Our blogs
Week Beginning 16.12.19, by Miss Beattie
Date: 12th Dec 2019 @ 8:19am
Firstly, I would like to thank all the lovely families and friends who came to support our KS2 children in their Aladdin Production. I’m sure they made you just as proud as I am!
Can you believe we only have one week left before the Christmas holidays! We are busy busy busy right up until we finish!
Next week, Robins will continue with their maths and writing lessons, consolidating their learning from this half term. In science, we will be learning about fossilisation and the children will use their computing skills to create a scratch program to describe the fossilisation process. In RE, the children will be reflecting on their learning about how Christians view God and will be drawing their own images and symbols to show their own ideas about God.
Robins spellings for the test on Wednesday 18th December will continue to look at the suffix –ture:
furniture, temperature, fixture, feature, culture, departure, fracture, sculpture
Friday 13th: Christmas Jumper Day for Children in Need
Tuesday 17th: Christmas Lunch
Wednesday 18th: School Disco
Thursday 19th: Whole School Trip to Pantomime
Friday 20th: Christmas Carol Service in Church
Friday 20th: School Finishes at 2pm
Thank you for your support of the Autumn Term – If you have any questions or queries, please pop in to speak to us!
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling
Week beginning 9.12.19, by Mrs Evans
Date: 8th Dec 2019 @ 7:02am
Wow! What a busy week Goldfinches had this week! Rehearsals are going well and the children loved showing off their fantastic costumes in the dress rehearsal. Thank you all so much for all your hard work in organising and making them. We can't wait to perform next week now!
Coming up:
Writing- Our diary writing will continue and will be inspired by a replica video clip of the eruption of Pompeii. We will be using drama to help us expolre our ideas.
Reading- we will be focusing on our Bug Club books this week which are all set specifically for each child and can be read at home too. Your child's login details are in their diaries.
Spelling: focusing on words ending in 'ious'
Maths- we will be working through our assessment questions this week.
Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks Hit the Button game.
RE- Sikhism
Geography- Mapping the journey the Romans made as they travelled to Great Britain.
Science- Sound: how sounds are made and travel and how we hear them.
PE- Outdoor PE on Monday with Mr Ault- supportive trainers and warm tracksuits please. Dance - as this is a busy week with play rehearsals- we will fit dance in wherever we can so please have indoor kit in school all week.
Thank you for all you support,
Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah and Mrs Brennan
w.c 9.12.19, by Mrs Campion
Date: 5th Dec 2019 @ 7:31pm
Another full filled week ahead in Owls class.
They are very excited to be watching their buddies and the rest of KS2 perform their christmas panto Nativity on Tuesday in school and we continue to practise for our own play. We have been having a few trips to Church to practise and look and sound brilliant. Thank you for all of the super star costumes that have been sent in.
The children are loving the cold weather and have become fascinated with ice. We will be using this to begin to write some Winter and Christmas poems.
Just a reminder that it is Christmas jumper day on Friday. We cannot wait to see all their wonderful outfits.
As the weather is getting colder, please feel free to put a pair of joggers/hoodie in your child's PE bag. They are mainly inside, but also do warm ups and cool down games on the playground.
Please continue to read at home and sign it in the diary so that we know how they are getting on. If they read at least 3x a week they get a special raffle ticket.
As always, thank you for your continued support and come and see us if you have any questions.
Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins.
Week beginning 9.12.19, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 4th Dec 2019 @ 6:01pm
Hi everyone,
What a busy week Skylarks have had completing some of their Autumn assessments and practicing their singing and dancing for the Christmas pantomime. The children will continue their assessments into next week whilst rehearsing and performing their play. The children cannot wait to show off their super rockstar moves.
Next week, the children will be completing a design and technology project; they will design and make a Viking shield using the Viking art technique (Jelling).
As it is such a busy time I would like children to make sure that they are up to date with their learning. Please can the children make sure they have completed the required pages of their maths cgp books.
spellings- I will test the children on the words they have had to learn this week, next Friday.
Keep up with reading and practicing times tables on times tables rockstars.
Thank you
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse
Toucans week beg. 9.12.19, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 4th Dec 2019 @ 4:10pm
We are looking forward to finally sharing our production of Aladdin Trouble with you next week. You will be receiving a letter referring to the times that children need to be in school next week.
The children will spend most of Friday 13th December doing PE with Mr Ault to make up for lessons missed during our rehearsals.
Christmas Jumper Day is on Friday 13th December.
Maths Homework
Thank you for your on-going support with the Maths Homework. It’s great to hear the children talking about what they found ‘easy’ or ‘hard’. Please try and catch up with any homework tasks that you have missed over the coming weeks as we will only be assigning 1 page a week from now to Christmas
This week, we would like them to complete page 28 (Mixed numbers and improper fractions) due in on Wednesday 11th December
Our spelling words next week will focus on the sh sound spelt si or ssi. These are quite difficult so encourage your child to talk about the meaning of each word and to come up with a strategy to help remember how to spell it e.g. Draw around the image.
expansion, permission, comprehension, admission, tension, profession, possession, discussion, revision, decision
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
Week Beginning 9.12.19, by Miss Beattie
Date: 4th Dec 2019 @ 10:16am
Robins have made me extremely proud this week and have worked so hard during their assessments, which we will be finishing next week.
As we look ahead to next week, the final preparations for our Aladdin Production will take place. The children are again working so hard on this and are very excited to share it with you next Tuesday and Wednesday! Thank you for sending in such fabulous costumes!
In maths next week we will be looking at the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and using this to help us solve problems.
In our writing lessons, we will be consolidating our learning around subordinating conjunctions and developing our descriptive writing using similes. We will then apply our learning by writing and editing a letter. In reading, we will continue to make predictions based on information stated and implied.
Robins spellings for the test on Friday 13th December will look at the suffix –ture:
mixture, future, picture, capture, creature, nature, adventure, texture
Monday 10th: Aladdin Production 6pm
Wednesday 11th: Aladdin Production 1.30pm and 6pm
Friday 13th: Christmas Jumper Day for Children in Need
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop in and see me.
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling
Week beginning 2.12.19, by Mrs Evans
Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 9:08pm
Thank you all so much for supporting our School Fair and for joining us at our Christingle service this week. Goldfinches have had fun crearing Greek art, learning a times and divide rap and taking part in the school fair and Christingle service.
Coming up:
Writing- we will continue to use Escape from Pompeii to inspire some diary writing this week.
Reading- we will work on a range of different question styles for comprehension this week.
Spelling: focusing on words ending in 'ous'
Maths- we will be beginning to look at a range of methods of multiplication.
Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks Hit the Button game.
RE- Sikhism
History- continuing to learn about the chronology of Ancient Greece..
Science- Sound: how sounds are made and travel and how we hear them.
PE- Outdoor PE on Monday with Mr Ault- supportive trainers and warm tracksuits please. Dance - as this is a busy week with play rehearsals- we will fit dance in wherever we can so please have indoor kit in school all week.
Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah, Mrs Brennan and Mr Mellor
2.12.19, by Mrs Campion
Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 7:32pm
Can you believe we are in December already!? How did that happen?
Rehearsals are in full swing for the Christmas Play and the Christmas tree is up!
Next week, we are going to be getting ready for Christmas with a letter to Santa. In Maths, we are consolidating all of our numbers we have learnt to 5. We have been using our fingers to show different ways we can make numbers and we are getting very good at writing them correctly.
We will be looking at goodies and baddies in different fairytales and their different charactertistics.
Thank you for all of your continued support and please ask if you have any questions.
Mrs Campion & Mrs Hoskins
WB 2.12.19, by Miss Gillam
Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 5:52pm
Hello and welcome back to Starlings Class Blog,
Starlings have had such a wonderfully exciting week and have really impressed Miss Gillam with their love of learning. We had a fantastic day at the Museum of Science and Industry on Tuesday and the children’s polite and sensible behaviour did not go unnoticed by both members of staff and the public. Thank you for representing our school so brilliantly.
We also enjoyed our Christingle service in Church this week. Starlings sang beautifully and listened respectfully throughout the service.
We have yet another busy week ahead of us. Next week, the children will have an assessment week. They will be tested on maths, reading, spelling and science. The children will be asked to ‘show me what you know’ and we aim for them see the assessment as more of a fun and exciting quiz. As part of our writing assessment, we will continue writing our diary entry about the adventures of Nibbles the book monster.
Next week’s diary dates:
Wednesday 4th December – Film night until 5.30pm. If you would like your child to stay and watch a film until 5.30pm please email or pop into the school office, the cost is £2.50.
- 3 reads - Please make sure that you keep all 3 reading books in your book bag each day. You should have a home reading book, RWI book and a book bag book. Please continue to read at home with your children as often as possible, it is crucial for their love of reading, attainment and progress. We require three comments each week from an adult to ensure that the children receive a raffle ticket and have a chance of winning a very special prize.
- Maths Challenge – Can you play addition snakes and ladders with your friends and family? Use objects to help you. Who will reach the finish line first? See reading diary.
- Spellings – see your slip in your reading diary.
Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.
Miss Gillam
Y2 Wk beg , by Mrs Rice
Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 12:15pm
Hi Everyone
What a busy week we are having in school. Lots of Christmas play rehearsals and church services to get ready for. Mrs Elson and I are really pleased witht the children's writing. They are working so hard on their letter formation, joins, adjectivces and adverbs. We will continue to focus on this in our wrinting next week as we become poets. Our maths work will focus on addtion problem solving. We will be exploring contractions in our spelling work. The children learn that when two words are contracted into one, for example can not becomes can't, the apostrophe stands for the letters that are missing. This week's spellings are:
can't, didn't, I'm, he'll, she'll, I'd, couldn't, wouldn't, won't, we'd
Please continue to read at home with your children as often as possible, it is crucial for their love of reading, attainment and progress. We require three comments each week from an adult to ensure that the children receive a raffle ticket and have a chance of winning. We are having lots of fun, learning our words for the play with expression. Please come and see Mrs Elson or myself if you have ay questions.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice
Toucans week beg. 2.12.19, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 8:38am
Not long to go now to our production of ‘Aladdin Trouble’. Thank you for all the costumes that you have provided for your children as they look fabulous. Next week will be a busy week with lots of singing, rehearsing and making props. We will be having some full dress rehearsals with all of KS2.
As we will be busy rehearsing for our play we will just have a formal PE lesson with Mr Ault next Friday. Instead we will have lots of extra opportunities to use the Golden Mile or do 5-A-Day activities in the classroom, depending on the weather. To make sure we are not losing out on any curriculum PE time, Year 6 will spend the morning of Friday 13th December with Mr Ault, as well as having their usual PE lesson at the end of that day.
Maths Homework
Thank you for your on-going support with the Maths Homework. It’s great to hear the children talking about what they found ‘easy’ or ‘hard’. Please try and catch up with any homework tasks that you have missed over the coming weeks as we will only be assigning 1 page a week from now to Christmas
This week, we would like them to complete page 22 (Order of Operations) due in on Wednesday 4th December
Our spelling words next week will focus on homophones and other words that are often confused. These are quite difficult so encourage your child to talk about the meaning of each word and to come up with a strategy to help remember how to spell it e.g. Draw around the image.
morning, assent, compliment, draft, mourning, ascent, desert, complement, dessert, draught
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
Week Beginning 2.12.19, by Miss Beattie
Date: 27th Nov 2019 @ 8:16am
Another fabulous week for Robins class!
Next week, the children in KS2 will have an assessment week. They will be tested on Spelling, Maths, Reading and Grammar/Punctuation.
We will also continue with our writing lessons, focussing on using conjunctions for subordination (e.g. before, after, while).
Robins will also continue to work on their science from last week, building upon their report which answers the question: Which rock is most suitable when building a stone age house?
We will also continue to practice our routine for our Aladdin dance.
It would be greatly appreciated if we could have costumes in school for Monday 2nd December in a labelled bag/hanger. Robins have been asked to bring in a shirt and trousers/long skirt, with a flat cap or plain apron if possible.
Robins will not have any specific spellings to learn for next week due to assessment week.
Monday 2nd: Aladdin costumes due in school
Wednesday 4th: School Film Night
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop in and see me.
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling
Week beginning 2.12.19, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 26th Nov 2019 @ 3:11pm
Hi everyone,
What a busy week Skylarks class have had. The children have enjoyed doing Gymnastics this week as a one-off session and continue to enjoy their viloin and cello sessions.
The children have been looking at multiples this week in Maths and will look at factors and prime numbers in the forthcoming weeks. They have also been developing their understanding of personification by creating poems and performing them via iMovie. The children will be looking at developing their knowledge of dialogue and beginning to write another scene using the skills they have been taught.
Next week is assessment week for the children, they will be tested based on aspects of the curriculum they have been taught so far. Children need not to worry about these are for me to see where extra coverage is needed based on the children's gaps.
Spellings (see attached)
Times tables rockstars
Maths CGP books: page 18
Thank you
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse
WB 25.11.19, by Miss Gillam
Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 6:39am
Hello and welcome back to Starlings Class Blog,
Starlings have had yet another busy and exciting week, continuing to make Miss Gillam and Mrs Southern proud each and every day. Our Christmas rehearsals have begun and we are busy preparing for our exciting trip to MOSI in Manchester next week.
We have yet another busy week ahead of us next week.
- Tuesday 26th November – Starlings trip to MOSI.
- Wednesday 27th November – Christmas Fair starting from 2pm
- Thursday 28th November– Whole School Christingle in Church
This week, our Maths work will focus on counting backwards. We will discuss the mathematical term ‘subtraction’ and use objects to help us to make links with what we know already about addition. We will continue to use our Part-Whole and Bar Model to explore the inverse. We will then solve mixed addition and subtraction problems towards the end of the week.
Starlings are excited to be writing their own special recount of a day in the life of ‘Nibbles’ this week. They have created a story pathway, mapping out the key events from the story and are making changes to what story ‘Nibbles’ might choose to nibble into next. They will be writing a recount of his day as a big write this week.
In our Topic lessons we will be completing activities linking to our trip to MOSI this week. We will learn more about a famous bike race, local inventors and will reflect on our time spent in such a wonderful museum.
- 3 reads - Please make sure that you keep all 3 reading books in your book bag each day. You should have a home reading book, RWI book and a book bag book. We are getting closer to our raffle ticket draw. I am hoping for our first Starlings Winner!
- Maths Challenge – Can you use your own toys to make a Part-Whole? Can you write number sentences for your Part-Whole?
e.g. 4 + 6 = 10
6+4 = 10
10= 6 + 4
10 = 4 + 6
- Spellings – see your slip in your reading diary.
Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.
Miss Gillam & Mrs Southern
Week beginning 25.11.19, by Mrs Evans
Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 8:54pm
This week: I am so proud of Goldfinches' lovely focus in their artwork. We experimanted with harmonious and complementary colours to create artwork inspired by the artist Jim Dine. We explored using brusho to create hues of yellow and orange for our Greek inspired art.
Coming up:
Writing- We will use our historical story 'Escape from Pompeii' to practice using speech punctuation.
Shared Reading- we will continue to use our class novel 'Pompeii A Roman Girl's Diary' to help us learn about Pompeii before and after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD.
Spelling: focusing on some of the words from the 2nd column of the Y3/4 words
Maths- multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Continuing to learn the 7x table whilst also practising the 6x table with division facts.
Maths Homework: TT Rock stars. Topmarks Hit the Button game.
RE- Sikhism
History- researching the similarities and differences between the Ancient and Modern Olympic games.
Science- Sound: how sounds are made and travel and how we hear them.
PE- Outdoor PE on Monday with Mr Ault- supportive trainers and warm tracksuits please. Dance - as this is a busy week with Christmas Fair and Christingle, we will fit dance in wherever we can so please have indoor kit in school all week.
We look forward to seeing you at our Christmas Fair (Wednesday from 2pm) and Christingle (Thursday at 2pm)
Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah, Mrs Brennan and Mr Mellor
25.11.19, by Mrs Campion
Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 8:03pm
Another busy week ahead in Owls class.
The children are enjoying our new Fairytale topic and are very enthusiastic about our new class text 'The Three Little Pigs.' We will be making our own piggy collages and then thinking of words to describe what they look like and how they are feeling.
In Maths, we are continuing with the number 6 and comparing sets of objects. We will also be looking at ordering numbers and how we know what order numbers go in. We will be using words like bigger, smaller, greater and less than to compare the amounts.
The children will also be introduced to the story of 'The Gingerbread man' and investigate what happens when you put him in hot water and why this happens.
Please can you record any reading your child does in their blue reading diary so that we know if they have read at home. This also really helps us when changing books as we can see if they have read it and need their book changing.
Thank you so much for your continued support and as always please come and ask if you have any questions.
Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins.
Y2 Wk beg 25.11.19, by Mrs Rice
Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 6:23pm
We had such a fabulous day at the Maritme Museum,we were so pleased with the children's attitudes and behaviour, they made us very proud. We have produced some beautiful art work as a result of the trip. Next week we will be busy preparing crafts for the Christmas Fair which is on Wednesday at 2pm as well as rehearsing our lines for the Nativity. We have some excellent performances on the way for you! Thank you for supporting us with costumes. The children will be writing poems based on their Titanic learning as well and continuing with our inference and deucation skills in reading. In maths, the children will be adding 2, 2 digit numbers that cross the tens boundary using equipment such as place value counters and number lines.
Our spellings are sill based on homophones, where the word sounds the same but can multiple meanings and spellings.
see, sea, where, wear, pear, pair, whole, hole, knot, not.
As always, please come and see Mrs Elson and I if you have any questions.
Toucans week beg. 25.11.19, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 5:31pm
Maths Homework
Thank you for your on-going support with the Maths Homework. We hope you are finding our new books useful tools for revision.
This week, we would like them to complete pages 20 and 21 (Multiplying & Dividing by 10, 100 & 1000) due in on Wednesday 27th November.
Our spelling words next week will focus on the sh sound spelt ti or ci:
direction, especially, explanation, appreciate, competition, ancient, cautious, delicious, motion, spacious
Over the next few weeks, as we are busy preparing for our Aladdin production we will be making maximum use of our Golden Mile Track and having more outdoor active breaks so please ensure your child always has sensible footwear.
PE will continue on Thursdays with Mrs Whittingham and Fridays with Mr Ault but please have PE kits in all week as we may swap sessions around to fit in with our rehearsals for Aladdin.
Please help your child to learn their lines for our school production and ask them to work on any songs that they need to learn. Encourage them to act out their lines and use expression and tone to emphasise the message behind their spoken words. Also please come and see me if you are struggling to get any costumes.
The children will be rehearsing for their roles during school time on Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays. Normal lessons will continue and Mrs Whittingham will work on the different scenes as the children get on with their independent activities from these lessons.
Diary Dates
Wednesday 27th November – Christmas Fair 2 – 6pm
Thursday 28th November - Christingle 2pm
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
Week Beginning 25.11.19, by Miss Beattie
Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 3:32pm
Robins have had another exciting and hard-working week.
Next week, we will be focussing on characterisation in our writing lessons. We will be stepping inside the shoes of a character from our book ‘Winter’s Child’ and inferring how they might feel, what they might say and what they may be thinking. We will also begin to create profiles for our favourite character.
In maths, we will continue to look at mental strategies for subtraction, in particular using number lines. We will then progress onto using a formal written method of subtraction.
On Friday, the children in Robins class will have a Science Day where they will use their enquiry skills to answer the question:
Which rock is most suitable when building a stone age house?
The children will then produce a written report on their findings.
We will also continue to practice our dance routine for our Aladdin Production, which the children are all working extremely hard to prepare for.
Our spellings for the test on Friday 29th November will look at the rule: Swap –le for –ly.
horribly, gently, simply, cuddly, giggly, humbly, wrinkly, possibly
Friday 22nd: Christmas Tree Lights switch on
Wednesday 27th: Christmas Fair 2pm
Wednesday 28th: Christingle 2pm in the Church
As always, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to pop in and see me.
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling
Week beginning 25.11.19, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 6:36pm
Hi everyone,
Skylarks class have been working super hard this week in their writing. They have been looking at metaphors, similes and personification and have managed to incorporate them into desriptions of scenes. They have also been able to use dialogue effectively in their work.
The children have been looking at two-way tables and time tables and have been able to extract the relevant information to answer targetted questions. They are begining to look at multiples, factors and squared numbers and will continue to do so in the forthcoming week.
- Violins and cellos need to be in every Tuesday
- Our cellos and violins concert will take place in the church on Tuesday 10th December @ 2:30pm
- Children's costumes for the christmas play need to be labelled with their name and in on Monday 2nd December (please see attachment of letter if you missed it when it was sent home)
Spellings (see attachment)
Times tables rockstars
Maths CGP books: pages 72 and 73
Thank you for your continued support!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse
Week beginning 18.11.19, by Mrs Evans
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 9:50pm
Greek Day: On Monday we enjoyed meeting Penelope and Andros from Ancient Athens and Sparta and finding all about what it was like living in their 'Polis' (city states) We had an interesting and interactive morning exploring artefacts, dressing up, acting as different members of society, seeing real Spartan weapons and learning to play Greek games. Our afternoon was spent making city state coins out of clay, using drama to explore mythical stories and learning to balance peacock feathers! This was a fantastic experience, taught us all an enormous amount and really brought the ancient past to life.
On Wednesday during dance we explored different pieces of music we could use in the Christmas performance dance and enjoyed watching the Anti-bullying assembly that our Ambassadors organised.
Coming up:
Writing- We will really get in to our new historical story 'Escape from Pompeii'
Spelling: more words with the ey, ei and eigh spelling pattern.
Maths- more decimal numbers with tenths and hundredths with the link to money and coins, addition and subtraction. Continuing to learn the 7x table whilst also practising the 6x table with division facts.
Maths Homework: TT Rock stars.
RE- Sikhism
History- Timeline work and chronology.
Geography- mapping Rome and Greece. Investigating the changing empires.
Science- Sound: how sounds are made and travel and how we hear them.
PE- Outdoor PE on Monday with Mr Ault- supportive trainers and warm tracksuits please. Dance on Wednesday with Mrs Evans.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah, Mrs Brennan and Mr Mellor
18.11.19, by Mrs Campion
Date: 14th Nov 2019 @ 7:59pm
Next week is Nursery Rhyme Week in Owls class to celebrate world Nursery Rhyme week.
We will be taking part in a range of activities, including counting spiders from Incy Wincy and sharing out of bags of wool from baa baa black sheep!
Our number of the week is 6. We are continuing to have a big focus on forming numbers correctly and looking at a set of objects and knowing how many there are (up to 4 objects) without counting.
I am so proud of how well the children are getting on with their red tricky words. These are words that can't be sounded out so need to be learnt by sight, I will send home a list of the first set of red words we are working on in class.
We are having a real focus on writing our round letters and will be sending home a sheet for the children to practise.
This week, singing practice is beginning for our Christmas play. We are so excited!
As always, thank you for your continued support and please ask if you are unsure of anything or if we can help in anyway.
Mrs Campion & Mrs Hoskins
Toucans Class Blog Week beg. 18.11.19, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 13th Nov 2019 @ 6:39pm
Imperial War Museum
The children had a fantastic trip to the Imperial War Museum on Wednesday. They engaged well with all the activities and carried out the learning trails on WW1 and Rationing with enthusiasm. We were very proud of them.
PE will continue on Thursdays with Mrs Whittingham and Fridays with Mr Ault but please have PE kits in all week as we may swap sessions around to fit in with our rehearsals for Aladdin.
Maths Homework
Thank you for your on-going support with the Maths Homework. We hope you are finding our new books useful tools for revision.
This week, we would like them to complete pages 10 and 11 (Roman Numbers) due in on Wednesday 20th November. This is revision of a Year 5 topic that is assessed in the KS2 SATs so you may need to remind your child of the value of each letter e.g. X = 10, C = 100 etc.
Our spelling words next week will focus on Exception Words from the Year 5/6 Spelling List:
guarantee, queue, vehicle, mischievous, foreign, bargain, amateur, hindrance, profession, sufficient
Please help your child to learn their lines for our school production and ask them to work on any songs that they need to learn. Encourage them to act out their lines and use expression and tone to emphasise the message behind their spoken words. Also please come and see me if you are struggling to get any costumes.
The children will be rehearsing for their roles on Friday afternoon during school time.
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
Week Beginning 18.11.19, by Miss Beattie
Date: 13th Nov 2019 @ 8:21am
Another great week in Robins class!
Looking into next week, in our writing lessons we will be learning about verbs and adverbs and using these to plan and write a diary entry.
In maths, we will be consolidating our learning around using the formal written method of addition and beginning to look at mental strategies for subtraction. As well as this, we will be practising our times tables through fun songs and games.
In Design and technology, the children will take part in a hands-on inquiry where they will investigate which materials work best when making a Stone Age roundhouse.
We will also continue to practice our dance routine for our Aladdin Production in PE.
Our spellings for the test on Friday 22nd November will look at adding the –ly suffix.
badly, carefully, quickly, suddenly, nicely, rudely, seriously, finally
Friday 15th November: Robins will have a morning of PE with Mr Ault. Please make sure your child’s kit is in school.
Friday 15th November: Non-Uniform Day for Children in Need.
As always, if you have any questions please just pop in to see me.
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling
Week beginning 18.11.19, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 12th Nov 2019 @ 4:00pm
Hi Everyone,
Skylarks have had a great week focusing on developing skills to retell a story based on our new book 'The Lost Happy Endings'. The children have been solving problems based on line graphs to show their understanding of reading and interpreting line graphs.
Next week, the children will be looking at time tables in maths and then moving on to starting to look at multiplication and division.
The children are having a great time learning their cellos and violins. The external teachers who come in every tuesday have mentioned to the children about joining a strings group. If your child is interested it is completely FREE. The details are as follows:
Vale Royal Super Strings @ Weaverham High school
6-6:45pm with Mrs Singleton.
This group offers free tuition with lots of opportunities to perform in other countries too.
Times tables rockstars
CGP books- pages 70 and 71