Our blogs
Skylarks Home Learning 23.02.21, by Miss Beattie
Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 4:09pm
Tuesday 23rd February
Good morning my lovely Skylarks 😊
I hope you all had a great first day back after the half term holidays. Thank you all for engaging with our zoom and for working so hard yesterday. You may have heard the news that we will all be back together again in school on 8th March. I am so excited for this day to arrive and to see all of your lovely smiling faces back in our classroom!!!
It would be great to see you all on our zoom this morning. Please also remember that I will be available on our discussion/homework area throughout the school day to help you and provide feedback on your work.
Please see below for today’s remote learning tasks.
Multiplication: For your maths lesson today, please see the PowerPoint attached. Just click on the little speaker icon on the PowerPoint page to listen. Today, we are going to continue to look at multiplication, specifically learning how to multiple two 2-digit numbers using the area method.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the maths lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
Times Tables
This week I would like you to practice any tables that you still find tricky up to 12 x 12. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of this number? Do you know the division facts? Why not use TTRS or hit the button to help you:
Relative Clauses: Again, please see the PowerPoint attached. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. Today, we will complete a grammar lesson looking at relative clauses used to add extra detail to a sentence.
Here is the link to the video on relative clauses that you may want to watch before today’s lesson.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the writing lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
It would also be super if you could spend 10-15 minutes each day reading your school book that you have taken home or another book you have been enjoying at home.
This week’s author of the week is Jeremy Strong. You can read his book ‘Romans on the Rampage’ at the link below:
I have also attached the new copy of ‘First News’ for you to enjoy at home.
Remember to continue writing in your reading diary and get an adult to sign in, then we can collect our raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Why not tell me what book you are reading over on our discussion?
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the ‘ee’ sound spelt ‘ei’. You could make your own spelling doodle and add to it throughout the week. I will add a new word each day and then on Friday we can have a little quiz.
Today’s word: deceive
Previous words: receive
Story: You will find our story embedded into our Writing PowerPoint. Today we will continue to read ‘The Boy in the Dress’ by David Walliams.
Today we will take part in an Open the Book worship where we will listen to the story of ‘The Two Sons’:
You will also find a document attached to today’s blogs with all of this week’s worships in one place 😊
Foundation Subject Clubs
Don’t forget you can take part in our foundation subject clubs during the afternoons, after completing your maths and English lessons.
Please find the links below for this week’s clubs. You may choose which club you take part in each day.
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Computing (KS2)
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Here is the link to the coding task you are asked to complete:
Please follow this link for German club:
Craft Club
What could you create using a cereal box? Follow the link to our craft club activities for this week. Will you make a puppet theatre, a toy car, a marble run or your own musical instrument?
Here are the music suggestion links referred to in our PowerPoint today.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LR5n6QYRPU - Piano Covers Popular Songs 2020
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8NVwN0_mks – Disney Piano Covers
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dswwenF67GM – The Greatest Showman Piano Covers
Have a super day Skylarks and please remember that I will be on our class discussion throughout the day if you need anything 😊
Love from Miss Beattie x
Toucans Home Learning Tues 23.2.21, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 3:56pm
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Good morning Toucans.
We hope you all enjoyed listening to your audio feedback yesterday. Like all of you, us teachers are constantly learning something new every day. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the clubs we have offered this week. Plenty of options for all of you to take part in after your morning lessons.
Worship – Open the Book
The Two Sons
Pie Charts – Listen carefully to the audio on each slide and look carefully at the diagrams to help you solve today’s data handling work.
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
Please visit the Topmarks website for some great games focusing on Data Handling.
Times Tables
Recap all your times tables using TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today? We have been so impressed with your daily scores.
To write informative paragraphs about an endangered animal of your choice.
To apply all of the grammar skills practised throughout this unit.
See the Power point attached. Like the Maths, Mrs Downing has recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do.
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
Toucans, we would love you to read a little each day of the school book you have or a book you have been reading at home.
Another new edition of First News is on the blog today. I would recommend reading the following articles.
Page 3 Top Mental Health Tips from Dr Alex
Page 10 Zoos Under Threat
This week we will be looking at the spellings – Plural Nouns
We will focus on the first 3 words today - loaves, potatoes, volcanoes
Write down the singular form for each of these words - loaves, potatoes, volcanoes
Then write down the plural form and explain how they have been made plural. What was the change/rule?
Put each plural word in a sentence to explain its meaning.
Spelling words: yourselves, knives, bookshelves, loaves, potatoes, volcanoes, geese, women, wolves, deer,
‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell, read by Mrs Whittingham
Please follow this link to see Mrs Whittingham read some more of our new class novel.
Take a look at Mr Ault’s PE club if you didn’t yesterday
Also have you taken a look at the Family Walks that can be done around Northwich? There is even one around Lostock for you to enjoy.
Don’t forget to check out our Clubs for this week
This week we are introducing weekly foundation subject clubs that you can take part in during the afternoons, after completing your maths and English lessons.
Please find the links below for this week’s clubs. You may choose which club you take part in each day.
Here is the link to this week’s club: 1 22 2 21 Geography Club
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Computing (KS2)
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Here is the link to the coding task you are asked to complete:
Please follow this link for German club:
Craft Club
What could you create using a cereal box? Follow the link to our craft club activities for this week. Will you make a puppet theatre, a toy car, a marble run or your own musical instrument?
Here are the music suggestion links referred to in our PowerPoint today.
ï‚· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LR5n6QYRPU - Piano Covers Popular Songs 2020
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8NVwN0_mks – Disney Piano Covers
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dswwenF67GM – The Greatest Showman Piano Covers
Cave Gallery - Children’s Art in a Virtual Environment
Would you like to see your art work in an online art gallery?
The Cave is an online gallery for children and young people in and around Northwich to exhibit their Art work. The gallery is being developed for children to express their response of their experience in lockdown. The Cave hope to encourage young artists to set up their own galleries in a window of their home to curate and show their work in the local community.
The first online show will be for Easter 2021. The theme for the exhibition is ‘Hunker’. Many animals hunker down, hibernate and keep to their nests in winter and this winter we have joined them! We have been hunkering down since March and the experience has been very different for each of us. Please see the attached poster or visit the website linked below for more information on this exciting project. Please remember to submit your work before the end of March.
Have a great day everyone. Remember to use the Discussion page on School Spider to chat to us and upload your home learning tasks using the Upload your Homework tab.
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham and Mr Beswick.
Swallows - Tuesday 23rd February 2021, by Miss Gillam
Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 2:33pm
Good morning SUPER Swallows. Welcome back to our blog.
Please see our task list and PowerPoint presentations below to see what your home learning tasks are for today. Please also remember to take a few moments to look at the class discussion page each day where I will be available to ‘chat’ to you about the work that I have set for that day. You can just pop on there to say hi or tell have a little chat with your friends. The children can type in their own messages. It is a lovely, safe way of us staying in touch.
This half term, we have introduced a Foundation Subjects Club which you can dip in and out of in the afternoons and take part in as many as you like. I have attached all the details and links. I have also attached all the Worship details for the week so they are all in one place.
Maths - Can you use the ‘x’ symbol? Can you represent multiplication sentences using pictures?
We are continuing to focus our learning on multiplication this week. Please see the talking Power point video linked below.
Here is the link to the White Rose video mentioned in the PowerPoint. You may want to use this link if you have any problems with sound today.
Times Tables
Please use Times Tables Rock Stars to continue to learn your 2,5 and 10 x table. If you would like your child's log in details, please contact the school office via the admin address and they will email them across to you.
Alternatively, you could play ‘Hit the Button’ or ‘Maths Fishing’.
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/306/Maths-Fishing-Multiplication
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/times-tables/coconut-multiples
Writing - Can you write sentences to describe the toys in the text using the correct verb tense?
Please see the talking PowerPoint video linked below. I have recorded the instructions so just click play and then pause when it is time to complete an activity.
Challenge: Can you find any non-fiction (information) books at home? Perhaps you could share an exciting new fact with your friends in our class discussion today.
Please spend some time reading either the school book you took home with you or a book you have been reading at home each day. Please also remember to use our Oxford Owl website to access reading books online. There are lots of new books on here.
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=&age_group=age%204-7&series=&level=¤t_page=school_ebooks
Username: starlings1 (from the last lockdown)
Password: Home
If you get an adult to sign your reading diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
We will have our own book club on Zoom on Wednesday this week. Please have your recommendations ready. Maybe you could bring your favourite book to show at the end of our Zoom call?
Read Write Inc
Instructions for how to find your RWI learning for today can be found on our English PowerPoint. Here is the link to the Read Write Inc home page on YouTube. It might help to add this as a favourite so that you can quickly find your Read Write Inc learning each day. Please remember that the website updates at 9:30 each day. You may notice that the sounds will start to repeat soon. The children revisit sounds many times when we are teaching Read Write Inc in school. We want to encourage fluency. We want the children to be able to read a text containing each sound at speed, without the need to Fred Talk. In order to achieve this, the children need to see each sound several times. Please continue to focus on the spelling, red word and hold a sentence videos.
Our sparkly new spellings will be on our English PowerPoint today. Please use your spelling whiteboard and roll and spell game to help you to learn them. Our quiz will be on Friday this week.
half money Mr Mrs parents
- Friday 26th February 2021
Please have a listen to the next chapter of our beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. You will find the audio at the end of our English PowerPoint. I will read a little bit of the story to you here each day.
We now have all of this week’s worships in one place. Please see the weekly worship page attached below.
Fitness Challenge
Get yourself moving today with Jump Start Jonny and ‘Everything is Awesome:
Our clubs are starting this week. Have a look at the attached list where you will find the links to our video PowerPoints. I have been in charge of our Craft club this week J.
Have a brilliant day Swallows and don’t forget to let me know how you are getting on with your learning today on School Spider. I will see you at 9:20 for our Zoom call this morning. Please have a piece of work that you are proud of ready to share with your friends at the end if you would like to.
Lots of love from
Miss Gillam
Y3 23.02.21, by Mrs Rice
Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 2:29pm
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Good morning gorgeous Robins, I hope you had a good day yesterday with focused time for work and time to rest and relax too. Did you see the news?
I have the BIGGEST smile on my face
Thank you for sharing your work with me yesterday, I am looking forward to seeing your work on our homework pages again and being able to provide you with feedback on your learning. Did you like my voice messages?
Here is the vimeo link if the sound quality is not very good on my video.
Please click here to watch my lesson as we add amounts of money.
Times Tables
Have a go at the grid challenge today. Explore level 1 and level 2 if you fancy a challenge…
Please follow this link for today’s lesson where you will be designing a poster using key facts from the text to entice visitors into the exhibition in Lascaux.
Enjoy reading another exciting copy of First News newspaper for children. Which article takes your fancy? I am going to read about David Walliams on page 14.
Remember in class how we use lots of different techniques to help us like
drawing boxes around the word
using fancy writing
robot writing
highlighting the tricky bits
making the word into a picture
writing with our eyes closed
making your own spelling doodle
This Week’s Words: (Remember to just focus on 3 if they are tricky)
cavern (cavernous, cave, caves)
circle (circles, circled, circling, circular)
certain (certainly)
caught (catch, catching)
complete (completed, completing)
build (building, built, builder)
busy (busier, busiest)
breath (breaths)
breathe (breathing, breathed)
Here are the 5-a-day login details: If you write them in your diary, you will be able to log on whenever you need an active break throughout the week.
Home Access Username - LGPS97
Home Access Password - LosGr9
Story Time
Snuggle up as we find out how George makes his Marvellous Medicine and the huge variety of ingredients that he tips in. Remember not to try this at home Robins!
Well done for being such hard workers. Remember today to show your lovely manners, be helpful and respectful to your family at home and keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Rice xx
Monday 22nd February, by Mrs Judge
Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 5:33pm
Monday 22nd February
Good Morning Starlings.
I hope you all had a lovely, restful half term. I’m really looking forward to hearing all your news on Zoom at 9.20 where we can do some show and tell. I’ll also be available for a ‘chat’ on the Class Discussion and Homework page.
We are getting straight back into the swing of things and there is home learning on maths, writing, phonics, spellings and a fitness activity. Mrs Powell has a worship to watch to I’ve read a story for you to relax and listen to.
This half term, we have also introduced a Foundation Subjects Club which you can dip in and out of in the afternoons and take part in as many as you like. I have attached all the details and links. I have also attached all the Worship details for the week so they are all in one place.
We are continuing with our Weight and Volume topic and this week will focus on volume and capacity. Please see the PowerPoint attached or follow the link to the YouTube video:
This week for English, we are starting a brand new book called ‘The Museum of Lost Animals’ so enjoy Mrs O’Marah introducing it to you.
Please see the PowerPoint attached or you can follow the link to the YouTube version:
Read, Write, Inc Phonics
Please follow the YouTube links provided to find your group's phonics videos online. The link is the same as last always but new sound videos will be uploaded by the RWI team. (Remember this is after 9:30am)
Red group – you need to look out for set 1 videos on the link below:
Green group you need to look out for set 2 videos on the link below:
Pink, yellow and blue groups you need to look out for set 3 videos on the link below.
The video version of instructions can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRNrR2TuHO0&feature=youtu.be
The final slide of the English PowerPoint has today’s spellings which link to our new book. Please have a break after completing your writing and come back to the spellings later on.
Please enjoy my story all about the importance of listening called ‘Watch Out Wilf’:
Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today:
Fitness Challenge
Get yourself moving today with Jump Start Jonny and ‘Everything is Awesome:
Follow the link and the instructions below to access Oxford Owl’s
Username: starlings1
Password: Home
We know it’s not the same as being back together in school and we miss you lots but we hope you enjoy your home learning.
Mrs. Judge, Mrs. O’Marah, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern
Swallows - Monday 22nd February 2021, by Miss Gillam
Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 5:19pm
Good morning super Swallows!
Welcome back!
I hope you all had a lovely, restful break and you are ready for your first busy day of home learning this week. I am excited to hear all of your news on our Zoom call this morning where we can do some show and tell. I’ll also be available for a ‘chat’ on the School Spider Class Discussion and Homework page today.
We are getting straight back into the swing of things this morning. I would like you to complete each activity on our task list for me today.
This half term, we have introduced a Foundation Subjects Club which you can dip in and out of in the afternoons and take part in as many as you like. I have attached all the details and links. I have also attached all the Worship details for the week so they are all in one place.
Maths - Can you use the ‘x’ symbol?
We are continuing to focus our learning on multiplication this week. Please see the talking Power point video linked below.
Here is the link to the White Rose video mentioned in the PowerPoint. You may want to use this link if you have any problems with sound today.
Times Tables
Please use Times Tables Rock Stars to continue to learn your 2,5 and 10 x table. If you would like your child's log in details, please contact the school office via the admin address and they will email them across to you.
Alternatively, you could play ‘Hit the Button’ or ‘Maths Fishing’.
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/306/Maths-Fishing-Multiplication
Writing - Can you read and answer questions about the text?
Please see the talking PowerPoint video linked below. I have recorded the instructions so just click play and then pause when it is time to complete an activity.
Please spend some time reading either the school book you took home with you or a book you have been reading at home each day. Please also remember to use our Oxford Owl website to access reading books online. There are lots of new books on here.
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=&age_group=age%204-7&series=&level=¤t_page=school_ebooks
Username: starlings1 (from the last lockdown)
Password: Home
If you get an adult to sign your reading diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
We will have our own book club on Zoom this week so please have your recommendations ready.
Read Write Inc
Instructions for how to find your RWI learning for today can be found on our English PowerPoint. Here is the link to the Read Write Inc home page on YouTube. It might help to add this as a favourite so that you can quickly find your Read Write Inc learning each day. Please remember that the website updates at 9:30 each day. You may notice that the sounds will start to repeat soon. The children revisit sounds many times when we are teaching Read Write Inc in school. We want to encourage fluency. We want the children to be able to read a text containing each sound at speed, without the need to Fred Talk. In order to achieve this, the children need to see each sound several times. Please continue to focus on the spelling, red word and hold a sentence videos.
Our sparkly new spellings will be on our English PowerPoint today. Please use your spelling whiteboard and roll and spell game to help you to learn them. Our quiz will be on Friday this week.
half money Mr Mrs parents
- Friday 26th February 2021
Please have a listen to the next chapter of our beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. You will find the audio at the end of our English PowerPoint. I will read a little bit of the story to you here each day.
We now have all of this week’s worships in one place. Please see the weekly worship page attached below.
Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c69EUY9_tY&feature=youtu.be
PE – I wonder if you can make up your own circuit today Swallows. Choose six different exercises and number them 1-6. Roll a dice (or write 1-6 on some small pieces of paper and pick them out of a pot)
Whichever number you roll or pull out of the pot, do the exercise for 30 seconds.
Our clubs are starting this week. Have a look at the attached list where you will find the links to our video PowerPoints. I have been in charge of our Craft club this week J.
Have a brilliant first day back to home learning Swallows and don’t forget to let me know how you are getting on with your learning today on School Spider. I will see you at 9:20 for our Zoom call this morning.
Lots of love from
Miss Gillam
Skylarks Home Learning 22.02.21, by Miss Beattie
Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 5:04pm
Monday 22nd February
Hi everyone 😊
Happy Monday Skylarks! I hope you all had a wonderful half term, I can’t wait to hear all about what you got up to during our zoom call this morning. You will find the link for this week’s zoom meeting in your emails or over on our class discussion.
Please see below for today’s remote learning tasks. We are also introducing our foundation subject clubs today which you can read more about below!
Please remember that I will be available on our discussion/homework area throughout the school day to help you and provide feedback on your work.
Multiplication: For your maths lesson today, please see the PowerPoint attached. Just click on the little speaker icon on the PowerPoint page to listen. Today, we are moving on to look at multiplication and will be multiplying by a 1-digit number using a variety of different methods.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the maths lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
Times Tables
This week I would like you to practice any tables that you still find tricky up to 12 x 12. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of this number? Do you know the division facts? Why not use TTRS or hit the button to help you:
Great Gods of Norse Mythology: Again, please see the PowerPoint attached. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. Today, we will be moving on to look at a new text called ‘Great Gods of Norse Mythology’. In our lesson we will read the first few pages before applying our skimming and scanning techniques to retrieve information from the text.
I have attached the whole text below which you will need to print or have opened for our lesson today (we will be using this text for the next couple of weeks, so if you choose to print it, keep it somewhere safe).
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the writing lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
It would also be super if you could spend 10-15 minutes each day reading your school book that you have taken home or another book you have been enjoying at home.
This week’s author of the week is Jeremy Strong. You can read his book ‘Romans on the Rampage’ at the link below:
Remember to continue writing in your reading diary and get an adult to sign in, then we can collect our raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Why not tell me what book you are reading over on our discussion?
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the ‘ee’ sound spelt ‘ei’. You could make your own spelling doodle and add to it throughout the week. I will add a new word each day and then on Friday we can have a little quiz.
Today’s word: receive
Story: You will find our story embedded into our Writing PowerPoint. Today we will begin to read ‘The Boy in the Dress’ by David Walliams.
Today Mrs Powell has recorded a worship for you which you can watch here:
You will also find a document attached to today’s blogs with all of this week’s worships in one place 😊
Foundation Subject Clubs
This week we are introducing weekly foundation subject clubs that you can take part in during the afternoons, after completing your maths and English lessons.
Please find the links below for this week’s clubs. You may choose which club you take part in each day.
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Computing (KS2)
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Here is the link to the coding task you are asked to complete:
Please follow this link for German club:
Craft Club
What could you create using a cereal box? Follow the link to our craft club activities for this week. Will you make a puppet theatre, a toy car, a marble run or your own musical instrument?
Here are the music suggestion links referred to in our PowerPoint today.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LR5n6QYRPU - Piano Covers Popular Songs 2020
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8NVwN0_mks – Disney Piano Covers
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dswwenF67GM – The Greatest Showman Piano Covers
Cave Gallery - Children’s Art in a Virtual Environment
Would you like to see your art work in an online art gallery?
The Cave is an online gallery for children and young people in and around Northwich to exhibit their Art work. The gallery is being developed for children to express their response of their experience in lockdown. The Cave hope to encourage young artists to set up their own galleries in a window of their home to curate and show their work in the local community.
The first online show will be for Easter 2021. The theme for the exhibition is ‘Hunker’. Many animals hunker down, hibernate and keep to their nests in winter and this winter we have joined them! We have been hunkering down since March and the experience has been very different for each of us. Please see the attached poster or visit the website linked below for more information on this exciting project. Please remember to submit your work before the end of March.
Have a wonderful Monday everyone 😊
Love from Miss Beattie x
Toucans Home Learning Mon 22.2.21, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 4:22pm
Monday 22nd February 2021
Good morning Toucans!
We hope you all had a lovely half-term and got the chance to complete some of the creative activities that the teachers suggested for you. We would love to hear about what you did on our Zoom call this morning or let us know on our Discussion on School Spider.
Worship - Christian Value – RESPECT
Click on this link to hear Mrs Powell’s Worship
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."  
(Genesis 2:15) 
Parts of a Circle – This is a Year 6 objective so you won’t have come across it before. Just listen carefully to the audio on each slide and look carefully at the diagrams and I’m sure you will be able to master this today!
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
Times Tables
Recap all your times tables using TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/
Where can you get to on the leader board today? We have been so impressed with your daily scores.
To write informative paragraphs about an endangered animal of your choice.
To apply all of the grammar skills practised throughout this unit
See the Power point attached. Like the Maths, Mrs Downing has recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do.
What animals are currently on the endangered species list?
Here’s some really useful websites that you can use to do your research:
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
Toucans, we would love you to read a little each day of the school book you have or a book you have been reading at home.
New edition of First News is on the blog today. I would recommend reading the following articles.
Page 12 Beirut Six Months after the Explosion
Page 16 Get your Bake On
This week we will be looking at the spellings – Plural Nouns
We will focus on the first 3 words today - yourselves, knives, bookshelves
Write down the singular form for each of these words - yourselves, knives, bookshelves
Then write down the plural form and explain how they have been made plural. What was the change/rule?
Put each plural word in a sentence to explain its meaning.
Spelling words: yourselves, knives, bookshelves, loaves, potatoes, volcanoes, geese, women, wolves, deer,
‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell, read by Mrs Whittingham
Please follow this link to see Mrs Whittingham read some more of our new class novel.
Jump Start Jonny - https://www.jumpstartjonny.co.uk/free-stuff
Click on the tab saying ‘Workouts’ and try some of the Chillouts or Challenges today.
Clubs for week beginning 22.02.21
This week we are introducing weekly foundation subject clubs that you can take part in during the afternoons, after completing your Maths and English lessons.
Please find the links below for this week’s clubs. You may choose which club you take part in each day.
Geography with Mrs Evans
Here is the link to this week’s club: 1 22 2 21 Geography Club
PE with Mr Ault
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Computing (KS2) with Miss Beattie
Here is the link to this week’s club:
Here is the link to the coding task you are asked to complete:
German with Mrs Judge
Please follow this link for German club:
Craft Club with Miss Gillam
What could you create using a cereal box? Follow the link to our craft club activities for this week. Will you make a puppet theatre, a toy car, a marble run or your own musical instrument?
Here are the music suggestion links referred to in our PowerPoint today.
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LR5n6QYRPU - Piano Covers Popular Songs 2020
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8NVwN0_mks – Disney Piano Covers
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dswwenF67GM – The Greatest Showman Piano Covers
Cave Gallery - Children’s Art in a Virtual Environment
Would you like to see your art work in an online art gallery?
The Cave is an online gallery for children and young people in and around Northwich to exhibit their Art work. The gallery is being developed for children to express their response of their experience in lockdown. The Cave hope to encourage young artists to set up their own galleries in a window of their home to curate and show their work in the local community.
The first online show will be for Easter 2021. The theme for the exhibition is ‘Hunker’. Many animals hunker down, hibernate and keep to their nests in winter and this winter we have joined them! We have been hunkering down since March and the experience has been very different for each of us. Please see the attached poster or visit the website linked below for more information on this exciting project. Please remember to submit your work before the end of March.
Have a great day everyone. Remember to use the Discussion page on School Spider to chat to us and upload your home learning tasks using the Upload your Homework tab.
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham and Mr Beswick.
Owls Class Home Learning Monday 22nd February, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 10:08am
Monday 22nd February
Good morning Owls class, Mrs. Campion, Mrs. Hoskins and I hope you had a really lovely half term at home with your families and that you are ready to get started with a new half term of learning. I am really looking forward to seeing you on our daily zoom call at 9:40am this morning so please come along and share something from your half term.
Today I have a phonics task, a handwriting task and an RE task for you.
As always, please post an observation linked to today’s activities to show me how you have got on with your learning today. Any questions please ask and I will try my very best to answer and help you.
Read, Write, Inc.
I would like you to follow the link to the main RWI channel to access your phonics videos for today. Please note that because there are no lessons saved on the site over the weekend, the site will not be active and new lessons will not be uploaded until after 9:30am.
Set 1 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, word time and spelling. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ
Please watch the lesson video and practise reading the special friends words.
Set 3 please follow the link below and access 3 videos: speed sounds, spelling, and longer words https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ
Today we are going to continue with our Handwriting work. We will be learning how to write the next three letters from the ‘down letters’ family. The letters we will learn and practise today are j, m, n
Please see the lesson video on Tapestry
Last week saw the start of a very special time in the Church’s calendar, Lent. Lent is a special time where Christians get ready for Easter. In today’s lesson video I will talk to you about what Lent means for Christians. For your task today I would like you to make a Lenten promise and share it on a footprint. You can download and print a footprint from the blog/tapestry or you can make your own footprint to write your promise onto.
Your lesson video is on Tapestry for you.
Here is the link to Mrs. Powell’s worship video for today: https://youtu.be/2c69EUY9_tY
Cosmic Yoga
Today, as part of our mindfulness work, I would like you to have a go at this 5 minute super yoga safari stretch. Click on the link to take you to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybPwuaGoa9E&list=PL8snGkhBF7nhTxJt1M7d6A7mmD3kK6wE1&index=10
This week at Lostock, we are introducing some Foundation subject clubs for you to take part in if you want to. These are completely optional but if you are looking for something to do in the afternoons once you have completed your tasks from our daily blog, then these will be perfect for you. The clubs are presented by different teachers from across our school. This week’s clubs are
PE with Mr. Ault
Mr. Ault shows you how to play a throwing target game.
The link is: https://youtu.be/afwa0muF0UE
Craft Club with Miss. Gillam
What could you create using a cereal box? Follow the link to our craft club activities for this week. Will you make a puppet theatre, a toy car or your own musical instrument today?
The link to this week’s craft club is: https://youtu.be/Y8VmlLWBC90
Cave Gallery
Children’s Art in a Virtual Environment
Would you like to see your art work in an online art gallery?
The Cave is an online gallery for children and young people in and around Northwich to exhibit their Art work. The gallery is being developed for children to express their response of their experience in lockdown. The Cave hope to encourage young artists to set up their own galleries in a window of their home to curate and show their work in the local community.
The first online show will be for Easter 2021. The theme for the exhibition is ‘Hunker’. Many animals hunker down, hibernate and keep to their nests in winter and this winter we have joined them! We have been hunkering down since March and the experience has been very different for each of us. Please see the attached poster or visit the website linked below for more information on this exciting project. Please remember to submit your work before the end of March.
As always, please post examples of your work and let me know how you are getting on using tapestry. Remember, if you experience technical issues with the tapestry app, please use the school spider blog if you have any difficulty accessing lesson materials. If you have any problems please send a message on tapestry or email the school office at admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Have fun!
Mrs. O’Marah
5.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:25pm
Friday 5th March 2021
Happy Friday everyone. Here we are again at the end of another hard working week. You are all amazing and we are just so proud of how much enthusiasm and hard work you are putting into your school jobs.
Well done superstars- we couldn’t be more proud of the amazing children we have at Lostock Gralam and don’t forget to tell your adults that we think they are superheroes.
Click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today: https://youtu.be/MTgdJpAbcc4 Science
Click on the link for today’s Science lesson with Mrs Evans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vghnALrWJxA
If you have them, you will need some drinking straws for today’s lesson (they can be any type but only use what you have already at home. Please don’t go out specially to buy them)
Reflect and return to school task:
Today we would like you to just reflect on the last 8 weeks of remote learning and to think ahead to your return to school. There are some lovely activities below to help you to do this. You might want to print them from the attachment, or you might want to create your own doodles in your own style.
If you want, you could play this lovely relaxing music whilst you create your ideas today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2UEqBdU7go&list=RD-j2uKUK5P10&index=2
This next activity might help you to zone in on your feelings and share your thoughts about Lockdown.
We are so excited about welcoming you back to school on Monday. Have a lovely weekend and see you very soon!
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles, Mrs Shimmin and Mrs Whittingham xxxx
4.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:25pm
Thursday 4th March 2021
Good morning everyone are you ready for our day’s lessons and learning?
Today’s sing and sign is I’m Gonna Jump up and down
Can I Click this link for Mrs Evans’ lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCTzQMli2n4
Times Tables
Have a go at times table pairs. Have a go with the 12 x table. https://www.timestables.co.uk/times-tables-memory.html
Can I write a myth? Click the link for today’s lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAy2i_J3Gvk
Global Goals
Look at this article!!! It’s amazing!
One of the best-preserved dinosaur footprints ever found in the UK has been discovered by a little girl on a Welsh beach…
We are learning the words were where we’re wear.
There is an activity attached (you don’t need to print it, just have it up on the screen and write the correct word. (DON’T write out the whole sentence)
Charlotte’s Web- the final chapter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69fNbfHypFc
Try and use these PE ideas for mini brain breaks in between your lessons. Like we do in school with playtime and track time.
Banana, banana meatball: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ9q4U2P3ig
Here is the 5 a day Jubilee dance that lots of you love doing in class https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBTvnJpwcKw
Enjoy your day today and I look forward to seeing your wonderful work.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
3.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:24pm
Wednesday 3rd March 2021
Good morning Team Goldfinch and I hope you are all ready for another day. Can you do something today to makes someone feel proud of you?
- Tidy your room without being asked.
- Read out a piece of the work you are proudest of (perhaps to a relative over the phone)
- Help prepare or cook a meal (with an adult)
We could share our ideas on zoom tomorrow or on today’s discussion page.
In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity: https://www.smilingmind.com.au/
or… here is a link to a gorgeous turtle video with calming piano music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqklulvlTls
Can I divide by 10? Click the link for today’s lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9_gqu8BRIk
If you want to print the worksheet, the resources page is attached below.
Times Tables
Goldfinches play Hit the Button today and practise your 12x and 6x table. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Can I write a myth? Click the link for today’s lesson with Mrs Evans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzcKzUA-tOE
Did you enjoy your reading yesterday? What is going to happen in your story today? Curl up in a cosy spot and find out.
We are learning to spell and understand the meaning of the words were where we’re wear. Click on the link below for a short lesson and reminder.
Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpmtggr-Ric
Here are the Marvel, Star Wars and Harry Potter workouts in this link:
Here is a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN3GgCUmmXw This is a very fast dance workout!! I loved it and think you will be brilliant at it!
Don't forget to have a look at the clubs available this week.
Enjoy your lessons, fitness and play time today Goldfinches- stay motivated and feel proud of all of the great work you are doing.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Rundles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
2.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:24pm
Tuesday 2nd March 2021
Good morning gorgeous Goldfinches. How did you get on yesterday? Remember that keeping focused and having regular brain breaks will help you get things done.
Today’s worship is from Open the Book. Today’s story is: The Sower
Can I multiply by 100? Click on the link below for Mrs Evans’ lesson.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL7pdf3am7M
If you want to print out the maths worksheet to write on, it is attached below.
Times Tables
Have a go at Tommy’s Trek again today: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/318/Tommys-Trek-Times-Tables
Can I write my own myth? Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ writing lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuL2plOX0Kk
I realised after the recording was done that I’d used Perseus twice for names of characters. I meant Theseus for the older Greek man!
If you want to print them, there are resources attached for today’s lesson but you don’t have to.
How did you enjoy the First News Paper yesterday? If you want to read more articles, just go back to yesterday’s blog and click on the attachment. If not, today is a perfect day to curl up for 20 minutes with your story book. Enjoy!
We are learning the spellings and meanings of were, where, we’re and wear.
Have a go at the activity below. You don’t need to write out the whole sentence- just write the question number and the correct were, where, we’re or wear word.
The answers are attached below so you can mark your own.
Story –
Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmn9AqclMuI
Charlotte’s Web part 2 (because I had to pause due to a delivery at the door!)
How about trying a Zumba dance today?
This is a great Minions one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP0wgVhUC9w (sorry mums and dads…)
Or … here is a very strange Guacamole song/dance that my 3 love!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhjG8fHxB2I
Think about ways you could relax and play off screens when you have finished your school jobs today. Keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
1.3.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:24pm
Monday 1st March 2021
Welcome to another month. Spring is really coming now. I love looking for the signs of Spring out and about on my walks and runs. I wonder which signs of Spring you have spotted recently?
Mrs Whittinhgam is going to be on the zoom call today and will also be commenting on the discussion page. She will be give feedback on any work you have uploaded to the homework tool.
Please click the link to Mr Cliff’s worship today: https://youtu.be/aQnaxYm0c5w
Arithmetic- See the Power point attached below for Mrs Whittingham’s lesson.
If you can’t hear the audio on the Maths Power point please use this video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeo4AL4FSKU&feature=youtu.be
These links also appear in the power point for further learning
Fraction Games
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=fractions
Let’s sing along with a cover of Taylor Swift’s song ‘Shake it off’ to learn our 6 times tables
Times Tables
TTRock Stars today. https://ttrockstars.com/
Click on the attached power point below for your lesson with Mrs Whittingham or if you can’t hear the sound, click on this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pcqz7e8abfk&feature=youtu.be
These links also appear in the RE power point for further learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BjtbJFz2ug
I have attached the final FIRST NEWS which is a newspaper just for children. There are some really interesting articles and stories in there. What can you find out today?
Don’t forget to keep getting your diary signed to collect all those raffle tickets when you are back in school.
We are learning the spellings and meanings of were where we’re wear Click here for today’s lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWGuPS5uAHA
More from Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lypUJWMbtE
How did you get on with making your own circuit up last Monday? Maybe today you want to have another go and improve. Create a scoring or recording system to see how well you are doing e.g.
How many star jumps can you do in 30 seconds?
How long can you hold the plank for?
Can you sprint on the spot for 30 seconds?
How many sit ups can you do in 30 seconds?
How many lunges in 30 seconds?
How many press ups in 30 seconds?
CLUBS: Please see these week’s clubs attached below.
I know you will have a wonderful day today Goldfinches because you are so good at this. I know a lot of you are getting up and straight onto school work so you have some lovely time to rest and play in the afternoons!
Love from Mrs Evans, Mrs Whittingham, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxxx
26.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:21pm
Friday 25thth February 2021
Happy Friday everyone. It is definitely time for a yummy hot chocolate or warm juice later today. What are you watching for your movie night this weekend or where are you going for a walk or explore?
Click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7xoLfBdehQ&feature=youtu.be
We will continue to learn about Sound and Hearing. Click on the link for our lesson: You will also need to watch these videos to help you today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuohyS1BHeQ
Times Tables
TTrock stars today. Remember, little and often is the best way to learn your times tables. So many of you are moving up the leader board now. I’m really impressed Goldfinches! Please remember to keep your passwords to yourselves and not show them to anybody. https://ttrockstars.com/
Can I write a fact file? Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO2OICCnLpU
Find a comfy, cosy curl up spot to relax and enjoy the book you are reading at the moment.
We are learning words with the suffix ‘ly’
Have a practise of the words then click on the link for our weekly spelling test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cw7Xpj-4OQ8
More from Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNb4rkeNQZU
You normally have a whole hour of PE on a Friday so this link is a little bit of a longer activity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og_f0_QO_Ko
Haaaaaapy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
25.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:21pm
Thursday 25th February 2021
Good morning everyone and here we are on a lovely Thursday morning ready for our day’s lessons and learning.
Today’s sing and sign is Be Still for the Presence of the Lord
Can I multiply by 10? Click this link for Mrs Evans’ lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq8sSgV8MxU
Times Tables
Have a go at times table pairs. Have a go with the 7x 9x table or 11x table. https://www.timestables.co.uk/times-tables-memory.html
Or choose 7x, 9x or 11x tables in Tommy’s Trek in this link: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/318/Tommys-Trek-Times-Tables
Can I use a speech sandwich to add detail to my writing? Click the link for today’s lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiqoAKwCZtk
Global Goals
I loved reading this article which is linked to our work on the Global Goals about ways to give our planet a little love. It made me think of just a couple more ‘Make One Change’ ideas to add to my pledge for the Global Goals. As well as checking light switches are off in unused rooms, I’m making sure we all turn the tap off whilst brushing teeth and I’m starting to think about which plants and seeds I can begin to sow in my garden or in pots on the windowsills ready for spring and summer. I wonder what you might do?
We are learning words with the ‘ly’ suffix
Make your own spelling doodle today or, if you enjoyed the Spelling Frame games yesterday, have another go at a new one today. Just click on the free games https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/13/8-The-suffix-ly
Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LPpajB2EWo
Try and use these PE ideas for mini brain breaks in between your lessons. Like we do in school with playtime and track time.
Fabio’s meatball run still makes me laugh…a lot! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU0ETGd5dgk&list=PLvOM63VL7J_f3KKLwCe3UlbElFp-_iwC8&index=3&t=0s
Have a dance to ‘party rock’ and learn some new moves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXO6UPOhwC0
Enjoy your day today and I look forward to seeing your wonderful work.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
24.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:20pm
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Good morning Team Goldfinch and I hope you are all ready for another day. Can you do something today to makes someone feel happy? What could your small act of kindness be today?
- tell someone they are wonderful
- give someone in your house a big snuggly cuddle
- zoom call/phone a friend or relative and tell them a joke or something funny
We could share our ideas on zoom and on today’s discussion page.
In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity: https://www.smilingmind.com.au/
or… here is a link to a calming aquarium https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=_Nu-arlddP4
Can I find the perimeter of rectilinear shapes? Click the link for today’s lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQgUUBkthPY
If you want to print the worksheet, the resources page is attached below.
Times Tables
Learn the 11x table with the Supermovers https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-maths-the-11-times-table/z464nrd
You could also play Hit the Button today and practise your 11x table. Remember to include the division facts too. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Can I use speech punctuation? Click the link for today’s lesson with Mrs Evans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cdEZbs9oxk
Click here for the story about the Wooden Horse: https://www.storynory.com/the-wooden-horse/
Did you enjoy the myth yesterday? Have a look at First News which I have attached today.
We are learning words with the suffix ‘ly’
Play the free games on Spelling Frame to help you practise words with this suffix https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/13/8-The-suffix-ly
The free games seem to change around and they are not always the same one each day so keep an eye out. My Toby’s favourite is Birds Vs Robots and my Lola’s favourite is Match Wall. I have tried Mini golf but I’m not very good at getting the aim right!!!!
Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47RXAMHJYRI
Here are the Marvel, Star Wars and Harry Potter workouts in this link:
Here is a different link for Kidzbop if you fancy a dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIimc68-XpU
Enjoy your lessons, fitness and play time today Goldfinches- stay motivated and feel proud of all of the great work you are doing.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
23.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 8:20pm
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Good morning gorgeous Goldfinches. How did you get on yesterday? It was fantastic to hear how many of you got back into the swing of things. Remember, it is hard at first after a week off, but keep focused and you will soon get things done.
Remember to upload your work on the Homework part of School Spider (there is one for maths and one for writing) so I can give you some individual feedback. If you want to chat to your friends, you can use the discussion part.
Today’s worship is from Open the Book. Today’s story is The Two Sons
Can I find the perimeter of rectangles? Click on the link below for Mrs Evans’ lesson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOwxDLBk-rQ
If you want to print out the maths worksheet to write on, it is attached below.
Times Tables
Join in the 11 x table song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNHC-oU8tt8
There is also an 11 times tables loop card game attached today.
Adventures in Ancient Greece. Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ writing lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6TJO0BJtL4
Click here for links to the Greek Mythical Creatures websites:
This week is all about Ancient Greek Myths so I have attached a link to ‘Helen of Troy’ which you could follow as you listen to it being read to you: https://www.storynory.com/helen-of-troy/
We are learning words with the suffix ‘ly’
Use italic writing or bubble writing or fancy writing or robot writing to practise 2 or 3 of your spellings today.
Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEXXle4nDqI
How about trying a Zumba dance today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRM9h8EQ6Bw
Or … here are the 5-a-day login details:
Username |
Login |
lost9261 |
Ns9h0an6 |
Think about ways you could relax and play off screens when you have finished your school jobs today. Keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Evans, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxx
22.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Feb 2021 @ 7:42pm
Monday 22ndFebruary 2021
Welcome back! I hope you have had a wonderful rest and enjoyed your half term holiday.
Mrs Whittinhgam is going to be on the zoom call today and will also be commenting on the discussion page. She will be give feedback on any work you have uploaded to the homework tool.
We now have all of this week’s worships in one place. Please see the weekly worship page attached below.
Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2c69EUY9_tY&feature=youtu.be
Arithmetic- See the Power point attached below for Mrs Whittingham’s lesson.
If you can’t hear the audio on the Maths Power point please use this video link https://youtu.be/eupwc0LulKs
These links also appear in the power point for further learning
Maths Games
- https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/306/Maths-Fishing-Multiplication
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/subtraction-grids
Let’s sing along with a cover of Taylor Swift’s song ‘Shake it off’ to learn our 6 times tables - https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=e7rYbk9PNuM
Times Tables
TTRock Stars today. https://ttrockstars.com/
Please make sure you don’t share your password with anyone else.
I have added the local school’s leader board. At the moment we are in 24th position based on speed. Keep going this week and see if you can get faster bit by bit and day by day!
Click on the attached power point below for your lesson with Mrs Whittingham or if you can’t hear the sound, click on this link https://youtu.be/jOt6eAIdV-Q
These links also appear in the RE power point for further learning
5 Pillars of Islam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9U8T8x1AhQ
Sawm http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02mwdxf
Hajj https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/24566691
Steps involved in performing Hajj https://www.youtube.com/watch/Hb-ngN7pVyw
Please click here if you would like to find out more about the Water Aid charity which was what Mrs Powell was talking about in her worship today. https://www.wateraid.org/uk/the-crisis
Don’t forget to keep getting your diary signed to collect all those raffle tickets when you are back in school.
We are learning words with the suffix ‘ly’
Task: choose 2 or 3 of your spellings today and write the words from their word families
e.g. breezily word family words= breeze, breezy, breezed
Return to Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsNVH7zuE6Y
I wonder if you can make up your own circuit today Goldfinches. Choose 6 different exercises and number them 1-6. Roll a dice (or write 1-6 on some small pieces of paper and pick them out of a pot)
Whichever number you roll or pull out of the pot, do the exercise for 30 seconds.
Our clubs are starting this week. You can choose which one (ones) you do this week. The list and links are attached below.
Have a super first day back to home learning Goldfinches- it might be difficult to get back into at first but we know you can do it.
Love from Mrs Evans, Mrs Whittingham, Miss Randles and Mrs Shimmin xxxx
Y3 22.02.21, by Mrs Rice
Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 12:02pm
Monday 22nd February 2021
Good morning Robins and welcome back to school. I hope that you have all had a wonderful half term holiday and that you are ready and raring to learn again in our new way.
Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today as she explores the Creation Story with us and introduces us to the importance of water in God’s world. I have also attached a Worship page with everything on for this week so that it is all in one place.
Maths –Follow the link to watch my lesson. Let’s convert into pounds and pence!
Times Tables
TTRock Stars today. https://ttrockstars.com/
Read an article on the National Geographic Kids UK website. You can choose something that interests you and share it with a family member or with us on School Spider. Select the ‘Discover’ tab on the website then choose an article. There are different headings including Animals, History and Science so there is plenty to choose from. I like this article about climate change, it really made me think.
Please follow this link to watch my lesson as we read the final pages of our book.
Story Time
Follow this link to listen to how George makes the medicine!
Spellings (We are keeping the last list we had again this week, quizy quiz on these words on Friday)
cavern (cavernous, cave, caves)
circle (circles, circled, circling, circular)
certain (certainly)
caught (catch, catching)
complete (completed, completing)
build (building, built, builder)
busy (busier, busiest)
breath (breaths)
breathe (breathing, breathed)
How are you going to learn this week’s words?
Roll n Spell/Spelling Doodle/Post It Notes/Look Say Cover Write Check…?
Today have a go at Go-Noodle so you can add some activities to your challenge record. This one is a blast from my past, a favourite film of mine. Your grown ups might like this one! FootLoose
Have a super day at home Robins. Keep going, remember how proud I am of you all.
Love from Mrs Rice xx
Starlings Home Learning Blog 12th February, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 9:20pm
Friday 12th February
Good morning lovely Starlings and welcome to your last home learning blog of this half term. You have achieved so much over the past 6 weeks and we are so very proud of everything you have done at home and in school. Thank you for always having a smile on your face every morning on zoom and for being the amazing class that you are!
Today’s blog is a little different, if you have brothers and sisters in school you’ll notice we have all shared some activities so please see below. The science lesson is the next lesson in our unit of work on the senses.
Gung hay fat choy is how Cantonese speakers wish you a happy new year—literally "wishing you great happiness and prosperity."
In China, the official language is Mandarin. Gong xi fa cai is how Mandarin-speakers wish you a happy new year—literally "wishing you to be prosperous in the coming year."
Hello everyone. We think you have worked so hard with your remote learning this half term so as a little treat and a big thank you here are some lovely activities for you to choose from today.
We would like you to start with Mrs Powell’s worship then complete your Science lesson.
Then the choice is yours! Perhaps these will give you some nice ideas to do over the half term holiday too.
Please click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today
Please click here for the link to today’s science lesson.
Please click here for the link to a video of all of the teachers explaining the fun activities below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNh6KS0A38E
Build a den either inside (or even outdoors if we are lucky enough to have a warm, dry day) You could use blankets, sheets, cushions, old boxes, chairs. Could you put your teddy bear in there and a book?
While you are out on your daily walk, why not look out for the following things and tick them off when you see them. There is a large copy of the sheet attached to the blog.
Puppet show
•Make up your own story to act out or you could use one of your favourite stories instead
•Make your own puppet characters – these could be sock, stick or finger puppets
•You could even make your own puppet theatre out of a cereal box
•Perform your story using your puppets for your family
Obstacle course. You don’t need any fancy equipment. Just get creative with the things you have already got at home or in your garden. E.g.
- Balance a potato on a spoon
- Balance a cushion on your head
- Jump over a skipping rope/piece of string, pair of tights
- Use rolled up socks as cones and run in and out of them
- Keepie uppies with rolled up socks
Lego building challenge
How many of these objects could you make using your Lego?
Don’t worry if you don’t have any Lego, could you make these using different materials that you could find around your house e.g. Empty toilet roll holders, cereal boxes, plastic bottles etc.
Make A Glitter Jar
Have some fun creating your very own glitter jar – fill it with water and whatever you have around the house then shake it and let your mind calm as you watch everything float to the bottom.
Art – Can you make your own view finder?
Are you feeling creative and outdoorsy today? Why not have a go at creating your own view finder with Miss Gillam today. Use your view finder to help you to bite off a measurable chunk of a landscape to draw. This can be anywhere from your back yard to your garden or even the view from your balcony. All you will need is a piece of paper, a pencil and some string. Don’t forget to share your masterpiece with your family, our school Twitter page and in your next class Zoom call.
Let’s make our walk today a little more interesting, time to play ‘Walking Bingo!’
Visit https://www.template.net/design-templates/free-printable-bingo-card/
And print off a bingo card to take with you on your next walk. Search for the numbers on your card on houses, signs, bus stops....If you find a number on you card, you can cross it off. I wonder if you can get a line or even a full house?
Or, perhaps you could make your own number pavement trail using chalk?
Build a structure using marshmallows and spaghetti
Story - ‘One Hundred Steps’ by Sir Captain Tom Moore
This is a beautiful story written by Captain Sir Tom Moore, who we remember for raising money for charity in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an important message of resilience and optimism, just when we need it most. It’s a book about adventure, family, hope and what we can achieve when we work together. This will help to remind us of Sir Tom, who sadly passed away last week, and of the kindness and courage we require in these unprecedented times. Please follow the link to ‘One Hundred Steps’:
Have fun and Happy Half Term,
Love from the whole Lostock Gralam Team xxx
Swallows - Friday 12th February 2021, by Miss Gillam
Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 6:27pm
Friday 12th February
Hello everyone. We think you have worked so hard with your remote learning this half term so as a little treat and a big thank you here are some lovely activities for you to choose from today. You do not need to complete all of these activities. Just choose the ones which look the most fun to you.
We would like you to start with Mrs Powell’s worship then complete your Science lesson.
Then the choice is yours! Perhaps these will give you some nice ideas to do over the half term holiday too.
Please click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today. Mrs Powell has two lovely stories to share with you today.
Please click here for the link to today’s science lesson.
Please click here for the link to a video of all of the teachers explaining the fun activities below!
Den Building
Build a den either inside (or even outdoors if we are lucky enough to have a warm, dry day) You could use blankets, sheets, cushions, old boxes, chairs. Could you put your teddy bear in there and a book?
Draw with Rob
Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
While you are out on your daily walk, why not look out for the following things and tick them off when you see them. There is a large copy of the sheet attached to the blog.
Puppet show
•Make up your own story to act out or you could use one of your favourite stories instead
•Make your own puppet characters – these could be sock, stick or finger puppets
•You could even make your own puppet theatre out of a cereal box
•Perform your story using your puppets for your family
Obstacle course
You don’t need any fancy equipment. Just get creative with the things you have already got at home or in your garden. E.g.
- Balance a potato on a spoon
- Balance a cushion on your head
- Jump over a skipping rope/piece of string, pair of tights
- Use rolled up socks as cones and run in and out of them
- Keepie uppies with rolled up socks
Lego building challenge
How many of these objects could you make using your Lego?
Don’t worry if you don’t have any Lego, could you make these using different materials that you could find around your house e.g. Empty toilet roll holders, cereal boxes, plastic bottles etc.
Make A Glitter Jar
Have some fun creating your very own glitter jar – fill it with water and whatever you have around the house then shake it and let your mind calm as you watch everything float to the bottom.
Art – Can you make your own view finder?
Are you feeling creative and outdoorsy today? Why not have a go at creating your own view finder with Miss Gillam today. Use your view finder to help you to bite off a measurable chunk of a landscape to draw. This can be anywhere from your back yard to your garden or even the view from your balcony. All you will need is a piece of paper, a pencil and some string. Don’t forget to share your masterpiece with your family, our school Twitter page and in your next class Zoom call.
Let’s make our walk today a little more interesting, time to play ‘Walking Bingo!’
Visit https://www.template.net/design-templates/free-printable-bingo-card/
And print off a bingo card to take with you on your next walk. Search for the numbers on your card on houses, signs, bus stops....If you find a number on you card, you can cross it off. I wonder if you can get a line or even a full house?
Or, perhaps you could make your own number pavement trail using chalk?
Build a structure using marshmallows and spaghetti
Can you create your own ‘Bottle Moment’? This is a lovely, creative drawing competition.
Story - ‘One Hundred Steps’ by Sir Captain Tom Moore
This is a beautiful story written by Captain Sir Tom Moore, who we remember for raising money for charity in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an important message of resilience and optimism, just when we need it most. It’s a book about adventure, family, hope and what we can achieve when we work together. This will help to remind us of Sir Tom, who sadly passed away last week, and of the kindness and courage we require in these unprecedented times. Please follow the link to ‘One Hundred Steps’:
Have fun and Happy Half Term
Love from the whole Lostock Gralam Team xxx
Toucans Home Learning 12.2.21, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 12:44pm
Friday 12th February
Gung hay fat choy is how Cantonese speakers wish you a happy new year—literally "wishing you great happiness and prosperity."
In China, the official language is Mandarin. Gong xi fa cai is how Mandarin-speakers wish you a happy new year—literally "wishing you to be prosperous in the coming year."
Hello everyone. We think you have worked so hard with your remote learning this half term so as a little treat and a big thank you here are some lovely activities for you to choose from today.
We would like you to start with Mrs Powell’s worship then complete your Science lesson.
Then the choice is yours! Perhaps these will give you some nice ideas to do over the half term holiday too.
Please click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today
Science – Diet and Lifestyle lesson 4
What happens to the circulatory system during exercise?
Please click here for the link to today’s science lesson.
Please click here for the link to a video of all of the teachers explaining the fun activities below! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNh6KS0A38E
Build a den either inside (or even outdoors if we are lucky enough to have a warm, dry day) You could use blankets, sheets, cushions, old boxes, chairs. Could you put your teddy bear in there and a book?
While you are out on your daily walk, why not look out for the following things and tick them off when you see them. There is a large copy of the sheet attached to the blog.
Puppet show
•Make up your own story to act out or you could use one of your favourite stories instead
•Make your own puppet characters – these could be sock, stick or finger puppets
•You could even make your own puppet theatre out of a cereal box
•Perform your story using your puppets for your family
Obstacle course
You don’t need any fancy equipment. Just get creative with the things you have already got at home or in your garden. E.g.
- Balance a potato on a spoon
- Balance a cushion on your head
- Jump over a skipping rope/piece of string, pair of tights
- Use rolled up socks as cones and run in and out of them
- Keepie uppies with rolled up socks
Lego building challenge
How many of these objects could you make using your Lego?
Don’t worry if you don’t have any Lego, could you make these using different materials that you could find around your house e.g. Empty toilet roll holders, cereal boxes, plastic bottles etc.
Make A Glitter Jar
Have some fun creating your very own glitter jar – fill it with water and whatever you have around the house then shake it and let your mind calm as you watch everything float to the bottom.
Art – Can you make your own view finder?
Are you feeling creative and outdoorsy today? Why not have a go at creating your own view finder with Miss Gillam today. Use your view finder to help you to bite off a measurable chunk of a landscape to draw. This can be anywhere from your back yard to your garden or even the view from your balcony. All you will need is a piece of paper, a pencil and some string. Don’t forget to share your masterpiece with your family, our school Twitter page and in your next class Zoom call.
Let’s make our walk today a little more interesting, time to play ‘Walking Bingo!’
Visit https://www.template.net/design-templates/free-printable-bingo-card/
And print off a bingo card to take with you on your next walk. Search for the numbers on your card on houses, signs, bus stops....If you find a number on you card, you can cross it off. I wonder if you can get a line or even a full house?
Or, perhaps you could make your own number pavement trail using chalk?
Build a structure using marshmallows and spaghetti
Story - ‘One Hundred Steps’ by Sir Captain Tom Moore
This is a beautiful story written by Captain Sir Tom Moore, who we remember for raising money for charity in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an important message of resilience and optimism, just when we need it most. It’s a book about adventure, family, hope and what we can achieve when we work together. This will help to remind us of Sir Tom, who sadly passed away last week, and of the kindness and courage we require in these unprecedented times. Please follow the link to ‘One Hundred Steps’:
Have fun and Happy Half Term
Love from the whole Lostock Gralam Team xxx
Y3 12.02.21, by Mrs Rice
Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 11:55am
Friday 12th February
Hello everyone. We think you have worked so hard with your remote learning this half term so as a little treat and a big thank you here are some lovely activities for you to choose from today. I thought that we would keep our spellings for the first week back and do our quiz that Friday to give you more screen free time today.
We would like you to start with Mrs Powell’s worship then complete your Science lesson.
Then the choice is yours! Perhaps these will give you some nice ideas to do over the half term holiday too.
Please click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today
Please click here for the link to today’s science lesson.
Please click here for the link to a video of all of the teachers explaining the fun activities below!
Build a den either inside (or even outdoors if we are lucky enough to have a warm, dry day) You could use blankets, sheets, cushions, old boxes, chairs. Could you put your teddy bear in there and a book?
While you are out on your daily walk, why not look out for the following things and tick them off when you see them. There is a large copy of the sheet attached to the blog.
Puppet show
•Make up your own story to act out or you could use one of your favourite stories instead
•Make your own puppet characters – these could be sock, stick or finger puppets
•You could even make your own puppet theatre out of a cereal box
•Perform your story using your puppets for your family
Obstacle course
You don’t need any fancy equipment. Just get creative with the things you have already got at home or in your garden. E.g.
- Balance a potato on a spoon
- Balance a cushion on your head
- Jump over a skipping rope/piece of string, pair of tights
- Use rolled up socks as cones and run in and out of them
- Keepie uppies with rolled up socks
Lego building challenge
How many of these objects could you make using your Lego?
Don’t worry if you don’t have any Lego, could you make these using different materials that you could find around your house e.g. Empty toilet roll holders, cereal boxes, plastic bottles etc.
Make A Glitter Jar
Have some fun creating your very own glitter jar – fill it with water and whatever you have around the house then shake it and let your mind calm as you watch everything float to the bottom.
Art – Can you make your own view finder?
Are you feeling creative and outdoorsy today? Why not have a go at creating your own view finder with Miss Gillam today. Use your view finder to help you to bite off a measurable chunk of a landscape to draw. This can be anywhere from your back yard to your garden or even the view from your balcony. All you will need is a piece of paper, a pencil and some string. Don’t forget to share your masterpiece with your family, our school Twitter page and in your next class Zoom call.
Let’s make our walk today a little more interesting, time to play ‘Walking Bingo!’
Visit https://www.template.net/design-templates/free-printable-bingo-card/
And print off a bingo card to take with you on your next walk. Search for the numbers on your card on houses, signs, bus stops....If you find a number on you card, you can cross it off. I wonder if you can get a line or even a full house?
Or, perhaps you could make your own number pavement trail using chalk?
Build a structure using marshmallows and spaghetti
Story - ‘One Hundred Steps’ by Sir Captain Tom Moore
This is a beautiful story written by Captain Sir Tom Moore, who we remember for raising money for charity in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an important message of resilience and optimism, just when we need it most. It’s a book about adventure, family, hope and what we can achieve when we work together. This will help to remind us of Sir Tom, who sadly passed away last week, and of the kindness and courage we require in these unprecedented times. Please follow the link to ‘One Hundred Steps’:
Have fun and Happy Half Term
Love from the whole Lostock Gralam Team xxx
Skylarks Home Learning 12.02.21, by Miss Beattie
Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 11:24am
Friday 12th February
Gung hay fat choy is how Cantonese speakers wish you a happy new year—literally "wishing you great happiness and prosperity."
In China, the official language is Mandarin. Gong xi fa cai is how Mandarin-speakers wish you a happy new year—literally "wishing you to be prosperous in the coming year."
Hello everyone. We think you have worked so hard with your remote learning this half term so as a little treat and a big thank you here are some lovely activities for you to choose from today.
We would like you to start with Mrs Powell’s worship then complete your Science lesson.
Then the choice is yours! Perhaps these will give you some nice ideas to do over the half term holiday too.
Please click on the link for Mrs Powell’s worship today
Our science lessons on forces continue today where we will be thinking about contact forces. You can find the lesson here:
You can download the accompanying worksheets from our blog, however this is not essential. You can simply record your responses/answers on some paper.
Introductory Quiz:
Final Quiz:
Story - ‘One Hundred Steps’ by Sir Captain Tom Moore
This is a beautiful story written by Captain Sir Tom Moore, who we remember for raising money for charity in the run-up to his 100th birthday during the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an important message of resilience and optimism, just when we need it most. It’s a book about adventure, family, hope and what we can achieve when we work together. This will help to remind us of Sir Tom, who sadly passed away last week, and of the kindness and courage we require in these unprecedented times. Please follow the link to ‘One Hundred Steps’:
Please click here for the link to a video of all of the teachers explaining the fun activities below!
Den Building
Build a den either inside (or even outdoors if we are lucky enough to have a warm, dry day) You could use blankets, sheets, cushions, old boxes, chairs. Could you put your teddy bear in there and a book?
Draw with Rob
Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
While you are out on your daily walk, why not look out for the following things and tick them off when you see them. There is a large copy of the sheet attached to the blog.
Puppet show
- Make up your own story to act out or you could use one of your favourite stories instead
- Make your own puppet characters – these could be sock, stick or finger puppets
- You could even make your own puppet theatre out of a cereal box
- Perform your story using your puppets for your family
Obstacle Course
You don’t need any fancy equipment. Just get creative with the things you have already got at home or in your garden. E.g.
- Balance a potato on a spoon
- Balance a cushion on your head
- Jump over a skipping rope/piece of string, pair of tights
- Use rolled up socks as cones and run in and out of them
- Keepie uppies with rolled up socks
Lego building challenge
How many of these objects could you make using your Lego?
Don’t worry if you don’t have any Lego, could you make these using different materials that you could find around your house e.g. Empty toilet roll holders, cereal boxes, plastic bottles etc.
Make A Glitter Jar
Have some fun creating your very own glitter jar – fill it with water and whatever you have around the house then shake it and let your mind calm as you watch everything float to the bottom.
Art – Can you make your own view finder?
Are you feeling creative and outdoorsy today? Why not have a go at creating your own view finder with Miss Gillam today. Use your view finder to help you to bite off a measurable chunk of a landscape to draw. This can be anywhere from your back yard to your garden or even the view from your balcony. All you will need is a piece of paper, a pencil and some string. Don’t forget to share your masterpiece with your family, our school Twitter page and in your next class Zoom call.
Let’s make our walk today a little more interesting, time to play ‘Walking Bingo!’
Visit https://www.template.net/design-templates/free-printable-bingo-card/
And print off a bingo card to take with you on your next walk. Search for the numbers on your card on houses, signs, bus stops....If you find a number on you card, you can cross it off. I wonder if you can get a line or even a full house?
Or, perhaps you could make your own number pavement trail using chalk?
Build a structure using marshmallows and spaghetti
Bottle Moments
Have fun and Happy Half Term!
Love from the whole Lostock Gralam Team xxx