Our Christian Values are Hope, Respect, Friendship, Love, Courage, Forgiveness

Our blogs

Skylarks WB 31.10.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 8:30am

Hello everyone and welcome to Skylarks weekly blog! ?

What a fantastic half term it has been. The children have worked exceptionally hard and have made a fantastic start to Year 5. It has been lovely to chat to you all at Parents’ Evening this week – I’m sure you are proud of their achievements like I am!



First Week Back (W.B. 31.10.22)


  • School will reopen on Monday 31st October 2022.

After half term we will be starting our new English text ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ by Carol Ann Duffy. We will be using clues from the book to make predictions, before delving deeper into the setting and characters.

In our shared reading lessons, we will be reading our new text ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Neil Gaiman. We will be focussing on language and will evaluate the author’s choice of language, including the use of figurative language.  

In maths we will be looking at strategies we can use to check our answers to written calculations, including rounding, estimating and using the inverse. We will also continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In our topic lessons, we will be learning more about our local area, including the salt industry and how it put Northwich on the map. We will learn about the history of the Lion Salt Works ahead of our visit on 22nd November.

Our PE days for Autumn Term 2 will continue to be a Thursday (Cricket) and Friday with Mr Ault so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.


Homework and Spellings

There will be no formal homework (CGP maths or spellings) set over the half term break. Please encourage your child to do some reading and times table practice when possible.

Here are some website to make times table learning fun:




Book Trade – Message from our new School Councillors

We will be holding a book trade on the first Friday back after half-term (Friday 5th November) straight after school. In the half-term holiday, we suggest you sort through your books to find any you don’t want anymore. Please bring them in on book trade day to swap your unwanted books for new ones to enjoy. Recommended for adults too. Thank you from, school council.


Have a wonderful and safe half term everyone!

Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x

Swallows Wk Beg 17.10.22, by Mrs Rice

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 10:03pm

Hi Everyone

This week we have our Forest Schools session on Thursday. Please can the children bring wellies, a spare change of shoes for inside and a warm waterproof coat with them. They will still have Cricket in the afternoon so will need their trainers. 

In Maths, we will be placing 2 digit numbers on a number line in tens, then in tens and ones and finally estimating the position of numbers. The children will progress onto comparing two given numbers using the <, > and = signs. They will continue to learn their ten times tables.

In Writing, the children will be planning their own story based on the story Troll Swap. They will create characters who swap lives as they don’t fit in with their families. We will explore how to write sentences that make sense with noun phrases and correct punctuation. The children are also working hard on their letter formation and overall presentation of their handwriting.

This week's spellings are:

clothes, could, door, cold, even

In Science, the children will be testing which material is the most suitable for a teabag.

In History, we will explore the role the band played during the sinking of the Titanic and the Christian Values that they demonstrated. The children will discuss ways in which help could have altered the outcome.

In RE, the children will continue to explore Bible stories that help us to understand Jesus.

This week will be the children’s final Cricket lesson so after the half term, they will only need to wear PE kits on a Monday.

I hope that you all have a wonderful half term holiday. I have loved getting to know the children and we are really proud of them all.

Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern 

WB 17.10.22 - Owls Class, by Miss Dalby

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 7:00pm


Friday Superstar: Breanna

Top table: Diya and Alfie 

This week we have…

This Week's Theme: We have been exploring our interests, what we like and do not like and even though we might like different things to our friends, that’s ok! We can still have amazing friendships and experiences with them.

Literacy: The children created fantastic self-portraits using oil pastels and a mirror. We practised our oracy by using different sentences starters “I have…”, “I can see…”. Owls loved looking at each other’s pictures and guessing who was who! We then stuck our portraits in our literacy books our fact files all about us.

Numeracy: The number for this week was 2, the children have been finding examples all around our classroom and really have a solid grasp of where we can see 2 in our everyday lives. We have also been measuring an object’s height using the key vocab ‘tall and short’. Whilst you are out this weekend with your family you could play a game, who can spot the tallest building?

Next week we will…

Next week we will be looking at what it means to be kind. Our key text will be ‘The Smartest Giant in Town” by Julia Donaldson. It is important that we show our friends and family kindness, treating them as we would like to be treated ourselves. This is why we will be creating a thank you card just like the one George the Giant received from his friends.

In Phonics, we will be introducing our special friends sounds, when two letters come together to make one sound!

After a nature walk in our forest area, we will be describing the things we saw, smelt and heard and introduce our new artist: Andy Goldsworthy.

We will be creating simple reoccurring patterns using different media and natural resources. Our number of the week: 3 will be making an appearance, maybe you can thing of traditional tales that involve this number?

 Finally, the spooky season is upon us so this week lots of our busy time activities will be centred around Halloween fun with creepy pumpkin counting and phantom phonics!



Thank you to everyone who have been using the reading diaries this week, we have really enjoyed reading about the lovely stories you share at home. This week’s homework will continue to be the phonics booklets to be returned to school by Friday 21st October, this can be found in the children’s bags as usual and a copy will be shared on Class Dojo – this week the children have covered:



Harvest Service and Donations:

We are celebrating Harvest this year on Monday 17th October, Key Stage 1 and Reception (Owls, Starlings and Swallows) will celebrate at 10.30am.

 If you would like to make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank, the following items are currently in short supply and would be greatly appreciated, we can collect these items anytime the week beginning Monday 17th October: rice pudding, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, jelly, tea bags, custard and tinned mashed potatoes.

Parents Evening will be on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th October. 

Have a brilliant weekend!


Miss Dalby, Mrs Hoskins and Mrs Rathbone

Robins week beg. 17th October, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 5:32pm

The children had a wonderful morning at Forest Schools this week. They explored the forest and played a variety of games to build teamwork and reasoning skills. The activities were greatly enjoyed by the children and it was lovely to see their smiling faces, laughter and chatter with their friends as they spent time in the forest. 

Remember Parents Evening is next Wednesday and Thursday so if you have not booked an appointment please do so.

Lots of great paragraph writing in English this week taking on the role of different characters in our story the Seal Surfer. Next week, we will begin to draft and write our end of unit piece - a letter from Tom to his grandad. 

Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home this week and recording it in the homework diaries. Aim for 10 - 15 mins every night. 

It was great to see the children remember more of their phonics sounds in their writing this week. Thank you for your support with their spelling homework. We will continue to work on revising key sounds next week. 

Spelling Quiz on Friday 21st October - make, cake, nice, smile, phone, home, huge, brute, yawn, dawn

Remember to make learning spellings fun. Maybe write out words in coloured pen, underline the key sounds, draw around the word with images, draw around the shape of the word, write on pavement in chalk, trace words in sand etc.

Here is an online spelling game that your child will enjoy to revise Year 2 spellings and they can also have a go at some of the Year 3 spellings!


The children have worked hard this week on their 4 times tables. We have looked at patterns on the 100 square and made connections with other times tables that they know. Your child will get a x4 activity on Friday. Homework can be completed over the weekend or next week and returned by next Wednesday 19th October.


Continue to use this game to revise and learn times tables. 

The children have really enjoyed using this train game to revise their addition skills. It is lovely to see them challenge themselves as they move through the levels. Continue to just focus on the addition and subtraction carraige.  


We have completed out unit on Place Value in Maths this week so next week we will move onto Addition. 

Remember our PE days will remain as Monday and Wednesday for this term. 

In Computing we will continue to use the Keynote app to prepare presentations on the Stone Age.

Please feel free to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with,

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs O'Marah & Mrs Taylor

Goldfinches WB 17.10.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 4:32pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Wow! A whole half term almost complete! We have done so much learning and are really beginning to show how grown up we are. 


Friday Superstar: Amber

Top Table: Logan and Bobby V

This week we have:

…enjoyed using a speech sandwich to write a conversation between Hannah and the Gorilla! We made super progress in recalling our 4x table facts both in and out of order. We had fun comparing the pitch of different thicknesses of elastic bands during science. Played along to Mamma Mia with the glockenspiels and discovered where in the world Greece and that it is made up of so many islands! A huge well done to everybody who is working hard at home on their reading, spelling and times tables. Remember little and often is the key to improving your learning.

Parents’ evening: Please sign up for a slot on either Wednesday 19th or Thursday 20th October. If you would prefer a phone call, please contact school and we will arrange a call on a separate evening.

Harvest: Thank you for all of your harvest donations so far. If you would like to make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank, the following items are currently in short supply and would be greatly appreciated: rice pudding, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, jelly, tea bags, custard, tins and mashed potatoes. Our donations will be delivered to the local food bank. We look forward to seeing anyone who can make it at our service in Church on Monday 17th October.

Next week we will:

Writing: we will use Gorilla for inspiration to write our own animal fantasy stories.

Reading: We will continue to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and understand how using inference (the facts from the text + our knowledge of the world) can help us understand what we are reading.

Reading homework: Please comment in your child’s diary when they have read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is words with the suffix ‘ly’ and the effect on the y ending where the y changes to ily and ally.

Spellings to learn for our test on Friday 21st October: happily, sleepily, cosily, cheekily, angrily, breezily, heavily, basically, frantically, magically.

We have used look, cover, write, spell and check to help us practice.

Maths:  We will continue to consolidate the 4 times table and focus on using prior facts to help us learn it out of order and know the associated division facts. We will learn to round numbers to the nearest 1000, 100 and 10.

Maths Homework:  Have a go at the online game ‘Happy Burger’ to practise your 4x table and build some delicious burgers. https://www.timestables.co.uk/happy-burger.html

Complete the division by 4 sheet. You can use the 100 square to help you if you colour in the multiples of 4 first.

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Toucans W.B. 17.10.22, by Mr Corkill

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 2:54pm

Welcome Back to Toucans’ Weekly Blog ?


Toucans have had another fantastic week! The children have really impressed me with their amazing arithmetic skills, and their passion and enthusiasm for discussing trench warfare during our WW1 history lesson. 

Praise: Riley

Top Table: Izzy and Georgia


Next Week (W.B. 17.10.22)



  • Our KS2 Harvest service will take place on Monday 17th October at St. John the Evangelist Church, Lostock Gralam, at 9:30am. Y6 will be performing the classic hymn ‘we plough the fields and scatter’ as a poem. 
  • Parents’ Evenings will be held this week on both Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. All appointments are for 10 minutes to discuss how your child in settling into life in Y6. 
  • PE will take place on both a Monday and a Friday each week, so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days. PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/navy.



In English, we will undertake a practice reading, spelling, and punctuation and grammar test this week to identify what the children know and any areas of development. 

In maths, we will continue with our 4-a-day arithmetic questions each morning, and explore using mental calculations and reasoning from known facts. We will also complete an arithmetic paper and two mathematical reasoning papers again to identify areas of strength and future areas of focus. 

In our history/geography lesson, we will continue to look at World War One and write a letter in role as a WW1 solider discussing life in the trenches. 

In music, the children will continue with their weekly ukulele lesson on Thursday afternoon. 

In German, the children will further discuss and describe pets and animals with Mrs Judge. 

In computing, the children will begin to create their own businesses through making a logo and creating a set of merchandise to promote their business idea. 



Children in Year 6 will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers provided in the back of their homework book. If your child is finding the homework challenging, I will ensure that supervision is provided one lunchtime each week where your child can ask any questions or receive the support they need to complete the homework.


Children should complete pages 11 and 14 of their maths homework book this week and return it to school by Thursday 20th October. The homework this week is focusing upon division and BODMAS. The following website is great for times tables practice: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Please also encourage your child to read for 15-20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings and times tables. Children need to record their reading in their homework diaries/planners. 


Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 21st October will focus on words containing the ‘sh’ sound spelt ti or ci and will be: ancient, appreciate, calculation, competition, conscious, conscience, delicious, direction, especially, explanation. 


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact!

Mr Corkill ?

Skylarks WB 17.10.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 8:12am

Hello everyone and welcome to Skylarks weekly blog! ?

Another fantastic week in Skylarks Class. I can’t believe we are looking ahead to the final week of this half term. What a super 7 weeks it has been!


Next week (W.B. 17.10.22)


  • Monday 17th October 2022 – KS2 Harvest Festival in church at 9.15am
  • Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th October 2022 – Parents’ Evening – Please book a slot on School Spider or phone the school office.
  • Friday 21st October 2022 – School closes for half term and will reopen on 31st October 2022.

In our English lessons next week, we will be using our plans to help us write and edit our own sequence of dairy entries from the viewpoint of Annie Edson Taylor. The children will be challenged to apply all of our learning from this half term in their writing.

In our shared reading lessons, we will be reading about the inspirational women in our text ‘Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls’. We will continue to focus on drawing inferences and justifying our answers with evidence.

In maths we will be looking at written methods of addition and subtraction. We will also continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In science we will be investigating soluble and insoluble materials by carrying out a fair test. We will make predictions, record out results and draw scientific conclusions.

In RE we will assessing our learning from this half term on the Sermon on the mount by answering the following questions: ‘How does the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ help people to follow Jesus?’ and ‘How did Jesus want Christians to live out each verse in their lives?’

In our Art lesson, we will be developing our understanding of colour by exploring tint, tone and shade.

Our PE days for the first Autumn term will be Thursday (Cricket) and Friday with Mr Ault so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, please do let Mr Beswick or myself know so that we can offer them support in school. 

The children should complete page 11 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 21st October. This homework is looking at Roman Numerals.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 21st October will continue to look at words containing the -ible suffix:

Invisible, edible, flexible, resistible, responsible, impossible, irreversible, convertible


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x



STARLINGS WB 17th October 2022, by Mrs Esling

Date: 11th Oct 2022 @ 6:43pm

Welcome to Starlings weekly blog.



What a lovely week we have enjoyed.Can you believe we are in the last week of half term.

As always, thank you for your support.  It is much appreciated.



Friday Superstar: Harriet

Top Table: Imogen & Nathan


DIARY DATE: Please remember to book your parents evening slots for Wednesday 19th October between 13.10pm and 6 pm.  Also Thursday 20th October between 15.30pm and 6pm. Thses are face-to-face appointments.  Telephone appointments can be requested and these will take place on a day to be confirmed.


We have been busy practising for our Harvest festival. We really hope you can come and watch us perform on Monday 17th October at 10.30am.




This week:  

Writing: In our writing this week we have been thinking about how Frank and the penguin have been feeling at different points of the story. Next week we will be coming to the end of our class text and we will be retelling the story to our friends using images.


Spelling: The spelling quiz will take place on 21st October


she some so  to me




Maths:   In maths we have been looking at ordinal numbers and have enjoyed watching a clip on you tube.  Next week we are going to be focusing on numbers 6 to 10.  When you are out and about encourage your child to count to 10 and ask them questions such as:

what is 1 more than 7?

what is 1 less than 8?


PE: Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. 



Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 

Read Write Inc 

Our RWI lessons start promptly at 9am.  If you are able to drop your child off as near to 8.45 as possible it would be very beneficial.

The children will continue to bring home a Read Write Inc book, a book bag book and a bedtime story each week. This provides them with a variety of familiar, new and challenging texts to read. Bedtime storybooks are to be enjoyed with an adult. Reading TO the children ensures that they experience the magic of a story coming to life and have a purpose and love of reading.

 Please check your child’s diary to find out which group they are in, which sounds they have learnt that week and which books they have in their book bag.  Each time they move to a new group they will receive a RWI book mark.  On this book mark are the ‘red’ words that are practised in that group.  These words inform our spelling quizzes and regular practise supports fluency and confidence in writing. 


On the class page I have uploaded three new files named Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3.  These contain the QR codes for all the sounds.  Each video is about ten minutes long and can be viewed by your child independently.  Please check your child's bookbag on a Friday to see which new sounds they have learnt that week and use the videos to support their learning.


Children in KS1 receive free fruit.  Children do not have to bring a snack from home but if you wish to do so we ask that it is a healthy option and just one item, please. Please also rembember we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL.



We love celebrating the children's birthdays and hearing about all the exciting things they are doing. We appreciate that it is not always possible to invite the whole class and we would ask therefore that in these instances that invites are given out before or after school.  Thank you.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via a note in your child’s diary or through the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606 668270 

Many thanks Mrs Esling and Mrs Westland


Swallows Wk beg 10.10.22, by Mrs Rice

Date: 9th Oct 2022 @ 10:58pm

Hi Everyone

Another busy, hard working week for Swallows class. The children really enjoyed their Titanic workshop. It was lovely to see them in character of first, second and third class passengers interacting with each other. We will be using an atlas again in our Geography lessons to locate Belfast (where the Titanic was made) Southhampton (where she set sail) and New York (where she was headed for)

This week our spellings are:

child children Christmas class climb


In Maths, we will be looking at how to partition 2 digit numbers differently, how to write numbers in the expanded form eg 37 = 30 and 7 and how to position numbers on a number line. A great website to practise times tables is:



In Writing, we will be meeting Tabitha’s parents and using role play to explore their thoughts and feelings. We will be using noun phrases to write leters explaining how we feel about our loud and loopy daughter.


In Science we will be using observation and testing to compare objects and materials.


The children will enjoy outdoor PE lessons with Mr Ault and Andy our Cheshire Cricket coach.

We are busy practising for our Harvest worship in church which is at 10:30am on Monday 17th October. We would love to see you there.


Thank you for your continued support with home reading. The children are encouraged to change their class library book independently as often as they wish to.


Please come and see us if you have any questions or queries.


Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

WB 10.10.22, by Miss Dalby

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 9:33pm



Friday Superstar: Annabel

Top table: Sophia and Tri 

This week we have…

This Week's Theme: We have been exploring people who help us, looking at texts which explore the busy lives of everyday superheros. We have been discussing our own family members who have very important jobs such as being dentists or vets. On Thursday, we had a very special visitor! One of our Owls friends got quite the shock when their mummy who was a nurse, came to talk about her incredible job and we were able to explore equipment she uses everyday.

Literacy: The children have been learning about lots of important jobs through different texts, they were asked to talk about their favourite everyday hero, writing about how they help us and what tools they need for the job. We were blown away with the children's phonics knowledge, using blending skills to write their ideas and label drawings - what incredible Owls they are!

Numeracy: We have been exploring the number for this week: 1 - looking at how many ways it can be shown, the children were given the challenge of finding number 1 in our classroom. We have also been using the key words 'more, less, least and most' to describe and compare groups of objects, the children are really working on their wow sentences to show their understanding. 


Next week we will…

Next week we will be exploring 'All about me!', the children will be looking at their own interests and choices. We will be investigating how this may sometimes be different to our friends and that makes our friendships even more interesting!

We will be planning a nature walk after reading 'We are Going on a Leaf Hunt' and making predictions about what we might see, smell, hear and touch. We will also be introducing our new artist: Andy Goldsworthy who will be inspiring our own Nature Art. We will be using the key words around measurement that will be introduced in Numeracy alongside our number of the week: 2, maybe you can look out for our new number of the week during your lovely weekend activities?

In Phonics, we will continue to introduce new sounds, (r, j, v, y, w) as well as revisit previously learnt sounds which the children can do at home using the green booklet provided at the start of the year.



Thank you to everyone who have been using the reading diaries this week, we have really enjoyed reading about the lovely stories you share at home. This week’s homework will continue to be the phonics booklets to be returned to school by Friday 14th October, this can be found in the children’s bags as usual and a copy will be shared on Class Dojo – this week the children have covered:

f, e, l, h, sh

In addition, I will be sending home a short maths challenge to be completed and returned with phonics booklets by 14th October, details will be found in reading diaries.



Telephone Catch Ups This Week:

We will continue with the catch up calls on Friday 7th October, thank you to everyone who has informed me of their availability. If you have not been able to access the calls this week, I will be directly messaging on Class Dojo to arrange another time to call next week. The phone call is a great opportunity to discuss any queries you may have about a first few weeks in school and progression going forward. 


Open Day This Saturday 8th @ 9:00am - 12:00pm:

If you have child due to start school in September 2023 or know of someone locally, please tell them about our Open Day on Saturday 8th October! 


Thank you again for a lovely week! 

Miss Dalby, Mrs Hoskins and Mrs Rathbone


P.S If you are still not on Class Dojo please can you check emails (including junk folder) for the link to access. Class Dojo is a fantastic communication tool to share the children's learning journey and gain daily updates of events at school. I will be resending invites this Friday so please keep an eye on emails.

Toucans W.B. 10.10.22, by Mr Corkill

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 6:30pm

Welcome Back to Toucans’ Weekly Blog ?


Toucans have worked so hard this week in creating an extended piece of writing based upon our story Star of Fear, Star of Hope. All the children have really impressed me with their writing skills! We have begun working on our harvest service performance - performing the hymn ‘we plough the fields and scatter’ as a poem. 

Praise: Anthony

Top Table: Isabel and Nuo Yu


Next Week (W.B. 10.10.22)



  • PE will take place on both a Monday and a Friday each week, so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days. PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/navy.



In English, we will finish writing our extended pieces of writing based upon our flashback story, Star of Fear, Star of Hope. We will look at editing and improving our writing to include our mastery writing features for this unit of work: passive voice, cohesive devices, expanded noun phrases, and use of dialogue to convey character and advance the action. 

In maths, we will continue with our 4-a-day arithmetic questions each morning, and explore different methods of division. Our focus will be dividing a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number. 

In science, we research a famous scientist, Hasan al-Haytham, and create a fact file about him and his work on light. 

In our history/geography lesson, we will continue to look at World War One and what life was like in the trenches for soldiers. We will write a letter to the BBC analysing a Horrible Histories sketch.

In art, we will evaluate our conflict-themed pieces of artwork.

In music, the children will continue with their weekly ukulele lesson on Thursday afternoon. 



Children in Year 6 will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers provided in the back of their homework book. If your child is finding the homework challenging, I will ensure that supervision is provided one lunchtime each week where your child can ask any questions or receive the support they need to complete the homework.

Children should complete page 10 of their maths homework book this week and return it to school by Thursday 13th October.


Please also encourage your child to read for 15-20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings and times tables. Children need to record their reading in their homework diaries/planners. The following website is great for times tables practice: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 14th October will again focus on suffixes and will be: applied, beautifully, busily, business, copier, happiness, heavier, reliable, replied, trying. 


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact!


Mr Corkill ?

Robins week beg. 10th October, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 6:19pm

The children had an amazing day at their Stone Age Workshop making lots of new discoveries about life long ago in the stone age.

Next week we will have another exciting day on Thursday 13th October as we will have Forest Schools in the morning. Please come to school wearing old warm clothes, several layers is a good idea, a waterproof coat and wellies, as we will be definitely getting muddy and probably wet too!! The children can bring in their PE uniform or normal uniform in their schoolbags to get changed into if they get particularly wet. We will check the weather further next week and update. However, they will definitely need spare footwear to change into for wearing indoors in the afternoon.

Fantastic diary writing by everyone this week in our English lessons. We have been focusing on writing in the first person, using the past tense and paragraph writing. Next week we will be doing some role play and looking at the seal's life so far before we commence our narrative writing to end this current unit. 

Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home this week and recording it in the homework diaries. Aim for 10 - 15 mins every night. 

It was great to see the children remember more of their phonics sounds in their writing this week. Thank you for your support with their spelling homework. We will continue to work on revising key sounds next week. 

Spelling Quiz on Friday 14th October - found, rounded, boys, seal, steal, dealing, dream, dreaming, boil, boiling 

Remember to make learning spellings fun. Maybe write out words in coloured pen, underline the key sounds, draw around the word with images, draw around the shape of the word, write on pavement in chalk, trace words in sand etc.

Here is an online spelling game that your child will enjoy to revise Year 2 spellings and they can also have a go at some of the Year 3 spellings!


This week we have begun to look at x4 but if you feel your child still needs to revise x2, x5, x10 please just focus on these for now. Remember everyone learns at a different pace. Your child will get another activity on Friday based on our Times Tables work that we have been doing in class. Homework can be completed over the weekend or next week and returned by next Wednesday 12th October.


Continue to use this game to revise and learn times tables. 

This week we have also been using the following game - Mental Maths Train. We have been focusing on just addition and the children have been choosing a game appropriate to their level. Please have a go at home. Just click on the first addition carraige and choose maybe the first game to start and then move onto the next games when you feel your child is ready. Next week we will be focusing on the second subtraction carriage in school. 


Also in Maths, using our Power Maths books we will finish our unit of work on Place Value and continue work on a number of activities to further develop our reasoning skills. 

Remember our PE days will remain as Monday and Wednesday for this term. 

In RE we will be looking at how diffferent Bible stories portray God and getting ready for our Harvest Festival which will take place on Monday 17th October. 

In Computing we will be using the Keynote app to prepare presentations based on the photos that we have been editing so far.

In Science our Topic is about Animals including Humans and we have been looking at life cycles this week and will look at skeletons next week. 

Please feel free to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with,

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs O'Marah & Mrs Taylor

WB 10.10.22, by Miss Beattie

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 4:32pm

Hello everyone and welcome to Skylarks weekly blog! ?

What a super week we have had again. The children have worked very hard and produced some super work.


Next week (W.B. 10.10.22)

In our English lessons next week, we will finish reading our book ‘Queen of the Falls’. We will create a timeline of the story to help us summarise the main events, before planning our own sequence of dairy entries from the viewpoint of Annie Edson Taylor.

In our shared reading lessons, we will be reading about the inspirational women in our text ‘Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls’. We will continue to focus on drawing inferences and justifying our answers with evidence.

In maths we will continue to focus on the place value of numbers and will be working on reading and writing Roman Numerals to 1000. We will also continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In science we will be using our plans from last week to carry out our experiment to answer the question: Which container will help to keep my lunch the coldest? We will then look at the different ways we can present our findings.

In RE we will hold a class debate to answer the question: Do you think Jesus’ teachings from the Sermon on the Mount are still important today?

During our topic day we will continue to look at our Year 5 theme of ‘Identity’. We will be looking at what put Northwich on the map, focusing on the salt industry.

Our PE days for the first Autumn term will be Thursday (Cricket) and Friday with Mr Ault so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, please do let Mr Beswick or myself know so that we can offer them support in school. 

The children should complete page 10 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 14th October. This homework is looking at rounding.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 14th October will be words containing the -ible suffix:

possible, terrible, legible, horrible, sensible, reversible, credible, visible


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x



Goldfinches WB 10.10.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 4:28pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

We had such fun in the forest this week!


Friday Superstar: Matthew

Top Table: Charley and Hannah

This week we have:

…loved reading the twist in the story in our Gorilla book! We had fun exploring how we can change the volume of different instruments during science. We have worked very hard on our handwriting and presentation and are trying hard to apply it in all our different subjects. We continued to build on our teamwork, persevence and problem solving skills during forest schools where we learned to tie different knots to help us make a Pendulum Paint Tripod.

Parents’ evening: Please sign up for a slot on either Wednesday 19th or Thursday 20th October.

Harvest: Thank you for all of your harvest donations so far. If you would like to make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank, the following items are currently in short supply and would be greatly appreciated: rice pudding, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, jelly, tea bags, custard, tins and mashed potatoes. Our donations will be delivered to the local food bank.

Book Fair: Our annual book fair will arrive next Thursday (13th) and be in school for 2 weeks.

Next week we will:

Writing: Continue to use our book ‘Gorilla’ to explore using adverbials of time, place and manner (e.g. later that night, beside the bed, curiously) to the front of our sentences to become fronted adverbials.

Reading: We will continue to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and understand how using inference (the facts from the text + our knowledge of the world) can help us understand what we are reading.

Reading homework: Hooray! Diaries have finally arrived! Please comment when your child has read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is words with the prefix ‘auto’

Spellings to learn for our test on Friday14th October: autograph, autopilot, automobile, automatic, autocue, autobiography, automated, autobus.

We have learned to use boxes, coloured pens and different styles of writing to help us practice

Maths:  We will consolidate the 4 times table and focus on using prior facts to help us learn it out of order e.g. 7x4 =?    “I know 5x4 is 20 and 2x 4 is 8 so 7x4 = 28”

Maths Homework:  Colour the multiples of 4 on a hundred square (in diaries) and talk about the pattern made.

Play pass the ball and say the multiples. Can you pass a ball/pair of socks to and from each other and count up in multiples of 4. If you get really quick change this so the thrower shouts a question e.g. 4x6 and the catcher says the answer =24.

Here is a link to an online activity: https://www.timestables.co.uk/4-times-table.html

PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Starlings WB 10th October, by Mrs Esling

Date: 5th Oct 2022 @ 7:04am

Welcome to Starlings weekly blog.



What a lovely week we have enjoyed.

As always, thank you for your support.  It is much appreciated.



Friday Superstar: James

Top Table: Brayden and Evie


We have been busy practising for our Harvest festival. We really hope you can come and watch us perform on Monday 17th October at 10.30am.


Also, if you have child due to start school in September 2023 or know of someone locally, please tell them about our Open Day on Saturday 8th October! 


This week:  

Writing: In our writing this week we have researched information about penguins!  We needed to help Frank find out how to look after the penguin.  We found out that penguins particularly like to eat baby squid and krill! Next week we will be going on a journey through the stormy sea and we will create an emotion graph to show how Frank was feeling at different points of the story.


Spelling: The spelling quiz will take place on 14thOctober


want call we her go


Maths:   In maths we have been looking how numbers can be partitioned in different ways.  Next week we will be focusing on numbers 0-5 and recognising names, numerals and quantities. We will be encouraging the children to subitise for the numbers 1 to 5, where they will be able to recognise values without counting them. We will also be learning about ordinal numbers (first, second third etc)


PE: Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. 



Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 

Read Write Inc 

Our RWI lessons start promptly at 9am.  If you are able to drop your child off as near to 8.45 as possible it would be very beneficial.

The children will continue to bring home a Read Write Inc book, a book bag book and a bedtime story each week. This provides them with a variety of familiar, new and challenging texts to read. Bedtime storybooks are to be enjoyed with an adult. Reading TO the children ensures that they experience the magic of a story coming to life and have a purpose and love of reading.

 Please check your child’s diary to find out which group they are in, which sounds they have learnt that week and which books they have in their book bag.  Each time they move to a new group they will receive a RWI book mark.  On this book mark are the ‘red’ words that are practised in that group.  These words inform our spelling quizzes and regular practise supports fluency and confidence in writing. 


On the class page I have uploaded three new files named Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3.  These contain the QR codes for all the sounds.  Each video is about ten minutes long and can be viewed by your child independently.  Please check your child's bookbag on a Friday to see which new sounds they have learnt that week and use the videos to support their learning.


Children in KS1 receive free fruit.  Children do not have to bring a snack from home but if you wish to do so we ask that it is a healthy option and just one item, please.



We love celebrating the children's birthdays and hearing about all the exciting things they are doing. We appreciate that it is not always possible to invite the whole class and we would ask therefore that in these instances that invites are given out before or after school.  Thank you.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via a note in your child’s diary or through the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606 668270 

Many thanks Mrs Esling and Mrs Westland


Swallows 3rd October 2022, by Mrs Rice

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 10:50pm

Hi Everyone

What a busy, hard working week we have had! The children are continuing to settle well and we are so proud of how well they are coming into school independently each morning. Thank you for your support with this. 

In Writing, the children will be exploring the characters of Timothy and Tabitha through role play and drama activities. They will embed their understanding of what makes a sentence and how to improve it using noun phrases.

In Maths, the children will continue to focus on their understanding of place value of two digit numbers. They will partition them, place them on a number line, compare them using < > and =. And say a number that lies between two given numbers. The children will solve problems where there is more than one possibility. They will also practise their ten times table.

The spellings for this week are: because, behind, both, break, busy


In Science we will be identifying and comparing the suitability of everyday materials through investigations.

In Geography, the children will use atlases to locate the four countries of the United Kingdom along with the capital cities. In History, we will place the Titanic on a class timeline.

In RE, the children will read a variety of Bible stories and explore what they teach us about Jesus and God. The children will explore what God means to them.

On Thursday 6th October, Swallows will have their Titanic workshop in the afternoon. School uniform to be worn please.  

I am really happy that the reading diaries have finally arrived! Please read with the children daily and sign their diaries to ensure progression in reading. We can also communicate through the diaries.

Thank you for your continued support

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

Toucans W.B. 03.10.22, by Mr Corkill

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 7:21pm

Welcome Back to Toucans’ Weekly Blog ?


What a brilliant week we have had in Toucans class! We all enjoyed our exciting trip to Petty Pool, where the children really excelled at pushing themselves to try new things and represented our school so wonderfully. 


Praise: Sophie

Top Table: Edward and Mack


Next Week (W.B. 03.10.22)



  • PE will take place on both a Monday and a Friday each week, so please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on these days. PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/navy.



In English, we will focus on planning and writing our own flashback story, based upon our current study text - Star of Fear, Star of Hope. We will try to write a story from the other main character’s point of view. 

In maths, we will continue with our 4-a-day arithmetic questions each morning, and multiplication and division strategies.

In science, we will be using the results we generated from our shadow experiment last week to try and draw an accurate line graph to represent our results. 

In our history/geography lesson, we will begin to look at World War One. We shall look at the reasons behind WW1 and the countries involved in this conflict.

In art, we will continue to create our Paul Nash inspired conflict paintings and begin to think about evaluating these pieces of work. 

In RE, we will be thinking about making a pledge to promote diversity in our local community. 



Children in Year 6 will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers provided in the back of their homework book. If your child is finding the homework challenging, I will ensure that supervision is provided one lunchtime each week where your child can ask any questions or receive the support they need to complete the homework.


Children should complete page 15 of their maths homework book this week and return it to school by Thursday 6th October.


Please also encourage your child to read for 15-20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings and times tables. Children need to record their reading in their homework diaries/planners. The following website is great for times tables practice: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 7th October will again focus on suffixes and will be:

admittance, beginning, committed, forbidden, forgotten, permitting, preferred, regrettable, stoppable, wettest. 


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact!


Mr Corkill ?

Owls Class WB 3.10.22, by Miss Dalby

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 5:24pm

This week we have…

We have had a fantastic week here in Owls Class, we have been looking at what makes our own families special and unique to us and how families from across the world might spend their free time with one another.

Thank you to everybody who have given us pictures of their lovely families, the children have enjoyed sharing photos with their friends and talking about the amazing adventures they have been on.

This week we have launched Class Dojo for Owls Class which is an exciting way for us to interact and share the children’s fantastic learning journey with you! If you have not yet accessed Class Dojo please check your emails (including junk emails) for your invite, if it is still not there please provide your email address to the office for me to resend the invite to you.


Next week we will…

Next week we will be exploring the topic of people that help us and the jobs they do. What jobs do you think are the most important? In Numeracy, we will be using the key words ‘more and fewer’ and introducing the number of the week, 1. Finally with our lovely harvest service approaching the children will be exploring what it means to be thankful and we will be practising our harvest song!



Reading diaries have now arrived! So they will be going home alongside the phonics homework, in the children’s bags as usual and a copy will be shared on Class Dojo – this week the children have covered:


Telephone Catch Ups Next Week:

Next week on Monday 3rd and Friday 7th October, I will be telephoning parents for a catch up now that our lovely Reception class have been here for a month, you will have received an electronic form from the office for you to complete, informing of your availability.


Thank you again for a lovely week! 

Miss Dalby, Mrs Hoskins and Mrs Rathbone

Robins week beg. 3rd October, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 4:59pm

This week in English, the children have been planning writing paragraphs and writing diary entries from the point of view of Tom in our story the Seal Surfer. Next week, we will begin to plan and write more narrative paragraphs. 

We were so pleased to see our new Reading Diaries arrive this week. Please use these to record reading at home. Aim for 10 - 15mins every night. I will also be keeping a record of the books that they children are reading so I can ensure they are reading a variety of approriate books. 

Hopefully the children found this weeks spellings easier to learn as they were revising key sounds. We will continue to work on these next week alongside our new spellings. 

Spelling Quiz on Friday 7th October - zoomed, zooming, looked, looking, start, started, fair, fairly, whirl, twirl

Remember to make learning spellings fun. Maybe write out words in coloured pen, underline the key sounds, draw around the word with images, draw around the shape of the word, write on pavement in chalk, trace words in sand etc.

Here is an online spelling game that your child will enjoy to revise Year 2 spellings and they can also have a go at some of the Year 3 spellings!


This week in Arithmetic, we will be focusing on revising key concepts from Year 2 as well as beginning to explore x4 times tables. Thank you to everyone who completed the paper copy of the homework last week. Your child will get another activity on Friday based on our Times Tables work that we have been doing in class. Homework can be completed over the weekend or next week and returned by next Wednesday 5th October.


This is also the on-line game that we have been playing in school again this week. Just click on Times Tables and choose x2/x5/x10 as appropriate.  

Also in Maths, using our Power Maths books we will continue to work on place value for numbers to 1000. We will look at numbers on a numberline to order and compare them and solve problems around these. We will also be doing a number of activities to further develop our reasoning skills. 

Remember our PE days will remain as Monday and Wednesday for this term. 

The children will have a very exciting day on Thursday 6th October as we will be taking part in our Stone Age workshop. We are so excited about this! This week the children have been looking at fossils and cave paintings and have created some great drawings for their Topic books. They have also been thinking about important events in their life so far to help with their chronological understanding. 

In RE we are focusing on Christianity this term and will be looking at how God is represented in pieces of artwork.  

In Computing we are learning to take photos and edit them using various apps on the IPAD. We are currently using the app Prisma which your child might like to experiment with at home to add digital effects to photographs. 

In Science we our Topic is about Animals including Humans and we have been looking at life cycles this week.  

Please feel free to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with,

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs O'Marah & Mrs Taylor

Goldfinches WB 3.10.22, by Mrs Evans

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 4:30pm

Welcome to Goldfinches’ Weekly Blog

Amazing teamwork this week.


Friday Superstar: Alexa, Naomi and Callum

Top Table: Nathan and Evan

This week we have:

…had a wonderful day at Petty Pool developing teamwork, leadership and friendship skills. We showed so much perseverance and patience and made Mrs Evans very proud. We have used our research to write and present a report on Gorillas in our very own mini book. We enjoyed visiting church for worship with Vicar Andrew.

Forest Schools: Our first forest school session will be the morning of Thursday 6th October. Please send your child in to school in old, warm clothes, old trainers/wellies and a waterproof coat. Please send in their uniform to change in to for the afternoon in case we end up very wet and muddy.

Harvest: Thank you for all of your harvest donations so far. If you would like to make a Harvest donation to the Food Bank, the following items are currently in short supply and would be greatly appreciated: rice pudding, jam, long life fruit juice, tinned fruit, jelly, tea bags, custard, tins and mashed potatoes. Our donations will be delivered to the local food bank.

Next week we will:

Writing: Use our book ‘Gorilla’ to explore moving adverbials of time, place and manner (e.g. later that night, beside the bed, curiously) to the front of our sentences to become fronted adverbials.

Reading: We will support your child to choose from our large collection of books to both in school and at home. Lots of children have enjoyed choosing from the recommended reads basket this week. We will continue to read and discuss stories from ‘A World Full of Animal Stories’ and use questions to support our understanding.

Reading homework: Hooray! Diaries have finally arrived! Please comment when your child has read aloud to you and sign when they have read independently to themselves. Please support your child to read for 10-20 minutes daily. In year 4 it is fine to have a mixture of your child reading aloud to you and them reading quietly to themselves.

Spelling: Our spelling focus this week is the suffix ‘ture’.

We have learned to use a spelling doodle to help us practice (paper copy in your child’s bag)

Spelling words to learn for our test on Friday7th October:

picture, creature, nature, adventure, furniture, moisture, fracture, puncture, structure, temperature

Maths:  We will continue to consolidate the 4x table and look at the links between the 2x and 4x facts using doubling and halving to help us.

Maths Homework:  4x table fortune teller game (paper copy in bags) and click on the link for this week’s online game: Number Diving. Use this to practice the 4x table and if you are really successful, add the 8x table.


PE: Our PE day is Friday morning. Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. As the grass might be wet first thing, please send your child with spare school shoes and socks to change in to after.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606668270

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Evans, Mrs Judge and Miss Wilkinson.

Skylarks, by Miss Beattie

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 12:46pm

Hello everyone and welcome to Skylarks weekly blog! ?

Another fantastic week of learning in Skylarks Class. The children thoroughly enjoyed our forest school session this morning which you can see photos of on twitter.


Next week (W.B. 03.10.22)

In our English lessons next week, we will read more of our book ‘Queen of the Falls’. We will be focusing on writing recounts in the form of a newspaper and a first-person account. We will discuss the tone and vocabulary used in each and will also continue to focus on using adverbials to express time, place and feeling.

In our shared reading lessons, we will be reading about the inspirational women in our text ‘Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls’. We will continue to focus on drawing inferences and justifying our answers with evidence.

In maths we will continue to focus on the place value of numbers to 1,000,000. We will be learning how to round numbers to the nearest 100,000; 10,000; 1,000; 100 and 10. We will also continue to consolidate our knowledge of the four operations through daily 4-a-day activities.

In science we will be working collaboratively to plan an investigation to answer the following question: Which container will help to keep my lunch the coldest?

In RE we will continue to think about the Sermon on the Mount and the key messages we can learn from these verses.

During our topic day we will continue to look at our Year 5 theme of ‘Identity’. We will be learning how to read and write 6 figure grid references to locate human and physical features in our school ground and then Northwich.

Our PE days for the first Autumn term will be Thursday (Cricket) and Friday with Mr Ault so your child should come to school in their PE kit on these days. Please remember PE kits should either be school kits or plain black/blue.



In year 5 the children will be set a weekly maths homework that they should complete and mark at home using the answers in the back of the homework book.

If your child is finding the homework tricky, please do let Mr Beswick or myself know so that we can offer them support in school. 

The children should complete page 9 of their maths book to be returned by Friday 7th October. This homework is looking at place value.


Please also encourage your child to read for 20 minutes each evening and practice their spellings/times tables. The following websites are both great for times tables practice:




Our spellings for the quiz on Friday 7th October will be the first 10 words from the Year 5/6 statutory word list:

accommodate, accompany, according, achieve, aggressive, amateur, ancient, apparent, appreciate, attached

These words are more difficult than previous spellings which follow a specific spelling rule. If your child is struggling to learn all of the words, please encourage them to choose 5 or 6 to focus on.


Please remember that if you have any questions or queries, do not hesitate to get in contact ?

Miss Beattie x



Starlings WB 03.10.22, by Mrs Esling

Date: 28th Sep 2022 @ 7:10pm

Welcome to Starlings weekly blog.



What a lovely week we have enjoyed.

As always, thank you for your support.  It is much appreciated.




Friday Superstar: Rory

Top Table: Gracie Mae and Charlotte


This week we have had to choose our class Ethos represetatives. It was really difficult as so many children expressed a wish to be involved.  We decided the fairest way was to pick straws (in our case lolly sticks) and we are therefore proud to announce that the Starling ethos representatives are

Harriet Jack Harry and Gracie Mae


We are sure they will be wonderful particpants in worship.



This week:  

Writing: In our writing  we have name the boy in our story Frank.  A penguin has appeared at Frank's door and he doesnt know why.  Frank has taken the penguin to the 'Lost and Found' office but noone has lost a penguin. Next week we will be reseraching facts about penguins and also planning what we may need to pack for the journey to take him home.

Spelling:The spelling quiz will take place on 7thOctober

be are all like I’ve 

Maths:   In maths we have continued to explore how a 'whole' can be represented by froups of objects.  Next week we will be focusing on how a whole group can be composed of two or more parts and can be represented using a part-part-whole 'cherry' diagram.


PE: Our PE days  are Wednesdays and Fridays . Please come to school wearing appropriate PE kit- White t-shirt, black/blue plain hoodie and tracksuit bottoms or shorts, hair tied back and earrings removed or covered. 



Please spend 10 – 20 minutes reading each day. This can be a combination of Read Write Inc and bedtime story books. Please remember the importance of your child listening to YOU read during this time too. 

Read Write Inc 

Our RWI lesssons start promptly at 9am.  If you are able to drop your child off as near to 8.45 as possible it would be very beneficial.

The children will continue to bring home a Read Write Inc book, a book bag book and a bedtime story each week. This provides them with a variety of familiar, new and challenging texts to read. Bedtime storybooks are to be enjoyed with an adult. Reading TO the children ensures that they experience the magic of a story coming to life and have a purpose and love of reading.

 Please check your child’s diary to find out which group they are in, which sounds they have learnt that week and which books they have in their book bag.  Each time they move to a new group they will receive a RWI book mark.  On this book mark are the ‘red’ words that are practised in that group.  These words inform our spelling quizzes and regular practise supports fluency and confidence in writing. 


On the class page I have uploaded three new files named Set 1, Set 2 and Set 3.  These contain the QR codes for all the sounds.  Each video is about ten minutes long and can be viewed by your child independently.  Please check your child's bookbag on a Friday to see which new sounds they have learnt that week and use the videos to support their learning.


Children in KS1 receive free fruit.  Children do not have to bring a snack from home but if you wish to do so we ask that it is a healthy option and just one item, please.



We love celebrating the children's birthdays and hearing about all the exciting things they are doing. We appreciate that it is not always possible to invite the whole class and we would ask therefore that in these instances that invites are given out before or after school.  Thank you.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us via a note in your child’s diary or through the office if you would like to discuss anything about your child.  admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk     01606 668270 

Many thanks Mrs Esling and Mrs Westland

Owls WB 26.9.22, by Miss Dalby

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 6:29pm

This week we have...

What a fantastic week we have had, even with one less day our fantastic Owls have managed to do so much this week. We have learnt 4 new sounds in phonics (i,n,p and g) and have started blending sounds.

Our key text this week was ‘The Colour Monster’, we have explored how feelings can sometimes get mixed up and can feel too busy, it is always good to talk to friends and family to sort through them together! Using the key text to inspire us, we have been creating our own colour monsters describing their unique features by learning about the different body parts.

Owls have been doing experiments with paints and predicting what new colours we have when mixing two together. We have carried on our exploration of colour by going leaf hunt to find different coloured leaves to use in our artwork next week.

Next week we will...

Next week we will be talking about our families and what makes yours unique and special to you!

Please can you bring in some lovely pictures of your family that we can keep on our family tree display this term – we will be talking about our families in class so it would be a lovely chance for children to share pictures with their friends (please feel free to email a copy if you would prefer). 

In Numeracy, we will be spotting patterns and smaller groups within a larger group. Children will be exploring how seeing these smaller groups helps to reach the total amount quickly!

Please continue to bring your wellies, waterproofs and coats into school, as the weather is becoming more wet and it is important for Owls class to access our outside learning area through all weathers.

Homework packs containing phonics work and a small maths challenge has been put in your child’s school bag to be completed for next week. Thank you to everyone who has brought back their homework from last week, the writing has been fantastic to see!


As always if you have any questions please feel free to contact via email or speak to me at the gate after school.


Have a lovely weekend! 
Miss Dalby, Mrs Hoskins and Mrs Rathbone

Swallows wk beg 26th September 2022, by Mrs Rice

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 7:44pm

Hi Everyone

Swallows have had another great week together in Year Two. The children are settling well. We are still waiting for the reading diaries to arrive; they are being chased. We have explained to the children that they can change their class library books whenever they need to. RWI books will come home each Friday as always. Please continue to read daily with your child to encourage fluency and comprehension. 

Next week in Writing lessons we are continuing to use noun phrases to improve our description. The children are exploring with a variety of adjectives and thinking carefully about how to use powerful vocabulary.

In Maths, we are embedding our understanding of how to partition 2 digit numbers thinking carefully about the value of each digit and how to represent them in a variety of ways. We will also be learning our ten times table.

In RE we will be exploring how Christians understand God through a variety of Bible stories (eg Moses and the Burning Bush) and thinking about what God means to us.

The children will continue to explore the properties of materials and carry out an investigation to see which one is the most durable. The children will use their Scientific skills of enquiry and observation.

The spellings for this week are:

after, again, any, beautiful and bath

We have our fantastic Titanic workshop in school on 6th October, payment for this is required on our School Gateway system please.

Our PE lessons are a Monday and a Thursday this half term. The children look really smart and cosy in their PE uniforms. 

As always, if you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to talk to myself or Mrs Southern.

Have a great week.

Many thanks

Mrs Rice and Mrs Southern

Robins Week beg. 26th September, by Mrs Whittingham

Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 5:10pm

This week in English, the children have been focusing on writing descriptive sentences with expanded noun phrases and prepositions. We have also been doing some role playing and putting ourselves in the shoes of the main characters in our book Seal Surfer by Michael Formen. Next week we will continue to build on our writing to plan and edit diary entries from Tom's viewpoint.

We will also continue with our Reading lessons around The Sea Book by Charlotte Milner focusing on the language and structure of a non-fiction book. Your child should now be bringing home their own reading book so could you please spend 10 - 15 mins reading each night with them and chatting about the book. What do they like about the book? Who are the main characters? What has happened so far in the story? What do they think will happen next? Unfortunately we are still waiting on the arrival of our new Reading Diaries but I am keeping a list of the books that the children are reading. it has been lovely chatting to the class about their favourite authors this week and what they have liked about the books that they have read so far.   

I know a number of our children in class this week have struggled to learn this weeks spellings. Therefore next week we will revise some spellings that they should be more familiar with from their Phonics lessons last year. I have also identified lots of spelling errors in Witing with these sounds so I feel it is important we learn these thoroughly before we progress further. 

Spelling Quiz on Friday 30th September - played, stayed, keep, deep, sleep, night, fighting, right, cow, bow

Remember to make learning spellings fun. Maybe write out words in coloured pen, underline the key sounds, draw around the word with images, draw around the shape of the word, write on pavement in chalk, trace words in sand etc.

This week in Arithmetic, we will continue to revise x2, x5 and x10, whilst some children will also be moving on to their 3s. Homework for this week is x2 and can be completed over the weekend or next week and returned by next Wednesday 28th September. 


This is also the on-line game that we have been playing in school again this week. Just click on Times Tables and choose x2 to begin with and then advance to other multiplication facts when you feel your child is ready. Some children have said that they have been asked to pay before using this game but that is only if you download it. There is no need, they just need to play it online, accessing it through the Topmarks website. 

Also in Maths, using our Power Maths books we will continue to work on place value for numbers to 1000. We will look at numbers on a numberline to order and compare them.  

Remember our PE days will remain as Monday and Wednesday for this term. 

We are so excited to begin our Topic work by finding out about the Stone Age. If your child attends your local library encourage them to look out for books about the Stone Age which they could enjoy reading at home. This week they have been coming up with questions that they would like to find out about the Stone Age. Next week we will be looking at timelines and finding out about where Stone Age people lived. 

In RE we are focusing on Christianity this term and in particular looking at symbols that are used to represent God. We will also be visiting the Church for our Worship on Monday 26th September. 

In Computing we are learning to take photos and edit them using various apps on the IPAD. We are currently using the app Prisma which your child might like to experiment with at home to add digital effects to photographs. 

In Science we have begun our Topic about Animals including Humans by finding out what we know already and what is an animal.  

Please feel free to get in touch if there is anything we can help you with,

Mrs Whittingham, Mrs O'Marah & Mrs Taylor

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