Our blogs
Y2 13.05.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 9:06am
Buenas Dias Swallows
Happy Wednesday to you all. How are you? I am currently having a hayfever attack! I am sneezing lots and coughing which is making it difficult for me to film my Wednesday morning hello! I am hoping that it will calm down later this morning and I will film a little message for you all then.
Here it is, I feel a bit better now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAS0v_00y24
Our lessons today include a Science one about reflective materials. You have already learnt lots about the properties of different materials so I think that you will be experts at this.
I have promised the boys that we will go out on our bikes this aftenoon and if they are good and don't argue...we might bake too. I'm not sure that will happen though as William and Thomas are having lots of arguments at the minute! It can be tricky being with the same people all day every day. I know how kind you are though so I am sure that you are showing Friendship to all your family members. Please keep your Friendship posters, poems, stories and photgraphs coming in in either by our sharing window, Twitter or email them to admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk. I really enjoy seeing what you are getting up to at home, it makes me smile. Even if it is a photo of you snuggled up watching the tele or playing, it doesn't have to be work.
I have some maths ideas for when you are out walking. They are saved on our home learning page called Walking Maths but I thought I'd put one on here for you each day to make your walk or bike ride more interesting.
SHAPE HUNT: What shapes can you find on your walk? Look for road signs, shapes in patterns on front doors, shapes in fencing. Maybe take a tick sheet out with you so your child can cross shapes off as they find them. Ask your grown up to print a 2d shape mat off from this link https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-n105-2d-shape-word-mat to help you to identify the shapes.
A message from Mrs Powell
In 1984, Chris Baines actually sent out an invitation to his friends asking them to meet him at 4 am. His birthday plan was to have all his guests listen to the dawn chorus together. The dawn chorus is the singing of many birds before dawn each day.
This all happens about an hour before sunrise. At this time of day, it is too dark for the birds to search for food, but also too dark for them to be spotted by predators. There is less background noise, too, so the air is still and sound carries for a greater distance. There is a sequence to the dawn chorus. Robins, blackbirds and thrushes start first, which may be because they have biggish eyes to see in the dark and because they like to look for worms. After a while, all the other birds join in.
Have you noticed the birds singing? I think it is lovely to think that we are all listening to the birds and enjoying their bird song even though we are apart.
Follow this link for Mrs Powell's video message this morning:
Have a lovely day Swallows.
Lots of love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxxx
13.5.20 Starlings Class Blog -Wednesday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 9:01am
Here is a little HELLO video from me! https://youtu.be/XIWD2Lj68Oc
It is Wednesday again already, the middle of the week. How did the new week start for you? Today you might fancy learning a new skill from the 30 day life skills challenge or maybe you would like to learn a new language! Oak National Academy have a lesson today about learning how to say the days of the week and months of the year in Spanish. There’s also other Spanish lessons about numbers, introducing yourself and saying your age. Give one a go if you fancy it!
Perhaps you would like to make your own playdough or salt dough to be creative with today? Don’t forget to share what you make on Twitter.
Faith at Home
Each Wednesday, Open the book come and join us in school for a very special Worship Assermbly. Today I would like you to join the Oak Academy weekly collective worship session online, led by Church of England’s schools and in partnership with those of other faith traditions. Suitable for those of all faiths and none. Today’s session is all about hope.
Have a super fantastic day!
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
In 1984, Chris Baines actually sent out an invitation to his friends asking them to meet him at 4 am. His birthday plan was to have all his guests listen to the dawn chorus together. The dawn chorus is the singing of many birds before dawn each day.
This all happens about an hour before sunrise. At this time of day, it is too dark for the birds to search for food, but also too dark for them to be spotted by predators. There is less sequence to the dawn chorus. Robins, blackbirds and thrushes start first, which may be because they have biggish eyes to see in the dark and because they like to look for worms. After a while, all the other birds join in. Have you noticed the birds singing? I think it is lovely to think that we are all listening to the birds and enjoying their bird song even though we are apart.
Watch Mrs Powell’s Worship on-line by following this link.
Wednesday 13th Worship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfvYnMRuDI
Wednesday 13th May, by Miss Beattie
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 8:59am
Good morning my gorgeous Robins J
I have recorded a little good morning message for you all which you can watch by clicking the link below:
It looks like another lovely day to be outside! What are you going to get up to? Remember to get outside as much as possible. I have been out for a big walk with Teddy this morning… my favourite way to start the day.
I have attached a document called ‘Walking Maths’ with some ideas of maths activities you can do while out on your daily walk.
Our timetable is linked below if you would like some activity suggestions. There are also some fabulous money maths lessons on White Rose (week 3) if you would like to have a look at those: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/
I know that lots of you enjoyed the Chester Zoo livestreams so I thought I would share this amazing website I have found. It shows livestreams from across the world!! It is so fascinating and you can see lots of animals that we don’t have in the UK. Have a look here: https://explore.org/livecams
Have a lovely day and I will speak to you again tomorrow.
Keep laughing and smiling,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
In 1984, Chris Baines actually sent out an invitation to his friends asking them to meet him at 4 am. His birthday plan was to have all his guests listen to the dawn chorus together. The dawn chorus is the singing of many birds before dawn each day.
This all happens about an hour before sunrise. At this time of day, it is too dark for the birds to search for food, but also too dark for them to be spotted by predators. There is less background noise, too, so the air is still and sound carries for a greater distance. There is a sequence to the dawn chorus. Robins, blackbirds and thrushes start first, which may be because they have biggish eyes to see in the dark and because they like to look for worms. After a while, all the other birds join in. Have you noticed the birds singing? I think it is lovely to think that we are all listening to the birds and enjoying their bird song even though we are apart.
If you would like to watch Mrs Powell’s Worship on YouTube then just follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfvYnMRuDI
Toucans 13.5.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 8:43am
Toucans Blog Wednesday 13th May 2020
Please click here for a message from Mrs Downing.
I’d like you to do something a bit different for English today. We will be using some resources provided by Chance to Shine, who usually deliver our cricket sessions in school. Focus will be on poetry – poems about cricket. See the attached work for more detail and the poems that we will read today.
I’d like you to read and reflect on the poems attached. Think about which one is your favourite and why? Think about the structure and style of each poem. Practise reading one or two of them aloud using expression. Then finally try composing your own cricket poem. It would be fantastic if you could share your poem with me by emailing it to admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk so I could use some in next week’s newsletter.
This week we will continue with the lessons from www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
click on Year 6 and then see below.
Also have a go at this Maths activity. – all you need is a pack of cards
Try this Geography lesson today from the BBC Bitesize website - Geography – The World
Can you name and locate the seven continents and five oceans?
What are your mapping skills like? Can you use maps, atlases and globes to locate places?
Message from Mrs Powell
In 1984, Chris Baines actually sent out an invitation to his friends asking them to meet him at 4 am. His birthday plan was to have all his guests listen to the dawn chorus together. The dawn chorus is the singing of many birds before dawn each day.
This all happens about an hour before sunrise. At this time of day, it is too dark for the birds to search for food, but also too dark for them to be spotted by predators. There is less background noise, too, so the air is still and sound carries for a greater distance. There is a sequence to the dawn chorus. Robins, blackbirds and thrushes start first, which may be because they have biggish eyes to see in the dark and because they like to look for worms. After a while, all the other birds join in. Have you noticed the birds singing? I think it is lovely to think that we are all listening to the birds and enjoying their bird song even though we are apart.
Watch Mrs Powell’s Worship on-line by following this link.
Wednesday 13th Worship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfvYnMRuDI
All the best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and keep smiling!
PS We wish 2 of our lovely Toucans a very happy birthday. We hope you have a fantastic day with lots of great memories created.
Wednesday 13th May, by Mrs Campion
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 5:18pm
Morning my lovely Owls.
How did it get to Wednesday already! The days seem to be going quickly.
Thank you for sharing your ideas for the shed. Books, cushions and somehwere to draw and write are some of the ideas. If you have any more please let me know.
Here is the link for Maths today: https://www.thenational.academy/reception/maths/developing-a-sense-of-10-reception-wk4-3
I have also included a picture of a Go Fish game you can play with playing cards to help with your number bonds. You can also use 10 objects to help you work out the answer.
Thank you for sharng your habitats yesterday. They were fantastic! Some of you chose the rainforest for your habitat and today you can find out more about the rainforest. What is it like? What animals live there?
I saw a really nice noughts and crosses idea and thought you might like to play it at home. What is so good is that you can play with with words, sounds, shapes! Anything you like. I have included pictures to give some ideas.
Have a wonderful day and as always, please share on Tapestry with us. Remember we are so proud of you all.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell:
Here is the link to today's worship:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfvYnMRuDI
In 1984, Chris Baines actually sent out an invitation to his friends asking them to meet him at 4 am. His birthday plan was to have all his guests listen to the dawn chorus together. The dawn chorus is the singing of many birds before dawn each day.
This all happens about an hour before sunrise. At this time of day, it is too dark for the birds to search for food, but also too dark for them to be spotted by predators. There is less background noise, too, so the air is still and sound carries for a greater distance. There is a sequence to the dawn chorus. Robins, blackbirds and thrushes start first, which may be because they have biggish eyes to see in the dark and because they like to look for worms. After a while, all the other birds join in. Have you noticed the birds singing? I think it is lovely to think that we are all listening to the birds and enjoying their bird song even though we are apart.
Tuesday 12th May, by Miss Beattie
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 8:57am
Good morning my gorgeous Robins J
How are you all today? I hope you and your families are all well and enjoyed our Matilda video yesterday. All the staff had so much fun making it for you!
What are you going to get up to today? I’m planning a little run with Teddy this morning and then a productive day (hopefully sitting in the garden if the sunshine is here to stay).
Our timetable is linked below for you to have a look at this morning.
There are also some lovely poetry lessons on Oak National Academy (Week 3) that you could have a go at this week. They follow on from each other so make sure you start with Monday’s lesson. I will attach the link to Lesson 1 below:
I am loving having more time to read at home. Particularly after a busy day of working, it helps me to switch off. Did you know that you can listen to free audio books online for as long as schools are closed? What a lovely way to end your busy day. Have a listen here:
Have a lovely day and keep smiling!!! Lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
This story of Steven Bradbury highlights the benefits of sticking with it in the long run. You never know what might happen.
Steven Bradbury was an Australian speed skater. He had been to 3 Olympic games already - he hadn't won a medal. Over the past 12 years of training and racing he had suffered some horrific injuries, during which he nearly died. He was financially struggling and had to borrow money from his parents in order to survive.
In the 2002 games he was the oldest competitor in the event. People didn't think he stood a chance, including himself. He had managed to scrape through the heats but had what he describes as the best race on the way when he finished second in the semi-final. He realised he didn't have the raw speed of the younger racers so he employed a tactic of just hanging in there. This worked and got him to the Olympic final.
What can we learn from this?
- Stick with it, who knows what might happen.
- You can get a huge sense of satisfaction and a big boost from trying your best.
- Just how much we can endure and overcome if we want to.
Bradbury trained for 12 years for the Olympics We can all benefit from his approach and learn his lessons if we get in there and have a go ourselves. Go on, go for it!
If you would like to watch Mrs Powell’s Worship on YouTube then just follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Scxc9RKJ2vM
Toucans 12.5.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 8:46am
Toucans Blog Tuesday 12th May 2020
We hope you enjoyed watching the ‘When I Grow Up’ video yesterday. Today Mrs Downing and myself have recorded a little message for you.
Today we will have our final lesson on Newspapers from the Oak Academy - lesson 5.
This week we will continue with the lessons from www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
click on Year 6 and then see below.
Also have a go at this Maths activity. – all you need is a pack of cards
See the attached Home Learning Timetable and resources for today’s Science Project – Body Pump – What happens to water in our bodies?
Missing our usual worships? Follow this link to some lovely ones that I’m sure you will enjoy.
Message from Mrs Powell
This story of Steven Bradbury highlights the benefits of sticking with it in the long run. You never know what might happen.
Steven Bradbury was an Australian speed skater. He had been to 3 Olympic games already - he hadn't won a medal. Over the past 12 years of training and racing he had suffered some horrific injuries, during which he nearly died. He was financially struggling and had to borrow money from his parents in order to survive.
In the 2002 games he was the oldest competitor in the event. People didn't think he stood a chance, including himself. He had managed to scrape through the heats but had what he describes as the best race on the way when he finished second in the semi-final. He realised he didn't have the raw speed of the younger racers so he employed a tactic of just hanging in there. This worked and got him to the Olympic final.
What can we learn from this?
- Stick with it, who knows what might happen.
- You can get a huge sense of satisfaction and a big boost from trying your best.
- Just how much we can endure and overcome if we want to.
Bradbury trained for 12 years for the Olympics We can all benefit from his approach and learn his lessons if we get in there and have a go ourselves. Go on, go for it!
Watch Mrs Powell’s Worship on-line by following this link.
Tuesday 12th Worship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Scxc9RKJ2vM
All the best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and keep smiling!
12.5.20 Starlings Class Blog - Tuesday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 8:28am
Hello my SUPER Starlings,
How are you? Did you have a busy day of home learning yesterday? What have you got planned for today? Keep sharing what you get up to either on Twitter or in an email to admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk.
Today is a very special day for one of our little Starlings. Harriet is celebrating her 6th birthday today. Big birthday wishes from Mrs Sourthern, Miss Gillam and ALL of your Starlings class friends. We hope you have the most wonderful day xx
Please continue to follow our attached timetable and task list today. Below are some other activities that you might like to try today.
- Investigate all the different ways to make 20 and write the number sentences, e.g. 20+0=20, 19+1=20 etc. Use objects to help you.
- Get some containers of different sizes. Fill each one with water. Use a measuring jug to see how much each holds, its capacity. Sort them from largest to smallest capacity.
- Make two sets of number cards, one set with numbers 0-20 and one set with the number words, e.g. one, two, three etc. Play games to match the cards, e.g. pick up pairs or snap
- Make a list of the animals you see this week in your garden, on your daily exercise or maybe on the TV or games you play. Find out what they eat to see if they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.
- Many people belong to special groups. Draw a picture of you in the different groups you belong to. This could be your family, your school, your community, your religion, your clubs, plus more!
- Find a flower and take a photo of it or use a flower you have in your house or garden (remember not to pick them). Look very closely at the flower and do an observational drawing of it.
I also have a very special activity for you today. Mrs Southern has been thinking about you all lots and thought that it might be fun to complete some little challenges together. Have a look at her video to find out what she would like you to do. Don’t forget to share your challenges with us on Twitter!
A message from Mrs Powell
This story of Steven Bradbury highlights the benefits of sticking with it in the long run. You never know what might happen.
Steven Bradbury was an Australian speed skater. He had been to 3 Olympic games already - he hadn't won a medal. Over the past 12 years of training and racing he had suffered some horrific injuries, during which he nearly died. He was financially struggling and had to borrow money from his parents in order to survive.
In the 2002 games he was the oldest competitor in the event. People didn't think he stood a chance, including himself. He had managed to scrape through the heats but had what he describes as the best race on the way when he finished second in the semi-final. He realised he didn't have the raw speed of the younger racers so he employed a tactic of just hanging in there. This worked and got him to the Olympic final.
What can we learn from this? - Stick with it, who knows what might happen. - You can get a huge sense of satisfaction and a big boost from trying your best. - Just how much we can endure and overcome if we want to.
Bradbury trained for 12 years for the Olympics We can all benefit from his approach and learn his lessons if we get in there and have a go ourselves. Go on, go for it!
Follow this link below to see Mrs Powell's video.
Have a wonderful day and remember just how special you are to Mrs Southern and I. We are both so proud of you all and can't wait to see you soon.
Miss Gillam
Y2 12.05.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 6:59am
Buenas Dias Swallows
Happy Tuesday morning. The sun is shining, I can hear the birds singing and the sky looks beautiful, fingers crossed that we have a lovely day.
I know that some of you will have listened to the news recently and have heard our Prime Minister, Borris, saying that maybe Reception, Y1 and Y6 can come back to school on June 1st. I was hoping that he would say Y2 so that I can see you all again however we have to do what he says as he has lots of scientists working with him, telling him the best way to keep us all safe. Hopefully, get your fingers and toes crossed, we can be together again for a short time in July. We will have to see what he says. I am not going anywhere though, so whenever we all come back together, I will be waiting to see your lovely, smiley faces. I have missed you so much.
Remember this week I am asking you to think about the Christian Value of FRIENDSHIP. Thank you to Isla who has written a gorgeous poem about what Friendship means to her for our sharing window. Could you show Friendship to somebody today? How? A smile, a cuddle (only people who live in your house!), a little job are all ways of showing that you care. Perhaps you could take a photo of this act of Friendship or design a poster showing what this Christian Value means to you? I listened to "You've Got A Friend In Me" from Toy Story yesterday to help me think about this, as all the toys in that film show lots of Friendship to each other, even Woody and Buz in the end! Maybe you could watch the film soon?
I have discovered that David Walliams, the famous children's author and judge on Britain's Got Talent, is reading his books on line each day at 11am. It is always a pleasure and a treat to listen to the actual author's voice as they read exactly as they intended the words to sound. Have a listen, it will be a lovely way to relax.
It is called DavidWalliamsElevenses. https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
Our Oak Academy lessons today are https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-2/#schedule. You can also learn the days of the week in Spanish today. Remember that you have work packs in school if you need them and our Home Learning page has lots of fabulous ideas on for you.
A message from Mrs Powell
This story of Steven Bradbury highlights the benefits of sticking with it in the long run. You never know what might happen.
Steven Bradbury was an Australian speed skater. He had been to 3 Olympic games already - he hadn't won a medal. Over the past 12 years of training and racing he had suffered some horrific injuries, during which he nearly died. He was financially struggling and had to borrow money from his parents in order to survive.
In the 2002 games he was the oldest competitor in the event. People didn't think he stood a chance, including himself. He had managed to scrape through the heats but had what he describes as the best race on the way when he finished second in the semi-final. He realised he didn't have the raw speed of the younger racers so he employed a tactic of just hanging in there. This worked and got him to the Olympic final.
What can we learn from this? - Stick with it, who knows what might happen. - You can get a huge sense of satisfaction and a big boost from trying your best. - Just how much we can endure and overcome if we want to.
Bradbury trained for 12 years for the Olympics We can all benefit from his approach and learn his lessons if we get in there and have a go ourselves. Go on, go for it!
Follow this link below to see Mrs Powell's video.
Have a wonderful day my super fantastic Swallows. Keep showing everyone in your home what a lovely friend you are and remember just how special you all are to Mrs Elson and to me. Follow this link to see a little Tuesday morning hello from me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMSCTEhYSfo
Love from Mrs Rice and our magic fairy xxx
Tuesday 12th May, by Mrs Campion
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 5:06pm
Happy Tuesday everyone.
What have you got planned for today? Leo is really enjoying playing games at the moment at home so we have been playing Wiggly worms (which is like Jenga) Frustration and monkey tumble (you have to try and get all the monkeys into the tree.) They are lots of fun and I am enjoying playing them with him. What are your favourite games to play at home?
For Maths today you will be ordering numbers up to 20. You can use the number cards I sent home in the pack to help you.
Afterwards, when you do your daily exercise maybe you could go on a number walk and see what numbers you can find.
As part of our animals work this week you can do an activity linked to habitats and find out where different animals like to live. You can even design and make your own habitat for one of your teddies if you would like to. I would love to see all your lovely habitats.
Day 7 fitness challenge: stretch as high as you can!
am missing school and all of you very much at the moment. Mrs Hoskins was in school the other week and had a big tidy and sent me some pictures. Look at how tidy our shed is! We are hoping to make it into a little den! Maybe you could share with us some of the things you would like to go in it. Mr Ault has said he will paint it for us!
Thank you for sharing all of the things you are doing at home from phonics, to play dough, riding bikes and playing with bubbles. All of it makes me smile so so much!
Have a wonderful day and keep smiling. Super proud of you all.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell:
Here is a link for a worship with Mrs Powell:
This story of Steven Bradbury highlights the benefits of sticking with it in the long run. You never know what might happen.
Steven Bradbury was an Australian speed skater. He had been to 3 Olympic games already - he hadn't won a medal. Over the past 12 years of training and racing he had suffered some horrific injuries, during which he nearly died. He was financially struggling and had to borrow money from his parents in order to survive.
In the 2002 games he was the oldest competitor in the event. People didn't think he stood a chance, including himself. He had managed to scrape through the heats but had what he describes as the best race on the way when he finished second in the semi-final. He realised he didn't have the raw speed of the younger racers so he employed a tactic of just hanging in there. This worked and got him to the Olympic final.
What can we learn from this?
- Stick with it, who knows what might happen.
- You can get a huge sense of satisfaction and a big boost from trying your best.
- Just how much we can endure and overcome if we want to.
Bradbury trained for 12 years for the Olympics We can all benefit from his approach and learn his lessons if we get in there and have a go ourselves. Go on, go for it!
Monday 11th May, by Miss Beattie
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:53am
Good morning and happy Monday Robins J
I hope you had a fabulous weekend! Did you do anything fun to celebrate VE day on Friday? I’m hoping for some more sunshine this week.
The staff at school have been working very hard on sometime to cheer you up over the past couple of weeks. Just click on the link below to watch it:
Lostock C of E- When I Grow Up
Our class timetable is linked below if you would like some suggestions on what to do today. Of course, these activities are only suggestions and you can pick and choose what you would like to do.
Have I told you that I’ve really been enjoying cooking new things recently? The NHS have some tasty and easy recipes on their website. Why not give one of them a go?
Have a lovely day everybody and I will speak to you again tomorrow!
Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Have you planted your sunflower seed? All flowers are different and amazing, so, too, people are all different, but all wonderfully made. Just as flowers can brighten our day when we see them, so, too, each of us can brighten other people’s days by our care and our attitudes.
We thank you, God, for the beauty of flowers.
Giving flowers shows that we care.
Flowers can brighten our day and fill our hearts with gladness.
Please help us to be like flowers to other people,
Brightening their day and bringing joy to those around us.
Why don’t you give flower-pressing a go! Instructions are available at: https://tinyurl.com/y9hgtkjz
11.5.20 Starlings Class Blog - Monday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:25am
Good morning!
It’s Monday again already. I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and managed to celebrate VE Day in style. I know I did!
Did you see our preview pictures on Twitter yesterday? We have a little surprise for you...
Please start this morning by clicking on this link to enjoy a little video that the staff at Lostock have put together for you. Don't forget to sing along!
Lostock Gralam C of E - When I Grow Up
Once again, I have attached a new timetable for you to follow this week with new tasks and projects to complete – remember this is only a suggested timetable and activities are always optional! Just do what you can, when you can. Please continue to aim for one activity out of each box below each day. This may not happen every day and that is absolutely fine! Your child's mental health is much more important than a home learning task.
A little bit of maths
A little bit of writing
Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces, full stop and the conjunction ‘and’. As long as you remember our Year One Non-Negotiables, I don’t mind what you write. |
A little bit of reading
A little bit of topic work
Today, I would like you to keep working through your maths packs or complete the following lesson online: https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/maths/to-compare-numbers-within-100-on-a-number-line-year-1-wk4-1
You will be comparing numbers to 100 using a number line to help you. Remember, sometimes it is easier to have one in front of you. Do you still have the number line we gave you in your pack?
I have also attached some lovely ‘Walking Maths’ ideas.
On the Oak Academy website, today’s writing lesson is based on ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’. Please follow the link to listen to the story and answer questions about what has been read to you.
Have you been enjoying our Geography lessons? Here is a link to the Oak Academy Foundation lesson for the day. In this lesson you will be finding out about South America. https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/what-is-south-america-like-year-1-wk4-1
Alternatively, if you fancy something a little bit different, why not have a look at today’s History lesson on the BBC Bitesize website. In this session, you will find out about King Henry VIII. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhhsf4j
Please please remember to keep up with your daily Read Write Inc lesson and challenge yourself to read a book every day this week. This can be either a paper book or an online story on the Oxford Owl website.
Take care everyone and stay safe!
Miss Gillam
A message from Mrs Powell
Have you planted your sunflower seed? All flowers are different and amazing, so, too, people are all different, but all wonderfully made. Just as flowers can brighten our day when we see them, so, too, each of us can brighten other people’s days by our care and our attitudes. We thank you, God, for the beauty of flowers. Giving flowers shows that we care. Flowers can brighten our day and fill our hearts with gladness. Please help us to be like flowers to other people, Brightening their day and bringing joy to those around us. Amen. Why don’t you give flower-pressing a go! Instructions are available at: https://tinyurl.com/y9hgtkjz
Toucans 11.5.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 7:11am
Toucans Blog Monday 11th May 2020
Good morning lovely Toucans. I hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed the VE Day celebrations.
It was lovely to talk to your parents last week and to hear how fantastic you have all been at home. Keep up the positive attitude and keep smiling! We are very proud of each of you! Please start this morning by clicking on this link to enjoy a little video that the staff at Lostock have put together for you! Lostock Gralam C of E- When I Grow Up
We will start this week by completing the unit of work that we started last week on Newspapers from the Oak Academy. Today you need to do lesson 4.
This week we will continue with the lessons from www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons click on Year 6 and then see below.
Also have a go at this Maths activity. – I have loved seeing all your amazing ‘Arty Maths’ activities on Twitter. This week, I would like you to try some Maths activities using a pack of playing cards.
Lostock C of E - When I Grow UpSee the attached Home Learning Timetable and resources for today’s Art lesson - Add texture to your artwork - Artist – Vincent Van Gogh
Message from Mrs Powell - Flowers
Have you planted your sunflower seed? All flowers are different and amazing, so, too, people are all different, but all wonderfully made. Just as flowers can brighten our day when we see them, so, too, each of us can brighten other people’s days by our care and our attitudes.
We thank you, God, for the beauty of flowers.
Giving flowers shows that we care.
Flowers can brighten our day and fill our hearts with gladness.
Please help us to be like flowers to other people,
Brightening their day and bringing joy to those around us.
Why don’t you give flower-pressing a go! Instructions are available at: https://tinyurl.com/y9hgtkjz
All the best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and keep smiling!
Home Learning 15.5.20, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 10:12pm
Good morning super Skylarks,
Here is someone else who would like to wish you a happy Friday too: Happy Friday
I'd like you to continue with your maths focusing on measurement. Please follow the link: Oak National Academy
Now as you are creeping closer towards moving into Year 6 where you are at the top of the school and have to be brilliant role models. I thought it would be nice for you to think about if you would like to be a head student next year. To prepare, I thought it would be a good idea for you to think about how a powerful speech is made. Follow the lesson link on this: How to make a powerful speech
Today's riddle: You see me in water, but I never get wet. What am I?
Yesterday's answer: your footsteps
Message from Mrs Powell:
Worship message from Mrs Powell
Louis Braille was born in France in 1809 and was three years old when he lost his sight in one eye. By the age of five, he was completely blind. At that time, there was no help available for blind people and many of them would end up begging for food on the streets. Louis’ parents didn’t want that to happen to their son, so they continued to educate him in every way possible.
When Louis was 12 years old, he met an army captain who showed him a way of sending messages at night using raised dots and dashes. Louis saw the potential for a communication system for blind people and, by the age of 15, he had found 63 ways to use a six-dot cell in an area the size of a fingertip. In this way, he created Braille, a form of written language for blind people, which they can ‘read’ by feeling the raised dots of the Braille characters with their fingertips.
Let’s try to be people who have the courage to move forward, no matter what happens. At the same time, let’s remember that there are many people who can help us if we need to talk about our worries.
Dear God,
Whether I’m big or whether I’m small,
Sometimes I’ll try to be ever so brave,
And think about what God sees in me
And aim to be the best that I can be.
Take care and have a fun-filled weekend!
Miss Thwaites x
Home Learning 14.5.20, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 9:13pm
Good morning Skylarks,
I hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves. Remember not to over exert yourselves with too much work as it is very important that we can be the best we can be. Remember it is not about the quantity of work you are doing but the quality and how much effort you are putting into a task.
I know how hard you have all been working with your maths and I hope you are continuing to practice your times tables. Please see the lesson Inwould like you to have a go at on the Oak National Academy: Maths lesson
If you would like some worksheets to go over what you have already learnt here are a few: Worksheets
Have a go at this reading comprehension today: Reading comprehension
Today's riddle: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
Yesterday's answer: your future
Message from Mrs Powell:
click here Worship message from Mrs Powell
Squirrels are often seen hanging on birdfeeders, trying to grab as much food as they can. Sometimes they even hang upside down while they feed! Sometimes they fall off, but they soon come back again to try to get more! Often birds can’t get to the birdfeeders because the squirrels are already feeding from them! The poor birds have to wait, even though they are hungry! Sometimes they fly away and perch in the trees, watching the squirrels feed. When the squirrels have finished, then the birds can have their turn to feed, even though the seed and nuts are really put there for them. It could be that the squirrel is trying to keep the food for itself. It could be that the bird is challenging the squirrel for the food. It could be that they are sharing!
There are times in our lives when we all find it difficult to share! Christians believe that God has given us the world and everything in it - it is a gift from God that we are all to share with each other. Christians also believe that it is good to share what we have with others. We can share our possessions, food, money, friends, talents, even our love.
Time for reflection
Let’s think about a time when someone has shared something with us.
Let’s take some time to thank God for that person. Let’s also think about ways in which we could share with others during the day ahead.
Keep safe and keep smiling!
Miss Thwaites
Home Learning 13.5.20, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 9:02pm
Good morning to all my lovely Skylarks,
Take a look at the video blog I have created for you: Message from Miss Thwaites for Skylarks Class
Today, I would like you to have a go at this comprehension task to keep practicing your skills of prediction and inferencing based on the information that you are given. You are all brilliant at this! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zntr47h
Today's riddle: What is always in front of you but it cannot be seen?
Yesterday's answer: Your voice
Message from Mrs Powell:
Worship message from Mrs Powell
In 1984, Chris Baines actually sent out an invitation to his friends asking them to meet him at 4 am. His birthday plan was to have all his guests listen to the dawn chorus together. The dawn chorus is the singing of many birds before dawn each day.
This all happens about an hour before sunrise. At this time of day, it is too dark for the birds to search for food, but also too dark for them to be spotted by predators. There is less background noise, too, so the air is still and sound carries for a greater distance. There is a sequence to the dawn chorus. Robins, blackbirds and thrushes start first, which may be because they have biggish eyes to see in the dark and because they like to look for worms. After a while, all the other birds join in. Have you noticed the birds singing? I think it is lovely to think that we are all listening to the birds and enjoying their bird song even though we are apart.
Take care, be happy and keep safe!
Miss Thwaites
Home Learning 12.5.20, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 9:02pm
Good morning to all my fabulous Skylarks,
Maths: https://www.thenational.academy/year-5/maths/to-convert-between-seconds-minutes-and-hours-year-5-wk3-1 Have a look at converting between seconds, minutes and hours. We have touched on this prior to learning at home and this learning platform is really helpful for you all.
Please spend sometime joining in a virtual worship: https://www.thenational.academy/assembly
On the home learning ideas, I have put a link to Edsential music lessons. The staff who teach your children Violin and Cello have worked extremely hard to create home learning music lessons. I am aware that some of the children have left their instruments in school, however, it will still be useful if they enjoy the instrument or do have theirs at home to access these lessons. https://edsential.com/first-access-at-home/
Today's riddle: What can you hear, but not see or touch, even though you control it?
Yesterday's answer: There aren't any stairs—it's a one-story house.
Message from Mrs Powell:
Worship message from Mrs Powell
This story of Steven Bradbury highlights the benefits of sticking with it in the long run. You never know what might happen.
Steven Bradbury was an Australian speed skater. He had been to 3 Olympic games already - he hadn't won a medal. Over the past 12 years of training and racing he had suffered some horrific injuries, during which he nearly died. He was financially struggling and had to borrow money from his parents in order to survive.
In the 2002 games he was the oldest competitor in the event. People didn't think he stood a chance, including himself. He had managed to scrape through the heats but had what he describes as the best race on the way when he finished second in the semi-final. He realised he didn't have the raw speed of the younger racers so he employed a tactic of just hanging in there. This worked and got him to the Olympic final.
What can we learn from this?
- Stick with it, who knows what might happen.
- You can get a huge sense of satisfaction and a big boost from trying your best.
- Just how much we can endure and overcome if we want to.
Bradbury trained for 12 years for the Olympics We can all benefit from his approach and learn his lessons if we get in there and have a go ourselves. Go on, go for it!
Take care everyone and stay safe!
Miss Thwaites x
Home Learning 11.5.20, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 9:00pm
Good morning Skylarks class,
Please click the following link to show you what the Lostock team have been creating over the past 3 weeks: Lostock Gralam C of E- When I Grow Up
I hope you all managed to have a relaxing and enjoyable bank holiday weekend. It has been lovely to see how you have been celebrating VE day and it is clear just how creative you are! I certainly enjoyed celebrating by making some chocolate chip scones!
I know these times are still very uncertain and may be scary for some of you but please remain positive, keep smiling and look after yourselves.
Today, I would like you to keep working through your maths packs or complete the following lesson online:https://www.thenational.academy/year-5/maths/describe-position-after-translation-year-5-wk1-4
Today's riddle: There's a one-story house where everything is yellow. The walls are yellow. The doors are yellow. Even all the furniture is yellow. The house has yellow beds and yellow couches. What color are the stairs?
Thursday's answer: Carrot
Message from Mrs Powell:
Have you planted your sunflower seed? All flowers are different and amazing, so, too, people are all different, but all wonderfully made. Just as flowers can brighten our day when we see them, so, too, each of us can brighten other people’s days by our care and our attitudes.
We thank you, God, for the beauty of flowers.
Giving flowers shows that we care.
Flowers can brighten our day and fill our hearts with gladness.
Please help us to be like flowers to other people,
Brightening their day and bringing joy to those around us.
Why don’t you give flower-pressing a go! Instructions are available at: https://tinyurl.com/y9hgtkjz
Take care and stay safe!
Miss Thwaites x
Y2 11.05.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 5:40pm
Buenas Dias Swallows
I hope that you all had a wonderful time celebrating VE day over the weekend. What fabulous weather we had! What did you get up to? We had a great social distancing party at home in the sunshine. Have you received your post card from school yet? I hope that it made you smile.
Our lessons this week continue with The Firemaker's Daughter and Fractions in Maths. We were going to start learning about Fractions just before we broke up from school so it will be the first thing that we start with when we are all back together. These lessons will help you to understand the basics.
This week, I also thought that we could think about our Christian Value of FRIENDSHIP. Jesus loved his friends dearly and showed them in many different ways how much he cared. Mrs Elson and I see you showing Friendship to each other daily which is lovely. What does this important Christian Value mean to you? You could show your ideas in a story, a poem, a picture, a song or a collection of ways. Perhaps you could carry out a random act of kindness for somebody in your house? Maybe you could take photos of friendship in your home? Even make a friendship bracelet! Try to show Friendship every day this week and let me know all about it. I look foreward to seeing your creations!
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zswwxnb/resources/1 (Some lovely videos to watch based on Friendship)
A message from Mrs Powell
Have you planted your sunflower seed? All flowers are different and amazing, so, too, people are all different, but all wonderfully made. Just as flowers can brighten our day when we see them, so, too, each of us can brighten other people’s days by our care and our attitudes. We thank you, God, for the beauty of flowers. Giving flowers shows that we care. Flowers can brighten our day and fill our hearts with gladness. Please help us to be like flowers to other people, Brightening their day and bringing joy to those around us. Amen. Why don’t you give flower-pressing a go! Instructions are available at: https://tinyurl.com/y9hgtkjz
Don't forget to contact school if your require another Y2 home learning pack. I have them ready for you, just let the office know either by ringing school or emailing admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.co.uk
Finally...follow this link, I have made a little video for you, it is my Monday morning hello to you all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYgn4drKWZ0
Have a super day Swallows. I miss you lots and lots like Jelly Tots!
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Monday 11th May, by Mrs Campion
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 5:24pm
Happy Monday Owls. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
It was lovely to see so many of you celebrating VE day on Friday and it looks like lots of you had fun having street parties with your neighbours.
The sun seems to have disappeared for a little while, but remember you can still have lots of fun indoors too. It's a great chance to play with your favourite toys or read your favourite book.
I have attached some ideas of things that you might like to do at home this week. Remember these are only ideas, so do not worry if you do not do them all. This week, we will be looking at animals and their habitats.
All of your RWI activities have been uploaded on Tapestry and I have included a picture of the different timings that they go on. They are available to watch for 24 hours after they go live, so don't worry of you miss it and want to do it at a later time.
In Maths, we will continue to look at recognising numbers to 20. Today's lesson is counting and ordering numbers to 20 on a number line. https://www.thenational.academy/reception/maths/counting-objects-up-to-20-reception-wk4-1
I miss us doing dough disco so much at school so I have included some information for your grown ups in case you would like to do it at home.
Day 6 of our fitness challenge: Walk like a crab for 1 minute.
I have also included as a challenge this week to create your own target game using objects at home.
I hope you have a fun day today. Keep smiling.
Sending lots of virtual hugs to you all.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell:
Have you planted your sunflower seed? All flowers are different and amazing, so, too, people are all different, but all wonderfully made. Just as flowers can brighten our day when we see them, so, too, each of us can brighten other people’s days by our care and our attitudes.
We thank you, God, for the beauty of flowers.
Giving flowers shows that we care.
Flowers can brighten our day and fill our hearts with gladness.
Please help us to be like flowers to other people,
Brightening their day and bringing joy to those around us.
Why don’t you give flower-pressing a go! Instructions are available at: https://tinyurl.com/y9hgtkjz
Thursday 21st May, by Mrs Evans
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 2:18pm
Morning to all of my superstar Goldfinches,
I have another poem for you today. Some of you might recognise it from a lesson a couple of weeks ago.
I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. We enjoyed more sports day competitions: Hold the plank for as long as you can. Lola did 1 min 21 seconds, I managed 1 min 33 seconds, Amelie did 2 mins 24 seconds and Toby managed a whopping 3 min 5 seconds!!! I think you have a challenge Goldfinches!
One of our Goldfinches has recommended Drawing with Rob Biddulph (Who is an author and illustrator) Our Goldfinch created a Sausage Dog Picture which I think is just brilliant. Today Rob Biddulph is attempting a Guiness World Record with the most people drawing together 4pm - 4.30pm today! I wonder how many of you would like to get involved? http://www.robbiddulph.com/draw-with-rob
This is the picture drawn by our talented Goldfinch.
Maths: White Rose Maths Summer Term Week 3 Multiplying 3 digit by 1 digit numbers Lesson 2 https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Reading: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7rrcqt have a go at this Guided Reading Lesson on The Worst Witch with Rachel Riley. There are some great activities for you to have a go at. Or continue to read your book and choose an activity from the guided reading page in your Home Learning Pack.
Spelling: Use the idea from the spelling words page to help you practise. If you liked the spelling frame games then here is the link again: https://spellingframe.co.uk/ spelling-rule/71/33-Word-list-years-3-and-4---pro--to-sen-
Have a great day- Good luck if you do the plank challenge and have fun with Rob Biddulph!
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
The definition of wise in the Oxford English Dictionary is ‘Having or showing experience, knowledge and good judgement’. When have you been wise? Maybe you have been lost in a shop. This experience should have taught you always to stay near to the grown-up you are with, or should have led to you to learning exactly what to do if you got lost again. Being wise means learning from past experiences and carefully thinking about decisions that we make and things that we do now. What mistakes have you learnt from? I think we learn far more from the mistakes we make rather than the things that we get right!
Dear God,
Please help us to be wise. Help us to realize that there are consequences to everything that we do. Please help us to make good decisions that will work out best for ourselves and for other people.
Wednesday 20th May, by Mrs Evans
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 2:05pm
Guten Morgan Goldfinches,
I found this link to a lovely book about worries which is well worth a read. https://en.calameo.com/read/000777721945cfe5bb9cc?authid=Xu9pcOzU3TQx
Today I thought I would share the video 'When I grow Up' which didn't make the final cut to the big staff video! (It might have something to do with all the back ground sound effects made by my 6 year old cameraman!!!)
Here is an explosive quiz found by one of our very own Goldfinches. How many facts do you know (or can you find out?)
School Jobs:
English: Use the attached resource to have a go at writing your own setting description using expanded noun phrases. (This is the Bitesize cllip we used on Monday to remind ourselves about Expanded Noun Phrases: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwwp8mn/articles/z3nfw6f )
Times Tables: Play an online game: https://www.timestables.co.uk/12-times-table.html or use the loop cards from Monday's blog to help you learn your 12 x table. Remember to play TTRockstars each week as the challenges change. I have attached a times table grid for anyone who wants to try and beat their time.
Mindfulness: This is a lovely guided meditation which helps you to focus on just being calm and still and helps you to focus in on your breathing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_qU7l-fcU
Have a lovely day, stay safe in the sun with sunhats and suncream- it's going to be hot!
Bye for now
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Today I am going to introduce you to a very special person called Theresa. She lived more than 140 years ago. She was born on 2 January 1873 and died on 30 September 1897, at the young age of 24. Her mother died when Theresa was just four years old, leaving her father with five children to look after. One of her sisters, called Mary, took over running the household, while her eldest sister, Pauline, took charge of telling the younger children about God. When she was 14, Theresa decided that she wanted to dedicate her life to God, so she became a nun (someone who goes to live with others who give their lives to God). Theresa was made a saint in 1925. A 'saint' is a person who is a great example to us because he or she lived a special life and/or had special gifts. Although Theresa didn’t have a very long life, she used every minute she had to care for other people. Her best-known saying is, ‘What matters in life is not great deeds, but great love.’ Theresa became known as someone who would show love to others by doing little things. Sometimes she gave flowers, sometimes she prayed, sometimes she showed love and attention to people who struggled with problems. Theresa knew that she wasn’t physically strong enough to carry out great deeds, but she made a big difference to people’s lives by the little things she did for them. Very often, though, it's the little things that have the greatest effect on people’s lives, the little things which show them someone cares.
Time for reflection
Close your eyes and think about a little thing someone has done for you that made you feel special or happy. It may have been a kind word, asking you to play with them or even giving you a special present.
Decide to do something today that will make someone else feel special. Dear God Thank you for people who do things for me that make me feel happy and loved. Please help me to do something today to show someone that I care about them. Amen
Tuesday 19th May, by Mrs Evans
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 1:57pm
Good Morning to my happy little team,
I have a story for you this morning which links to our No Outsiders Topic
Yesterday in my house we started our sports day challenges: 100 star jumps, balancing on one leg for 30 seconds and sock basket which involved throwing a pair of balled up socks into the washing basket. It starts close to you then every time you get a shot in, you move the basket back a little way. Toby was very pleased to achieve 6m (we snuck a little measuring activity in with the game!!)
Amelie was supposed to be setting off to London yesterday morning for her Y6 Residential. She kept herself busy instead by researching the royal family tree, singing along to the Mary Poppins show her Y6 did before lockdown and helping to cook a yummy lasagne for tea (instead of going to Ask restaurant)
Here is another wonderful book review from another superstar Goldfinch:
Reading: Choose a reading comprehension activity from your Home Learning Pack.
Maths: Bitesize lesson Multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfgm6v4
Spelling: words from second half of Y3/4 words column 5 (attached) Have a look at the games on Spelling frame to help you practise. I've just discovered these and really like the activities.
No Outsiders: Here is the link to take you to the main page. Scroll down to 'No Outsiders Documents and then find Dogs Don't Do Ballet. https://excelsiormat.org/work-with-us/no-outsiders I have also attached the worksheets as some of you were getting glitches in the main site when trying to download. Here is the link again for the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7BoyAJOYcE
Nature: If you are interested in nature- here is a lovely link to ideas from The Woodland Trust:
Have a super day- What will you have achieved by the end of it?
Look after the people at home,
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Once upon a time, there was an old man who used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach every morning before he began his work. Early one morning, he was walking along the shore after a big storm had passed and found the vast beach littered with starfish as far as the eye could see, stretching in both directions.
Off in the distance, the old man noticed a small boy approaching. As the boy walked, he paused every so often and as he grew closer, the man could see that he was occasionally bending down to pick up an object and throw it into the sea. The boy came closer still and the man called out, “Good morning! May I ask what it is that you are doing?”
The young boy paused, looked up, and replied “Throwing starfish into the ocean. The tide has washed them up onto the beach and they can’t return to the sea by themselves,” the youth replied. “When the sun gets high, they will die, unless I throw them back into the water.”
The old man replied, “But there must be tens of thousands of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you won’t really be able to make much of a difference.”
The boy bent down, picked up yet another starfish and threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then he turned, smiled and said, “It made a difference to that one!”
We all have the opportunity to help create positive change. You might not be able to change the entire world, but at least you can change a small part of it, for someone. Break the big challenge down into smaller pieces and then take those one at a time – like one starfish at a time. Remember you can achieve anything!
Monday 18th May, by Mrs Evans
Date: 10th May 2020 @ 1:34pm
Hello my wonderful Goldfinches,
Welcome to Summer Term Week 5. Wow! You are all doing such amazing things- whether it is helping at home, doing exercise, being creative, doing school work or learning new skills I am proud of everything you are doing.
Here is a little 'Happy' clip for you - hopefully it will make you smile! We made this on Lola's birthday back in April for part of a zoom quiz challenge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqCjhs5Ls5k&feature=youtu.be
I think some of you Goldfinches would be able to choreograph a fantatsic 'Happy Dance'
We had a pretty chilled weekend- all of us were tired so we did a bit of gardening and enjoyed playing board games we haven't had out of the cupboard for a long time! The weather was chilly on Friday so we have moved our garden sportsday to a day later in the week when it is warmer.
Goldfinches our bean plants are starting to grow flowers which means it is getting close to the time they will begin to make beans!
On Friday I forgot to say that Jack Ousbey is the name of the poet who wrote 'Gran Can You Rap'.
School jobs:
English: Grab your air guitar and watch this video clip to remind you all about expanded noun phrases. Can you have a go at writing a few of your own after? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhEoRVNJfDs
Maths: This week we will remind ourselves about multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers. Have a go at White Rose Learning Y4 - Summer Term Week 3 Multiplying 2 digit by 1 digit numbers Lesson 1 https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ (remember you don't have to print out the worksheet that goes with it. Lola just makes notes or says the answers out loud to me if i'm with her at the time.)
Times Tables: 12 x table games. Make up your own or use the loop cards attached. Make the 12 time table number line. Keep going on TTRock Stars, Hit the Button and Coconut multiples. Or why not try challenging someone in your house to the times table memory game. https://www.timestables.co.uk/times-tables-memory.html
No Outsiders: Our topic this week is based on a No Outsiders book that we would have read in class this term. Watch the YOUTUBE clip of the story 'Dogs Don't Do Ballet'. There are different activities linked to it which you could do over different days this week. Please do NOT do all of them. Just pick one or two that you like the look of. (Link to activities is on the attached weekly plan)
Take care my lovely team, be good, listen well and stay safe.

Oak National Academy have shared an assembly on 'Hope' you might want to watch.
Message from Mrs Powell:
Sometimes we are faced by big challenges, reading a large book, completing a big piece of writing or even learning to ride a bike can seem a huge task. Problems and difficulties can seem really big but if we break them down to small steps we can make progress and achieve anything we set our mind to do!
Dear God
When we find things difficult, help to keep us going.
Thank you for all the people who help us to take the small steps to overcome our problems. Please help us be there for others.
VE Day Blog, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 7th May 2020 @ 5:59pm
Today, we remember the happy feeling that everyone had the day that the war was declared as being over but also the sadness that people had been through such difficult times.
Mrs Powell's message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRW8zo5aJJE&feature=youtu.be
Dear God,
Thank you for all those who fought to bring peace during the Second World War.
Thank you that peace eventually came.
Please be with all those who are living in areas of the world that are affected by wars today.
Please help us to do our bit in creating peace wherever we are.
Today we would love to see what you are doing today. Please put them on twitter or email us, so we can all celebrate together.
“I think we dream so we don't have to be apart for so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time.”
Take care from our Lostock Team!