dishes that featured in VE Day celebrations. Do you fancy trying any of them?
- Dripping sandwiches with beef fat
- Lord Woolton pie (cauliflower, potatoes, parsnips, oats)
- Pork faggots with onion gravy and mash
- Homity pie (potato, onion and cheese)
- Corned beef hash
- Liver casserole
- Eggless fruit cake. Why do you think it was eggless?
Take care and stay safe!
Miss Thwaites x
Home Learning 5.5.20, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 3:00pm
Good morning Skylarks class,
I trust by now you have all recieved a little something in the post? If you haven't don't worry I am positive it will be on its way to you very soon.
I hope you are all still adding to your lists of what you want to do when we are out of lockdown as this is a great way to stay positive and motivated.
Today, I would like you to carry on working through your maths packs if you have activities left to do, or you can have a look at this online lesson about translations which explains it very well:
The activities I have given this week to do in your afternoons you can do in any order you choose too. Some activities are shorter than others like the Science activity.
Today's riddle: What are moving left to right, right now?
Yesterday's answer: A secret
Message from Mrs Powell:
Please watch this clip and think about what we talked about yesterday http://tinyurl.com/qbkaq75
I love this story. Do you think Mr George likes cabbage now? Can you imagine how he felt? Victory in Europe (VE) Day marked the end of the Second World War in Europe in 1945. Friday 8th May 2015 was the official 70th anniversary of VE Day. VE Day is another day that many people will never forget as it marked the end of a terrible war in Europe, though there was still fighting in Japan until later that year. Mr George’s memorable day was one of great danger followed by relief at still being alive. This is one type of memorable day although hopefully no one present will experience such a day! My Gran Peggy used to tell me when she had her very first orange as you couldn’t get them during the war; she used to make lots of marmalade as oranges became her favourite fruit! Mr George’s story reminds us that we all have special days that will stay with us forever. We don’t know when they will come or what they will be.
Take care and stay safe!
Miss Thwaites
Home Learning 4.5.20, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 3rd May 2020 @ 2:56pm
Good morning Skylarks,
I hope you are all well and looking after yourselves? Remember you are all doing a fantastic job! Here is some Monday Motivation for you:
Who has opened their letter that their friend wrote them? If you haven't and you are still saving it for when you are feeling a bit lonely or down then it will be very comforting for you.
This week, some of you may be starting to finish work your maths work on decimals. If so, I would like you to start following Oak National Academy Online work which is based currently around Geometry. I will put the useful links on the blogs to help you daily. Remember, do what you can and do not get worried or upset over any of this. If you need any support or help then please email: admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and these emails will be forwarded onto me.
If you have no longer got any reading comprehensions in your packs then please have a go at this: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmjjqp3
Today's riddle: If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven't got me. What am I?
Friday's answer: Smoke
Message from Mrs Powell:
Good morning! This week we are going to think about V.E day. I’m going to tell you little stories that my Granny Peggy told me; she lived in London during the war and my Grandad was an RAF pilot. First of all, I want you to think about a day you will always remember, happy or sad. A birthday, a family event, something you shared with friends. Is there a special food that reminds you of that day? My niece Edith is now 3 and I was lucky enough to visit her in hospital when she was a few hours old. I remember that gorgeous feeling, how hot the hospital was and helping my sister eat the chocolate I had brought for her! What special memory do you have? What reminds you of that? Some memorable days are happy and some are sad. Each of us will have our own experiences and our own reactions to them. There are as many different sorts of memorable days as there are different sorts of people.
Take care Skylarks and if you need anything please do not hesistate to get into contact via the school email address or twitter.
Miss Thwaites x
Toucans 1.5.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 8:59am
Happy May Day! Thank you for all the effort that you have been putting into your home learning. Remember to make sure your home learning fits in with your family life. I hope you are all listening to your parents and showing our Christian values at home.
“Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” Roald Dahl
You are amazing and you are doing something very special; by not leaving the house you are keeping safe. We have talked about making one small change that can change the world and actually that is what you are doing right now. I’ve said this a lot but future children will be reading how you made the world a safer place by staying inside. Mrs Powell
For English today, I would like you to continue to spend some time working on your spellings. How did you get on yesterday spelling the words from the Year 5/6 list?
Do some spelling work from your CGP book or the ReadWriteInc spelling book or the spelling at home booklet that you have (I’ll also attach this today). Make it fun! Remember the activities that we did in class; draw around the word, colour it, draw an image, trace the word, look for smaller words within the word etc.
I’d like you to Log onto this website https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons click onto Year 6 and have a go at the Weekly Maths Challenges. Remember if you click on this lesson again on Monday, the answers will be revealed.
Also have a go at this Maths activity.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable and resources for today’s Geography – South America – Physical Features
Have a great weekend, relax, enjoy the outdoors (no matter what the weather is) best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick. Remember if you have anything for our ‘Sharing Window’ in school please drop it off at school. Also keep an eye out for the postman…
Friday 1st May, by Miss Beattie
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 8:58am
Good Morning and Happy Hot Chocolate Friday everyone!
Can you believe another week has passed and we are now in May!! Where has the time gone? Give yourself a big pat on the back for another successful week of home learning (That includes you too parents!)
Let’s start our Friday with some positive thinking… what three things have made you smile this week? Why not have a think while doing some relaxing yoga this morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSgZl8f5leU
Have you looked at the Oak National Academy online lessons yet? They are fabulous and I know lots of you have been enjoying them at home already.
I know lots of you have been doing some fabulous drawings and art work while at home and we wanted to give you the chance to share these with the community. This is why we have created our ‘Sharing Window’ at the front of school. There is a box in the entrance hall of school where you can drop your beautiful pictures in to (perhaps during your daily walk) and an adult in school will display it for you in our ‘Sharing Window’ so that it can be seen by the world. I can’t wait to see all of your beautiful creations!!
Mrs Esling has sent you all a special message today! How exciting!!!
Gorgeous Robins,
I hope you are all happy and learning new things whilst you are away from school. I am really missing seeing your happy little faces in the morning and of course, the lovely hugs we share. I am enjoying seeing the amazing things you have been doing on twitter and I am really proud of all of you.
Take care and look after yourselves.
Lots of love Mrs. Esling xx
Have a lovely weekend my gorgeous Robins and I will speak to you again on Monday. Stay safe and keep smiling J
Miss Beattie xx
Message from Mrs Powell:
“Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” Roald Dahl
You are amazing and you are doing something very special; by not leaving the house you are keeping safe. We have talked about making one small change that can change the world and actually that is what you are doing right now. I’ve said this a lot but future children will be reading how you made the world a safer place by staying inside.
Remember what you are doing is amazing and we are so proud of you. If you can, have a hot chocolate today. If not, have a cup of anything you like to drink and remember how very special we think you are!
“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” Winnie the Pooh
1.5.20 Starlings Class Blog - Friday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 8:56am
Hello hello hello!
Are you ready for the weekend? Did you notice anything different about the date today? Thank you so much for all of your hard work this week, you are all making me so proud. Our Twitter feed is looking fantastic, filling quickly with lots of your amazing home learning. Please remember that you can also send work or photographs of your quality family time together to me via email. I can then Tweet the work for you if you would like me to.
Do you like playing maths games? I know I do! Here is a link to some super games for you to play online. Please select either number bonds, doubles or halves. I do not expect the children to learn timetables in Year One. Learning how to count in 2s, 5s, and 10s is the expectation for our year group.
Today is the ‘Friday Maths Challenge’ on the White Rose Maths website. Follow the link and scroll down to Friday. The most suitable questions for Starlings and questions 1 and 2. But why don’t you work with your family on the rest of the problems? Solve as many as you can! Help each other out.
Art Challenge
Who is Max Ernst? What Art technique is he famous for? Follow the link below to a fantastic Art lesson, perfect for a Friday afternoon. All you will need for this lesson is a pencil and a piece of paper. Enjoy!
My final idea is a bit like Marmite. You will either love it or hate it. Please feel free to pretend that you never even saw this one…
Why not have a go at making music using everyday objects? Maybe you could use pots and pans to make your own drum kit? Please use the link below as inspiration.
Have a lovely weekend Starlings. Stay safe and keep smiling.
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
“Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” Roald Dahl
You are amazing and you are doing something very special; by not leaving the house you are keeping safe. We have talked about making one small change that can change the world and actually that is what you are doing right now. I’ve said this a lot but future children will be reading how you made the world a safer place by staying inside.
Remember what you are doing is amazing and we are so proud of you. If you can, have a hot chocolate today. If not, have a cup of anything you like to drink and remember how very special we think you are!
“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” Winnie the Pooh
Y1 01.05.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 8:55am
Buenas Dias Swallows
Happy 1st of May! A new month, the sun is shining, we have the weekend and I have 28 fabulous Swallows that I am so proud of. This is a good day
It was brilliant to see some of you yesterday on my walk to the post box and outside of school. It made Mrs Elson and I have HUGE smiles all night! Listen out for the postman/postlady today or on Monday as something special is on its way to you right now...!
I have started a window in school called "Our Sharing Window" that will celebrate and display any art work, letters, poems that you would like us to put up. It is a great way of us being together even though we are apart. I have left a box in the entrance to school for you to drop anything into if you are passing school, it would be lovely to display the wonderful work that you are doing at home.
Today's work continues with our character descriptions and position and direction work in Maths. Thomas and I are a day behind you as I was in school yesterday so Thomas didn't want to do it without me! I will share our character description with you on Monday when we have completed it.
I have made cakes this week and I'm proud of me! I am not a baker at all, but I experimented and had great fun. The first ones were too buttery as I hadn't whisked the mixture properly but our second attempt were yummy! Have you baked/cooked anything? Send me some photos on Twitter so that I can see. There are some recipes on our website called Cooking with Maths that you could try with a grown up. One of our lovely Swallows made the Numicon biscuits on there, they looked amazing!
I couldn't release the butterflies yesterday, I'm sorry, as I was in school and it was raining when I got home. Today is the day, keep an eye out on Twitter.....
A message from Mrs Powell
“Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” Roald Dahl
You are amazing and you are doing something very special; by not leaving the house you are keeping safe. We have talked about making one small change that can change the world and actually that is what you are doing right now. I’ve said this a lot but future children will be reading how you made the world a safer place by staying inside. Remember what you are doing is amazing and we are so proud of you.
If you can, have a hot chocolate today. If not, have a cup of anything you like to drink and remember how very special we think you are!
This quote is perfect for us right now:
“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” Winnie the Pooh
Have a wonderful day Swallows, keep saying gracias and de nada, keep smiling and remember this won't last for ever.
Much love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxxx
Friday 8th May, by Mrs Evans
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 8:24am
Hello Goldfinches,
Yesterday we found out some more about VE Day and listened to the clip Mrs Powell added to our blog. We enjoyed a bit of time in the sun decorating pebbles. We did some in a rainbow theme for the NHS and some in a VE theme. We are going to put them along by the newly weeded and painted fence today!
School jobs will continue on Monday but for now there are lots of ideas in yesterday's blog to keep you busy and help you prepare for VE day today.
Have a great day...don't forget to post pictures on Twitter or e-mail them to school admin.
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
We remember the happy feeling that everyone had the day that the war was declared as being over but also the sadness that people had been through such difficult times.
Dear God, Thank you for all those who fought to bring peace during the Second World War. Thank you that peace eventually came. Please be with all those who are living in areas of the world that are affected by wars today. Please help us to do our bit in creating peace wherever we are. Amen.
Today we would love to see what you are doing at 3 pm today. The teachers will be putting pictures on twitter, please put them on twitter or email us, so we can all celebrate together.
“I think we dream so we don't have to be apart for so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time.”
Friday 1st May, by Mrs Campion
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 7:19pm
Happy Friday everyone and welcome to a new month! It is May already!
Thank you for sharing all the lovely things you have been doing. I love seeing all of your pictures and your fantastic paper planes you have been making at home. What have you enjoyed the most this week? I have enjoyed cooking more and us all being able to sit down for tea together each night,
Remember earlier in the week when we sang the special rainbow song and added actions? Today, I thought you would like to find out where rainbows come from and how they are made. Afterwards, you can make your very own rainbow. Please make sure you share them with me on Tapestry. Here is the link to follow https://www.thenational.academy/reception/foundation/make-a-rainbow-reception-wk2-5
At school, we miss seeing all of your lovely work and pictures so we have created our very own sharing window at the front of school to display all your wonderful art work. There is a box in the entrance for you to drop off your pictures safely or feel free to email them to admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk.Hopefully the window will soon be ful of gorgeous work.
Log on to Tapestry later for another of my Friday stories. I wonder what I will be reading today?
I hope you all have the most wonderful weekend and hopefully the rain will stay away.
I will write to you again on Monday.
Missing you all and sending virtual hugs.
Remember we are so proud of you and think you are amazing,
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
"Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world.” Roald Dahl
You are amazing and you are doing something very special; by not leaving the house you are keeping safe. We have talked about making one small change that can change the world and actually that is what you are doing right now. I’ve said this a lot but future children will be reading how you made the world a safer place by staying inside.
Remember what you are doing is amazing and we are so proud of you. If you can, have a hot chocolate today. If not, have a cup of anything you like to drink and remember how very special we think you are!
“I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart for so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time.” Winnie the Pooh
Thursday 7th May, by Mrs Evans
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 5:18pm
Good Morning my lovely Goldfinches,
I wonder what wonderful things you managed to achieve yesterday?
Well, I finally managed to try baking my first ever Carrot Cake. I was quite pleased with it even though Lola's words were, "Mmmm it's not the best Mum!" However, she did eat her whole slice! We also baked some ginger and oat cookies (Half of them ended up without oats because we forgot to add them and had already spooned half the mixture out!! ) I learned a lot yesterday!
As tomorrow is our special VE Bank Holiday, we would like the children to try out some fun VE activities today. Choose a few which take your fancy and have fun learning about why we will be celebrating VE Day tomorrow.
Some of the activities you can try:
· Learn the Lindy Hop Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch? time_continue=10&v=1TmPHBgn1Es&feature=emb_title
· Watch BBC Newsround to learn about VE Day: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/48201749
· Listen to the Horrible Histories VE song: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/watch/horrible-histories-songs-ve-day-song
· Send love to our NHS heroes: Nurses and others - employed by the NHS and any other part of health and care - we have never needed them more. So let’s show them some love, and create a living map of gratitude from every corner of Britain. By dropping a heart on this map, you’re saying you appreciate the efforts undertaken daily in the NHS.
· Do your hair in a victory roll: This rolled and pinned hairstyle was popular during the war and became associated with the victory manoeuvre of fighter aircraft during the Battle of Britain in 1940. Watch the tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=22&v=JiNuMHD_vcM&feature=emb_title
· Visit an online museum: The Imperial War Museum is inviting people to 'visit' from home by listening to a soundscape it has created to commemorate VE Day. ‘Voices of War’ is a four minute work featuring first-hand accounts of VE Day selected from IWM’s vast sound archive. It will be available to listen to at iwm.org.uk/history/victory.
· Cook a 1945-style meal by following these recipes: Most food was rationed during the war and often cooks had to get inventive with their recipes. Meat shortages meant things like Spam or corned beef hash became staple dishes, while carrots were used to sweeten cakes and biscuits in place of sugar. Other commonly-eaten dishes included the potato, cheese and onion-filled homity pie, supposedly first made by the Land Girls. And where would any British occasion be without scones?
· Join in a national sing-along with Dame Vera Lynn: The 103-year-old singer will perform from a window at her Sussex home just after 9pm, following the Queen's special address to the nation, and viewers are encouraged to join her.
· Make your own VE Day Anniversary Colour-in Bunting: Celebrate 75 years of VE Day by decorating your home or classroom with this DIY downloadable colour-in pictorial bunting. https://www.bakerross.co.uk/craft-ideas/teachers/ve-day-anniversary-colour-in-bunting/
· Complete this VE Day Quiz:
1. Which came first – VE or VJ Day?
2. Which Prime Minister led Britain through WW2?
3. Who were Britain’s allies during WW2?
4. Where did crowds mainly gather to celebrate the end of the war?
5. What happened to Adolf Hitler following the end of the war?
· Choose from some of the attached sheets from Twinkl:
Including make your own Spitfire plane, Morse code-cracking, fact files, themed colouring pages, reading activities etc.
· Look at the English Heritage for some fun activities: https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/siteassets/home/visit/ve-day-75/eh-ve-day-at-home-pack.pdf
VE DAY - Tomorrow
On VE day itself join in with the celebrations:
· At 11am, a national two-minute silence will be held to reflect on the sacrifice of those who fought in the war.
· At 3pm, Britons are being invited to take to their doorsteps to raise a glass, cheer and clap during The Nation's Toast to the Heroes of World War Two. The official VE Day website reads that there'll be a chant of the phrase: "To those who gave so much, we thank you."
· A pre-recorded speech by the Queen will be broadcast at 9pm, the very moment her father, King George VI, addressed the people over radio on May 8 1945. It will form part of televised musical event VE Day 75: The People's Celebration on BBC One from 8pm.
Have a wonderful day
Mrs Evans and the Lostock Team
Message from Mrs Powell:
Just over 80 years ago, the Second World War began. It was a huge war that involved most nations of the world. On 8 May 1945 at 3pm, Winston Churchill, the UK prime minister at that time, announced to the nation that the war in Europe was over. This meant an end to nearly six years of war that had cost the lives of millions of people and had destroyed families, homes and cities. Millions rejoiced at the news that Germany had surrendered, relieved that the intense strain of war was finally over. In towns and cities across the world, people marked the victory with street parties, dancing and singing. Can you imagine how it felt? What could you make today for a street party? My Gran Peggy told us that she danced all through the night as she had really missed dancing!
Wednesday 6th May, by Mrs Evans
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 3:52pm
Hello Team Goldfinch.
Hope you had a great day yesterday.
Lola found these Science experiments by Mr. Duck and was fascinated by them so I thought I would share them with you. (I think one or two of you have already had a go!) Beware- they need a lot of kitchen stuff so please ask and check before you raid the kitchen cupboards to try them out!! I now have sunflower oil and food colouring on my shopping list for the next time I'm at the supermarket! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McVpXiSttnU
Here is another Book Review with a gorgeous illustration from one of our Goldfinches: I wonder how many of you will be persuaded to give this one a go... Amelie is enjoying this book at the moment too. We arranged to book swap with one of her friends. Safely and with social distancing, they left a bag of books on each other's doorsteps to borrow while we are in Lockdown.
If you want to relax and listen to a story being read aloud try ths website: https://www.storylineonline.net/ Which one will you choose I wonder?
Some of you might know that I like to go running so I have been doing a lot of it while my 3 bike alongside me. But yesterday Toby ran 5km with me (and he is fast!) What new ways of keeping fit have you discovered?
School Jobs:
Spellings: Practise this week's words e.g. in a spelling doodle, using chalk outside, using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check then get someone to test you, or you test them! Make sure you know the meaning of the words. Use a dictionary or Google dictionary to look up the meanings.
Maths: Do the lesson from Tuesday 31st March (Shape Patterns 2) http://www.iseemaths.com/lessons34/ I wonder if you can make your own up? If you do, send me a picture via admin e-mail and I can attach it to our blog for your friends to solve! (Make sure you test it out first!!)
Relaxation: My Happy Mind or Cosmic Yoga https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga

Here's some of the popular foods eaten during World War II and the sort of dishes that featured in VE Day celebrations. Do you fancy trying any of them?
· Dripping sandwiches with beef fat
· Lord Woolton pie (cauliflower, potatoes, parsnips, oats)
· Pork faggots with onion gravy and mash
· Homity pie (potato, onion and cheese)
· Corned beef hash
· Liver casserole
· Eggless fruit cake. Why do you think it was eggless?
Tuesday 5th May, by Mrs Evans
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 3:40pm
Guten Morgen Goldfinches. Wie Gehts?
I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.
In the Evans' house, we used the links on yesterday's blog to learn about the significance of VE day and started making some bunting. I have attached some printable templates if you want to use them.
My little team were also fantastic helpers at digging all the weeds that were growing out under our front garden fence and then helping me paint it!
Another fantastic game review arrived in my inbox yesterday:
Keep them coming!
School jobs:
English: This Oak National Academy lesson is based on the book and film 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them' which my family watched last week! Lola and I tried this lesson yesterday and thought it was good.
Times Tables: 7x table this week. I have attached some ideas.
Reading: I have attached the latest Picture News resouces which would be great to help you with your VE day topic work this week.
Maths: Have a go at one of the time sheets from your Home School Pack and play these games to help you and see how much you know.
Art: We had a very tired day last Thursday so had a go at some rainbow art. I made a 3D hand inside a heart
1. 2.
To make the 3D effect you just freehand draw lines upto your shape (my hand) then inside the shape draw the line with a curve (like a bridge) then go straight again when you reach the end of the shape. Colour in rainbow colours then outline with thin black pen.
Amelie made a heart with a flower inside
Lola combined our ideas for her flower in a hand. I wonder if any of you could use this idea to help you design a decoration for VE Day on Friday. You could use Red, White and Blue colours.
Have a go and Tweet/ e-mail admin or drop your ideas off in the sharing window box in the school entrance. I can't wait to see them!
If you tweet, make sure you add @LostockGralamPr
Look after each other my lovely Goldfinches. Missing you lots,
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Please watch this clip and think about what we talked about yesterday https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHBhSmgwbuA&feature=youtu.be
I love this story. Do you think Mr George likes cabbage now? Can you imagine how he felt? Victory in Europe (VE) Day marked the end of the Second World War in Europe in 1945. Friday 8th May 2015 was the official 70th anniversary of VE Day. VE Day is another day that many people will never forget as it marked the end of a terrible war in Europe, though there was still fighting in Japan until later that year. Mr George’s memorable day was one of great danger followed by relief at still being alive. This is one type of memorable day although hopefully no one present will experience such a day! My Gran Peggy used to tell me when she had her very first orange as you couldn’t get them during the war; she used to make lots of marmalade as oranges became her favourite fruit! Mr George’s story reminds us that we all have special days that will stay with us forever. We don’t know when they will come or what they will be.
Y2 30.04.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 9:07am
Buenas Dias Swallows class
Hi, how are you all today? I am in school at the moment with our magic fairy. It is absolutely brilliant to see her, she is asking how you all are. We have been chatting about how much we miss you and which lovely things we can do when we are all back together.
Have you been enjoying the English and Maths lessons? Thomas and I really enjoyed learning about the features of a character description and we are excited about using our expanded noun phrases to write our own description on Friday with the English teacher. Let's carry on with those today, I think Miss Emms will teach us more about noun phrases today. Did you remember to use a comma inbetween the adjectives? In Maths, we will be looking at directions. We were going to explore giving directions at Delamere however we will have fun with this directing each other around the playground back in school. We might even toast marshmallows together! Here is the link for today's lessons:
I am hoping to release our beautiful butterflies later this afternoon when I get home. There is still one caterpillar inside it's chrysalis so hopefully it will emerge soon and I can release that one at a later date. Look out for my video on Twitter.
A message from Mrs Powell
“It doesn’t matter who you are or what you like, as long as somebody loves you.” Roald Dahl
We always say that everyone is special and that we are all unique. During the past few months, you have been surrounded by love and we have all been reminded just how special those people around us are. Who are you going to tell how special they are today?
Have a fantastic day Swallows. Remember how proud we are of you.
Love from Mrs Rice and our Magic Fairy xxxx
Toucans 30.4.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 8:53am
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all keeping well. It is very important that we keep active even though the weather is not great at the moment. I have sent an email to your parents making them aware of lots of active activities that you could be doing at home. Take a look at these:
“It doesn’t matter who you are or what you like, as long as somebody loves you.” Roald Dahl
We always say that everyone is special and that we are all unique. During the past few months, you have been surrounded by love and we have all been reminded just how special those people around us are. Who are you going to tell how special they are today? Mrs Powell
Today I would like you to have a go at Maths lesson from www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons click on Year 6 and then see below.
Please remember, I don’t expect you to complete every activity sheet/game that is attached to each lesson, just do as much as you can. You may decide to spend an hour on each subject, like we do in school, or break it up into smaller time slots to fit in with what you are doing at home.
For English today, I would like you to spend some time working on your spellings. How many of the words from the attached Year 5/6 list can you spell? Do some spelling work from your CGP book or the ReadWriteInc spelling book or the spelling at home booklet that you have (I’ll also attach this today). Make it fun! Remember the activities that we did in class; draw around the word, colour it, draw an image, trace the word, look for smaller words within the word etc.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable and resources for today’s Science Project – Body Pump – What is a heart and what does it do?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01198ld - how the heart works
All the best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and keep smiling!
30.4.20 Starlings Class Blog - Thursday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 8:52am
Hello everyone!
I hope that you all had a lovely day yesterday and managed to keep busy despite the rain. It was so lovely to see so many science experiments taking over Twitter. Keep them coming! Could you have a go at another rainbow experiment today? The ‘fruity sweets’ (aka Skittles) one looks like fun! 🌈
Maybe you could have a go at guessing the riddles attached and then write a new one about a book character from a story that you know. Make sure you send it to me so I can guess who you’ve written about! Perhaps you could video yourself saying your riddle so other children can have a go at guessing it on our Twitter page? ✏️
Are you feeling sporty today? Take a look at some of the games on this link for some inspiration on different ways to keep fit and healthy. Enjoy!
Each week, Oak View Academy are going to host an assembly, available from 11am each Thursday. They will provide opportunities for children to come together, hear from some inspirational guest speakers, and to think and talk about wider things affecting us. Check out the first assembly today at 11am!
Please remember to take a look at our class timetable for some more suggestions to help you to keep busy. Don’t forget how important daily reading and counting practice is too!
Have a lovely day and I will speak to you again tomorrow.
With love,
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
“It doesn’t matter who you are or what you like, as long as somebody loves you.” Roald Dahl
We always say that everyone is special and that we are all unique. During the past few months, you have been surrounded by love and we have all been reminded just how special those people around us are. Who are you going to tell how special they are today?
Thursday 30th April, by Miss Beattie
Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 8:43am
Good Morning Robins and Happy Thursday J
I hope you are all safe, happy and still smiling!!!
This morning I am going to take Teddy out for a big walk and enjoy getting some fresh air and staying active. What are you going to do? Remember, Joe Wicks is continuing his home workouts live on YouTube each morning.
Have a little look at our Robins Home Learning Timetable below for some ideas on what you could do today!
I hope we are all remembering our 3 school rules while at home: Ready, Respectful and Safe. I know you can all follow these rules so well so I hope you are setting the example in your house J
Mrs Esling and I are missing you all so much and can’t wait to see you all again. Sending virtual hugs
Message from Mrs Powell:
“It doesn’t matter who you are or what you like, as long as somebody loves you.” Roald Dahl
We always say that everyone is special and that we are all unique. During the past few months, you have been surrounded by love and we have all been reminded just how special those people around us are. Who are you going to tell how special they are today?
Thursday 30th April, by Mrs Campion
Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 6:03pm
Morning Owls.
Hope you are all well.
Yesterday, when I logged onto my computer a little reminder popped onto my screen to tell me that we would have been going on our trip to Manchester Airport. One special Owl did some research about the airport yesterday and I thought today we could do the same.
Why don't you have a look on the website at the different aircrafts they have. https://www.runwayvisitorpark.co.uk/visit-us/explore-our-aircraft/
Maybe you could make your own boarding pass or draw a picture of where you would like to go if you could go on a plane. You could do this weeks challenge and make a paper plane.
We finally found some flour in the shops so we made numicon biscuits yesterday. It was lots of fun although a lot of smarties seemed to go missing during the making stage! (Leo and Artie kept eating them instead of putting them on the biscuits!) Here is the link we used to help us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-lIRKq6BEw
I know lots of you are missing your family and friends at the moment (I am too!) I have put up a link on Tapestry with some ideas you can do at home and stories to read if you are feeling a little sad.
Thank you for all of your hard work at home and please keep sharing on Tapestry,
Love from Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell:
“It doesn’t matter who you are or what you like, as long as somebody loves you.” Roald Dahl
We always say that everyone is special and that we are all unique. During the past few months, you have been surrounded by love and we have all been reminded just how special those people around us are. Who are you going to tell how special they are today?
Y2 29.04.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 9:14am
Buenas Dias lovely Swallows
This is the second time that I am writing this as I just clicked 'save' and it all disappeared! Sorry!
How are you all today? I know that we are all missing our friends and families. I drove over to Manchester yesterday to do my Mum and Dad's shaopping for them. It was brilliant to actually see them instead of over a video call although I had to talk to them from their drive way and it felt so strange not giving them a hug. These all all things that we are having to get used to now, we are learning a new way to be which can be difficult to understand and accept for children. I know that my boys are desperate to go to the park wih their friends and Thomas says his teacher is much better than me! Cheeky!
Even though I want to be back to normal, I am apprectiating not rushing around in the mornings, spending all of this time with my boys and be able to relax in the garden and enjoy the great weather that we have had. I have also loved getting to know lots of neighbours that live on my lane. We are planning a "social distancing party" to celebrate VE day on 8th May. We are decorating our houses in red, white and blue to symbolise the colours on our Union Jack flag, having pic nics in our own gardens and listening to music from World War Two times. VE day celebrates the offical end of WW2 that lasted from 1939 - 1945. Below is a link to the Britsh Legion site that explains more about this special day in our histroy. I wonder if your neighbours have something planned?
Today Swallows, we carry on with our reading skills and shape/position work in Maths. Thomas and I really like these teachers, but we have a little secret giggle when the English lesson lady does funny voices in the spelling part!
However you spend your day, have fun, be kind, use your manners and keep being brilliant. I loved seeing one of our Swallows baking on Twitter yesterday. They made some domino biscuits from the recipe that I have put onto our website. It is called Cooking with Maths on the Home Learnig page. Maybe you could have a go? I am looking forward to a video call with all the staff later, we do this once a week so that we can plan lots of exciting activities for when we are all back together with you in school. They are really funny because we all get giddy and talk at the same time as we miss each other! Have you rang your friends or had a video call with them? It is a super way to keep in touch.
A message from Mrs Powell
“No book ever ends when it’s full of your friends.” Roald Dahl
Do books ever end if you have really loved them? Are there books you just love and don’t want to ever end? We remember stories forever; I still remember reading The Enchanted Wood when I was little, and when I read it to my daughter Emily it felt like I was visiting friends again. What book will you read when you are older? Maybe you are being read a book that someone loved when they were little. (Like us!)
However you spend your day, have fun, be kind, use your manners and keep being brilliant. I think that you are all amazing.
Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Wednesday 29th April, by Miss Beattie
Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:50am
Happy Wednesday Everyone
I hope you are all ok J
What have you got planned for today? I know the weather isn’t supposed to be very nice so maybe you could play a board game, read a book, watch a movie or do some baking. I have also found a lovely reading lesson that you could have a go at. You will need to use your skimming and scanning techniques to retrieve information:
Take a look at our class timetable for some more suggestions on what to do!
Don’t forget how important daily reading and times tables practice is too. You could go on times tables rockstars or hit the button to kick start your brains this morning!
Have a lovely day and I will speak to you again tomorrow J
With love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xx
Message from Mrs Powell:
“No book ever ends when it’s full of your friends.” Roald Dahl
Do books ever end if you have really loved them? Are there books you just love and don’t want to ever end? We remember stories forever; I still remember reading The Enchanted Wood when I was little, and when I read it to my daughter Emily it felt like I was visiting friends again. What book will you read when you are older? Maybe you are being read a book that someone loved when they were little.
Toucans 29.4.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:46am
Good morning to all our lovely Toucans.
We hope you are all keeping well and managing to get your home learning done, well at least some of it! We had a busy morning in the Whittingham house yesterday; doubling in Maths, phonics, handwriting and story writing so we were glad to just chill out in the afternoon. Aoife found some fabulous stories on this web link https://stories.audible.com/discovery and we had a lovely time cuddled up on the couch listening to them. Have a look yourself, especially under the ‘Elementary’ section.
“No book ever ends when it’s full of your friends.” Roald Dahl
Do books ever end if you have really loved them? Are there books you just love and don’t want to ever end? We remember stories forever; I still remember reading The Enchanted Wood when I was little, and when I read it to my daughter Emily it felt like I was visiting friends again. What book will you read when you are older? Maybe you are being read a book that someone loved when they were little. Mrs Powell
Today I would like you to have a go at the English and Maths lesson from www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons click on Year 6 and then see below. I don’t expect you to complete every activity sheet/game that is attached to each lesson, just do as much as you can. You may decide to spend an hour on each subject, like we do in school, or break it up into smaller time slots to fit in with what you are doing at home.
Also have a go at this Maths activity.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s History lesson – World War 1
All the best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and keep smiling!
29.4.20 Starlings Class Blog - Wednesday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 5:28pm
Good morning my lovely Starlings,
WOW! It is Wednesday already and we are half way through another week. How are you? I hope you are feeling happy, safe and well. I hope you had a fabulous day yesterday and managed to keep busy despite the gloomier weather. It looks like you might need your coat and wellies if you go outside again today. ☔️ If you want to stay in the dry, have a look at some of these indoor activities attached to keep you busy.
Lots of you have beautiful rainbow pictures in your windows for everyone to see but how about growing your own rainbow? Have a go at one of the rainbow science activities attached for today’s special challenge! I’d love to see pictures or videos of you giving it a go.
Please continue to follow our class timetable and task list attached. Are you still enjoying your Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize lessons? You might now notice that you prefer one resource to the other and choose to follow the sequence of lessons. This would be particularly useful for the writing lessons on the Oak National Academy website. If you have missed sessions, you can still go back to session one to ensure that each activity makes sense, as they do sometimes refer to learning from previous sessions.
- https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-1/english#subjects
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons/1
- https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Thank you to everyone who has been in touch with photos, messages and questions this week. Remember, if there is anything you need, I am here to help.
Miss Gillam
A message from Mrs Powell
“No book ever ends when it’s full of your friends.” Roald Dahl
Do books ever end if you have really loved them? Are there books you just love and don’t want to ever end? We remember stories forever; I still remember reading The Enchanted Wood when I was little, and when I read it to my daughter Emily it felt like I was visiting friends again. What book will you read when you are older? Maybe you are being read a book that someone loved when they were little.
Wednesday 29th April, by Mrs Campion
Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 3:52pm
Morning Owls.
The weather has turned pretty miserable now. I wonder what fun you can have indoors today? Maybe you could do some colouring from your packs or play a board game? We have been doing lots of reading and jigsaws.
It was wonderful to see your pictures yesterday of what you want to do when you grow up there were so many different jobs. I saw some beautiful writing too!
There are so many beautiful rainbows in people's windows and today I thought you might like to sing the rainbow song and add some actions. I have added the link for you to follow. https://www.thenational.academy/reception/foundation/rainbow-song-and-dance-reception-wk2-3 Make sure you record your singing and actions to Tapestry so you can share it with me.
I have also added a balance challenge you can do with a toy at home. I wonder if you can share your super balancing skills with me? How long can you balance your toy for?
Have a fantastic day my lovely Owls and sending you all virtual hugs.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell:
“No book ever ends when it’s full of your friends.” Roald Dahl
Do books ever end if you have really loved them? Are there books you just love and don’t want to ever end? We remember stories forever; I still remember reading The Enchanted Wood when I was little, and when I read it to my daughter Emily it felt like I was visiting friends again. What book will you read when you are older? Maybe you are being read a book that someone loved when they were little.
28.4.20, by Miss Gillam
Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:58am
Good morning Starlings,
Today is the perfect day for a bit of a lie in, isn’t it? I know my garden is feeling glad of a little bit of rain after all the dry weather we have had. Have you been remembering to water your sunflower seed?
What are you going to do today? Perhaps you could play a board game, complete a jigsaw, watch a movie or even play musical statues? I have been loving playing scrabble and connect 4 recently. I think I might raid the cupboard under of the stairs to see if I can find ‘Monopoly’ today, my favourite!
Please continue to follow our attached timetable and task list today. Keep showing me your super learning on Twitter, I love seeing what you have been getting up to.
Maths and Art
I have attached a ‘Maths and Art Document’ provided by First4Maths. There are lots of different ideas of how you can access maths through art work. Great fun!
Science Project - Animals
What is a mammal? What is a reptile? Can you use the internet to find out what these scientific words mean? Use a page of your exercise book to tell me what you find out. You could draw some animals under each heading, write a list or do something completely different. Please then complete page 69 of your pack, using what you found out to help you.
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zp92xnb
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z6882hv/articles/zp9pfg8
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pap2a3PSkbw
At this time, you might be starting to miss your lovely Starling friends. Here is a link to a lesson on the BBC Bitesize website all about the importance of friendships. This lesson includes a video to get youactive, two video clips about friendships between children and two brilliantr practice activities.
Thank you for all of your hard work. I am so proud of you all and think each and every one of you is amazing. If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Have a FABULOUS day!
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
“If you’re going to get anywhere in life you have to read a lot of books.” Roald Dahl
What could you read today? I’ve realised that I’m always talking about reading but that is because books are brilliant and you can learn so much without realising it. You learn lots of new words, visit new places, learn new skills or just get lost in a wonderful story.