Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Starlings: Blog items

Starlings blog 26.11.20, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 9:04pm

Good evening Starlings, welcome to this week's blog. 

We have had another busy but super week in class. Things are getting very festive and we are in full rehearsal mode for our Christmas performance. Watch this space! 

Thank you to Ethan's family for donating the beautiful and very special reindeer to our class. We absolutely love it! 

Here's a little snapshot of what we have been up to this week and what we are looking ahead to next week. 


In Phonics this week we have been learning: 

Red group

Book: 'Cluck'

Sounds focus: th, ch, sh, qu

Green group

Book: 'Chips'

Sounds focus: ck, ow, oi

Pink group

Book: 'Tab the Cat'

Sounds focus: ow, ai, oa

Orange group

Book: 'Haircuts'

Sounds focus: ck, ai, oa

Yellow group

Book: 'A Model Bird'

Sounds focus: wh, ph ,ue


We have been working hard this week on completing different part, part, whole challenges. Next week we will be moving on to learning number bonds to 10. 


We are absolutely loving our class story 'Nibbles the Book Monster' and we are getting so much fantastic writing work from it. This week we have focused on singular and plural forms of words, and retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk by writing a diary entry. Next week we will write letters to tell the other characters how they can stop Nibbles from eating their books. We will also predict the ending of the story and write lists for Nibbles. 


Please remember to practise spellings this week again, ready for our quiz on Friday. Thank you for the continued efforts with learning these. It is clear to see how hard the children have been working at home and it has such an impact in class! 


Take care and have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern

Starlings blog 19.11.20, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 9:05pm

Hello Starlings and welcome to this week's blog

What another fun and busy week we have had! We have been getting into the Christmas spirit as we prepare for our virtual Christmas play. All the children who asked for a speaking part have been given one and lines have been sent home for practising. Please spend time learning these and becoming confident with using your loudest and proudest voice to say your lines in the best possible way on filming day! 

We do hope you saw on Twitter that our class councillors for school council and our Ethos group representatives have been voted and chosen in class and we are so looking forward to see how these superstars represent our class. 

In English, we are still enjoying reading our new class book 'Nibbles the Book Monster', we have used a diary entry to retell the stories of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Little Red Riding Hood. We have also started to look at the concept of singular and plural. 

Next week we will continue with making predictions and retelling traditional tales. We will also be giving Nibbles clear instructions, as well as using the word 'and' to connect two sentences. 

In Maths, we have completed our first unit of work in Power Maths and have focussed our learning this week on understanding the order of numbers on a number line. Next week we will move onto using part-whole within numbers to 10.

In Phonics this week, our focus has been:

Pink Group 

Sounds focus: are, ur, er, ck

Book: 'The Dressing Up Box'

Red Group 

Sounds focus: y, ck, d, h

Book: 'Let's Sing'

Yellow Group

Sounds focus: e_e, ck, kn

Book: 'Grow your own Radishes'

Orange Group

Sounds focus: are, ue, er, ow

Book: 'Come on Margo!'

Green Group

Sounds focus: or, air, ir

Book: 'Black Hat Bob'


Children will come home with a new set of 5 words to learn this week so please practise these as often as possible ready for our Friday quiz. 


Have a lovely weekend, 

Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern. 

Starlings blog 12.11.20, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 12th Nov 2020 @ 9:23pm

Hello lovely Starlings and welcome to this week's blog. 

What another busy week we have had in class. 

Thank you for all of the recyclable materials, the children had a wonderful time working collaboratively to make their very own Boris robots as part of our Heartsmart PSHE work. 

We were also thrilled to welcome Teddy back to class on Monday, we missed him last week because of the INSET day. 


This week we have started our new topic of work all about animals. We identified and named common animals and matched them to their animal group including mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibians and birds. 


We continued with our power maths work this week and have looked at counting more and less, counting and comparing groups of objects and comparing numbers. 

Next week we will be learning to order objects and numbers in ascending and descending order, order numbers using ordinal positions like first, second and third, and using a number line to support this.  


This week we started our new unit of Writing work based on our new book 'Nibbles the book monster' by Emma Yarlett. Our focus for this unit of work will be to make inferences and predictions about what we are reading, and to write a diary entry in role as Nibbles. 

This week we have made a wanted poster and made predictions about the story. We used our phonics knowledge to spell words independently. 

Next week we will be retelling popular fairy tale stories like Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Little Red Riding Hood and talking about how the main characters feel. 


Phonics and Spelling 

Don't forget, each Friday we will be having a spelling quiz. Words to learn are found in reading diaries on the sticker, and use the spelling practise whiteboards sent home last week to practise. 

This week in phonics, we have focused on:

Pink group

Sounds focus: u_e, aw 

Book: 'Scruffy Ted'

Green group 

Sounds focus: oo, ar 

Book: 'Six fish' 

Yellow group

Sounds focus: e, au 

Book: 'A mouse in the house'

Orange group

Sounds focus: u_e, aw 

Book: 'Follow me' 

Red group

Sounds focus: b, d, p, j

Book: 'Got Him'

Speed sound book: your child will be coming home with a speed sound book this Friday (13th November). Instructions for how to use the book are on the first page. These books can stay at home. It would help your child if you practise speed reading these sounds with them as often as possible. It is important that any incorrect pronunciation is remodelled where appropriate, both in school and at home. Thank you, as always for your support with learning at home, we really do appreciate it! 

Have a lovely week

Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern 

Starlings blog 5.11.20, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 9:12pm

Hello Starlings and welcome back to our class blog page. 

We hope you had a lovely half term together and are ready for an exciting and busy term ahead in school. We are so impressed with the way the children have come back to school with a positive and eager attitude to learning. 

Spellings and Phonics 

Next week your child will be coming home with a Read Write Inc bookmark that corresponds with their current RWI group. Please continue to speed read and write the words on the bookmark to help with fluency. 

In addition to this, 5 common exception words will be sent home in diaries to learn each week. Please use the 'Look-Cover-Write-Check' whiteboard provided to learn these spellings at home.  Each child will be given their own spelling board and pen, these can be kept at home. The children will complete a spelling quiz in school each Friday. Children will then tick and dot against their spelling list to let you know which words they need to continue to learn. 

This week in phonics our focus has been: 

Orange group

Sounds focus: i_e, o_e 

Book: 'I think I want to be a bee' 

Pink group

Sounds focus: i_e, o_e 

Book: 'In the Sun' 

Green group

Sounds focus: ow, oo

Book: 'My dog Ned' 

Yellow group

Sounds focus: tious, cious 

Book: 'Danny and the Bump a Lump'

Red group

Sounds focus: d, p, b

Book: Jam 


In our English lessons this week the children have planned and written their own adventure story using the structure of the Lost and Found story. We have introduced our own animal and main characters. It has been lovely to see the vast improvement in the children's focus when writing sentences. 


This week we started our work on Power Maths. Power Maths is a scheme of work we use all across the school and the children have amazed us with their concentration and focus when using the power maths books. This week we have focused on counting groups of objects and counting forwards and backwards to 10. Next week we will be counting one more and one less, comparing groups and numbers of objects. 


Thank you so much for completing your weather diaries over the half term holiday! We have used these in our science lesson this week to help us to make a block graph to show the weather during Autumn. 


Have a lovely and safe weekend. 

Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern 

Starlings blog 23.10.20, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 9:51pm

Hello lovely Starlings, you have made it to the end of your first half term of Year One! Hurray! 

What superstars you have been. We couldn't be more proud of how you have faced every day with a smile on your face and a determination to try your best. Your writing, maths work, phonics, team-work and kindness has blown our socks off and we cannot wait to see what the next half-term will bring! 

Here's a little snapshot of what we have been up to this week for you at home. 


In RWI this week, our groups have worked on the following: 

Green Group

Sounds focus: ay, ee, igh

Book: 'On the Bus' 

Orange Group

Sounds focus: ea, oi, a_e

Book: 'Playday'

Pink Group

Sounds focus: ea, oi, a_e

Book: 'Tab the Cat'

Red Group 

Sounds focus: 'Special friends' ch, th, sh

Book: 'Pin it on'

Yellow Group 

Sounds focus: ear, ure, tion

Book: 'In the Park'


In Maths this week we have used the langauge First, Then and Now to introduce the concept of number sentences for the inverse operations of adding and subtracting. 

We know that if we have 3 first, then we add 2 more, we now have 5 

3 + 2 = 5 

This also works in the inverse, or opposite:

If we have 5 first, then 2 leave, now there are 3

5 - 2 = 3 


In English we have plotted the main beginning, middle and end events of the 'Lost and Found' story ready for planning and writing our own stories after half term. We are still working hard on applying the sounds we learn in phonics to our writing, and remembering finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. 


We have started learning about the weather and we have used weather symbols to draw and describe what the weather is like. We will repeat this for each season and compare what the weather is like in each season. 

For half-term, we would like you to complete a weather diary please. This will support our science learning for next week. There is a copy in your book bag. 


We cannot wait to see your refreshed, happy and smiling faces after your well-deserved rest.

Enjoy and stay safe! 

Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern


Starlings blog 16.10.20, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 10:29pm

Hello starlings and welcome back to our weekly blog. 

We have had another very busy week in class this week and we are so proud of all the hard work completed again. 


This week we have updated the Read Write Inc phonics assessments so please look out for a label in your child's reading diary which gives information about your child's new phonics group. New groups will begin on Monday 19th October so books for that corresponding colour will be sent home on Friday 23rd October. This week's book will be for your current group. 

Red group

Sounds focus: review of set 1 sounds including n, g, p and k

Book: 'Let's Swim'

Pink group 

Sounds focus: oa, ew, ire

Books: 'Beep! Beep! Clocks and watches 

Green group

Sounds focus: ir, ou, oy

Book: 'What am I?'

Yellow group 

Sounds focus: ew, ire 

Book: 'Do we have to keep it?' 

Silver group

Sounds focus: review of set 1 sounds 

Book: Sound blending book 4 

Gold group

Sounds focus: special friends 'ch' and 'sh'

Book: Daily ditties 


This week we have continued to read our story 'Lost and Found'. We have turned our role play corner into a post office to fit with our book and we are enjoying writing using describing words. We have written labels for lost animals, written fact files for different animals and used our senses to describe the waves from the story's storm scene. We are working very hard on using our phonics knoweldge to spell words in our writing. 

Next week we will work on sequencing the events of the story and write sentences to suppport our understanding of this. We will also read some non-fiction books about animals to help us to choose an animal that we could replace the penguin in the story with. 


We have progressed onto using our part, part, whole work to help us to build and write number sentences using addition and subtraction. We are using the bar model to help us with this. We have also explored the language of 'not' for subtraction. 

For example we looked at images and stories and asked "There are 6 people. 2 people are wearing coats. How many are not wearing coats?" 

Next week we will continue to explore addition and subtraction. We will learn and use the language of "first, second, third, then and next" to support our work and we will begin to explore the concept of addition and subtraction being 'inverse operations'. 


We have completed an Autumn scavenger hunt and made our own seasonal windows to describe. This has helped us to explore seasonal changes. We have also started a weather diary to collect data about what the weather is like every day. Next week we will interpret the data to answer questions about the seasons.

Help needed! 

Straight after half term we will be working on making a 'Boris' robot as part of our PSHE, Heartsmart work. To do this we will need lots of recycled items from your homes, such as cereal boxes, kitchen foil tubes, milk bottles, food cartons. Please collect some of these items and bring them into school on or before Friday 23rd October. This will allow enough quarantine/resting time to make the items safe to re-use after the half term. Thank you in advance.

Have a lovely week! 

Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern.

Starlings blog 8.10.20, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 7:51pm

Hello Starlings and welcome to this week's blog page. 

What a fun week we have had in class. This week the children have loved learning about the life of Mary Anning and using their super history explorer skills to place the events of her life in chronological order.

To help us to understand what Mental Health Awareness week is, on Friday we made our own class happy jar that will be proudly displayed on the hall alongside the other class jars. We all made our own version too to show what makes us happy. 

In Science we have been on an Autumn scavenger hunt to help us to observe, describe and understand the changing seasons. We recorded what we found after talking about what we might expect to see. 

In English this week we have loved starting our new unit of work based on the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. We started off by using objects and pictures as clues about the story, we used these to make predictions about what might happen. We then wrote sentences about what we could see and wrote speech bubbles for each of the characters. We began to set up our very own class Lost and Found office and wrote labels for some lost animals to keep safe until their owner could come and collect them. 

We are continuing to work hard on holding (or remembering) a sentence, and using our Fred talking from phonics to help us to spell words. We are really working hard on full stops to punctuate sentences, and on using capital letters at the beginning of our sentences and when writing names. 

In Maths we have progressed onto numbers 6-10 this week. We looked at the position of numbers to 10 on the number line and began to explore odd and even numbers. We have continued our work on using a part, part, whole cherry diagram to partition numbers in two, and sometimes 3, parts. Next week we will be learning how to add two parts together using the symbols + and = to help us to build number sentences. 

For Phonics this week, we have been working on the following in each of our groups: 

Pink group -

Sounds focus: er, ow, ai

Book: Scruffy Ted 

Yellow group - 

Sounds focus: ow, ai, oa

Book: Lost

Silver group - 

Sounds focus: Review of set 1 sounds 

Book: Sound blending book 3

Gold group - 

Sounds focus: Review of set 1 sounds 

Book: Daily ditties 

Red group - 

Sounds focus: review of 'special friends' ch, sh, qu, ng and nk

Book: Wuff Wuff 

Green group

Sounds focus: ir, igh, or

Book: The Witch's Lunch 


Thank you all for working so hard this week our little superstars! 

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern 

Starlings Blog 24.9.20, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 9:28pm

Hello again Starlings, it's that time of the week again! 

This week in maths we have been busy working hard on our counting skills, including subitising (which means looking at a group of objects and identifying how many there are without having to count them). 

We have done lots more work on part, part, whole and have used something called a "cherry diagram" to help us to partition a number. 

Next week the children will be applying their learning of partitioning and subitising to find the missing parts of numbers to up to 5.

In writing this week we learned about the famous athlete Wilma Rudolph and wrote sentences about her. We also looked at speech bubbles as a way to help us to role play and think about what the characters in our story ‘Look Up’ may be saying to each other.

Next week we will finish our unit of work on ‘Look Up’ by sequencing the story and thinking about what happened at the Beginning, Middle and End, before planning and writing our own versions of the story.

To help, if you get the chance to ‘look up’ at the night sky over the weekend and talk about all the things you see in the night sky, this will help your writing.

In RWI phonics this week:

Pink group have read the book ‘In the sun’ and learned the sounds i_e, o_e and u_e

Yellow group have read the book ‘Tom Thumb’ and learned the sounds o_e, u_e and aw

Gold group have been continuing with their daily ditties and have been working hard on improving fluency when fred talking to blend sounds in words.

Silver group have continued to use sound blending book 1 and have been practising ‘Fred in our head’

Red group have learned the sounds sh, qu, nk, ng and x this week and are now reading the book ‘Jam’ in phonics lessons.

In topic we were so excited to learn about fossils as part of our work in history, and we can’t wait to do more exploring of fossils next week.  

In worship we have been looking at the core value of thankfulness and sharing all the things we are thankful for.

Have a lovely weekend and we will look forward to sharing more of our learning with you next week.

Mrs. Judge, Mrs. O’Marah, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern




Starlings Blog 17.9.20, by Mrs O'Marah

Date: 17th Sep 2020 @ 10:14pm

Starlings Class Blog 17.9.20

Hello Starlings families and welcome to our weekly blog. 

We have had a lovely first 3 weeks in class and are just loving all being back together in one bubble. We have had a lovely mix of 'exploring time' in our continuous provision, and learning time in our new planet-named groups. 

We are continuing to explore lots of mindfulness and nurture activities as we complete our whole school "All Together Now" topic, and we have enjoyed completing some computing work on the Ipads with Mrs. Judge this week too. 

We have started our History unit of work by looking at the past and sorting images into past and present. 

In English we are using the story 'Look Up' as a stimulus for writing. This week we received a letter telling us about a meteor shower viewing party in the park and we had to invite our friends along too! Next week we will be learning about Wilma Rudolph and comparing her to the main character in our story. We will also be ordering events from the story to show our understanding. 

In Maths we have been learning about 'whole' and 'parts' and exploring how we could cut up and share fruit into parts of a whole. Next week we will be looking at how to make a diagram of part, part whole and using this to help us to learn about parts and whole of a number and exploring how numbers and groups of objects can be split or 'partitioned' into parts. 

In Science we are beginning our unit of work on Plants and Seasonal Changes by going on a nature hunt to gather, compare and contrast leaves in our school grounds. 

Home Reading and RWI Phonics 

This week we have assessed your child to see where they are up to in RWI phonics, and we have grouped them accordingly. Tomorrow (18.9.20) we will send home the Read Write Inc. story book your child has been working on in class, along with their new homework diary. You will find a sticker in the homework diary with information about which colour group your child has been placed in for RWI. 

Please encourage your child to read this book at home to you and sign in their diary when they have done so. We will check the diaries and stamp when we see comments. 

Please also continue to share stories and books at home together and make a note of any reading done together. Children will still be able to earn raffle tickets for 3 signatures in their diary in a week. 

Our class PE day is a Thursday, so a gentle reminder that children should be sent to school wearing PE clothes on this day. Teresa takes the children for their PE lesson and they have made a great start with their super listening and their love of sport! 

Please remember water bottles daily. 

 We look forward to another lovely week together and will be back in touch in next week's blog. 

Mrs. Judge, Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern. 

WB 29.6.20 Starlings Weekly Blog, by Miss Gillam

Date: 28th Jun 2020 @ 10:10pm


Good morning Starlings J

I hope that you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some family time together. I am loving being able to see a little bit more of my most special people, even if it is from a distance. I look forward to seeing lots of you in school again this week.

Now that most of our Starlings are back in school, our home learning blog is going to look a little bit different. Each Monday you are going to get a suggested task list with lots of ideas for your home learning challenges for the whole week. We will also have a daily discussion which you can access on our school website. This week, our special whole school project will be called ‘Save Our Seas’.



Ideas for activities: (Pick the ones you like or choose your own) 


  • Look at the Global Goals and particularly Number 14- Life Below Water 

 https://www.globalgoals.org/       https://www.globalgoals.org/14-life-below-water 


  • Watch the Pollution Problems clip on the https://worldoceanday.school/ website.  Go around your house and do a survey of the single use plastic you have. Can you decide as a family to ‘Save Our Seas’ ‘Make One Change’ in something you buy from now on. Please Tweet your pledge to ‘Make One Change’ and we will spread the message and give ideas to others. 


  • Read of the attached document First News pages 7 and 10

Who is Diego and why is he so special? How can we help to stop plastic pollution?






  • Choose a particular ocean or sea to find out about. 


  • Use teddies or models you have at home to make a play or puppet show about the dangers facing the oceans. 


  • Find out which seas and rivers are linked with the Bible 


  • Go on a litter pick (with an adult from your house) in your local area. 


  • On your daily walk with an adult, visit a local pond, lake or river and talk about the local plants and wildlife there.  


  • Do a survey of the animals and wildlife you see at the local pond/river/lake. Make a pictograph or bar chart. 


  • Find out about an ocean animal or plant. Think about: Appearance, Habitat, Diet and whether it is endangered or not.  


  • Read sea poems and have a go at writing your own 

https://www.michaelrosen.co.uk/2019/04/over-my-toes/  https://childrens.poetryarchive.org/poem/over-my-toes/   

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1sWlGCvcAQ  - Michael Rosen Seagulls 



  • Make an ocean biome out of an old shoe box. Or use play dough to create an ocean scene or habitat. Use the Salt dough recipe to make Salt Dough Starfish. 




  • Decorate a pebble with a sea theme and ‘Make One Change’ and put it outside school in front of the sharing window. 


  • Use your imagination to write a short story linking to the sea. Remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces, and to re-read your work to check it makes sense.






Useful websites:  










https://conserveturtles.org/sea-turtle-tracking/   follow the migratory movements of endangered turtles 



Twinkl have lots of free resources (I have downloaded most of the ocean themed ones which will be attached to the daily blogs) 

David Attenborough clips and programmes:  




https://www.bbcearth.com/shows/blue-planet/ Blue Planet 1 

https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04tjbtx   Blue Planet 2 

Newsround programmes: 





Lovely Sea themed books and stories to share: 


https://vimeo.com/60259773 - watch the reading of Big Blue Whale 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jamBzIML79o - Barry the Fish with Fingers 


Listen to our lovely staff read some stories linked to our ‘SAVE OUR SEAS’ theme

Other stories

Listen to our staff read some wonderful stories. It was finally my turn to read a story this week. Do you notice anything about this story? Does it remind you of any stories that we have read before?




You can e-mail a photo or deliver any of your work to school to help us change our Sharing window into a Save Our Seas sharing window 

If you are Tweeting your work please add the tag @LostockGralamPrimary and add  #Saveourseas and #Makeonechange  

All the work which is currently on the sharing window will be moved to be displayed in church- which we think will bring a huge smile to everyone there.  



Please continue to complete your home learning pack and use our fantastic Read Write Inc, Oak Academy and BBC Bitesize online lessons. We will also continue to set a daily discussion on our website. This will be checked throughout the day and children in school will have opportunities to respond to discussion comments. This is a lovely chance for us to be together as a class without all being in the same room. Please select ‘View all Discussions’ and click on the relevant date.


Have a wonderful week Starlings and please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions or concerns. Speak to you on our class discussion!

Miss Gillam xx

Message from Mrs Powell

This week we are celebrating our wonderful oceans.

The UK is surrounded by the sea, and our waters provide the habitat for over 44,000 different species of sea life, yet often our wonderful beaches are covered in litter.

Point out that scenes like these show us that all is not well in our oceans. Marine scientists have discovered that many plastics that find their way into the world’s oceans are toxic. This means that these plastics can damage the animals and even kill them. Another problem is that wildlife such as seabirds can get entangled in bits of plastic or even become stuck in plastic bottles. Fortunately, scientists, marine conservation societies and the UK government agree that we need to do more to protect our seas and oceans, particularly where the use of plastic is concerned. They suggest that we can all take some action – even if it is something as simple as taking home our rubbish after a day at the beach. We all need to do the following: Invest in a reusable water bottle rather than relying on single-use ones. Take a bag with you when you go to the shops, rather than paying for single-use plastic ones. Look for alternatives to plastic containers.

Time for reflection

Many world faiths believe that we all have a responsibility to look after the world in which we live.

Christians believe that God made the world and wants us all to care for it: this is known as stewardship.

The Bible says, ‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it . . . for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.’ Christians believe that this means that we have no right to abuse God’s creation. Instead, we should act responsibly, realizing that we are privileged to have such a wonderful place in which to live.

Prayer Dear God, Thank you for the beautiful world in which we live. Thank you for the amazing variety of animals and plants. Thank you for the sea and the beaches. Please help us to think carefully about our responsibility in the world. Please help us to care for the environment. Please help us to think before we act. Amen



26.6.20 Starlings Class Blog, by Miss Gillam

Date: 26th Jun 2020 @ 9:28am

Good morning Starlings

How is your home learning going? It would be lovely to hear from you either on Twitter, our School Spider discussion or via email.

After today, we are going to change our Starlings blog a little bit. Each Monday you will get a menu of activities to choose from to last you the whole week. This menu will contain activities for each area of our curriculum. I hope this will make it easier for you to plan your week of home learning.


Keep practising your reading comprehension. Understanding what you read is so important! I have attached some questions below for you to complete. Remember, they do not need to be printed.



Complete these activities based on the book Beegu by Alexis Deacon. Listen to the story being read here when you have finished.




How big is your hug? Follow the instructions attached below to find out!



We have learnt about toys and how they have changed over time. Now it is your turn to design a perfect toy for a child in Year 1! Think about; what it is made of, what it does, why it would make a great toy. Create a poster or a TV advert to tell people why they should by your new toy.



Follow this lesson to create some repeated patterns, inspired by the artist William Morris.



Have a fabulous day and I will be in touch again on Monday.


Miss Gillam

25.6.20 Starlings Class Blog, by Miss Gillam

Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 6:50am

Good morning lovely Starlings,

I hope you’ve had a lovely week so far and haven’t melted in the sunshine! It’s going to be another very warm one today so lots of sun cream, water and a sun hat today! ️ 


I’m so pleased to hear we have some more of you coming back to our bubbles next week. School is a little bit different to what it was like last time you were there, so please have a look at the pictures below. It’ll really help you to get ready for coming back! We’ve been having so much fun in our bubbles, have a look at some of the things were have been doing on Twitter. 😊


Today's sporting challenge is demonstrated by Miss Thwaites completing the Speed Bounce


This will certainly get your heart racing! How many times can you jump side to side in 10/20/30 seconds? How many people could you challenge to beat your score?


Our story today is brought to you by Mrs Campion reading Little Owls first day. What a perfect book for her to read as she will be welcoming lots of new little Owls in September for their first day at school. It is also  perfect for us with today being our first full day back in school.




In today’s writing lesson, we will start to write our information text. You will need a piece of lined paper and a pencil for this. Don’t forget to let me know if you have run out of space in your home learning book.




In our Maths lesson for today we will be exploring ‘equal groups’ in the context of shapes with equal numbers of sides. Can you solve problems using repeated patterns?


Geography – Where are the world’s Oceans?

Today, we will be learning about the 5 oceans on our earth and the location of them in relation to the 7 continents. We will be looking at which continents surround the oceans. We will then compare the difference between an ocean and a sea. In this lesson you will need a pencil, a piece of paper or an exercise book and your wonderful brain.



Lots of us are back in bubbles at school now so this week make your own bubbles. Watch this video to help. Make your own bubble blower using an empty water bottle. Experiment with different materials, shapes and sizes to see what else you can use to blow bubbles. What is the biggest bubble you can make?


Have a wonderful day and please do share what you get up to today either in our class discussion, via email or on Twitter.

Lots of love

Miss Gillam


A message from Mrs Powell

Our Wonderful World!

Please enjoy this poem!

Big blue planet, swinging through the universe

Big blue planet, what can it be? What can it be?

It’s the planet earth, it’s the planet earth.

It’s the planet earth, it’s the planet earth.

Big blue planet, swinging through the universe,

Big blue planet, what can we see? What can we see?

The great blue waters and the great green land

The great blue waters and the great green land

Big blue planet, swinging through the universe,

Big blue planet, what can we see? What can we see?

The great blue waters and the great green land

The great blue waters and the great green land

Big blue planet, swinging through the universe,

Big blue planet, what can we see? What can we see?

The great blue waters and the great green land

The great blue waters and the great green land

Big blue planet, swinging through the universe

God loves the planet

Loves the land and loves the sea

Loves the land and loves the sea

Loves the people, that’s you and me

Loves the people, that’s you and me

We’ll love it too, it’s our planet EARTH

We’ll love it too, it’s our planet EARTH


How can you help to keep God’s world a wonderful place? What could you do?

Dear God

Then let the sun come out and fill the sky with rainbows. Let the warmth of the sun heal us wherever we are broken.. Let the warmth and brightness of the sun melt our sadness. And let the light of the sun be so strong that we will see all people as our friends. Let the earth, nourished by rain, bring forth flowers to surround us with beauty. And let the mountains teach our hearts to reach upward to heaven.




24.6.20 Starlings Class Blog, by Miss Gillam

Date: 24th Jun 2020 @ 8:22am

Good morning my SUPER Starlings

I haven’t stopped smiling since seeing so many of your gorgeous smiling faces yesterday. I can’t believe how much you have all grown and can’t wait to see you all again tomorrow. We had no tears and every single starling left the school saying that they felt happy and confident on their feelings chart. What more could be ask for?

 A big thank you to those children who came to say hello with their big brothers and sisters in the morning too.

I can’t wait to see you again tomorrow.


Today's sporting challenge is "The Wacky Race" brilliantly demonstrated by Mr Beswick.


Can you create your own Wacky race? Add obstacles, find different ways to move and compete against the clock? Can you beat your time? Please send us photos of your challenges. 


Our storytime today is Mrs Hulse reading "Thank You Baked Potato." I'm intrigued about this story, I'm off to lie on my sofa with comfy cushions to settle down to a new story.


In case you haven’t heard the baked potato song yet… I know that you will LOVE it. Have a listen to Matt Lucas singing the potato song by clicking the link below.



For today’s learning I thought it might be fun to spend some time away from the screen, especially with it being such a beautiful day. Here is a list of fun and simple non-screen activates that your Starling can complete at home.

  1. How many different words can you make from the letters in this sentence, below? Grab a pencil and paper and write a list!
    ‘Learning from home is fun’
  2. Thank a community hero. Think of someone that helps you in some way and write a short letter to thank them.
  3. Get building! You could build a Lego model, a tower of playing cards or something else!
  4. Can you create your own secret code? You could use letters, numbers, pictures or something else! Can you get someone else to try and crack it?
  5. Start a nature diary. Look out of the window each day and keep note
    of what you see. Birds, flowers, changes in the weather, what else?
  6. Hold a photo session. Use a camera or a mobile phone to take some snaps. What will you photograph? Your pets or toys perhaps?
  7. Build a reading den. Find somewhere cosy, snuggle up and read your favourite book!
  8. Use an old sock to create a puppet. Can you put on a puppet show for someone?
  9. Make a list of all the electrical items in each room of your home. Can you come up with any ideas to use less electricity?
  10. Design and make a homemade board game and play it with your family.
  11. Do something kind for someone. Can you pay them a compliment, make them something or help them with a task?
  12. Can you create a story bag? Find a bag and collect items to go in it that relate to a well known story. If you can’t find an item, you could draw a picture to include.
  13. List making! Write a list of things that make you happy, things you’re grateful for or things you are good at.
  14. Design and make an obstacle course at home or in the garden. How fast can you complete it?
  15. Can you invent something new? Perhaps a gadget or something to help people? Draw a picture or write a description.
  16. Keep moving! Make up a dance routine to your favourite song.
  17. Write a play script. Can you act it out to other people?
  18. Read out loud to someone. Remember to read with expression.
  19. Write a song or rap about your favourite subject.
  20. Get sketching! Find a photograph or picture of a person, place or object and sketch it.
  21. Junk modelling! Collect and recycle materials such as yoghurt pots, toilet rolls and boxes and see what you can create with them.
  22. Draw a map of your local area and highlight interesting landmarks.
  23. Write a postcard to your teacher. Can you tell them what you like most about their class?
  24. Draw a view. Look out of your window and draw what you see.
  25. Get reading! What would you most like to learn about? Can you find out more about it in books? Perhaps you can find a new hobby?

Take care and I will see you all soon.

Miss Gillam


A message from Mrs Powell


My Mum used to tell me and my brothers and sister this story.


What would you have said to the boy to help him?

Jesus told his disciples a story to teach them about honesty. He told them about a rich man who had a manager, and the manager was using the man's money for himself. When the rich man discovered that the manager was wasting his money, he called him in and fired him. After telling this story, Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much."

If you and I make sure that we are honest in the small things, then we can be sure that we will be honest in the big things. If people know that they can trust us in small things, they will know that they can trust us in the big things too.

Dear God

Please help us to remember what Jesus taught about honesty and help us to be honest in every situation big or small.




23.6.20 Starlings Class Blog, by Miss Gillam

Date: 23rd Jun 2020 @ 6:59am

Hello my super Starlings J

I hope you are ready for a big day today. Mrs Southern, Mrs Elson, Mrs Rice and I are so excited to see you this afternoon. I have woken up feeling excited but a little bit nervous today. That is totally normal. As soon as we running around our beautiful grounds together everything will feel normal again.

I am absolutely thrilled to be taking you up into Year Two with me with me in September. That means that I get to have the pleasure of teaching ALL of you again. I think it might take a little while for me to get used to calling you Swallows though! I think that we, along with your lovely families make a wonderful team and I can't wait to welcome you all back and spend the year learning, playing and making memories together. I hope that you don't mind putting up with me for another year!

Today's story comes from Mrs Simmonds who is reading "Shark in the Park".  Perhaps you could read a story to your family today? You could even video yourself reading and post it on Twitter for all of your friends to see.


 Are you ready for another sports challenge?

Can you create your own target game? Would you use underarm throw or overarm throw? What is the highest score you could get? How could you improve your throwing?

Here is Mrs Evans to show you how it's done...smiley




Look at the attached ‘random object generator’ to create some new objects. Create 5 new objects and draw a picture of what you have created. Write a sentence about each of your new objects.



Practise some more code breaking with these Emoji problems, this time with addition and subtraction. Remember, this activity can we completed on the screen. All you need to do is write the answer. You could even have a go at drawing your own emoji’s!


Make 5 ice cubes. Place each one in a similar cup or pot and place them in 5 different places around your house and outside. Predict which one you think will melt first and why. Keep an eye on them and time how long it takes each one to completely melt. What did you notice? Where did it melt the fastest and the slowest? Why?



Use your imagination to create something using an empty toilet roll or kitchen roll tube.


I really can’t wait to see you all Starlings, whether it be this afternoon or in a few weeks’ time. You are all so special to us here at Lostock and we know that we will have the best time learning and playing together VERY soon.

Have a wonderful day!

With lots of love

Miss Gillam (Your sparkly new Year Two Teacher)

A message from Mrs Powell


Mark Twain said "Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see."

Kindness is something we can all understand. It generates a great experience as both giver and receiver.

In Greece, kindness towards the elderly is very important; they believe the older you are the wiser and more valuable you become. In Japan, people show their kindness and gratitude by bowing to each other. The younger person bows to the older person. A simple act of kindness can create an endless ripple effect!

How do you show your kindness? What are you going to do today?



22.6.20 Starlings Class Blog, by Miss Gillam

Date: 22nd Jun 2020 @ 7:37am

Happy Monday Starlings.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready for a week of sports of friendship.


Today's story is read by our lovely  Mrs Hoskins. She is reading "Sharing a Shell" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_uXH6K2q58 I hope that you enjoy it. 

This week is Sports Week in England. Each day this week we are going to set you a little challenge, demonstrated by a member of staff. Please have a go and send your photos into school or share on Twitter. It will be fabulous to see everyone getting involved. 

Today's challenge is "Wastepaper Basketball" and is demonstrated by Mrs Simmonds!

Follow this link to watch her demonstration. Have fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZW56fRpj2M&feature=youtu.be

How far can you shoot a basket from into a bin? Challenge someone to beat your distance and find new ways to throw it in? Can you adapt the challenge to make it more creative or encourage more family members to be involved?


Our English lesson today is based on listening to information text. We will listen to an information text about a fictional creature called a green-winged flay. We will then answer some questions on it. You could complete a grammar or writing worksheet from your pack if you would prefer.


PSHE – Agony Aunt

In this lesson, we will revisit the Colour Monster story, and discuss how the monster felt better by sorting his feelings into jars. We will discuss worries that some children have and suggest ways to overcome them. We will then create our own thought stopping strategies. Look out for our Agony Aunt!



In our Maths lesson for today we will explore our understanding of doubling and halving in the context of money. Alternatively, you could solve some problems in your pack.


Geography – What is an Ocean?

Welcome to our first lesson on our new unit called the Oceans and Seas. Today, we will be learning about the 5 oceans on our earth and the location of them in relation to the 7 continents. We will be ordering them in size and discussing why the oceans are always in motion. In this lesson you will need a pencil, a piece of paper or an exercise book and your wonderful brain. Let’s get started!



Have a wonderful day, Starlings. I can’t wait to see lots of you TOMORROW! 

 Love Miss Gillam

A message from Mrs Powell


Today we are thinking about Tolerance. Look at this video, it made me smile! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2PJ6T7U2eU

Which characters were being intolerant?

How do you think the big bird felt?

Why were the little birds mean to the big bird?

What could the little birds have done to make the big bird feel welcome?


Now read this poem, could you make a poster of it for our sharing window?


We are all born

In a different way

How we look

And what we say.

From different countries

Around the world

Of different genders:

Boys and girls.

Of many sizes

And colours too,

The things we like

And the things we do.

If everyone Were the same you see

You wouldn’t be you,

And I wouldn’t be me!


Have a fabulous day in the sun shine and enjoy your sports challenges this week. I am so proud of each and every one of you.



19.6.20 Starlings Class Blog, by Miss Gillam

Date: 19th Jun 2020 @ 8:24am

Good morning Starlings,

How are you doing? I hope you are all ok! Have you got that end of the week FRIYAY feeling? Perhaps you could let us know what you plan on getting up this weekend in our class discussion? We will also be discussing playground games today. Maybe we could create of games together that we could play next week? Remember the 2metre rule!


Please continue to follow our attached timetable today. I hope you are all enjoying your home learning packs, a new pack will be ready for you

to collect from Monday afternoon. Please do try to complete a maths, reading and writing activity of some sort each day. This could be as simple as writing the days of the week, playing a counting game to 100 and reading a story on the Oxford Owl website.

Today's story is from our lovely head teacher, Mrs Powell. Get comfy and cosy and listen to The Day The Crayons Quit....




  • Worship - Kindness

This week we're incredibly excited to be joined by The Duchess of Cambridge, who wants to share the importance of spreading a little kindness for our mental wellbeing. I would like as many Starlings as possible to watch this important video either today or at some point over the weekend.



  • Art - To investigate warm and cool colours.

In today’s lesson, we will be focusing on how colours can be categorised into warm and cool. Warm colours help us think of warm and cosy things, while cool colours may remind us of fresh, calm and chilly things. We will create a piece of work inspired by Georgia O’Keeffe, who used warm and cool colours in her artwork. You will need a piece of paper, a pencil and some paints or colouring pencils.



  • Story time with Nick

Watch Storytime with Nick; films of well-loved stories read by Nick Cannon, a trained actor and teacher and a wonderful storyteller. There are 20 fabulous stories available via our website and YouTube; perfect for storytime in YR, Y1 and Y2. Storytime includes books by Tom Percival, Cressida Cowell, David Melling, Jeanne Willis, Judith Kerr, Oliver Jeffers and David Walliams.



  • Computer Game!  

Today you have permission to play computer games during learning time. Now that doesn’t happen very often does it?  Here is a link to a game teaching you all about the importance of social distancing. I love how relatable it is to children and know we could have lots of fun pretending to be in a game like this when we are together on the playground again soon.


Don’t forget to come and say hello on our class discussion today, especially if you have a game suggestion for us.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Gillam



18.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Thursday, by Miss Gillam

Date: 18th Jun 2020 @ 7:08am

Hello Hello!


Starlings, I am starting to get excited. Can you believe that we are going to back in school together in just 5 sleep?! Here is a link to our lovely ‘Welcome back to Lostock’ video. I hope this video and the images below will help you to understand what it is going to be like coming back to school in our two Starling bubbles. As we have so many super Starlings, our class is being split into two smaller groups. Do you remember I showed you the Year One adults a few weeks ago?  Half of our class will work with Mrs Elson and I in Goldfinches classroom. The other Starlings bubble will be based in Robins classroom with Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern.



When we return to the classroom we are going to make reference to a feelings scale throughout the day. The children will each have their own feelings scale which will be kept in their tray under their desk. The children will be asked to place a counter from their individual resource pack onto the number that represents how they are feeling. We hope that this will enable us as staff to reassure any children feeling anxious or worried throughout the day. I have attached a feelings scale to our blog today for if you would like to use one at home too. You may just ask your child to show you the number on their fingers or verbally tell you a number to 5 to avoid the need to print.   

My aim is to drip feed information each day to ease the transition back into the classroom on Tuesday afternoon.


What have you been learning at home this week? Have you been trying out any home learning activities or maybe you have been spending lots of time in the sunshine or jumping in puddles during the stormy weather? Trying to squeeze a little bit of learning in each day will really help, I know it’s getting tougher and tougher every day now!


This morning Mrs Brennan has read a story for you:



Maybe have a go at our English activity today about command sentences. Now is a time you’re allowed to be bossy! Command sentences tell us to do something. For example, get your coat or jog on the spot. Can you write some of your own command sentences and underline the bossy verb? You can find out more about them using this video to help.




Earlier this week I asked you to time yourself writing numbers 0-20. Perhaps today you could try to beat your time? Make sure all of your numbers are facing the correct direction! To make this challenge more difficult, you could have a go at writing the numbers to twenty as words.



In today’s Oak Academy lesson, we'll be learning about sound. We will be specifically looking at what sound is and how to make sounds. This lesson will include identifying different volumes of sound. Lastly, we will be conducting an experiment to see if the sounds outside our home are the same in the morning compared to the sounds at night time.




Use the link below for to watch the Jessie and Friends videos about online safety. The videos are a good way to start a conversation about how to stay safe online. Remember to always supervise your children when they are using the internet. https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/jessie-and-friends-videos/


Science - Dancing Raisins Experiment

Have you been enjoying our science experiments at home? Here is a new one for you. Can you make raisins dance using only water and a plastic cup?


Let me know how you get on with your home learning today. Also, let me know if there is anything that you would like to learn about or any activities you would like to do, I’m here to help!

Have a great Thursday and don’t forget to share any photos or videos on Twitter!

Please remember to use our class discussion to chat to your friends, share jokes and ask me any questions today. We can even talk about coming back to school if it helps.



Miss Gillam x

Message from Mrs Powell:

Geordie Stewart


Geordie has been on countless adventures in his young life, in August ’18, he cycled 22,500 miles over 430 days through 4 continents.

Geordie decided to set his sights on this ambitious venture when he was 17 and had no climbing experience.

The Seven Summits consists of:
- South America: Aconcagua
- Africa: Kilimanjaro

- Europe: Elbrus
- North America: Denali
- Antarctica: Vinson Massif
- Australasia/Oceania: Carstensz Pyramid
- Asia: Everest


When discussing his adventures, he said that reading books about adventures and going on adventures are very different.  He challenges us to all make our own adventures and discover whether this is the same as you think. Have you read about somewhere or seen something you would like to do?  Remember Alex said at the beginning of the week that we all have our own challenges whether this is riding a bike or a maths question.  We all have our own Everest to climb and challenge us!


17.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Wednesday, by Miss Gillam

Date: 17th Jun 2020 @ 8:48am

Good morning everyone J

Happy Wednesday everyone! How are you all this morning? I hope you are well and staying positive.


I hope you are enjoying hearing lots of lovely stories read by our very special teachers – I know I am. For today’s special treat Mrs Evans would like to read you ‘The Watcher’. To watch simply just click on the following linkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njoiXEV_FkM


Our Maths and English lessons continue on the Oak National Academy website today. Our English lesson focuses on using the first person and the past tense to write a recount. Our Maths lesson focuses on adding two amounts together to find the total amount in the context of money.


Other Activities

PSHE – My Lockdown Feelings

In today’s lesson, we will review our time capsule that we created last lesson. We will reflect on our lockdown experience and on how it has felt being away from school for so long. We will think about what we have enjoyed and create a feelings jar, filled with all of the things that have made us happy, which might help others feel better about their experience.https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/my-lockdown-feelings/



We have all been spending more time online while we have been at home. Try this quiz (attached below) about online safety to make sure you know how to stay safe when you are on online. Then make a poster or a video to tell a child in Owls class how to stay safe online.


Can you complete our special reading comprehension revision mat? To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short text; these will be taken from either a fictional story, a non-fiction text or a poem. Once you have read and understood the text, you will have to answer questions based on what you have read. Each question will be one of five different question types.


Before you start, think about the toys you play with. Do you think your parents, grandparents and people older than them played with the same toys when they were your age? What do you think might be the same about their toys? What do you think might be different? Use the PowerPoint attached to find out some more about old toys and new toys. Now watch this video where children try some toys from the past. Are there any toys you recognise? Are there any toys you would like to try?


If you have any questions or just wanted to pop by to say hello, just join our class discussion this morning! Today, our discussion is all about jokes. Do you have a funny joke that you would like to share with your Starling friends?

Sending you all lots of love and hugs,


Miss Gillam


A message from Mrs Powell

Mark Ian Macleod Beaumont BEM is a British long-distance cyclist, broadcaster and author. He holds the record for cycling round the world, completing his 18,000-mile route on 18 September 2017, having taken less than 79 days. So many of you have learnt to ride a bike over the past few months and have been going on really long bike rides. What could your challenge be?


Have a think about setting yourself a challenge, I wonder what new skill you could learn?




16.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Tuesday, by Miss Gillam

Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 10:04pm

Good morning Starlings,


Did you hear the storm last night? It was very loud where I live. Do you remember singing ‘I hear thunder’ at the start of the year? Here is a link to a video, it would be lovely to hear some of you sing along on Twitter.




Nursery Rhymes

The BBC have created a fantastic 30-minute medley of nursery rhymes for you to sing along with. They each have a lovely video and the lyrics displayed on screen.




Use the PowerPoint attached to find out how adding ‘un’ to the start of a word changes the meaning of the word. Then have a go at the activities at the end.


Become a code cracker and solve the attached addition problems with a difference. Perhaps as an extra challenge you could create your own problems?


  • Make a card for Father’s Day. If you don’t want to make one for your Dad, you could make one for your Grandad or your Mum instead.

  • Make a musical instrument that you can play. Some ideas are making something you can shake using pasta or rice, or something you can bang like a drum. Maybe you could try to make a guitar!





Today's story comes from Mr Cliff. He shares the story of Zacchaeus with us



A message from Mrs Powell

Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner has been climbing mountains since she was just thirteen years old.

In adulthood she became a nurse, but kept climbing as often as possible: She was always working to save up for her next climbing trip. She eventually became the first female to climb all of the world’s 8,000-meter peaks (and above) without the use of oxygen. Wow! Just remember you can achieve anything if you want to do it.



What will you do?


Whatever you to do today, have fun, stay safe and be happy.

Mrs Southern and I miss you lots and can’t wait to see you all soon.

Lots of love

Miss Gillam



15.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Monday, by Miss Gillam

Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 7:54am

Good morning Starlings

The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray! Well it's sunny as I'm writing this, hopefully it is still sunny as you read this! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to?  Perhaps you could share a photograph or write a sentence about what you go up to this weekend in our class discussion on School Spider? I have also asked you all a question today. I wonder if you could reply by typing your answer and attaching a photograph or picture?

Once again, I have attached a new timetable for you to follow this week with new tasks and projects to complete – remember this is only a suggested timetable and activities are always optional! Just do what you can, when you can. Your child's mental health is much more important than a home learning task.



Today’s history lesson focuses on Florence Nightingale. Learn about the life, actions and achievements of Florence Nightingale by watching the video linked below. We then have an exciting BBC Bitesize activity to complete.




Write a list for each of these words with words that rhyme with; jug, cat, jam, pen, man, pig, log, box, ball, cake, sun. Try to think of at least 2 rhymes for each word. EXTRA: come up with your own words that rhyme.



  • Time yourself writing numbers 0-20. See how quickly you can do it and try to beat your time during the week. Make sure all of your numbers are facing the correct direction!
  • Draw a clock for each of these activities and draw the hands on the clocks to show what time you did them; get up, breakfast, lunch, dinner, go to bed. Add 3 more activities you do during your day.


Write down a list of the 5 different senses humans have and the body part each sense belongs to, e.g. hearing - ears. Now watch this video https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9yycdm/articles/zxy987h . For each sense, write down one interesting fact you have learnt.


For today’s special treat Mrs Downing has decided to read you a story called ’Franklin’s flying Bookshop’. To watch simply just click on the following link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFwOWhgOB6w


That's all from me for now, I will speak to you tomorrow. Hope you have a super start to the week. Keep smiling, you are all amazing!

Miss Gillam

Message from Mrs Powell


Alex Staniforth

Alex has had many barriers in his young life but found that he had a passion for the outdoors at a very young age.  He found that if he was outside he was happy and chose many challenges including two attempts up Everest which failed due to an earthquake and avalanche. He said that we can’t always choose our challenges but we can choose how we respond to them.  He says that Everest was just one step on his journey and his mission is to help others discover their own Everest in life and go for it.  Alex is an amazing person, remember you can achieve anything in life that you want to do.  Many years ago Alex went to school in Cheshire just like you do, I know because I taught him.  I wonder what you will achieve and what your Everest will be?  He and I would both say, you can do anything!  I have emailed him recently and he has promised to come and talk to you all in school when it is safe to do so.


12.6.20 Starlings Class Blog FRIDAY, by Miss Gillam

Date: 12th Jun 2020 @ 8:40am


Happy Hot Chocolate Friday Starlings!  😊

Here is a lovely little story for you to listen to while you enjoy your delicious hot chocolate today.




 You have all made me so proud once again. Well done for another week at home! You and your adults at home really are doing so well. I know it’s tough but you’ve got this! My sticker drawer in the classroom hasn’t been used in a while so I’m sending you lots of virtual Christian Value stickers to say a huge well done and to make you smile! I know you love them! 


I don’t know about you, but I’m really fed up with this miserable weather now! I’m keeping my fingers crossed today for some sunshine over the weekend! ☀️


Please continue to follow our attached timetable and task list today. Below are some other exciting activities that you might like to try today.



When we add –ed to the end of a verb (a doing word) it shows us it happened in the past e.g. Tom looked at the book. Add –ed to these verbs and then write a sentence for each word; walk, jump, clean, want, work, push, play, wash, brush, kick.



Remind yourself of the value of different coins using real, toy or you could make some paper money. Practise making these amounts with your coins: 3p, 4p, 5p, 10p, 12p, 15p, 20p, 25p, 30p, 32p, 40p, 41p, 50p. Use your 2s, 5s and 10s to help you! Perhaps you could make yourself a little shop too? What will you sell? What could you buy at your shop for 20p? Could you buy two items for 20p?

Cardboard Shop Front for Kids | Cardboard crafts kids, Cardboard ...



Ask someone to draw around you if you have chalk or some large bits of paper, if not draw a smaller version of you on a piece of paper. Label these body parts: head, neck, arm, shoulder, elbow, hand, wrist, finger, thumb, chest, tummy, hip, leg, knee, ankle, foot, toe.


Make up your own version of head, shoulders, knees and toes using different body parts. For example, shoulders, hips, back and feet, back and feet; shoulders, hips, back and feet, back and feet and ears and nose and lips and chin; shoulders, hips, back and feet, back and feet! Video yourself performing your song.



Read Write Inc

I know some of you at home have been watching RWI lessons already but from next week they are adding even more to help at home.


There’s a new video for each lesson every day. They aren’t very long but will make a BIG difference! Here is a little bit about what each lesson is.



Watch them here! 


Try and watch a few lessons each week. Focus on the set 3 sounds, hold a sentence 2 and red words 2. Lots of you will be able to give the longer words a go too! Let me know if you have any questions. 😊


Have a wonderful weekend everyone, I will speak to you again on Monday.

With lots of love from

Miss Gillam


Message from Mrs Powell

Today and every day we would like you to enjoy story time from one of our teachers or teaching assistants!  

Have a lovely day and remember we think you are amazing!




11.6.20 Starlings Class Blog, by Miss Gillam

Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 7:57am

Hello Starlings

Happy Thursday! It is nearly the weekend again already. I hope you are all well and had a productive day of home learning yesterday.

As always, please continue to follow our attached timetable today.

I have listed below some ideas of activities for you to complete at home today.  I hope you enjoy them. I have repeated one of our activities from yesterday as I felt that you may need a little bit more time to complete it.  Please remember to write a little message in our class discussion today. Our class discussion is a way for us to be together as a class when we can’t be together. It would be lovely if you could all drop it and say ‘hello’.


Snail Hunting

Watch the video using the link https://offschool.org.uk/super-science/hunting-for-snails-observing-and-recording/. Use the PowerPoint ‘All about snails’ to find out more information about them. Then, go into your garden and search for snails. What can you find? How are they different?


Activity 1 

After you have observed them, and looked closely at their details, please complete the ‘my snail booklet’.

Activity 2

Can you write an acrostic poem about snails? Try to use some adjectives to describe them e.g. slimy, hard shell

Activity 3

Can you create your own colourful snail shell? I have attached a blank snail template which you could use, or you could draw and colour your own.



Playing together but apart

In today’s lesson, we will be adding another important item into our time capsule. We will take the challenge of not being able to play some of our favourite playground games and create new ones or adapt the existing ones. The key will be that they will be safe and ensure a safe distance is maintained. Isn’t it interesting to think how future generations may view this?




The Oak Academy  are back with another assembly, thinking all about movement. We’re joined by Olympic Bronze medallist, three times World Champion and six times European Champion gymnast Beth Tweddle who will be sharing her journey into professional sport. Artist researcher Stacie Lee Bennett-Worth has put together an incredible dance class, designed to get us all feeling great through moving. This is extra exciting because we have the Beth Tweddle gymnastics school helping us to become fantastic gymnasts too each Tuesday.



Story Time

I wonder which adult will be reading our story of the day today?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEB5oavzP_U&feature=youtu.be  - Oi Cat!


Today’s story was written by Jim Field. He also wrote one of the stories that we focused all of our writing on earlier this year. Can you remember which other story he wrote?

As you listen to the story, have a little think about the authors style of writing. Does the story remind you of ‘The Lion Inside’ or is it totally different? Perhaps working along side a different author makes his writing style differ?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5h7VQfaGQo&feature=youtu.be – Dogs don’t do Ballet


Have a fantastic day Starlings. Please remember that I don’t expect you to complete ALL of the activities that I set each day. I am trying to give you lots of options so that you can choose what you enjoy the most. Fingers crossed we can have a little chat on our class discussion today, see you there.


Love Miss Gillam




Message from Mrs Powell

What would you like to be when they grow up?  Many people have dreams about the future and that is good. Have a look at the following video: https://youtu.be/ECP87EFic48


The video below tells the story of Joseph, a famous dreamer from the Bible. When Pharaoh put him in prison, Joseph dreamt of being let out, but it wasn’t until Pharaoh had some dreams of his own that Joseph was called upon to help and secured his own release from prison.


It is good to dream of being happy when we are older: happiness is vital! However, Jesus pointed out something important about happiness.

Jesus said that people would be happy if  they did the following
- care about other people
- always try to be fair and just
- are kind and show mercy
- work to make peace

Dear God,
Please help us to work hard to achieve our ambitions and to become what we want to be.
Whatever we do or however we live our life, help us to remember the needs of others.
Help us to care about other people, to be fair and just,
To be kind and merciful and to make peace, wherever we are.


Further activities you could have a go at… you could try making a dreamcatcher to catch your own dreams. There are some instructions available at: https://tinyurl.com/y7acpruh

Have you read the book The BFG by Roald Dahl? Why not try making a BFG dream jar? There are some instructions available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xhSTjBea0


10.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Wednesday, by Miss Gillam

Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 9:10am

Hello Starlings

Wow! Here we are at the middle of another week. I hope you are all being busy and doing the jobs that your adults are asking you to complete at home. I left school feeling incredibly proud of you all yesterday after speaking to lots of your parents on the phone throughout the day. Thank you so much for working so hard.

As always, please continue to follow our attached timetable today. The most important thing is that you try to do a little bit of Maths, Writing and Reading each day. This does not have to be a full hour of Oak Academy/BBC Bitesize lesson. Your writing activity for the day could be writing a letter to a friend using capital letters and full stops or making your own comic strip.

I have listed below some ideas of activities for you to complete at home today.  I hope you enjoy them. Please remember to write a little message in our class discussion today. Our class discussion is a way for us to be together as a class when we can’t be together.



  • Writing – POBBLE 365 is a wonderful website which provides children with a focus image each day. They then give story starters, sentence challenges, drawing challenges and ‘Sick Sentences’ which the children have to improve at home. This is a fantastic website for reluctant writers wanting to try something a little bit different.


The ‘Literacy Shed’ have many fantastic animation videos  which can be used to encourage children to get writing. Today I have chosen a lesson all about bubbles. Please watch the animation video and listen to the sounds of the sea.

When it all seems blue, happiness may be close by… if you just look closely at your surroundings perhaps you will find it! Gabby is walking on the beach and finds a bottle of bubbles - when she blows it she gets transported into fantasy. She has fun riding on bubbles and meets people and things on her way.

Where could she go? Who could she meet? What will she do? Write your ideas down, maybe you could think of more than more idea?


  • Maths – I have attached a fantastic interactive PowerPoint which focuses on being able to count, read and write numbers to 100. There are lots of problems for the children to solve included on this PowerPoint. You may choose to write things down or you might  just like to solve each problem practically.



  • Outdoor fun - snail hunting

Watch the video using the link https://offschool.org.uk/super-science/hunting-for-snails-observing-and-recording/. Use the PowerPoint ‘All about snails’ to find out more information about them. Then, go into your garden and search for snails. What can you find? How are they different?


Activity 1 

After you have observed them, and looked closely at their details, please complete the ‘my snail booklet’.

Activity 2

Can you write an acrostic poem about snails? Try to use some adjectives to describe them e.g. slimy, hard shell


Story Time

I wonder which adult will be reading our story of the day today?



Have a wonderful day Starlings. Please remember that I don’t expect you to complete ALL of the activities that I set each day. I am trying to give you lots of options so that you can choose what you enjoy the most.


Love Miss Gillam




Message from Mrs Powell

Some of you are returning to school but we need to remember lockdown is hard for everyone.  Talk about their feelings to someone special at home and to try to understand that everyone is finding this time difficult in some way. Have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/-RXF5-29VGU


You may wish to use the following prayer.

Dear God,
During this time of lockdown,
Please help us to think about others and their needs.
Help us to be kind and helpful.
Help us to talk openly about our feelings
So that together, we can grow stronger and closer.




9.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Tuesday, by Miss Gillam

Date: 9th Jun 2020 @ 7:27am

Hello Starlings!

I hope you are all still smiling and had a busy day of home learning yesterday. It was lovely seeing some of your rhymes, story maps and other busy jobs from the day.

As always, please continue to follow our daily timetable for today. Remember to utilise the fantastic online resources that we have available. Each day, BBC Bitesize and the Oak Academy release new lessons with a Maths, English and Foundation focus.  These sessions are teacher lead and of high quality.


Today’s Oak Academy is all about recognising the value of coins. Perhaps you could have a look at some real coins at home? How do we know which is a 5p? Do all coins look the same? Perhaps we could discuss what we have found out about money on our class discussion today.




Our BBC Bitesize English lesson focuses on writing questions today. Questions often start with 'W' words: Who, What, When, Where and Why. But, questions can also start with lots of other words. Here are some examples: Can, Could, If, Will and Should.

Watch the short video linked below to find out more. Do you have any questions that you would like to ask me? Remember, I will we checking our discussion throughout the day. I am ready to answer any questions that you might have.




What are the 5 senses?

Today we are going to be learning about the five senses. Our bodies do some amazing things. They allow us to see the wonderful world around us, hear things and taste delicious foods. We will be looking at which body part relates to each sense and conducting a sound exploration using our ears.



Please follow the links below to some lovely spelling games. When we are in school, these are the words that we write each morning as we come into school. Remember, the more of these words that you can spell from member, the easier your writing will become.




Here is your story of the story- The Darkest Dark. I wonder which member of our staff will be reading to you today?


I am going to be giving you all a quick call today so be prepared for that phone number that none of us ever recognise (me included)!!!

Have the most wonderful day Starlings.

Please remember to ask any questions via our class discussion today.

Miss Gillam


Message from Mrs Powell

Ask your child, ‘How many of you belong to a team?’

Encourage them to speak of their role in sports teams and uniformed organizations such as Cubs and Brownies and their varied experience of teamwork in school. Establish how, as members of a team, different people work together and aim to help one another.


Introduce the following story, which tells how Jesus invited others to become part of his team of helpers. Listen carefully for the ways in which the story speaks of helping one another.


Jesus Calls Four Fishermen

Imagine that you are standing by a wide, blue lake that is surrounded by hazy, grey-green hills. On the shore there are some fishing boats, and a crowd of people have gathered nearby. They’re listening (just like you!) to someone by the water’s edge. Who is it? It’s Jesus of Nazareth! Everyone loves his stories and wise sayings, but today, not everyone can see or hear. What can be done?


Jesus has an idea and calls to one of the fishermen, ‘Could I use your boat?’

‘You can have it!’ replies the fisherman, whose name is Peter. ‘We’ve been out on the lake all night and haven’t caught a thing.’

Jesus clambers into the boat and sits down. Peter and his brother, Andrew, push the boat into the water so that it floats close to the shore. Now everyone can see and listen!


Eventually, however, it is time to finish. Jesus says a thank-you prayer and the people return to their villages.

‘Are you hungry? What about some fish?’ Jesus asks the fishermen. ‘Let’s find some deeper water and catch some.’

‘But we’ve tried,’ the fishermen say. ‘We’ve tried all night and caught nothing.’

Jesus doesn’t say a word; he just points towards the middle of the lake. Peter and Andrew shake their heads, but set out again.


When they reach deep water, Jesus tells them to let out their nets. Peter and Andrew do as they are asked. Quickly, the water starts to swirl and splash and the net becomes heavy with fish. In fact, the net is so heavy that the men struggle to pull it back in! Peter shouts to some other fishermen nearby, ‘James! John! Quickly! Come and help us!’


Together, they slowly draw in the net. Soon, fish are flipping and flapping, slithering and sliding all over the floor of the boat. They have to use both boats to get the catch safely back to shore. Peter is amazed that there are so many, but also a bit ashamed that he’d been so ready to give up.


‘Now,’ says Jesus, ‘you’re fishermen, but I need a team of followers who will help to spread a net of friendship. Will you help to draw all kinds of people together in care and respect?’

He looks at each of the fishermen in turn: Peter, Andrew, James and John. Then, Jesus begins to walk slowly away from the shore. The four fishermen watch as he goes and then look at one another . . . ‘Yes,’ they decide, ‘it would be good to help.’


Encourage your child to think about the importance of teamwork in all aspect of our lives:


- Together

- Everyone

- Achieves

- More


Dear God,

Thank you for all the people who help us in our lives.

Thank you for the people who have already helped us today.

Please help us to help one another.

Please help us to remember that it is good to work together in a team.






8.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Monday, by Miss Gillam

Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 7:19am

Good morning Starlings


I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend, hopefully the sun comes out for us again this week. Thank you once again for my special birthday messages, I had a very lovely day. Unfortunately, my birthday tea was a wash out on Friday but it will HOPEFULLY go ahead on Thursday evening instead. Fingers crossed!


Here is a link to our second Lostock Lockdown video. It is so lovely to watch and see so many familiar faces. Enjoy!



Each day, we are going to read you a story and put the link here on our blogs. First up is Mr Beswick reading "The Stone Cutter". Snuggle up with a teddy and a blanket and enjoy



Reminder: Today we will be starting to use the ‘Class Discussions’ area of our website. I have attached our guidance for you in case you missed it. There will be a new discussion each morning. Click ‘View’ on the discussion started for today. This discussion can they be used to share photographs, upload work you have completed and to ask any questions that you might have about home learning. Please remember that these comments and questions will be visible to the rest of the children in our class and you will also be able to see the comments and work shared by other Starlings. Click ‘Post your reply’ when you are finished. Keep checking the discussion for feedback, I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Once again, I have attached a new timetable for you to follow this week with new tasks and projects to complete – remember this is only a suggested timetable and activities are always optional! Just do what you can, when you can. Your child's mental health is much more important than a home learning task.

History Lesson

Today, we will be learning all about the incredible adventures of Sir Ernest Shackleton. He wanted to be the first man to reach the South Pole. Sadly, after 4 attempts to get there, he never made it. During this lesson, we look back at the heroic journey Shackleton and his team took, trying to reach the South Pole.




Please share the story of The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. If you have this story at home then please use the book. If not, please watch this video of the story.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x887mPO9X9c. Once you have read the story or watched the video, please complete the two activities below.  


 Activity 1

At the end of the story, the snail tells his friends all about his adventure. Can you write what he might have said to them?


 Activity 2

There is a lot of rhyming in the story. Can you find the rhyming words? Can you find other words which rhyme with them?


Here is an animation video for you to enjoy, just for fun! 




Please follow the links below to the Oak Academy and BBC Bitesize daily maths lessons.  Complete the maths lessons for each day (look for the correct date at the top). Please watch the learning video, and complete the interactive activity below. Once you are happy that you understand the lesson, complete the worksheet activity included. You do not need to print them if you do not wish, just complete them in your home learning book.






Watch the video using the link https://offschool.org.uk/get-creative/water-painting/. Use a paintbrush to paint something on the ground/ on a wall. Can one of your family guess what you  have painted? Now swap, can they challenge you? How can you describe what you have painted? Try to use lots of adjectives in your discussion.



Mrs Southern and I miss you lots and can’t wait to see you all soon. We understand that it is disappointing that we have to wait that little bit longer before can be together as a class again but we are now ready to go as soon as it is safe to do so. Keep working hard and making good choices at home.

Sending you all big hugs and lots of love

Miss Gillam



Message from Mrs Powell

Would you like some new teachers?  How about today tuning into one of these lessons from celebratory teachers?



Lesson timetable:


Week 1

  • Monday 8 June
    Geri Horner: English
  • Tuesday 9 June
    Tim Peake: Science
  • Wednesday 10 June
    Marcus Rashford: PE
  • Thursday 11 June
    Jeff & Zoe: Gardening
  • Friday 12 June
    Heston Blumenthal: Food Science

Week 2

  • Monday 15 June
    Gary Lineker: Spanish
  • Tuesday 16 June
    Tez Ilyas: Science
  • Wednesday 17 June
    Nikki Lilly: IT
  • Thursday 18 June
    Ricky Wilson: Art
  • Friday 19 June
    Kelis: Cookery

Week 3

  • Monday 22 June
    Darcey Bussell: Dance
  • Tuesday 23 June
    Katie Piper: Wellbeing
  • Wednesday 24 June
    Mark Labbett: Maths
  • Thursday 25 June
    Isabel Clifton: Drama
  • Friday 26 June
    Ed Balls: History

Week 4

  • Monday 29 June
    Matthew Morrison: Musical Theatre
  • Tuesday 30 June
    Ellie Simmonds: Geography
  • Wednesday 1 July
    Martin Bashir: History
  • Thursday 2 July
    Rachel & Maisie: British Sign Language
  • Friday 3 July
    End of Term Review


Enjoy the lessons and please tell us what you think!




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