Our blogs
Week beginning 11.11.19, by Mrs Evans
Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 9:11pm
Wecome back to Autumn term 2. We hope you all had a lovely week.
Despite being a shorter week, we have been as busy as ever! It has been wonderful to see some budding artists hard at work exploring colour with hues, shades and tints this week to produce some beautiful poppy work for Remembrance Day.
We are proud of our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors for the day they spent at Rudheath Academy learning this important role.
We are also proud to add to our new school 'No Outsider's display' where we have celebrated our uniqueness through reading the story 'Red'.
Coming up: Greek Day on Monday. We look forward to welcoming our visitors for the Greek Workshop. Look out for lots of photos to come on Twitter.
Writing- We will begin a new genre based on an historical recount... but don't want to spoil the surprise by revealing our new book yet... watch this space!
Spelling: words with the ey, ei and eigh spelling pattern.
Maths- more decimal numbers with tenths and hundredths continuing learning the 7x table whilst also practising the 6x table with division facts.
Maths Homework: TT Rock stars.
RE- Sikhism
History- Immersing ourselves in the Ancient Greek Culture during our Greek Day. Writing up our letter to Zeus ready for display
Science- Sound: how sounds are made and travel and how we hear them.
PE- No PE on Monday due to our Greek workshop. Dance on Wednesday with Mrs Evans.
Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah, Mrs Brennan and Mr Mellor
WB 11.11.19, by Miss Gillam
Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 5:50pm
Hello and welcome back to Starlings Class Blog,
Starlings have had such a wonderful week. We have loved having Mrs Turner and Mrs Southern working with us and have really shown how grown up and sensible we can be. We have yet another busy week ahead of us next week.
Tuesday 12th November – Gymnastics (PE Kits needed)
Friday 15th November – non-uniform day as we help raise funds for Children in Need. Please bring in a small donation to school and enjoy wearing your own clothes!
Church diary dates:
Sunday 10th November – Remembrance Day Service 10am with laying of wreaths at the War Memorial 11am. Messy Church in the Church Hall 2pm-3:30pm.
Thursday 14th November – Play and Pray in Church 10am.
In Maths we will be focusing on number bonds this week. We will be investigating how many ways we can make a range of numbers, using the Part-Whole and Bar Model to help us. We will then use the greater than, less than and equal to symbols to compare number bonds.
We will be continuing to think about Nibbles the book monster in our writing this week. We will be helping him to pack for his travels by writing a list, writing postcards and creating a story pathway based on what Nibbles did in the story. We will also consider what might happen if Nibbles was to enter our favourite stories.
In our Topic lessons, we will be continuing to look at old maps of Northwich to see how the town has changed over time. We will also compare Lostock Gralam to Northwich town centre, focusing on both the human and physical geography of both areas.
- 3 reads
(Read Write Inc book, Book Bag Book and Home Reading Book)
- Maths Challenge – Can you solve problems involving the days of the week? Can you think of your own problem?
This does not need to be recorded and can be completed orally.
E.g. If today is Tuesday, what day will it be seven days from now?
It is Friday tomorrow, what day was it yesterday?
Yesterday was Monday and the day after tomorrow will be Thursday. What
day is it today?
- Spellings – see your slip in your reading diary.
Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.
Miss Gillam
11.11.19, by Mrs Campion
Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 4:19pm
What a brilliant first week back we have had! The children have been working so hard.
I have sent home some of the red tricky words we have been learning this week in phonics. If you can please help your child to read and spell these it would be most appreicated. We are practising them every day in school.
Next week, we are starting our new topic 'Will you read me a story?' which is all about fairytales. In Literacy, the children will enter the classroom to a crime scene which they have to help solve. This will help to introduce our new class text 'The Three Little Pigs.'
In Maths, we will beginning to sort objects and come up with our own rules to sort objects.
Have a lovely week and if you have any questions please come and ask.
Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins.
Wk Beg 04.11.19, by Mrs Rice
Date: 7th Nov 2019 @ 4:14pm
Swallows have had a super first week back after half term. They have explored the bar model in Maths to help their understanding that addition can be done in any order. We have started our new story "The Owl Who Was Afraid Of the Dark" by Jill Tomlinson. The children have been introduced to the main character, the cute baby barn owl, Plop. Next week, the children will continue with addition of multiples to ten that total 100 and the addition of 2, 2 digit numbers. In Science, the children will be exploring materials and investigating using torches, which material is the most suitable to make curtains that block out the light.
Our spellings are words that begin with the 'n' sound using the letters 'kn.'
knight, knit, knead, knee, knife, know, knot, knock, knuckle, kneel.
Please come and see Mrs Elson and I if you have any questions.
Week beginning 11.11.19, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 6th Nov 2019 @ 8:18pm
Hello Everyone,
Skylarks class have had a great start back this week. We have been exploring our new class book 'The Lost Happy Endings', which the children have loved giving their predictions of what the book may be about. We have been looking at line graphs in maths; how to read and interpret them. The children will continue to do this next week.
The children have begun to share ideas and develop their dance routine for our part in the christmas production as rockstars. Please see attached to this blog what costume the children will need (letters have been given out previously).
Timestables rockstars
GCP maths book: For next week can every child catch up and make sure all their homework from previous weeks is done and up to date. I will be checking everyones workbooks next Friday (15th).
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse
Toucans week beg. 11.11.19, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 6th Nov 2019 @ 5:59pm
Imperial War Museum
We are all looking forward to our trip to the Imperial War Museum on Wednesday 13th November. In preparation for our visit, we have been finding out about the Yemen Crisis, the museum itself and focusing on what we will find out about WW1 and Rationing, in particular.
PE will continue after half term on Thursdays with Mrs Whittingham and Fridays with Mr Ault
Maths Homework
Thank you for your on-going support with the Maths Homework. We hope you are finding our new books useful tools for revision.
This week, we would like them to complete pages 26 and 27 (Prime Numbers, Square and Cube Numbers) due in on Wednesday 13th November
Our spelling words next week will focus on suffixes:
happily, copier, applied, mysterious, spying, busier, heavily, trying, beautiful, happiness
Please help your child to learn their lines for our school production and ask them to work on any songs that they need to learn. Also please come and see me if you are struggling to get any costumes.
The children will be rehearsing for their roles on Friday afternoon during school time.
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
Week Beginning 11.11.19, by Miss Beattie
Date: 6th Nov 2019 @ 2:38pm
Robins have had a great first week back and have worked extremely hard. We have another very busy week next week.
In writing, we will be reading out new text ‘Winter’s Child’, uncovering each page one at a time. We will use Freeze Frame and Magic Microphone drama techniques to explore the character’s thoughts and feelings. We will then use this drama to help us write a short dialogue between two characters using speech marks. In maths we will be continuing our work on written methods of addition. In Science the children will be observing different types of rocks and describing them based on their properties.
Robins will also continue to work on their ‘Market Seller’ performance for our KS2 Christmas Production.
Our spellings for the test on Friday 15th November will continue to look at adding the –ous suffix to the end of words:
ridiculous, hazardous, mountainous, generous, joyous, anxious, serious, enormous
Reminders for next week:
- Monday 11th November: Remembrance Service in Church at 10am.
- Friday 15th November: Robins will have a morning of PE with Mr Ault (This is in addition to Monday’s PE session).
- Friday 15th November: Non-Uniform Day for Children in Need.
As always, if you have any questions please just pop in to see me.
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling
4.11.19, by Mrs Campion
Date: 25th Oct 2019 @ 1:41pm
Welcome Back!
Hope you have all had a wonderful half term!
This half term is going to be another busy one with lots of exciting things planned in the build up to Christmas.
We will be starting back with the number 5 in Maths. We will be singing songs to support our learning including 5 Little Ducks and Five Little Speckled Frogs. We will be linking the number 5 to the children's birthdays as many of them will be turning 5 or have recently turned 5. We will be continuing to count forwards and backwards and look at different ways we can make 5.
We will also be exploring 'Who works when I am asleep?' If you have a job which requires you to work at night and would be happy to talk to the children about it please let us know.
We are continuing to work really hard on writing our letters and numbers. We have been so impressed with how well the children are recognising their sounds and beginning to read words.
Thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions please come and ask.
Have a wonderful week.
Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins.
Week beginning 4.11.19, by Mrs Evans
Date: 25th Oct 2019 @ 11:31am
We hope you all have a much needed rest this half term- It has been a long one!!
Thank you all for all of your support this half term and we look forward to seeing you back bright and refreshed on Tuesday 5th November!
Coming up:
Writing- we will continue with our Greek Myth theme and write our persuasive letters to Zeus to convince him that we are the best Heros to help him.
Spelling: in the first week back we will recap all of the words in the first column of the Y3/4 list and then send a copy of this home. If you want to practise spellings over half term then please focus on this first column of Y3/4 spellings (this is linked on the class web page)
Maths- we will begin to look at decimal numbers with tenths and hundredths and make links to measures and money. We began to learn the 7x table last week so will be continuing with the 7s whilst also practising the 6x table with division facts.
Maths Homework: TT Rock stars- practise, practise, practise! I can't wait to see who has the most coins and who is highest on the leaderboard when we come back to school!
RE- this half term continues with our focus on the Sikh Religion.
Topic- We will link our art work to topic with sketches and ink work inspired by Ancient Greek pottery. Please send an old t-shirt/apron into school for our art lessons.
Science- We will begin our new topic about sound: how sounds are made and travel and how we hear them.
PE- Mr Ault will continue with outdoor invasion games on Mondays. This will continue to be outdoors wherever possible so please ensure your child has trainers and a warm tracksuit for these sessions. We will have Dance on a Wednesday.
Please ensure all long hair is tied back for school and that for PE earrings are either removed or covered with tape.
Once again, Happy half term
Mrs Evans, Mrs O'Marah, Mrs Brennan and Mr Mellor
Y2 Wk beg 21.10.19, by Mrs Rice
Date: 25th Oct 2019 @ 8:38am
This week the children are writing their own version of Troll Swap, inventing new characters and using a wide variety of noun phrases. We will be exploring Bible stories for example Moses and the Burning Bush and thinking about the meaning of the story. In maths we are looking at number bonds to 20 and how they can help us to calculate larger numbers. We are having a No Outsiders focus, looking at different families and how every family is different but equally special. Friday is a non uniform day, please can KS1 children bring a chocolate donation for the Christmas Fair?
Mrs Elson and I have had a fantastic half term with our children. We hope that you all have a gorgeous break and look forward to seeing you after the holidays. Please remember that the first day back, Monday 4th November is an INSET day.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson
WB 4.11.19 Starlings, by Miss Gillam
Date: 24th Oct 2019 @ 5:52pm
Hello and welcome back to Starlings Class Blog,
Starlings have been working exceptionally hard in the final week running up to half term. Although we are so sad to see Mrs Regan go, we have loved having the opportunity to work with Mrs Southern, who will be joining us after the holidays.
Monday 4th November – INSET School closed
The children have been really challenging themselves in maths this week, learning how to use our new and exciting part-whole model. When they return to school, we will be continuing to solve addition and subtraction problems.
In Writing, Starlings have been fascinated by the adventures of Nibbles the cheeky little book monster. When they return to school, we will be writing recounts and stories based on our class text, Nibbles.
- 3 reads - Please make sure you keep all 3 reading books in your book bag each day. You should have a home reading book, RWI book and a book bag book.
- Maths Challenge – Can you learn how to spell the days of the week?
- Spellings – see your slip in your reading diary.
Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns. I hope the children have a safe and restful half term and look forward to welcoming them back after the holidays, ready for another term.
Miss Gillam
Toucans week beg. 4.11.19, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 24th Oct 2019 @ 8:12am
We hope the children have a safe and restful half term and we would like to thank them for all their hard work this term. We look forward to welcoming them back after the holidays and begin preparations in earnest with our Aladdin Production.
Please remember that Monday 4th November is an Inset day. We will welcome the children back on Tuesday 5th November 2019.
If you haven’t done so already, please sign up for the before school netball club which will begin on Tuesday 5th November 8 – 8.45am
PE will continue after half term on Thursdays and Fridays
Imperial War Museum
We will be preparing for our trip to the Imperial War Museum on Wednesday 13th November by undertaking research about the Yemen Crisis, finding out more about the museum, exploring a floor map of the museum and focusing on what we will find out about WW1 and Rationing, in particular.
Maths Homework
Thank you for your on-going support with the Maths Homework. We hope you are finding our new books useful tools for revision.
This week, we would like them to complete pages 24 and 25 (Multiples and Factors) due in on Wednesday 6th November
Our spelling words next week will focus on double letters:
apparently, correspond, sufficient, opportunity, profession, beginning, forgetting, preferred, admitting, beginner
The children will be rehearsing for their roles on Friday afternoon during school time.
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
Week beginning 4.11.19 (Autumn 2), by Miss Thwaites
Date: 23rd Oct 2019 @ 4:18pm
Hi Everyone,
The children have been working hard in the final week running up to half term. We have completed a series of diary entries to finish our writing based on the Queen of the Falls. The children have thoroughly enjoyed this book and should be proud of all the work they have achieved. When we return to school after half-term we will be starting our new book 'The Happy Lost Endings'.
The children have been really challenging themselves in maths and have worked so hard. When they return to school, we will be looking at line graphs developing skills on how to read, interpret and present results.
Times tables
CGP maths books: pages 21 and 22
I hope everyone has a safe and well-earnt rest.
Thank you
Miss Thwaites and Mrs. Hulse
Week Beginning 4.11.19, by Miss Beattie
Date: 23rd Oct 2019 @ 11:08am
I would firstly like to thank everyone for their continued support over the first half term.
After half term, Robins will be starting a new book in their Writing Lessons. We will begin by looking at clues to help us make predictions about the story. We will then be writing expanded noun phrases to describe the front cover.
In maths, we will be moving on to written methods of addition – first the expanded method and then column.
In science, we will be beginning our next topic of ‘Rocks’. The children will have the opportunity to share what they already know and explore the question: Are all rocks the same?
We will be continuing with our work around the Stone Age and will be finishing our non-chronological reports.
In PE, we will begin to learn our ‘Market Seller’ Dance for the Christmas Production.
Costume letters for the KS2 Christmas Production have gone home this week. If possible, please send your child’s costume into school in a labelled bag/hanger by Monday 2nd December. If you have any questions about what your child has been asked to bring, please do not hesitate to speak to me.
Our spellings for the test on Friday 8th November will look at adding the –ous suffix to the end of words:
famous, jealous, fabulous, dangerous, nervous, curious, venomous, poisonous
Reminder: This Friday 25th October will be a non-uniform day. KS2 children are asked to bring in a bottle for our Christmas Tombola.
Have a safe and fun-filled half term!
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling
Year One - Week Beginning 21.10.19, by Miss Gillam
Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 5:29pm
Hello and welcome back to Starlings Class Blog,
Starlings have had such a busy and exciting week, continuing to make Miss Gillam and Mrs Regan proud each and every day. We have loved meeting Mrs Southern this week who will be joining us after the half term holidays.
We have yet another busy week ahead of us next week.
Tuesday 22nd – No Outsiders afternoon for the whole school.
Friday 25th – will be a non-uniform day for the Christmas Fair. Please bring in something chocolaty!
Monday 4th November – INSET School closed
Our focus in maths will continue to be addition and subtraction this week. We will be solving problems involving addition using the part-whole model taught last week.
E.g. Always, Sometimes, Never
When I add two numbers, the answer is always smaller. Explain your reasoning.
This week we are going to be continuing our journey, discovering the adventures of Nibbles the book monster. Will be learn about the mischief Nibbles causes as he enters a range of traditional tales in our classroom. We will consider the thoughts and feelings of the character in each story and write sentences to help the staff at Northwich Library to know how to keep Nibbles well fed and happy.
In our Topic lessons we will be continuing with our history focus, learning about how transport has changed over time. We will continue to look at old maps of Northwich to see how the town changed as transport methods modernised. We will look at how bicycles have changed over time. We will also learn about how the types of bikes we ride change as we grow up and why.
- 3 reads - Please make sure you keep all 3 reading books in your book bag each day. You should have a home reading book, RWI book and a book bag book.
- Maths Challenge – Can you count back? Can you count backwards from 50? Can you start at 39 and count backwards? Use the 100 square in your book bag to help you.
- Spellings – see your slip in your reading diary.
Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.
Miss Gillam
Y2 Wk beg 21.1019, by Mrs Rice
Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 2:40pm
What a busy week we have had! Mrs Elson and I have been so impressed with the quality of the children's handwriting, noun phrases and conjunctions. The children have been busy solving place value number problems. Thank you to everyone who came to see me at Parent's Evening, it was a real pleasure to chat with you all and gain a full picture of the children.
Next week, we have a non uniform day on Thursday, please can KS1 childrn bring a bottle for the Christmas Fair?
Our focus is going to be addition within 20 and using these facts to calculate larger numbers. We will be using the part part whole and bar model to look at how the number facts are linked. The children are going to be writing a story following our class text Troll Swap. They have invented a new character to add in and will be following the main plot as well as including exciting noun phrases, conjunctions and voacabulry from the text.
Our spelling focus this week adding the suffix 'ly' to a root word to describe how an action is done
Our words are: sadly, loudly, bravely, gladly, quietly, slowly, quickly, softly, carefully, easily.
Please come and see either Mrs Elson or myeslf if you ever hhave nay questions.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice
21.10.19, by Mrs Campion
Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 12:45pm
I can't believe we are at the end of the first half term already! It has flown by and I can't believe how well the children have settled and how much they have learnt already.
Thank you to everyone who came to parents evening. It was wonderful to share how well they are all doing and what a brilliant start to school they have had.
In Literacy, we will b continuing to make up our own stories based on peace at last and in Maths we will be learning about the number 4.
We will also be learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated and linking it to celebrations that we share with our families.
Have a wonderful half term break and thank you for all your support this half term.
Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins.
Week beginning 21.10.19, by Mrs Evans
Date: 16th Oct 2019 @ 9:36pm
This week:
Goldfinches have had another hard-working week and have enjoed beginning to explore a range of Ancient Greek Myths through reading and drama.
It has been lovely to get the change to talk to you all at Parent's Evening and thank you for taking the time to come to see me.
Coming up next week: Wow- we are in Week 8! This half term has flown by!
Non-uniform day on Friday 25th- please send in a bottle of something in return as a contribution to our Christmas Fair stalls.
Please save any glass jars (jam, sauce, mayonaise etc) and send in to school so we can use them for a mindfullness activity. (If you don't want your child to carry it in to school- please just pass them to us first thing in the morning or pass to the school office.
Writing: We will continue to use a range of Greek Myths to inspire our writing. Please encourage your child to re-tell any of the myths they have learned at school.
Reading: Non-Fiction Greek texts.
Spelling: We will focus on more words from the Y3/4 word list (column 1)
Maths: Addition and subtraction methods and solving addition and subtraction word problems and puzzles.
PSHE: We will use one of our No Outsiders books 'Red' as part of our lessons teaching the children acceptance and individuality.
PE: Games with Mr Ault on Monday morning. Please remember to bring a pair of spare socks and a tracksuit/joggers and warm top as the weather is starting to get colder now. Trainers would also be more suitable than pumps as the children will be on the field. Cricket all Wednesday afternoon. This will be the last cricket session.
RE: We will continue our focus on the Sikh religion and look at some of the important Sikh symbols.
Science: More on teeth and how to keep our teeth healthy.
Computing: We will add to the Digestive System quiz we started and test to see how well it works.
Thank you all as always for your support,
Mrs Evans, Mrs Brennan and Mrs O'Marah.
Week beginning 21.10.19, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 16th Oct 2019 @ 4:56pm
Hi Everyone,
Thank you to all the parents who were able to make parents evening over the last two evenings. If anyone has any further questions or queries do not hesitate to come and speak to me. Looking forward to our final week before half term, Skylarks will be looking at multi-step problems using their knowledge of addition and subtraction. The children will be planning their final write to plan and write a series of diaries about significant events in Annie Edson Taylor’s life.
The children will be going on their trip to the Lion Salt Works on Monday 21st October, they will need to wear their uniforms and will require coats.
Next Friday 25th October, it will be a non-uniform day and the children are asked to bring a bottle in for Friends Of Lostock.
Times tables Rockstars
CGP books- pages 14 and 15
Toucans week beg. 21.10.19, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 16th Oct 2019 @ 3:41pm
Thank you to everyone who attended our Parents Evening. We hope you enjoyed seeing the fantastic work that your children have done so far this year and hearing how they are progressing in Year 6.
Next week, the children will be continuing their writing based on our book 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope'. So far they have written some lovely diary entries and letters in the role as Helen. In Maths, they will be looking at prime numbers to 100 and we will take a look at some exam questions around number. The children will continue to work on their enquiry based project focusing on an aspect of conflict that interests them. In RE, we will be learning about Shabbat and how Jews celebrate together. In PE, the children will continue to work on invasion games with Mr Ault on Friday.
Maths Homework
Thank you for helping your child to complete their maths homework last week. We were glad to see that by self-checking their own work the children were immediately able to explain what they found easy/difficult. Don’t forget if your child has found a topic particularly difficult, mark the page with a red dot and then we will work on these weaknesses as part of our intervention sessions in school.
Just to remind you, each week, your child will circle and date the page numbers that we would like them to complete that week, they can write it in their homework diaries and we will also put on the blog each week, the page numbers we would like them to do too! The books will go home on a Friday each week and will be due in on the following Wednesday.
This week, we would like them to complete pages 18 and 19 (Written Division) due in on Wednesday 23rd October.
Our spelling words next week will focus on suffixes:
admitting, forgotten, committed, beginner, referring, regretted, forbidden, preferred, stoppable, referring
The children will be rehearsing for their roles in our Christmas Production on Friday afternoon during school time.
Inter School Sports Competitions
We have the following sporting events coming up next week. Mr Ault and Mrs Whittingham have selected the teams and your child will have had a letter already if they were chosen.
Tuesday 22nd October away football match at Sandiway.
Wednesday 23rd October Tag Rugby at Moss Farm
Friday 25th October Hockey at RSA
Art Day
Toucans will have an Art Day on Thursday 24th October. They will explore the work of the Wartime artist Paul Nash and create some conflict paintings based on his work. Please could they bring in an old t-shirt/shirt to wear on this day.
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
Week Beginning 21.10.19, by Miss Beattie
Date: 16th Oct 2019 @ 8:18am
Wow! What a quick and fun-filled half term this has been. As we look into our final week, the children will be applying all their learning from our text ‘Seal Surfer’ and will write a sequence of letters in role. In maths, we will continue to look at addition, specifically adding a three-digit number and hundreds mentally.
In science, we will be finishing our Light topic by looking at the dangers of the sun and how we can protect our eyes and skin.
Towards the end of the week, Robins will be engaging in lots of topic-based lessons. They will begin to write a non-chronological report on the Stone Age and will produce their final piece of art work based on Stone Age cave paintings.
Our spellings next week will continue to look at silent letters:
gnome, knee, honest, wrist, scissors, thumb, plumber, knowledge
Reminder: Friday 25th October will be a non-uniform day. KS2 children are asked to bring in a bottle for our Christmas Tombola.
As always, please pop in and see me if you have any questions or queries.
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling
Year One - Week Beginning 14.10.19, by Miss Gillam
Date: 10th Oct 2019 @ 4:48pm
Hello and welcome back to Starlings Class Blog,
Starlings have had such a fantastic week, making Miss Gillam and Mrs Regan proud each and every day. Our highlights were writing our wonderful 'Lost and Found' stories and meeting Urwin the guide dog.
We have yet another busy week ahead of us next week.
Monday 14th – Book fair open 3:15pm-4:00pm.
Tuesday 15th – Parent’s evening starting at 3:30pm. Book fair will be open 3:15pm - 6pm.
Tuesday 15th – Gymnastics – PE Kits needed
Wednesday 16th – Parent’s evening starting at 1:30pm. The Journeyman will be in school to tell some of his amazing stories to all pupils in the afternoon.
Thursday 17th – Worship on Road Safety led by our Road Safety Officers – William & Nicole.
Our focus in maths will be addition and subtraction this week. We will be revising symbols and using the part-whole model to add two numbers. We will be solving problems involving addition towards the end of the week.
This week we are going to be starting a new key text in our writing lessons. We will explore clues to find out about a mysterious, book eating monster loose in our classroom.
In our Topic lessons we will be continuing with our history focus, learning about how transport has changed over time. We will look at old maps of Northwich to see how the town changed as transport methods modernised.
- 3 reads - Please make sure you keep all 3 reading books in your book bag each day. You should have a home reading book, RWI book and a book bag book.
- Maths Challenge – Can you count on? Can you count to 50? Can you count to 30, starting from the number 8? Can you count to 23 starting from the number 11? Use the 100 square in your book bag to help you.
- Spellings – see your slip in your reading diary.
Thank you for your continued support, please come and see me if you have and questions or concerns.
Miss Gillam
Week beginning 14.10.19, by Mrs Evans
Date: 10th Oct 2019 @ 8:33am
Wow what another great week we have had in Goldfinches class!
Thank you to all of the family members for coming to our 'Come and Join Us' session and for embracing all of the activities with so much enthusiasm (and competitiveness) I can just see you all taking over the park for a parents vs children cricket match next!
Earlier in the week we enjoyed meeting Kevin and his beautiful guide dog Urwin in worship where we found out what it was like for Kevin to be blind.
Coming up next week:
Book Fair- This will be in Y5 classroom after school each evening Fri 11th, Mon 14th, Tues 15th Wed 16th Oct.
Journey Man- he will be coming in on Wednesday for a lovely afternoon of storytelling.
Literacy- we will be starting to explore Greek myths, heroes, mythical creatures and settings for our next piece of writing.
Reading- We will explore and share a range of Greek Myth stories.
Spelling- Words with the prefix 'inter'
Maths- Addition and subtraction strategies and understanding the inverse.
Science- Exploring the results of the investigation into different liquids on our teeth and ways to keep our teeth healthy.
PE- Games with Mr Ault (outside if dry- please bring joggers and tracksuit top to keep warm and spare socks in case the field is wet) This week there will be no Cricket because of parents afternoon - but Goldfinches will have a whole afternoon of cricket the following week (23rd Oct) instead.
Thank you for all your support at home to listen to your child read, practise their spellings and work on their times tables.
Mrs Evans, Mrs Brennan, Mrs O'Marah
Week beginning 14.10.19, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 9th Oct 2019 @ 4:18pm
Hi Everyone,
The children in Skylarks have been working super hard this week with their rounding of numbers to estimate answers to addition and subtraction questions. We will be continuing the practice this skill next week. They have been working hard to plan a recount of Annie's journey from the top of the falls until she gets to the edge of the falls. They have begun to write the recount and will continue this into the new week.
As we look forward into the new week, parents' evenings will take place on Tuesday 15th October and Wednesday 16th October. Appointments have been sent home but if there are any problems please come and speak to me.
The book fair has arrived in school it is located in the year 5 classroom and will be here 3:15-4pm on the 10th, 11th and 14th of October and then 3:15-6pm on the 15th and 16th October.
Times Tables Rockstars
CGP maths books- pages 12 and 13
Thank you
Miss Thwaites
Toucans week beg. 14.10.19, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 9th Oct 2019 @ 3:38pm
A big thank you to all who attended our Come and Join Session. The children have shown some excellent skills as they became historians and began their enquiry project based on an aspect of conflict that interests them.
Next week, the children will be continuing their writing based on our book 'Star of Fear, Star of Hope'. In Maths, they will be looking at factors and prime numbers. As well as solving a variety of number problems using our reasoning skills. In RE, we will continue to finish off our non-chronological report on Judaism.
Rugby World Cup
To mark the Rugby World Cup, year 5 and 6 will be involved in an intra school competition on Friday 18th October with Mr Ault.
Maths Homework
Thank you for your on-going support with the Maths homework. The children seem to be enjoying their new books. Don’t forget if your child has found a topic particularly difficult, mark the page with a red dot and then we will work on these weaknesses as part of our intervention sessions in school.
Just to remind you, each week, your child will circle and date the page numbers that we would like them to complete that week, they can write it in their homework diaries and we will also put on the blog each week, the page numbers we would like them to do too! The books will go home on a Friday each week and will be due in on the following Wednesday.
This week, we would like them to complete pages 16 and 17 (Written Multiplication) due in on Wednesday 16th October.
Our spelling words next week will focus on homophones:
principal, wary, principle, weary, bridal, precede, bridle, proceed, there, their
Parents’ Evening
Just a reminder that Parents Evening will take place on Tuesday 15th October and Wednesday 16th October. This is an opportunity for you to find out how your child has settled into Year 6 and to take a look through their books.
At the moment we are just working on roles in school but will let you know when we may need your child to stay behind after school to work on their acting/singing.
Inter School Sports Competitions
We have the following sporting events coming up over the next few weeks. Mr Ault and Mrs Whittingham will select the teams and your child will receive a letter if chosen.
Tuesday 22nd October away football match at Sandiway.
Wednesday 23rd October Tag Rugby at Moss Farm
Friday 25th October Hockey at RSA
Art Day
Toucans will have an Art Day on Thursday 24th October. They will explore the work of the Wartime artist Paul Nash and create some conflict paintings based on his work. Please could they bring in an old t-shirt/shirt to wear on this day.
As always, just pop in and see us if you have any questions at all.
Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick