Our blogs
Y3 Wk Beg 12.10.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 8:56pm
What a super week Robins have had! I am so proud of how hard they are working, how much care the children are putting into the presentation of their written work and how happy they are to be back in school. There is a lovely atmosphere in our classroom.
The children have really engaged with our class text, Stig of The Dump. They love listening to the adventures of Barney, Lou and Stig. This text is a great lead into our Stone Age topic which begins after half term. The children are also working hard in their writing lessons as we learn more about The Space Race and the important role that Katherine Johnson played. We have written excellent diaries and scene descriptions focusing on noun phrases and conjunctions.
Next week, we continue this work, with a greater emphasis on punctuation and tense. In Maths, we are consolidating our place value of 3 digit numbers and focusing on the multiplication and division facts of the three times table. Our RE work has centered on how Christians use images to represent God and we have matched Bible quotes to different artist impressions as well as thining about how we think about God.
We will continue to revise the Year 2 spelling patterns of adding 'ing' to verbs as well as concentrating on correct joined handwriting. The children are using their 'Gratitude Jars' to remind them of all the things that make them happy. I am enjoying every day with my class, appreciating being their teacher and embarking on another exciting year ahead. Mrs Brennan always comments on how well behaved and friendly the children are!
As always, please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice
Starlings blog 8.10.20, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 7:51pm
Hello Starlings and welcome to this week's blog page.
What a fun week we have had in class. This week the children have loved learning about the life of Mary Anning and using their super history explorer skills to place the events of her life in chronological order.
To help us to understand what Mental Health Awareness week is, on Friday we made our own class happy jar that will be proudly displayed on the hall alongside the other class jars. We all made our own version too to show what makes us happy.
In Science we have been on an Autumn scavenger hunt to help us to observe, describe and understand the changing seasons. We recorded what we found after talking about what we might expect to see.
In English this week we have loved starting our new unit of work based on the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers. We started off by using objects and pictures as clues about the story, we used these to make predictions about what might happen. We then wrote sentences about what we could see and wrote speech bubbles for each of the characters. We began to set up our very own class Lost and Found office and wrote labels for some lost animals to keep safe until their owner could come and collect them.
We are continuing to work hard on holding (or remembering) a sentence, and using our Fred talking from phonics to help us to spell words. We are really working hard on full stops to punctuate sentences, and on using capital letters at the beginning of our sentences and when writing names.
In Maths we have progressed onto numbers 6-10 this week. We looked at the position of numbers to 10 on the number line and began to explore odd and even numbers. We have continued our work on using a part, part, whole cherry diagram to partition numbers in two, and sometimes 3, parts. Next week we will be learning how to add two parts together using the symbols + and = to help us to build number sentences.
For Phonics this week, we have been working on the following in each of our groups:
Pink group -
Sounds focus: er, ow, ai
Book: Scruffy Ted
Yellow group -
Sounds focus: ow, ai, oa
Book: Lost
Silver group -
Sounds focus: Review of set 1 sounds
Book: Sound blending book 3
Gold group -
Sounds focus: Review of set 1 sounds
Book: Daily ditties
Red group -
Sounds focus: review of 'special friends' ch, sh, qu, ng and nk
Book: Wuff Wuff
Green group -
Sounds focus: ir, igh, or
Book: The Witch's Lunch
Thank you all for working so hard this week our little superstars!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern
Week beginning 12th October, by Mrs Evans
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 7:32pm
Welcome to Goldfinches' Weekly Blog.
Well done for such a wonderful start back to school after 2 weeks away. All of our Goldfinches have impressed the adults in the classroom so much with their eagerness to learn and their calm start back. We are so proud of you.
Star of the week: Congratulations to Toby.
Top Table: Congratulations to Sophie.
Diaries- please support your child to bring their diary into school every day
Home Reading
Well done to so many of you who are reading at home regularly. We are collecting lots of raffle tickets already! Please continue to support your child to read at home. This can be a mixture of them reading independently, reading to you and you reading to them.
This week we have continued to assess the children in their reading in class.
Each week we will be playing spelling games in class, learning spelling rules in our lessons and also practising them through handwriting. We will be sending spellings home to learn after half term.
The list of focused spellings is attached to the weekly blog with ideas of how they could practise them. Please support your child to learn the meanings of the spellings and say them in sentences. The children will be tested on these words the following week.
Times Tables
We are continuing with our recap of the 3x table which will help us with the 6x table. You will see a sticker in their diary to keep you informed of your child’s progress. We are using our busy time in the mornings to practise the times tables in lots of different ways.
As last year we will work through the Bronze (in order) Silver (mixed up) and Gold (Division facts) for each times table.
TTRockstars- this is all renewed and up and running and I have set the tables for each week for your child to practise. Please encourage them to spend 10-15 minutes on this a few times a week as this is an excellent way of helping them to embed the times table knowledge. Let’s see how many Y4 rock stars we can get on the leader board! Login details are on a sticker in your child’s diary.
At the moment, PE lessons are on Mondays and Fridays. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on these days. For safety long hair must be tied back, earrings removed (by the child) or covered with tape. Mr Ault’s club is also available for Year 4 Goldfinches on Friday mornings 8am-8.40am
This week we have…
...enjoyed getting back into our English book ‘Counting on Katherine’ and thinking about how it would have felt to have been her dad to help us write a diary from his point of view. Next week we will be using speech punctuation and finding out about John Glenn.
Maths has been all about rounding to the nearest 100. Ask your child about the rap we have learned to help us do this. Next week we are continuing with place value activities based around 4 digit numbers.
We have been enjoying mindfulness time to relax, colour and listen to mindful meditation and lots of our Goldfinches are really improving in their fitness during our daily track time.
Well done to everyone for contributing to a wonderful acrostic poem to say “Thank You for our Harvest” we enjoyed watching the virtual worship today.
We enjoyed a computing lesson where we used the Book Creator app to design a poster to advise 7, 8 and 9 year olds on how to balance their time using technology.
In our No Outsiders lesson we loved listening to the story ‘Dogs Don’t do Ballet’ which helped us think about how to be assertive and stand up for what we believe in.
Saturday 10th October is World Mental Health Day so on Friday we will be doing some activities based around mental health including PE with Mr Ault.
Whilst we have been off, Teddy has returned to school. If you haven’t yet done so, please return the Teddy permission slip or e-mail the school office to give your permission for your child to spend time with Teddy when he is in school.
Finally, thank you all for your continued support, please e-mail or phone the school office if you would like to contact us.
Mrs Evans
Toucans week beg. 12.10.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 3:41pm
Another busy week in Toucans as we have had our presentations for Head Student. The children have shared their letters/speeches/presentations with their classmates and Toucans have voted for their candidates. We also videoed these presentations to share on our school system. Next step is for all the other members of our school community to view and cast their votes.
In Maths we have been looking at long multiplication and division. Next week, we will continue to explore long division. Remember to keep revising your times tables and play Times Tables Rock stars.
In English we are have been busy learning to write cohesive paragraphs on characters from our book ‘Of Thee I Sing’. We have also been linking this with our RE/No Outsiders topic of Racism.
In RE our topic is Diversity and we continuing to find out how we celebrate special times in our families. Next week we will begin to look at some other Religions and how they celebrate festivals.
In Science, we will continue our work on Light by thinking about sources and how light travels.
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.
We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.
Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day. Mr Ault will also be running an after school club for Year 6s after school on a Friday.
Mental Health Week
Saturday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. In school this week we have been discussing how to keep our minds healthy and the benefits of mindfulness.
Over the past 2 weeks we have been thinking about the importance of Harvest and have been collaborating as a school to produce our own unique Harvest Festival which we can share with our friends and families.
Kind regards
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick
Toucans week beg. 12.10.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 3:41pm
Another busy week in Toucans as we have had our presentations for Head Student. The children have shared their letters/speeches/presentations with their classmates and Toucans have voted for their candidates. We also videoed these presentations to share on our school system. Next step is for all the other members of our school community to view and cast their votes.
In Maths we have been looking at long multiplication and division. Next week, we will continue to explore long division. Remember to keep revising your times tables and play Times Tables Rock stars.
In English we are have been busy learning to write cohesive paragraphs on characters from our book ‘Of Thee I Sing’. We have also been linking this with our RE/No Outsiders topic of Racism.
In RE our topic is Diversity and we continuing to find out how we celebrate special times in our families. Next week we will begin to look at some other Religions and how they celebrate festivals.
In Science, we will continue our work on Light by thinking about sources and how light travels.
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.
We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.
Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day. Mr Ault will also be running an after school club for Year 6s after school on a Friday.
Mental Health Week
Saturday 10th October is World Mental Health Day. In school this week we have been discussing how to keep our minds healthy and the benefits of mindfulness.
Over the past 2 weeks we have been thinking about the importance of Harvest and have been collaborating as a school to produce our own unique Harvest Festival which we can share with our friends and families.
Kind regards
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick
Skylarks W.B. 12.10.20, by Miss Beattie
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 7:39am
Happy Thursday everyone 😊
Skylarks have had another fantastic week in school.
Next week
Next week in our writing lessons we will be producing our final piece of writing based on the book ‘Of Thee I Sing’. To begin, we will be using our plans that we wrote this week to draft our own magazine articles. We will then edit and publish our work using ‘Microsoft Word’. The children have been so enthusiastic throughout this unit of work and worked really hard this week during the planning stage that I already can’t wait to read their final articles!
In maths we will be continuing to focus on Place Value. We will be focussing on rounding numbers up to 1,000,000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000. We will also be looking at negative numbers and counting through zero.
Our reading lessons next week will look at making predictions based on information read so far.
In our topic lessons we will be revising our Year 4 topic ‘Ancient Greece’. The children will be sharing and recording what knowledge they can remember. This helps to make our knowledge ‘sticky’ so that we don’t forget it.
On Thursday, the children in Skylarks class will have a Computing Day where they will continue to make their own presentation about ‘How Computers Impact our Lives’ using the app ‘Keynote’.
Home Reading and Times Tables
Please continue to read with your child at home, this can be a mixture of them reading aloud to you and them reading independently. Please remind your child to write in their diary and have it signed by an adult in order to earn a reading raffle ticket in school. A huge well done to the children who are earning raffle tickets on a weekly basis! 😊
Just a little reminder that PE is currently on a Monday so please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day. This should be either plain black or plain navy shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms.
Thank you so much for your continued support. If you need anything at all please do not hesitate to get in contact via the office, either by phone or email.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Miss Beattie
1.10.20 Swallows Class Blog, by Miss Gillam
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 9:56pm
Swallows have had a wonderful week and continue to make Mrs Elson and I proud each and every day. Swallows have enjoyed having some extra time with Mr Ault this week and appreciate him taking the time to provide us with some extra active breaks. We enjoyed being historians this week, learning about Neil Armstrong, Mae Jemison and space missions of the future. I wonder if your Swallow can tell you what makes both Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemison such inspirational figures?
Swallows loved having a poetry focus this week and have read, performed and written a range of poems. We loved changing the tense of the poem ‘IT’ from the present to the past tense. We also loved performing a lovely poem about autumn leaves. Swallows really noticed the autumn leaves in our Maths lessons this week when we took our learning outside and created our own tens and ones using natural materials. We then used the greater than, less than and equal to symbols to compare two digit numbers to 100.
Next week we will be exploring different Bible stories and discussing how God is represented in each one. We will use playdough to re-enact stories and praise God through the use of sign language and hymns. In Writing the children will continue with diary writing using conjunctions and the plural noun suffixes –s and –es. In Maths we will be ordering and comparing 2 digit numbers. We will also focus on counting in multiples of 2,5,10 and 3. This will naturally then lead us into starting to learn our times tables. Watch this space for more details on how we aim to learn Timetables at home in Year Two.
Home Reading
Thank you once again to the children who have been reading at home. We already have lots of raffle tickets in our jar! Please continue to read at least three times each week. Re-reading books in important for the children as it allows them the opportunity to use ‘Fred in their head’ and develop fluency. To help your Swallow to develop fluency when reading, it would help if they could have a go at playing the game linked below which focuses on reading and spelling some of our Year Two Common Exception words.
This Friday 2nd October will our first spelling quiz in Year Two. Learning how to spell ‘red words’ will really help your child to write sentences quickly and independently without the need to ‘Fred Talk’ every word. This impacts massively on pace, stamina and confidence. Please remember to check the blog each week for the relevant words for your RWI group. Remember, some of the words will repeat. This is because these are the words that we want your child to be really secure in before moving on to new spellings.
Read Write Inc
Grey Group
This week we have been reading the brilliant story ‘I dare you’. We have enjoyed using expression to make the story more exciting. Why not have a go at our special one minute challenge at home this week? How many words can you read in one minute? Can you read your story book quicker the second time you read it? Please do ensure that the listener understands what you are reading and that you take note of the punctuation.
Spellings: should through does many who could
Blue Group
This week we have been reading the hilarious story ‘Hairy Fairy’. We have enjoyed sequencing events from the story and using expression to engage the listener. Why not have a go at our special one minute challenge at home this week? How many words can you read in one minute? Please do ensure that the listener understands what you are reading and that you take note of the punctuation.
Spellings: could I’m any ball watch other
Yellow Group
This week we have been reading the brilliant story ‘The gingerbread man’. We have enjoyed referring to the text when answering comprehension questions this week. This has been a super text for supporting us with the skill as it is a story that we were all familiar with already. Can you Swallow refer to the text when answering the questions at the back of the book at home?
Why not have a go at our special one minute challenge at home this week? How many words can you read in one minute? Please do ensure that the listener understands what you are reading and that you take note of the punctuation.
Spellings: their small school were do they
Pink Group
Pink group have loved reading a story all about being off school poorly this week. It had us all feeling very thankful that we are feeling so fit and healthy. This week we continued to focus on Fred Talking unfamiliar words. Please encourage your Swallow to spot the ‘special friends’, ‘Fred Talk’ and say the word. I hope you enjoy reading ‘Sanjay stays in bed’ at home as much as you did in school.
Spellings: of are put I’ve call your want
Thank you once again for another wonderful week in Swallows class.
Miss Gillam and Mrs Elson
Starlings blog 1.10.20, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 9:46pm
Hello Starlings, it's that time of week again, can you believe it?
What a fantastic week we have had in class this week. Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling, Mrs. Southern and myself are so very proud of all of your hard work!
In English this week, we finished our 'Look Up' unit of work. Everybody wrote their own version of the story by recalling the main events. The children had to work very hard on 'holding a sentence' and remembering our ideas, and then fred talking words to segment and blend to write words using our phonics knowledge. We are so proud of our work and Mrs. O'Marah said that finishing a story is a huge achievement because it makes us a writer! Please look at Twitter for some pictures of our work. Next week we will begin our new unit of work, we are so excited to introduce the name of the story to the children in class that you'll have to watch this space and wait for the big reveal on Monday! All we can tell you is that it's an adventure story...
For National Poetry Day Mrs. O'Marah read the poem 'The Rainbow' by Christina Rossetti and we talked about how rainbows can inspire us to spread kindness. We used worry time to share things we feel worried about and what makes us feel better when we are sad.
In Phonics, the children will be coming home with a new phonics book on Friday. Here's a little snippet of what each group have done this week:
Green group (sorry Mrs. O'Marah missed you out in last week's blog)
Book: Six fish
Sounds: ee, igh, ow
Yellow group
Book: The Duck Chick
Sounds: are, ur, er
Pink group
Book: The Dressing Up Box
Sounds: aw, are, ur
Silver group
Book: Sound blending book 2
Sounds focus: Practising 'Fred in your head'
Gold group
Book: Daily ditties
Sounds focus: Practising fluency
Red group
Book: Pick it up
Sounds focus: y, w, v, x, th
In Maths we have continued our work on part, part, whole for numbers 0-5 and have extended our learning by looking at a bar model to help with partitioning numbers into two parts. Now we are moving on to numbers up to 10. We are practising number names as well as recognising the numeral form (for example 'six' and 6).
Next week we are moving onto recognising numbers above 5 as '5 and a bit'. First we will use objects, pictures and games and then we will move onto showing our understanding in a part, part, whole diagram. We will also learn about the positioning of numbers to 10 on a number line.
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs. O'Marah, Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern
Toucans week beg. 5.10.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 3:45pm
Toucans have had a great week and enjoyed their extra active breaks with Mr Ault. We also celebrated National Poetry Day by looking at the poem ‘Together’ and then composing their own poems linked to our topic ‘All Together Now’.
In Maths we have been focusing on our arithmetic strategies and using column addition and subtraction. Next week, we will look at multiplication and division.
In English we are using the books ‘Of Thee I Sing’ and ‘Young, Gifted and Black’ as a stimulus for our writing. The children have been writing diary entries and have been focusing on writing cohesive paragraphs. We have also been looking at spellings that we are finding tricky in our writing – are/our, their/they’re/there, were/where
In RE our topic is Diversity and we have been thinking about various traditions that we celebrate in our families. We will continue to think about these traditions next week and will focus in particular on the religious ones.
In Science, we will continue our work on Light by thinking about sources and how light travels.
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.
This week I have sent home your child with a reading book and their new homework diary.
We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.
Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day. Mr Ault will also be running an after school club for Year 6s after school on a Friday.
Head Student
Don’t forget if you are interested in becoming one of our head students this year you need to get your letter of application completed by Monday 5th October.
Junior Safety Officers
Congratulations to Lewis and Keira who have been chosen as our new Junior Safety Officers for this year. They will spend the next few weeks learning about their roles and will then be launching their first competition.
Kind regards
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick
Skylarks W.B. 5.10.20, by Miss Beattie
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 8:21am
Hi everyone!
Welcome back to Skylarks weekly blog.
We have had another super, hard-working week. I’m sure you are aware that we have welcomed Teddy back into school and the children have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with him and taking on extra responsibilities to help look after him 😊
If you haven't already given your written consent for your child to interact with him, then please do so via School Gateway or email as soon as possible.
Next week
Next week in our writing lessons, we will be preparing to write our final piece from our current unit. We will begin by analysing a model text, before planning our own magazine articles.
In maths we will be developing our knowledge of place value to include numbers up to 1,000,000.
Our reading lessons next week will continue to look at drawing inferences. We will be practicing ‘thinking out loud’ and ‘visualising’ to help us answer questions quickly and efficiently.
In art, we will be exploring the terms hue, tint, tone and shade. We will experiment with these techniques using paint.
Home Reading and Spellings
Thank you again to the children who have been reading at home. We already have lots of raffles in our jar!
We have had a few questions regarding spelling tests this week. We will begin to send spelling words home to learn after October half term. Please be assured that although spellings are not being sent home, spelling lessons are happening daily in school. We are working on consolidating the Year 4 spelling rules, before moving on to the Year 5 spellings.
Just a little reminder that PE is currently on a Monday so please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day. This should be either plain black or plain navy shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms.
Mr Ault also does an after-school club on a Monday just for Skylarks class.
As the weather is getting colder and wetter, please send your child to school with an appropriate coat. We are keen to spend as much time outdoors as possible 😊
Thank you so much for your continued support at home. If you need anything or have any queries please do not hesitate to get in contact.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Beattie
Friday 2nd October, by Mrs Evans
Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 10:06am
Friday 2nd October 2020
We did it Goldfinches! Well done to each and every one of you children and your parents for working so well. You will be able to go for a walk later this afternoon as our isolation will have officially finished. You should feel so proud of the way you have followed the rules to keep everyone safe.
I definitely know you all deserve a hot chocolate Friday today.
Fractions- See the Power point attached. Finding fractions of amounts with non-unit fractions.
Book Review- Write a book review of a book you have enjoyed. It might be one you have read recently or a book from a while ago. Remember to give it a star rating! There is a copy of the sheet in your paper pack and also one is attached or you can just create your own.
Have a go at the next Timbre lesson with body percussion.
Just in case the link doesn’t work again... Google Oak National Academy Y4 - Subjects – Music – Timbre – Lesson 2 (Exploring Home Percussion)
Have a lovely cosy and relaxing time reading the book you are enjoying at the moment. Remember to get Friday of week 4 signed in your diary.
Spellings- Look, say, cover, write, check. Words from the Y3/4 Statutory Word list (1st Column):
answer (word family words: answered, answering)
Previous words:
actual (word family words: actually)
arrive (word family words: arrival, arriving, arrived)
accident (word family words: accidental, accidentally)
Times Tables
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Look out for the link to Mrs Powell's Friday worship and story which will arrive by e-mail today.
Story time
Princess Smartypants with Mrs Evans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD6JYX92wSw&feature=youtu.be
Miss Randles and Mrs Whittingham are really looking forward to seeing you back in school on Monday. Remember it is a PE day so you can come in your PE kit.
I can’t wait to see all your smiling faces on Tuesday. Have a wonderful weekend my super-duper Goldfinches.
Mrs Evans
Thursday 1st October, by Mrs Evans
Date: 29th Sep 2020 @ 1:54pm
Thursday 1st October 2020
Hi Goldfinches, I hope you have been enjoying some of this lovely sunny weather we have been lucky to have this week. Be happy, active and helpful today.
Fractions- See the Power point attached. Fractions of a set of objects.
Enjoy this poem by Tony Walsh today on National Poetry Day read my own version of it and have a go at writing your own. See the attached Power point.
A lovely art lesson with Rob Biddulph. You choose which picture you would like to learn to draw today.
Active time- can you make a circuit of activities to get you moving? Dance moves, the dab, hopscotch, trampolining, running on the spot, sack race, skipping, star jumps, press ups, the plank.... see what you can come up with
Have a read of the articles in the picture Newspaper attached. What do you think of the footprint discovery? Wow! I loved reading about the unusual pitch invasion!
Remember to get Thursday of week 4 signed in your diary.
Spellings- Look, say, cover, write, check.
Words from the Y3/4 Statutory Word list (1st Column): address
Previous words:
actual (word family words: actually)
arrive (word family words: arrival, arriving, arrived)
accident (word family words: accidental, accidentally)
Times Tables
Have a go at Hit The Button today- how many can you get? https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
And/or choose a 6x table sheet from your paper pack.
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Enjoy a sing and sign today with ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_SLFIeO5ME&feature=youtu.be
Story time
An extract from the Switch series with Miss Randles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4Fhw55G1J8&feature=youtu.be
Discussion: Could the UK soon get its own flying paramedic? Go on to our discussion page to see the article and share your ideas.
Remember… You are all amazing! Have a lovely day.
Mrs Evans
Wednesday 30th September, by Mrs Evans
Date: 28th Sep 2020 @ 8:22pm
Wednesday 30th September 2020
Hello Superstars. I hope you enjoyed yesterday. We are nearly there now…. Not too long to go before we are all back together again.
Fractions- See the Power point attached. Fractions as numbers continued.
Poetry- See the Power point attached. Today we will be performing and presenting our poem.
Brain Break
Enjoy this Sonic the Hedgehog cosmic yoga activity today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM8NjfCfOg0
OR….Have a quiet time colouring a picture with some calming music.
Have a go at playing World Geography Games https://world-geography-games.com/world_rivers.html but this time can you learn some rivers?
TIP- first click on Map to help you get a good idea where the main rivers in the world are. Then, when you have had a good look, challenge yourself and press Play. (I definitely need to play this more often to get better- I keep having to skip!)
If you want to you could use the world map or rivers in Europe map (you’re your paper packs and attached) and draw some of the rivers on.
Find a cosy spot, curl up and disappear into your lovely book. Enjoy! Ask a parent to sign Wednesday of Week 4.
Spellings- Look, say, cover, write, check.
Words from the Y3/4 Statutory Word list (1st Column):
actual (word family words: actually)
Previous words:
arrive (word family words: arrival, arriving, arrived)
accident (word family words: accidental, accidentally)
Times Tables
Can you complete these 6x table tasks? https://www.timestables.co.uk/6-times-table.html
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
This is a copy of a poem of thankfulness written by a child.
Can remember the prayer you wrote with Mrs Whittingham to share with the class as ‘grace’ before we finish for lunch? Share your grace with your family today.
Story time
The Rescue Princesses and the Magic Rings with Miss Randles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCY_1PZ4tTY&feature=youtu.be
Have a wonderful day Goldfinches. Be your lovely kind and caring selves.
Mrs Evans
Tuesday 29th September, by Mrs Evans
Date: 28th Sep 2020 @ 8:03pm
Tuesday 29th September 2020
Hello to my lovely team. Happy Tuesday. I have some great learning activities for you today. Please remember how proud we are of all of you for managing your home learning.
Fractions- See the Power point attached. Fractions as numbers.
Poetry- See the Power point attached. Today we will be putting all of our ideas together to write our own poem.
Here is a video link from Mr Ault for your lesson today. He has some children to help him demonstrate. This looks so much fun Goldfinches! Thanks Mr A!
Re-read extract from Danny the Champion of the World (attached) – read it in your head first and then out loud using the punctuation to help you. Discuss and answer the question:
What evidence can you find in the story?
Don't forget to sign Tuesday of week 4 in your diary.
Words from the Y3/4 Statutory Word list (1st Column):
arrive (word family words: arrival, arriving, arrived)
Previous words: accident (word family words: accidental, accidentally)
Times Tables
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFwpNkZEuKU sing along to help you count up in sixes and learn the multiples of 6.
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Today I have a story to help us think about thankfulness and to help us to be grateful for the things we have and the opportunities that are there for us.
Dear God, we thank you for the opportunities we have and the things that we can sometimes take for granted. Please help us to show gratitude for the good in our lives. Amen.
Story time
Sit back and enjoy a little extract from Billionaire Boy by David Walliams with Miss Randles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu7wGGgdARU&feature=youtu.be
Well done for another hard working and enthusiastic day. You are doing so well.
Mrs Evans
Monday 28th September, by Mrs Evans
Date: 27th Sep 2020 @ 4:55pm
Monday 28th September 2020
Hello to my fantastic flock of Goldfinches. I hope you had a super weekend and had some fun in your homes and gardens.
I have been so impressed to hear about all of your hard work with your home learning. Let’s really go for it again this week and be proud of our achievements.
If you want to show me any of the work you have done, you can e-mail or add it to the discussion pages or you will be able to bring it to school when we come back next week where it will be rested for a few days first.
Fractions- See the Power point attached. Today we are recapping tenths.
Hi Goldfinches!
I hope you are all keeping well. I have missed seeing you all in school and I’ve missed teaching you on a Monday.
I know we had just started our new RE topic this year but you have shown me already how much you know about baptism and the holy spirit.
I have a little RE task that I would like you to complete at home for me - I would like you to create a piece of artwork inspired by what we know about the holy spirit. Remember, the holy spirit could be a dove (holding an olive branch), fire (think about the burning bush and tongues of fire), wind or water. Use one or more of these symbols/elements to design and make a piece of artwork. You could draw and colour a picture, paint a picture, use a computer programme or use different materials to create a collage or 3D model. Be as creative as you like and I would love to see your finished pieces when you return to school.
Hope to see you all soon
Love from Mrs Whittingham
Have a go at reading the extract from Danny the Champion of the World (attached) – read it in your head first and then out loud using the punctuation to help you. Can you do the dictionary task to go with it?
Our discussion today is about reading.. have a look.
Relax with this Mindfulness video which is all about the gratitude tree today.
Words from the Y3/4 Statutory Word list (1st Column):
accident (word family words: accidental, accidentally)
Times Tables
Remind yourself of the 3x table and write the multiples out (on paper or even using chalk on your driveway). Now think about the 6x table. What can you do to the 3x table to help you with the 3x table? Do you notice anything?
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Here is a lovely worship about Thankfulness from the B- Tales. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8C7SFcjVjs&feature=youtu.be
Story time
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njoiXEV_FkM&t=3s sit back and enjoy ‘The Watcher’ which is all about the primatologist Jane Goodall.
Have a wonderful day Goldfinches.
Mrs Evans
Y3 24.09.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 8:31am
Thank you so much for talking with me over the phone this week, I have really enjoyed catching up with everybody. It is so strange waving from across the playground so the opportunity to chat about how the children are was great. I did leave voice mails where I could and I will continue to try to catch the parents who I wasn't able to reach yesterday. If you need any thing at all, please email admin and I will get back to you.
We have had a super week in Robins class, I have been impressed with how well the children are partitioning 3 digit numbers and recalling multiples of three. We race against each other to see how quickly we can record the three times tables forwards and backwards!
Next week we will be exploring different Bible stories and discussing how God is represented in each one. The children will continue with diary writing using conjunctions, ordering and comparing 3 digit numbers and mastering adding suffixes to root words. We will also learn how to use apostrophes for possession.
Mrs Brennan and I are really enjoying being with our class, they make us proud every day.
Many thanks
Mrs Rice and Mrs Brennan
Starlings Blog 24.9.20, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 9:28pm
Hello again Starlings, it's that time of the week again!
This week in maths we have been busy working hard on our counting skills, including subitising (which means looking at a group of objects and identifying how many there are without having to count them).
We have done lots more work on part, part, whole and have used something called a "cherry diagram" to help us to partition a number.
Next week the children will be applying their learning of partitioning and subitising to find the missing parts of numbers to up to 5.
In writing this week we learned about the famous athlete Wilma Rudolph and wrote sentences about her. We also looked at speech bubbles as a way to help us to role play and think about what the characters in our story ‘Look Up’ may be saying to each other.
Next week we will finish our unit of work on ‘Look Up’ by sequencing the story and thinking about what happened at the Beginning, Middle and End, before planning and writing our own versions of the story.
To help, if you get the chance to ‘look up’ at the night sky over the weekend and talk about all the things you see in the night sky, this will help your writing.
In RWI phonics this week:
Pink group have read the book ‘In the sun’ and learned the sounds i_e, o_e and u_e
Yellow group have read the book ‘Tom Thumb’ and learned the sounds o_e, u_e and aw
Gold group have been continuing with their daily ditties and have been working hard on improving fluency when fred talking to blend sounds in words.
Silver group have continued to use sound blending book 1 and have been practising ‘Fred in our head’
Red group have learned the sounds sh, qu, nk, ng and x this week and are now reading the book ‘Jam’ in phonics lessons.
In topic we were so excited to learn about fossils as part of our work in history, and we can’t wait to do more exploring of fossils next week.
In worship we have been looking at the core value of thankfulness and sharing all the things we are thankful for.
Have a lovely weekend and we will look forward to sharing more of our learning with you next week.
Mrs. Judge, Mrs. O’Marah, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern
Friday 25th September, by Mrs Evans
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 6:32pm
Friday 25th September 2020
Good Morning Goldfinches and Happy Friday to you all. A huge well done for all of your hard work this week. You are doing so well. I really am counting down the days until we can all be back in class together.
Fractions- See the Power point attached. Today we are looking at non-unit fractions.
Poetry- See the Power point attached. We will be working together to create some adverbial phrases for our own poems.
Active time
If you like to dance you might want to try this Harry Potter themed dance lesson with Oti Mabuse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btD_HCO1FT4
Carry on reading. It would be amazing if you could read each day as this is the best way of helping you to learn. You might want to have a look at a book in this website which is free: https://www.freechildrenstories.com/age-8-10-1
Remember to get an adult to sign on Friday in your Week 3 page of your diary so you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Today you might like to have a go at a music lesson which is all about ‘Timbre’ and explores body percussion.
Sorry but music link doesn't seem to work. It comes up with an 'Error page'
If you click 'classroom' on the error page (a green button)
then click 'Subjects' then 'Key Stage 2' then 'Music'
The lesson I found was in 'Timbre' and is the 1st one called 'Body Percussion Basics'
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix ‘cian’
Today’s word: Mathematician (word family words: maths, mathematics, mathematical)
Previous words:
Politician (word family words: politics, political)
Musician (word family words: Music, musical)
Electrician (word family words: electric, electricity, electrical)
Magician (word family words: magic, magical)
Times Tables
Have a go at practising your 3x and 6x tables using Coconut Multiples today:
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Sit comfortably and showing you are ready for worship then read the words in blue aloud.
We come together in the name of:
God the Father who gives us all things to enjoy,
God the Son who loves the world and all the people in it and
God the Holy Spirit who gives us the spirit of Thankfulness.
Our words of wisdom for thankfulness are ‘Always be thankful’
Use your ideas from yesterday in your acrostic poem and link them with art to create a beautiful poster of your acrostic poem. You could do this on the computer or, if you don’t feel in an arty mood, you could make a little video of you saying your acrostic poem aloud and add it to the discussion page.
Story time
Dancing Bear by Michael Morpurgo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in1MDnQoJxQ&feature=youtu.be
Have a wonderful Friday and please share some ideas on our discussion about the weekend,
Mrs Evans
Swallows Class Blog - 24.9.2020, by Miss Gillam
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 5:26pm
Hello everyone,
It was so lovely to speak to so many parents this week during our phone calls. I'm sorry if I missed you! I will be continuing to telephone parents tomorrow but if you do wish to discuss anything urgently, please do not hesitate to email or phone the school office to arrange this.
We have had another fantastic week in Swallows Class.
The children have been working extremely hard and I am very proud of their positive attitudes and work ethic.
In our English lessons we have been writing our own space poems, recounts and sentences to describe the night sky. Next week we will be using quotes to help us to understand Mae Jemison’s thoughts and feelings. We will consider how her achievements make us feel and create a feelings grid to help us to write sentences. We will then write a diary describing Mae’s space flight.
In Maths we have been representing 2 digit numbers using tens and ones. We also represented numbers on a place value grid. Next week we will be comparing and ordering numbers to 100 using our knowledge of place value to help us. To help your Swallow with their mental maths learning next week, it would help if you could practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s at home.
Swallows have enjoyed our first science lesson focusing on materials this week. They have been sorting objects in different ways and using scientific vocabulary to spot the ‘odd one out’. Next week we will identify which materials are appropriate for certain objects and which are not base on their properties.
In our Religion work, we have been reading the story of the Good Samaritan this week. Next week we will be using role play to act out the story and we will be considering how Christian’s care for one another.
Read Write Inc
Pink Group – Miss Gillam
This week we have been reading the wonderful story ‘Tab the cat’. We focused on using ‘Fred in our head’ to help us to become more fluent, accurate readers.
Our new sounds the week were –ow (blow the snow), oo (poo at the zoo) and oo. (look at a book).
Next week we will be completing our first spelling quiz. Please learn the spellings below at home.
- All
- My
- The
- Like
- To
- He
- She
Grey Group – Miss Gillam
This week we have been reading the wonderful story ‘The lion’s paw’. We focused on reading with speed. Please remind your Swallow to take note of the punctuation in the text. This tells them when to pause and take a breath.
Our new sounds the week were -i-e (nice smile), o-e (phone home) and u-e (huge brute). We continued to focus on spelling each sound.
Next week we will be completing our first spelling quiz. Please learn the spellings below at home.
- Should
- Were
- Call
- There
- Want
- Come
Yellow Group – Mrs Elson
This week we have been reading the brilliant story ‘Off Sick’. We focused on applying our knowledge of ‘Special friends’ when reading books. We played ‘jump in’ to develop pace and fluency when reading.
Our new sounds the week were –oy (toy to enjoy), -ir (whirl and twirl) and -ou (shout it out).
Next week we will be completing our first spelling quiz. Please learn the spellings below at home.
- Me
- Was
- To
- You
- All
- Said
- want
Blue Group – Mrs Elson
This week we have been reading the brilliant story ‘The poor goose’. We focused on We focused on applying our knowledge of ‘Special friends’ when reading books. We played ‘jump in’ to develop pace and fluency when reading.
Our new sounds this week were – are (care and share), ur (nurse with a purse) and -oa (goat in a boat).
Next week we will be completing our first spelling quiz. Please learn the spellings below at home.
- Any
- Other
- Two
- All
- There
- Said
As we will be changing reading books tomorrow, please ensure that your child has all of their books in school. If you do find any old Read Write Inc books at home, please return ASAP.
I have also attached the ‘Year Two Common Exception Word’ list so that you can see which spellings the children need to learn by the end of this year.
We look forward to another lovely week together and will be back in touch in next week’s blog.
Miss Gillam & Mrs Elson :)
Toucans week beg. 28.9.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 4:11pm
Week beg. 28.09.20
Welcome to Toucans Class Blog. We will be in touch weekly to keep you updated with all that is happening in our class.
We are continuing to work on our ‘All Together Now’ topic. The children have been sharing their memories of lockdown and have been thinking about what makes them happy to create a Happiness Recipe. Toucans have worked hard this past week. We have seen some excellent pieces of diary writing and their place value work in Maths has been fantastic. Well done Toucans!
In Maths we have finished our work on Place Value for the moment and will move on to look at the four number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).
In English we are using the books ‘Of Thee I Sing’ and ‘Young, Gifted and Black’ as a stimulus for our writing. The children will be participating in discussions, summarising main ideas, writing cohesive paragraphs and revising various sentence structures and tenses. The children have been enjoying learning about Jackie Robinson, the first black African American baseball player. We have been talking about the movie that was made based on his life '42'. Unfortunately, we cannot show this in school as its rated 12A but you may want to watch it together as a family. Here is the trailer that we have been using in our writing lessons
In RE our topic is Diversity and we will be celebrating the impact of immigration on our food, music and sports in the UK.
In Science, we will continue our work on Light by thinking about sources.
Home Reading
Thank you to everyone who has been reading at home. We have had lots of diaries signed and consequently the children have been receiving their first raffle tickets for our reading draw.
This week I have sent home your child with a reading book and their new homework diary.
We have been enjoying quiet reading time in class this week so the children have the opportunity to immerse themselves in their new books.
Our PE day is Friday so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit on that day. Mr Ault will also be running an after school club for Year 6s after school on a Friday.
Kind regards
Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick
Skylarks W.B. 28.09.20, by Miss Beattie
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 8:14am
Hello everyone,
It was so lovely to speak to so many parents this week during our phone calls. I'm sorry if I missed you! If you do wish to discuss anything, please do not hesitate to email or phone the school office to arrange this.
We have had another fantastic week in Skylarks Class 😊
The children have been working extremely hard and I am very proud of their positive attitudes and work ethic.
We have another busy week ahead of us…
In our Writing lessons next week, we will be focusing on editing and improving our writing. We will be using a letter that we wrote a couple of weeks ago and up-levelling it using the grammar and punctuation that we have been working hard on.
In maths we will continue our work on place value, and will look specifically at Roman Numerals.
Our Reading lessons next week will begin to focus on drawing inferences. We will be practicing ‘thinking out loud’ and ‘visualising’ to help us answer questions based on information stated and implied.
In our topic lesson, we will be looking back at our learning from previous year groups. The children will use their knowledge of chronology to place events and time periods into a timeline. In science, we will be investigating the properties of different materials. We will plan our own investigations to put these properties to the test.
Home Reading
I have been so pleasantly surprised to see just how many children in Skylarks Class LOVE to read! It has been fantastic to see that lots of children have been doing extra reading at home. Please encourage your child to read for 10 minutes each day and write in their reading diaries. In year 5, we encourage the children to write in their own diaries and simply have it signed by an adult at home!
As always, if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me. I am only a phone call or email away!
Miss Beattie
Thursday 24th September, by Mrs Evans
Date: 23rd Sep 2020 @ 11:50am
Thursday 24th September 2020
Hello my lovely team. I hope you had a good day yesterday and got a good balance of work, rest and play done. It was lovely hearing about all of your skills and talents!
Remember please phone or email admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk to ask for a pack to be printed or to ask for any resources like paper/pencils/colouring pencils.
Fractions- See the Power point attached. Today is all about whole and parts in fractions.
Poetry- See the Power point attached. Today you will be beginning to think of ideas for your own poem. You could even split this lesson into two parts.
Brain Break
Have a go at winding down with a Cosmic Yoga session. https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
or.... choose a colouring sheet from your work pack.
Or... if you feel like something more energetic can you design your own circuit or obstacle route in the garden? Maybe you were inspired by our Bean Bag jumper Riley on Tuesday!
Geography and Reading
As we have been thinking about rivers in English lessons I thought we could find out about rivers of the world. Look for the sheet called ‘The World’s Major Rivers’ in your pack (it is also attached to this Blog) Read the information and have a go at answering the questions.
(Remember your parents can sign Thursday in Week 3 for reading today)
Map work: Look for the world map in your packs (also attached to the Blog). Can you name the 7 continents? https://world-geography-games.com/ use this website to help.
Choose some of the rivers from your comprehension. Can you find out which continent they are in? https://world-geography-games.com/world_rivers.html and https://www.google.co.uk/maps/ can help.
If you are enjoying the Space Race work, then here is a link to some brilliant podcasts which Zach’s lovely mum found for us. Thank you.
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix ‘cian’
Today’s word: Electrician (word family words: electric, electricity, electrical)
Previous words:
Politician (word family words: politics, political)
Musician (word family words: Music, musical) Magician (word family words: magic, magical)
Times Tables
Look for the target board 6x table sheet (also attached) Can you use the up-timer to see how quickly you can fill it in? https://www.timeme.com/count-up-timer.htm
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Goldfinches I have looked at the local school leader board this is where we are at the moment. I think you will be able to move us up a bit in the next couple of weeks.
Sit comfortably and showing you are ready for worship then read the words in blue aloud.
We come together in the name of:
God the Father who gives us all things to enjoy,
God the Son who loves the world and all the people in it and
God the Holy Spirit who gives us the spirit of Thankfulness.
Our words of wisdom for thankfulness are ‘Always be thankful’
Think about all of the ideas you have had about Counting your Blessings this week.
Can you create your own acrostic poem which reflects your blessings. Here are my ideas below:
B eing healthy, being loved, being cared for.
L ovely meals, long walks and being listened to.
E nthusiasm and energy from everyone around.
S uper work from my wonderful Goldfinch team.
S inging to my favourite songs.
I always say yes to chocolate.
N ew experiences.
G oing for runs along the beautiful river nearby.
S kiing- my favourite sport.
Today just record your ideas and tomorrow will be the chance to present it in a lovely way.
Story time
Enjoy a little extract from 'The fastest boy in the World' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngxJxEh2jRo&feature=youtu.be
Take care my fantastic flock of Goldfinches- stay safe. We can do this!
Mrs Evans
Wednesday 23rd September, by Mrs Evans
Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 8:55pm
Wednesday 23rd September 2020
Good morning Goldfinches. You have put so much energy and enthusiasm into your home learning so far and I couldn’t be more proud of you.
I think lots of you picked up paper copies of the learning packs yesterday so this should make things easier. I will keep letting you know on the Blog which page or activity to have a go at over the next couple of weeks.
Remember please phone or email admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk to ask for a pack to be printed or to ask for any resources like paper/pencils/colouring pencils.
Money- See the Power point attached. Today is all about subtracting money so you might find it useful again to collect some coins from around the house to help you but remember to ask an adult first before you empty their purse again!
Poetry- See the Power point attached. We are continuing with our Poem ‘The Brook’ by Alfred Tennyson. Today our focus is comprehension of the poem and handwriting practice so remember to sit smart and try your best joins.
Story time
Have a sneaky peek into a beautiful book called Dragonology which is from our class bookshelf.
When we started to read counting on Katherine, we did a little bit of writing about the ‘Space Race’ Have a look at https://kids.kiddle.co/Space_Race to find out a little more. I wonder if you can also find out about the first animals launched into space? We mentioned monkeys and dogs in class. You might like to find out a little more about this by clicking on the links below.
Your reading today might be all about the animals in Space (see the links above in History) You might want to relax with a book on the sofa, curled up on a beanbag or cushion or in bed.
Remember to get an adult to sign on Wednesday in your Week 3 page of your diary so you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Brain Break
We normally go around the track outside for our brain breaks. If you can- go out and play for a while. Can you do 10 press ups? How long can you hold the plank for? Can you make a running track in your driveway or garden?
If it is still raining and you like to dance, then try this Hip Hop Space dance today. https://family.gonoodle.com/activities/hip-hop-astronaut
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix ‘cian’
Today’s word: Magician (word family words: magic, magical)
Previous words: Politician (word family words: politics, political)
Musician (word family words: Music, musical)
Times Tables
Find the 6x table target board sheet in your pack (it is also attached to today’s Blog) Use the 100 square from yesterday to help where you circled all of the multiples of 6. (This is also in your pack)
Have a go at playing Hit The Button to practise your 3x or 6x tables. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Sit comfortably and showing you are ready for worship then read the words in blue aloud.
We come together in the name of:
God the Father who gives us all things to enjoy,
God the Son who loves the world and all the people in it and
God the Holy Spirit who gives us the spirit of Thankfulness.
Our words of wisdom for thankfulness are ‘Always be thankful’
Yesterday we were sharing our ideas about what ‘Counting your blessings’ means. Thank you so much for all of your ideas. Miss Randles is typing them up to share with Mrs Rice for a whole school display.
Click on the link to watch a video about Bella and Barney and Thankfulness.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqT3Yx5DUd8&feature=youtu.be (Thank you to my Lola for helping me with this!)
Barney and Bella found lots of things to be thankful for didn’t they. Share what you are thankful for today with someone at home and perhaps you could make these ideas into a little prayer.
Discussion: Today please use the discussion to share a skill or talent you have. Something you are really good at. Remember you can also use the discussion to ask questions about the blog and work.
Have a super day Goldfinches. Be Ready, Respectful and Safe today.
Mrs Evans
Tuesday 22nd September, by Mrs Evans
Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 10:41am
Tuesday 22nd September 2020
Good morning Goldfinches. I really hope yesterday went well for you. I am so proud of how hard you worked and I really do think you are all superstars.
I know from the feedback on the Discussion page that the sound buttons were quiet or didn’t work so I’m trying to improve that for you.
Remember if you need any resources to help you with your home learning (Paper, pen, pencil, colouring pencils) please ask an adult to phone school.
Paper packs are available to collect from school today. Please phone the office first to order one if you would like one.
Money- See the Power point attached. Today is all about adding money so you might find it useful again to collect some coins from around the house to help you but remember to ask an adult first before you empty their purse again!
Poetry- See the Power point attached. We are continuing with our Poem ‘The Brook’ by Alfred Tennyson.
Did anyone find out when Alfred Tennyson wrote his poetry? You could find out a little bit about him- when and where he lived. We can add him to our class timeline! Use https://www.kiddle.co/ to help you search.
What are you reading today? Remember you can choose your school book or your book from home. Remember to get an adult to sign on Tuesday in your Week 3 page of your diary so you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Brain Break
We normally go around the track outside for our brain breaks. If you can- go out and play for a while. Can you jog on the spot? Do 10 star jumps? How many keepie uppies can you do with a ball or pair of rolled up socks?
If you can’t get outside, choose a Go Noodle activity to keep you active. https://family.gonoodle.com/
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix ‘cian’
Today’s word: Politician (word family words: politics, political)
Yesterday’s word: Musician (word family words: Music, musical)
Times Tables
Use the attached 100 square (or the one in your pack) to colour in all of the multiples of 3. Now can you use the same sheet to circle all of the multiples of 6? What do you notice? Can you explain the pattern to someone at home?
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Do you remember our Christian Value is Thankfulness this half term?
In worship this week we are thinking about counting our blessings.
Have a look at the quote above… talk about what you think this might mean with someone at home. You can share your ideas in today’s Discussion. I would love to hear them.
Please click the link to take you to Mrs Powell’s worship this week. https://youtu.be/Lem502LC1vc
Story time:
I have a little extract of another new book for our classroom... click on the link to listen and see if this appeals to you.
Have a wonderful day Goldfinches, I’m looking forward to hearing from you on the class discussion page and I can’t wait to see you soon.
Stay safe
Mrs Evans
Monday 21st September, by Mrs Evans
Date: 20th Sep 2020 @ 9:35pm
Monday 21st September 2020
Good morning Goldfinches. I know this feels really strange and we were really getting to know the new routines in our classroom but don’t worry, we will be all back together soon to carry on with all the exciting jobs and learning we started.
Meanwhile, I’m going to write a blog each day and find some lovely activities and school jobs for you to do while we are at home.
Here is a little video clip from me to you: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NETDQWIiLA
There will also be a discussion each day on the discussion page for you to use to keep in touch and ask any questions so don't forget to click on today's discussion.
Remember if you need any resources to help you with your home learning (paper, pen, pencil, colouring pencils) please ask an adult to phone school.
Money- See the Power point attached. Our home learning maths lessons will be guided by a recording of my voice which will explain what to do (like I do each day in class) Just click on the little speaker icon on the power point page)
See if you can collect some coins from around the house to help you (ask an adult first before you empty their purse though!)
Poetry- See the Power point attached. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. There are 2 sheets attached (The Brook and Dictionary work) if you want to print them off to write on or if not, don't worry, they are repeated in the Power point.
Goldfinches I would love you to read a little each day (15 minutes) of the school book you took home with you on Friday or a book you have been reading at home.
If you get an adult to sign the page in Week 3 of your diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix ‘cian’
Today’s word: Musician (word family words: Music, musical)
We have been using this mindfulness clip in class to help us relax our bodies and minds after working hard. Have a go at home today- remember that we haven’t listened to the whole 12 minutes in one go yet… you can do just a little bit if you prefer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_qU7l-fcU
Times Tables
Recap your 3x table. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of 3? Try saying it whilst bouncing on the spot (or on your trampoline) or try counting up in multiples as you walk up the stairs and then say the multiples backwards when you are coming downstairs.
TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Try a PE with Joe Wicks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BckvgF1O8w
Practise some of the football skills you have been learning with Mr Ault.