Our blogs
9.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 5:42pm
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Good morning gorgeous Goldfinches. I hope you enjoyed your zoom call with Mrs Whittingham yesterday and enjoyed your school jobs.
Remember to upload your work on the Homework part of School Spider (there is one for maths and one for writing) so I can give you some individual feedback. If you want to chat to your friends, you can use the discussion part.
Today’s worship is from Open the Book. Today’s story is The Long Journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHu_5K9M2SQ&feature=emb_title
Can I subtract lengths? Click on the link below for Mrs Evans’ lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnqXxUzB4eM
If you want to print out the maths worksheet to write on, it is attached below.
Times Tables
Have another go at the grid challenge today. Have a go with the level 3 challenge. https://www.transum.org/Tables/Square.asp and perhaps even try challenge 4. I have attached a paper copy of the grid if you would prefer.
Last week, me and Toby found this brilliant times tables puzzle which really got us thinking https://www.transum.org/Tables/Convoluted.asp
Adventure to Ancient Greece. Can I understand the information in a text? Click on the link for Mrs Evans’ writing lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ati0R7gAdmY
Dictionary work: https://kids.britannica.com/kids/browse/dictionary
If you want to print it, there is a copy of the text attached for today’s lesson and will also be used in the following few lessons.
Have a lovely read today Goldfinches. I have enjoyed our Zoom book club chats so much recently and it makes me so proud to hear what a love of reading and books so many of you have.
We are learning words from the Y3/4 Statutory word list.
This week, choose 2 or 3 of these words each day and add them to your own spelling doodle.
You can also play games with these words. Choose the games with the FREE red star
Story time- More from Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m2k-0Jz100
Kidz bop today: This is a great collection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-XaED3AFR8
· Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and display in a window at school or at home · Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new.
· Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter · Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing. (perhaps via zoom from home and the findings put into a document)
Have a great day Goldfinches
Love from Mrs Evans and Miss Randles xx
8.2.21, by Mrs Evans
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 5:41pm
Monday 8th February 2021
Welcome to week 6. What an amazing amount of remote learning you have been doing. You should be so incredibly proud of yourselves. Here we go for another week- YOU CAN DO THIS!
Mrs Whittinhgam is going to be on the zoom call today and will also be commenting on the discussion page. She will be give feedback on any work you have uploaded to the homework tool.
Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzhHnSOuuQo&feature=youtu.be
Arithmetic- See the Power point attached below for Mrs Whittingham’s lesson.
If you can’t hear the audio on the Maths Power point please use this video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uddlzn97h8&feature=youtu.be
These links also appear in the power point for further learning
Times Tables
TTRock Stars today. https://ttrockstars.com/ Have a look at the leader board. These were the latest top 11 scorers in Y4 by Friday evening. Look at these scores! Wow! Well done Super stars!
I have also added the local school’s leader board. At the moment we are in joint 22nd position based on speed. Keep going this week and see if you can get faster bit by bit and day by day!
As it is Monday, you will have your RE lesson with Mrs Whittingham. Click on the attached power point below or if you can’t hear the sound, click on this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aoq_gknE4Oc&feature=youtu.be
These links also appear in the RE power point for further learning
5 Pillars of Islam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9U8T8x1AhQ
Wudu https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02mwhw0
Prayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02q87r8
National Anthem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skgvLrGrjto
Fans at a concert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-ZEFt9ZTWo
I have attached the next FIRST NEWS which is a newspaper just for children. There are some really interesting articles and stories in there. What can you find out today?
Don’t forget to keep getting your diary signed to collect all those raffle tickets when you are back in school.
We are learning words from the Y3/4 Statutory word list.
This week, choose 2 or 3 of these words each day and add them to your own spelling doodle.
You can also play games with these words. Choose the games with the FREE red star
More from Charlotte’s Web: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggkDy3MqYSQ
Check out these exercises to get you moving today Goldfinches. We tried this out at the weekend and it really motivated us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZikhoitcvKo
Have a super day at home Goldfinches.
Love from Mrs Evans, Mrs Whittingham and Miss Randles xx
Skylarks Home Learning 05.02.21, by Miss Beattie
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 1:18pm
Friday 5th February
Good morning Skylarks 😊
It’s Friday!! Well done my lovely Skylarks, you have all made it to the end of another successful week of home learning. I couldn’t be any prouder of each and every one of you. Thank you for working so hard. I think you all deserve an extra special hot chocolate today!
Please see below for today’s maths and science home learning tasks and remember to use our class discussion and homework feature to ask any questions, share you work or even just to say hello.
Don’t forget to join our zoom session this morning at 8.40am!
Why not join Chester Zoo’s Virtual Visits today from 10am? You can watch the penguins, giraffes and tigers and even visit the aquarium.
Our science lessons on forces continue today where we will be thinking about how we can measure force. You can find the lesson here:
You can download and print the accompanying worksheets from our blog, however this is not essential. You can simply record your responses/answers on some paper.
Introductory Quiz:
Final Quiz:
Volume: For your maths lesson today, please see the PowerPoint attached. Just click on the little speaker icon on the PowerPoint page to listen. Today, our lesson will continue to look at calculating the volume of 3D shapes. We will use more than, less than and equals symbols to compare shapes based on their volume.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the maths lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
Times Tables
This week can you practice your x8 tables? Don’t forget to practice other tables that you still find tricky too. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of this number? Do you know the division facts? Why not use TTRS or hit the button to help you:
It would also be super if you could spend 10-15 minutes each day reading your school book that you have taken home or another book you have been enjoying at home.
Remember to continue writing in your reading diary and get an adult to sign in, then we can collect our raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Why not tell me what book you are reading over on our discussion?
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix -ent. You could make your own spelling doodle and add to it throughout the week. I will add a new word each day and then on Friday we can have a little quiz.
Today’s word: absent
Previous words: intelligent, confident, different, magnificent
We will be having a mini quiz on these five spelling words before our story time today. You can find both of these tasks at the following link:
You can listen to our story here, as well as take part in our spelling quiz for -ent words:
Each Friday, Mrs Powell will record a story time worship based upon our No Outsiders work and our Christian value Respect. Today she is reading the story ‘Kindness Grows’.
You can watch today’s worship here:
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, you definitely deserve it 😊
Love from Miss Beattie x
Toucans Home Learning 5.2.21, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 12:07pm
Friday 5th January 2021
Good morning Toucans.
It has been lovely seeing you all on our Zoom calls this week. Thank you Toucans for your enthusiasm and commitment towards your home learning. I hope you all work hard today and then you definitely deserve a few days away from your school work to enjoy spending time with your families over the weekend.
As you know this week is Children’s Mental Health week where we will celebrate the theme ‘Express Yourself’. Try this activity today.
Take a look at our Twitter page for some Problem Solving challenges that have been created by our School Sports Partnership.
I have also attached some Mindful Colouring activities on the blog.
FRACTIONS – Fractions of amounts – Today is our last day on Fractions. Next week we are moving on to covering Shape and Geometry.
Continue working your way through the Fraction Quiz. This is a great way to revise everything that we have covered in Fractions over the past 2 weeks.
Please view the video if you can’t access the PowerPoint. Just pause after it gives you the 4 multiple choice possible answers and jot down your answer before moving on to the next question.
Have a go at playing some of these Fraction Games from the Topmarks website.
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
https://youtu.be/He6-BAtQ7jM Today’s Maths lesson
Times Tables
Recap all your times tables using TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today?
Science – Diet and Lifestyle – lesson 3 –
What effect does exercise have on the muscles?
See the Science Power point attached. Remember to click on the audio button to hear Mrs Downing guide you through the lesson.
Click on the link below if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint.
https://youtu.be/WBA_fsGPYbw Today’s Science lesson
Oak National Academy web link
Link to activities
Toucans, we would love you to read a little each day of the school book you have or a book you have been reading at home.
Maybe have a listen to an audio book today
If you continue to record your reading in your diary and get an adult to sign your diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
As its Friday today and we would usually have a test I would like you give yourself one using these words today. Look at each word, say it to yourself and then write it down. Think about the ible and able
Spelling words: reliable, terrible, comfortable, understandable, visible, possible, responsible, sensible, reasonable, suitable
‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell
Please follow this link to see Mrs Whittingham read some more of our new class novel.
Worship - Our new Christian Value is RESPECT
"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."  
(Genesis 2:15) 
Please have yourself a hot chocolate ready to enjoy worship with Mrs Powell as she reads
Jump Start Jonny - https://www.jumpstartjonny.co.uk/free-stuff
Click on the tab saying ‘Workouts’ and try some of the Challenges today.
Have a great day everyone. Remember to use the Discussion page on School Spider to chat to us and to upload your work under Homework as well for individual feedback. Mr Beswick/Mrs Whittingham will be checking in on the Discussion/Homework pages today.
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham and Mr Beswick.
Y3 05.02.21, by Mrs Rice
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 10:13am
Friday 5th January 2021
Happy Friday! We have made it to the end of another week!
Here is a lovely story called Even Superheroes Have Bad Days
Can you create your own superhero – what qualities and powers would they have? In the book ‘Super Heroes Have Bad Days’ the superheroes caused trouble when they were upset. When your superhero is not feeling their usual self, how might they use their superpowers? How could your superhero use their superpowers to solve problems?
Think about what your superhero looks like. Does it have a uniform with a symbol? What makes your superhero special and easy to recognize? 2. Make a picture of your superhero by drawing, painting and/or cutting and pasting different materials onto paper.
Settle down with a hot chocolate and cosy up for a beautiful story with Mrs Powell.
Our Science lesson today, is all about how we see things. Please watch the lesson by following this You Tube link or by down loading the Power Point attached.
Times Tables
TTrock stars today. https://ttrockstars.com/
Today, we are going to turn the data from a tally chart and a pictogram into a bar chart. We must use a ruler to draw a straight line and leave equal spaces in between each bar. Follow this you tube link to watch my lesson.
Find a comfy, cosy curl up spot to relax and enjoy the book you are reading at the moment.
Time for our spelling quiz. The Power Point is attached and can be found also be following this link:
What are you going to do in your active time today? How about a go noodle challenge?
Enjoy your day today. You have been truly amazing this week. What a class of superstars. I look forward to hearing from you on School Spider.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Love from Mrs Rice xx
Swallows - Thursday 4th February, by Miss Gillam
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 7:52am
Thursday 4th February 2021
Good morning super Swallows and welcome back to our class blog.
I hope you enjoyed some mindfulness and wellbeing time again yesterday. Did you go outside and observe the weather? Did you spot any signs of spring?
Please spend some time looking up at the sky today. Does the sky change throughout the day? Maybe you could draw it?
Please see our task list and PowerPoint presentations below to see what your home learning tasks are for today. Please also remember to take a few moments to look at the class discussion page each day where I will be available to ‘chat’ to you about the work that I have set for that day. You can just pop on there to say hi or tell have a little chat with your friends. The children can type in their own messages. It is a lovely, safe way of us staying in touch.
Maths – Can you make equal groups?
We are going to be starting a brand new unit of work today focusing on multiplication and division. Please see the talking Power point video linked below. Today we will be making equal groups.
Here is the link to the White Rose video mentioned in the PowerPoint. You may want to use this link if you have any problems with sound today.
Times Tables
Please use Times Tables Rock Stars to continue to learn your 2 x table. Remember to email our admin team if you would like your child's log in details.
Can you group facts using subheadings?
Please see the talking PowerPoint video linked below. I have recorded the instructions so just click play and then pause when it is time to complete an activity. I hope you enjoy learning facts about owls today.
Please spend some time reading either the school book you took home with you or a book you have been reading at home each day. Please also remember to use our Oxford Owl website to access reading books online. Here you can access Read Write Inc and other story books at your level.
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=&age_group=age%204-7&series=&level=¤t_page=school_ebooks
Username: starlings1 (from the last lockdown)
Password: Home
If you get an adult to sign your reading diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Why not have a listen to David Walliams reading some of his amazing stories today?
Read Write Inc
Instructions for how to find your RWI learning for today can be found on our English PowerPoint. Here is the link to the Read Write Inc home page on YouTube. It might help to add this as a favourite so that you can quickly find your Read Write Inc learning each day. Please remember that the website updates at 9:30 each day. You may notice that the sounds will start to repeat soon. The children revisit sounds many times when we are teaching Read Write Inc in school. We want to encourage fluency. We want the children to be able to read a text containing each sound at speed, without the need to Fred Talk. In order to achieve this, the children need to see each sound several times. Please continue to focus on the spelling, red word and hold a sentence videos.
Here is a link to the Phonics Play website. This is a fantastic resource which is currently free for parents and children to use while learning from home. Here you can access lots of fun Phonics games to help you to revisit your sounds. In Year Two, we are focusing on phase 5 and 6. Please log in and select resources. You will then find lots of fun games to play.
username: jan21
password: home
Please use your spelling whiteboard and roll and spell game to help you to learn our 5 spellings for this week. Remember to think of rhymes, songs and actions to help you. Tomorrow is quiz day!
would who whole any many
Please have a listen to the next chapter of our beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. You will find the audio at the end of our English PowerPoint. I will read a little bit of the story to you here each day. We are OVER half way through the story now.
This week for our signing worship, we will continue to learn/practice how to sing and sign ‘Be Still for the Presence of the Lord’:
Can you create your own feelings chart? Maybe you could refer to it each day to tell your adults how you are feeling.
Please have a look at this Go Noodle video during your active time today. It is all about being kind to yourself. If you are struggling to focus today, this video might help to refocus your mind, enabling you to prepare your mind and body for your learning time. Please then try to spend 20 active minutes outdoors.
Thank you for sharing your work with Mrs Southern and I yesterday, I am looking forward to seeing your work on our homework pages again. I just love being able to provide you with some feedback on your learning.
Have a brilliant day Swallows and remember that I am here if you need anything.
Lots of love from
Miss Gillam
Starlings Home Learning 4th February, by Mrs O'Marah
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 8:40pm
Thursday 4th February
Hello lovely Starlings, and welcome to your Thursday home learning blog. Mrs. Judge, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern have been keeping me up to date with how hard you are all working this week and we are so very proud of you all, and your grown ups!
I am looking forward to our Zoom call this morning. We’ll be doing a little more dough disco so please have your playdoh ready if you have some, but remember it’s okay if you don’t have any.
Today’s tasks are Phonics Maths, English and Spelling tasks. Please see the links to the day’s lesson videos and find the attached PowerPoint versions also. Your Read Write Inc videos are as normal using the same link.
Mrs. Esling will be online on the class discussion homework page today so please share your learning with her as you have been doing all week. I will be in school all day today. Any problems please let one of us know or email admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and we will do our very best to resolve these straight away.
Read, Write, Inc Phonics
Please follow the links provided to find your group's phonics videos online. The link is the same as yesterday but new sound videos will be uploaded by the RWI team. (Remember this is usually after 9:30am)
Red group – you need to look out for set 1 videos on the link below:
Green group you need to look out for set 2 videos on the link below:
Pink, yellow and blue groups you need to look out for set 3 videos on the link below.
Today you will be learning how to measure in centimetres (cm) using a ruler. If you have a ruler at home, please get this ready for today’s lesson. If you don’t have a ruler, please download the paper ruler I have attached below.
The link to the youtube version of the video is: https://youtu.be/0JMFdJ7gS88
Alternatively you can find the PowerPoint version when you scroll down the page if you would prefer to download it.
Today you will be writing the middle part of your story so please have your plan ready.
A downloadable copy of the lesson PowerPoint can be found below, and the youtube link to today's video is: https://youtu.be/ku24ma6MqoY
Today’s spellings are two, three and four. Please see the final slide of the English lesson PowerPoint below to look for how we would like you to practise these words today.
Follow the link and the instructions below to access Oxford Owl’s e-libraries.
Username: starlings1
Password: Home
Today’s story is ‘Eat your Peas’ so please enjoy: Eat your peas
Worship- Sing and Sign
Because it’s well-being week and we want you to celebrate and be proud of how wonderful you are, we would like you to learn the hymn ‘Give thanks with a grateful heart’ today. The link to the video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHlURF18oJE
Fitness Challenge
Have a go at this ‘Healthy Hearts’ activity
Finally, your Thursday activity for well-being week is:
Good luck and enjoy your day!
Mrs. O'Marah
Skylarks Home Learning 04.02.21, by Miss Beattie
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 7:42pm
Thursday 4th February
Hi Skylarks and Happy Thursday 😊
I hope you are all well this morning and ready for another busy day of home learning. I can’t wait to see what you achieve!
Please see below for today’s home learning tasks and remember to use our class discussion and homework feature to ask any questions, share you work or even just to say hello.
Don’t forget to join our zoom session this morning at 8.40am!
Volume: For your maths lesson today, please see the PowerPoint attached. Just click on the little speaker icon on the PowerPoint page to listen. Today we are moving on to look at calculating the volume of 3D shapes
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the maths lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
Times Tables
This week can you practice your x8 tables? Don’t forget to practice other tables that you still find tricky too. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of this number? Do you know the division facts? Why not use TTRS or hit the button to help you:
Hansel and Gretel – forest poem: Again, please see the PowerPoint attached. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. Today, we will continue to look at the book ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. In today’s lesson, we will be using the similes created yesterday to write a forest poem.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the writing lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
It would also be super if you could spend 10-15 minutes each day reading your school book that you have taken home or another book you have been enjoying at home.
Remember you can read Sally Gardner’s ‘Mr Tiger, Betsy and the blue moon’ at the link below:
Remember to continue writing in your reading diary and get an adult to sign in, then we can collect our raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Why not tell me what book you are reading over on our discussion?
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix -ent. You could make your own spelling doodle and add to it throughout the week. I will add a new word each day and then on Friday we can have a little quiz.
Today’s word: magnificent
Previous words: intelligent, confident, different
Story: You will find our story embedded into our Writing PowerPoint.
This week for our signing worship, we will continue to learn/practice how to sing and sign ‘Be Still for the Presence of the Lord’:
Have a brilliant day skylarks and remember that I am here if you need anything 😊
Love from Miss Beattie x
Y3 04.02.21, by Mrs Rice
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 6:28pm
Thursday 4th February 2021
Good morning superstars. It’s going to be another balance of great work, fun activities and time to play and rest. You are just so amazing in everything you are doing.
Don’t forget to post your work today on our homework pages, I’d love to see your learning.
This week and next, let’s try to learn how to sign I’m Gonna Jump Up and Down. I really like this one, we’ll do this when we are back in school together, I can’t wait!
Click the link to learn
I’m Gonna Jump up and down
Let’s draw our own bar charts today! Follow the link to watch my lesson.
Times Tables
Have a go at times table Conga or coconut multiples– how far can you get today? Practise your 3x or 4x tables. https://www.transum.org/software/Game/TablesConga.asp
Today, we will be completing the writing of our winter story. Follow the link to watch my lesson.
I really hope you are enjoying your reading time each day. You can choose to do it at the time that suits you best, but please, please, please, keep reading.
I enjoy CBBC Newsround. This is an interesting article about Lockdown Haircuts! https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/55827890
Today’s new words:
circle (circles, circled, circling, circular)
certain (certainly)
caught (catch, catching)
complete (completed, completing)
build (building, built, builder)
busy (busier, busiest)
breath (breaths)
breathe (breathing, breathed)
Story time
We have finished The BFG now so I thought that you could have a listen to Roald Dahl himself reading a clip from our story, how special!
I have also found a fun Frobscottle experiment to watch.
Please don’t try to make this at home without an adult!
Enjoy your day today and I look forward to hearing from you on our homework pages.
Love from Mrs Rice xx
Toucans Home Learning 4.2.21, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 2:26pm
Thursday 4th February 2021
Good morning Toucans.
Thank you to everyone who has been uploading their English and Maths tasks. It has been a pleasure to mark them and give you individual feedback. We are so proud of the quality of the work that you are completing at home. Keep up the great work and have a lovely day everyone.
As you know this week is Children’s Mental Health week where we will celebrate the theme ‘Express Yourself’. Try this activity today.
Take a look at our School Twitter page for some Problem Solving challenges that have been created by our School Sports Partnership.
FRACTIONS – Fractions of amounts – Today and tomorrow we will be working on Finding Fractions of Amounts.
I have also attached a Fraction Quiz, which will revise everything that we have covered in Fractions over the past 2 weeks. There are 3 rounds in the quiz so maybe do 2 rounds today and the final round tomorrow. The answers are included on the PowerPoint at the end of each round.
I have also made it into a video in case you can’t access the PowerPoint so just pause after it gives you the 4 multiple choice possible answers and jot down your answer before moving on to the next question.
Have a go at playing some of these Fraction Games from the Topmarks website.
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
https://youtu.be/F3fMdEC8two Here is Today’s Maths lesson
Times Tables
Recap all your times tables using TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today? We have been so impressed with your daily scores.
- To be able to use modal verbs effectively within a sentence.
See the Power point attached. Like the Maths, Mrs Downing has recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do.
Take a look at this web link to revise modal verbs
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
https://youtu.be/DtEj83z-xQE Here is Today’s English lesson
Toucans, we would love you to read a little each day of the school book you have or a book you have been reading at home.
Maybe have a listen to an audio book today
If you continue to record your reading in your diary and get an adult to sign your diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
This week we will be looking at the spellings ible and able
We will focus on our last word today - suitable
I loved reading your Silly Spelling stories on the word ‘mischief’ last week so let’s have a go today at writing one with the word suitable - aim to include it at least 5 times on your story.
e.g. The young cat believed it was a suitable candidate for the job. It had lots of experience of capturing baddies and believed this job would be a suitable choice. The uniform was also suitable and would make him look rather cool. The only suitable opportunity option is to give him the job. He would be a suitable option as the new PC.
Spelling words: reliable, terrible, comfortable, understandable, visible, possible, responsible, sensible, reasonable, suitable
‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell
Please follow this link to see Mrs Whittingham read some more of our new class novel.
This morning is your chance to sing these hymns aloud at home and learn to sign them. –
Our God is a Great Big God            
Be Still for the Presence of the Lord
Let’s take a look at some workouts from 5-A-Day.
Home Access Username - LGPS97
Home Access Password - LosGr9
Eco Schools at Home Campaign
Mrs Brennan has registered our school into an #EcoSchoolsAtHome campaign and she needs your help! Have a look at the below eco-challenges that we would love you to complete before 26th March 2021:
- Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and drop it to the school reception area to be displayed in the window
- Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new (e.g. a bird feeder)
- Carry out a 2-day single use plastic audit at home – this means keep a record of all the times you use single-use plastic that needs to be thrown away after use
- Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter
- Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing
You can share photos of your work or you completing the eco-challenges with us on Twitter, or drop off anything you do make into the school reception area.
Have a great day everyone. Remember to use the Discussion page on School Spider to chat to us and upload your home learning tasks using the Upload your Homework tab.
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham and Mr Beswick.
Y3 09.02.21, by Mrs Rice
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 11:34am
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Good morning gorgeous Robins, I hope you had a good day yesterday with focused time for work and time to rest and relax too.
Thank you for sharing your work with me yesterday, I am looking forward to seeing your work on our homework pages again and being able to provide you with feedback on your learning.
Today we are going to celebrate #SaferInternetDay which aims to raise awareness and make the internet a safer and better place for all.
As we are all on this remote learning journey, we are probably spending a lot more time on the internet and so knowing how to keep ourselves safe is more important than ever!
Here are some internet safety tasks that you may wish to complete today:
- Watch Detective Digiduck as he discovers that the information he finds on the internet might not always be true.
- Make your own Digiduck poster explaining how you can stay safe online – you can use the template attached to our blog or design your own.
- Sometimes being online becomes too much and it is important to take a minute, switch devices off and talk to a grown up or do something calming and relaxing. This video might help you:
Please share your posters and storyboards with us on Twitter using the hashtag #SaferInternetDay
Attached is the poster template for you to design your own on.
Today’s worship is from Open the Book. Today’s Bible story is The Long Journey
You can even enjoy joining in with the Open the Book song.
Here is the vimeo link if the sound quality is not very good on my video.
Please click here to watch my lesson as we recap how to calculate the amount of money using coins.
Times Tables
Have a go at the grid challenge today. Explore level 1 and level 2 if you fancy a challenge…
Please follow this link for today’s lesson where we will be writing a conversation between the friends in our new story.
Please spend time exploring David Walliam’s web site as he reads examples of his stories out loud. Which new story catches your eye?
Remember in class how we use lots of different techniques to help us like
drawing boxes around the word
using fancy writing
robot writing
highlighting the tricky bits
making the word into a picture
writing with our eyes closed
making your own spelling doodle
Today’s new words:
describe (describes, described, describing)
different (difference, differently)
difficult (difficulty)
continue (continued, continuing, continues)
consider (considered, considering)
decide (decision, deciding, decided)
Here are the 5-a-day login details: If you write them in your diary, you will be able to log on whenever you need an active break throughout the week.
Home Access Username - LGPS97
Home Access Password - LosGr9
For any Harry Potter fans out there, here is a little quiz you might like to try. We are doing this in my house tonight.
Well done for being such hard workers. Remember today to show your lovely manners, be helpful and respectful to your family at home and keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Rice xx
Wednesday 3rd February, by Mrs Judge
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 8:03am
Wednesday 3rd February
Good Moring Starlings
Can you try Wednesday’s challenge and see if you can spot any signs of Spring emerging? We don’t want to spoil our view with rubbish so maybe you could do your part and help school to keep our playground clean and try one of these activities below:
In order to receive and all of the above and be in with a chance of winning a school litter picking kit through our #EcoSchoolsAtHome campaign, we are would like a minimum of 30 of your pupils to take part in 5 of our short eco-challenges below before 26th March 2021:
· Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and display in a window at school or at home
· Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new
· Carry out a 2 day single use plastic audit in school or at home
· Design a new anti littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter
· Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing.
I’ll also be available for a ‘chat’ on the Class Discussion and Homework page.
As usual, please do your home learning on maths, writing, phonics, spellings, worship, reading and a fitness activity.
I hope you are enjoying your new topic all about Length and Height. Please see the PowerPoint attached or follow the link to the YouTube video:
You are going to write the beginning of your version of ‘Tortoise and Hare’ using two different animals. Please see the PowerPoint attached or you can follow the link to the YouTube version:
Read, Write, Inc Phonics
Please follow the YouTube links provided to find your group's phonics videos online. The link is the same as last week but new sound videos will be uploaded by the RWI team. (Remember this is after 9:30am)
Red group – you need to look out for set 1 videos on the link below:
Green group you need to look out for set 2 videos on the link below:
Pink, yellow and blue groups you need to look out for set 3 videos on the link below.
The links are also at the end of the English PowerPoint if you need them or the video version of instructions can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRNrR2TuHO0&feature=youtu.be
The final slide of the English PowerPoint has today’s spellings. Please have a break after completing your work and come back to the spellings later on.
Mrs Esling has read you the lovely story ‘The Invisible String’ to help us stay connected with each other:
As we’re thinking about healthy minds this week, please enjoy this short video about being creative in lockdown and perhaps you could think of doing a creative activity:
Fitness Challenge
Remember how important it is to take care of our minds so please do this Go Noodle – Be Kind To Yourself activity:
Follow the link and the instructions below to access Oxford Owl’s e-libraries:
Username: starlings1
Password: Home
Keep that mind healthy!
Mrs. Judge, Mrs. O’Marah, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern
Swallows - Wednesday 3rd February 2021, by Miss Gillam
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 7:48am
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Good morning and welcome back to Swallows class blog.
I hope you are all well and ready for another busy day of super learning.
Please see our task list and PowerPoint presentations below to see what your home learning tasks are for today. Please also remember to take a few moments to look at the class discussion page each day where I will be available to ‘chat’ to you about the work that I have set for that day. You can just pop on there to say hi or tell have a little chat with your friends. The children can type in their own messages. It is a lovely, safe way of us staying in touch. I have a little surprise for you all today though Swallows…
Mrs Southern is back and she is going to be chatting to you all on our class discussion today. She is desperate to see all of your super learning and will be marking your home learning for you today. Let’s blow her socks off by uploading some fantastic learning to the homework section of our School Spider website. How exciting!
Maths – Can I solve 2 step problems?
Please see the talking Power point video linked below. There are some really tricky problems on your worksheet today Swallows. Please don’t worry if you don’t get through all of the question’s. Just upload what you get finished in your lesson time today.
I know that some of you like to use two devices or open separate tabs so here is a link to the White Rose video shown during our PowerPoint today for if you need it.
Times Tables
Please use Times Tables Rock Stars to continue to learn your 2 x table. If you would like your child's log in details, please contact the school office via the admin address and they will email them across to you. Alternatively, you could play ‘Hit the Button’. Please section the 2, 5 or 10 x table.
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/36325
Note: When you log in to TT Rock Stars, please select schools, students and then enter our school name and your login details.
Here is a brilliant song to increase your fluency when learning your 2 x table. Can you sing along?
Can you describe how a cat moves using ‘ly’ adverbs?
Please see the talking PowerPoint video linked below. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click play and then pause when it is time to complete an activity.
Please spend some time reading either the school book you took home with you or a book you have been reading at home each day. Please also remember to use our Oxford Owl website to access reading books online. Here you can access Read Write Inc and other story books at your level.
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=&age_group=age%204-7&series=&level=¤t_page=school_ebooks
Username: starlings1 (from the last lockdown)
Password: Home
If you get an adult to sign your reading diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Read Write Inc
Instructions for how to find your RWI learning for today can be found on our English PowerPoint. Here is the link to the Read Write Inc home page on YouTube. It might help to add this as a favourite so that you can quickly find your Read Write Inc learning each day. Please remember that the website updates at 9:30 each day.
Our spellings will be on our English PowerPoint each day. Please use your spelling whiteboard and roll and spell game to help you to learn them. We will complete our little spelling quiz each Friday.
would who whole any many
Please have a listen to the next chapter of our beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. You will find the audio at the end of our English PowerPoint. I will read a little bit of the story to you here each day. We are almost half way through the story now.
In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity. Please visit the ‘My Smiling Mind’ website and enjoy completing a meditation activity today. We love completing these activities in school.
Note: This is a FREE App. You can sign up through social media or with an e-mail account.
All you need to do is create a new account with an adult’s e-mail address. Follow the quick question survey and click the ‘I’m a parent’ tab. Finally, choose the 3-6 Year Olds or 7-9 Year Olds tab and there will be lots of different mindfulness activities to complete together. We have done some in class and it really doesn’t matter if they are repeated.
Here is a gorgeous video you might like to watch at home. It reminds us that even though things are a bit different and strange at the minute, people around the world are finding new ways to share love, laughter and hope with each other:
Please spend 20 minutes outside, keeping active. Maybe we could share some ideas of different ways to keep active outdoors in our class discussion today.
We are very excited to be taking part in a fantastic award winning #EcoschoolsAtHome campaign open to 30 schools in Cheshire West! By taking part our school could win one of 3 litter picking kits worth £770. This challenge will help us to keep our Eco Green Flag Award for the coming years.
Below are ways in which you at home could help us to win this challenge.
· Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and display in a window at school or at home
· Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new
- Deliver a short(remote) presentation on the danger of litter to wildlife to the rest of their school or family
· Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter
· Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing. (perhaps via video call from home and the findings put into a document)
Have a wonderful day Swallows and don’t forget to let us know how you are getting on with your learning today on School Spider. I will see you at 9:20 for our Zoom call this morning.
Lots of love from
Miss Gillam
Skylarks Home Learning 03.02.21, by Miss Beattie
Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 6:54pm
Wednesday 3rd February
Good morning Skylarks 😊
It has been fantastic to see you all continuing to engage with our class discussion and our daily zoom sessions. It is so lovely to be able to see you all and share your home learning achievements.
“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.”
Estimating Area: For your maths lesson today, please see the PowerPoint attached. Just click on the little speaker icon on the PowerPoint page to listen. Today we will be estimating the area of irregular shapes. Remember that an estimate is a rough calculation and will not be 100% accurate.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the maths lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
Times Tables
This week can you practice your x8 tables? Don’t forget to practice other tables that you still find tricky too. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of this number? Do you know the division facts? Why not use TTRS or hit the button to help you:
Hansel and Gretel: Again, please see the PowerPoint attached. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. Today, we will continue to look at the book ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. In today’s lesson, we will be using images of the forest setting to inspire our own similes. Remember a simile compares one thing to another using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the writing lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
It would also be super if you could spend 10-15 minutes each day reading your school book that you have taken home or another book you have been enjoying at home.
Remember you can read Sally Gardner’s ‘Mr Tiger, Betsy and the blue moon’ at the link below:
Remember to continue writing in your reading diary and get an adult to sign in, then we can collect our raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Why not tell me what book you are reading over on our discussion?
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix -ent. You could make your own spelling doodle and add to it throughout the week. I will add a new word each day and then on Friday we can have a little quiz.
Today’s word: intelligent
Previous words: confident, different
Story: You will find our story embedded into our Writing PowerPoint.
Eco Schools at Home Campaign
Mrs Brennan has registered our school into an #EcoSchoolsAtHome campaign and she needs your help! Have a look at the below eco-challenges that we would love you to complete before 26th March 2021:
- Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and drop it to the school reception area to be displayed in the window
- Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new (e.g. a bird feeder)
- Carry out a 2 day single use plastic audit at home – this means keep a record of all the times you use single-use plastic that needs to be thrown away after use
- Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter
- Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing
You can share photos of your work or you completing the eco-challenges with us on Twitter, or drop off anything you do make into the school reception area.
Today for our worship I would like you to take part in a guided meditation on My Smiling Mind, just like we do in school.
Most of you will already have made an account, if so just login and take part in session 4: https://app.smilingmind.com.au/
If you are still having trouble accessing these resources, please don’t hesitate to get in contact.
Have a brilliant day skylarks 😊
Love from Miss Beattie x
Toucans Home Learning 3.2.21, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 4:53pm
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Good morning Toucans.
It has been lovely reading your travel journals this week. They have made us all reminisce about past holidays! I hope you are all looking after your mental health this week and are having a go at some of our suggested activities.
As you know this week is Children’s Mental Health week where we will celebrate the theme ‘Express Yourself’. Try this activity today.
Try another activity from our attached list - ‘Well-Being Ideas’ to keep your minds healthy today and take a break away from your screens.
FRACTIONS - Division – This will be new to you today as Dividing fractions is only a Year 6 objective. Our focus today we will be dividing fractions by a whole number. Take your time to listen to all the audio clips and to follow the step by step directions.
Have a go at playing some of these Fraction Games from the Topmarks website.
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
Times Tables
Recap all your times tables using TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today? We have been so impressed with your daily scores.
- To be able to summarise the text and pick out key facts
See the Power point attached. Like the Maths, Mrs Downing has recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do.
Take a look at this web link to revise key reading skills – summarising
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
Toucans, we would love you to read a little each day of the school book you have or a book you have been reading at home.
This week we will be looking at the spellings ible and able
We will focus on these 3 words today - responsible, sensible, reasonable
Write each word out 3 times in your best handwriting.
Circle the ible and able in each word.
Can you write an explanation for each word, maybe put the word in a sentence to explain its meaning?
I have also attached a worksheet on ible and able that you might like to complete.
Spelling words: reliable, terrible, comfortable, understandable, visible, possible, responsible, sensible, reasonable, suitable
‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell
Please follow this link to see Mrs Whittingham read some more of our new class novel.
My Smiling Mind - https://app.smilingmind.com.au/
I have also attached 2 mindfulness activities which you might like to do – a colouring in activity or choose one of the mindfulness activity cards to do. Have fun and relax!
Also if you didn’t yesterday, take a look at this video today - Creativity goes on
Have a go at completing a Joe Wick’s workout today.
Eco Schools at Home Campaign
Mrs Brennan has registered our school into an #EcoSchoolsAtHome campaign and she needs your help! Have a look at the below eco-challenges that we would love you to complete before 26th March 2021:
- Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and drop it to the school reception area to be displayed in the window
- Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new (e.g. a bird feeder)
- Carry out a 2-day single use plastic audit at home – this means keep a record of all the times you use single-use plastic that needs to be thrown away after use
- Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter
- Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing
You can share photos of your work or you completing the eco-challenges with us on Twitter, or drop off anything you do make into the school reception area.
Have a great day everyone. Remember to use the Discussion page on School Spider to chat to us and upload your home learning tasks using the Upload your Homework tab.
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham and Mr Beswick.
Y3 03.02.21, by Mrs Rice
Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 11:25am
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Good morning Robins. I am looking forward to us all seeing each other on Zoom again today at 9am.
Don’t forget to upload your work on our homework pages today if you would like me to see your hard work. It really does make me smile.
In our worship time on Wednesdays we are going to enjoy a mindfulness activity https://www.smilingmind.com.au/
Parents: This is a FREE App that you just need to sign in with an e-mail account.
Create a new account with an adult’s e-mail address.
Follow the quick question survey (which takes about 10 seconds)
Click the ‘I’m a parent’ tab and the next page
Choose the tab and there will be lots of different mindfulness activities to do together. We have done some in class and it really doesn’t matter if they are repeated.
Let’s interpret pictograms today.
Please follow this you tube link to watch my lesson.
Times Tables
Robins, play Hit the Button today and practise your 4x and 3x table. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Join me as we write the middle section of our story.
Please follow this you tube link to watch my lesson.
Did you enjoy your reading yesterday? What is going to happen in your story today? Curl up in a cosy spot and find out.
Today’s new words:
caught (catch, catching)
complete (completed, completing)
build (building, built, builder)
busy (busier, busiest)
breath (breaths)
breathe (breathing, breathed)
Story Time
Robins we reach the end of our story today L Let’s read on as the giants get what they deserve!
What are you going to do in your active time today? I think you would love the Marvel, Star Wars and Harry Potter workouts in this link:
Or maybe do the indoor scavenger hunt that I attached yesterday?
Enjoy your lessons, fitness and play time today Robins- stay motivated and feel proud of all of the great work you are doing because I am extremely proud of you all.
Love from Mrs Rice xx
Swallows - Tuesday 2nd February 2021, by Miss Gillam
Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 7:01am
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Good morning Swallows and welcome back to our class blog.
Guess what? We have a very special birthday to celebrate today.
Gorgeous little Teddy is 1 today! Happy Birthday to our lovely Teddy Tedster.
I hope you enjoyed some mindfulness and wellbeing time yesterday. Did you go outside and close your eyes yesterday? Did you listen for the sounds of nature? I am attaching the suggested activities for you to choose from at the bottom of our blog post again. Today, I would like you to be weather watchers.
Please see our task list and PowerPoint presentations below to see what your home learning tasks are for today. Please also remember to take a few moments to look at the class discussion page each day where I will be available to ‘chat’ to you about the work that I have set for that day. You can just pop on there to say hi or tell have a little chat with your friends. The children can type in their own messages. It is a lovely, safe way of us staying in touch.
Maths – Can you find the change?
We are continuing to focus our learning on money this week. Please see the talking Power point video linked below. Today we will be finding change. Tricky stuff!
Here is the link to the White Rose video mentioned in the PowerPoint. You may want to use this link if you have any problems with sound today.
Times Tables
Please use Times Tables Rock Stars to continue to learn your 2 x table. If you would like your child's log in details, please contact the school office via the admin address and they will email them across to you. Alternatively, you could play ‘Hit the Button’. Please section the 2, 5 or 10 x table.
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/36325
Note: When you log in to TT Rock Stars, please select schools, students and then enter our school name and your login details.
Here is a brilliant song to increase your fluency when learning your 2 x table. Can you sing along?
Can you ask questions about cats?
Please see the talking PowerPoint video linked below. I have recorded the instructions so just click play and then pause when it is time to complete an activity. I hope you enjoy learning how to use Kung Fu punctuation again today. SHI SHI SHI HA!
Please spend some time reading either the school book you took home with you or a book you have been reading at home each day. Please also remember to use our Oxford Owl website to access reading books online. Here you can access Read Write Inc and other story books at your level.
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=&age_group=age%204-7&series=&level=¤t_page=school_ebooks
Username: starlings1 (from the last lockdown)
Password: Home
If you get an adult to sign your reading diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Here is another great resource to access lots of brilliant reading books online.
Children use a QR code to access a range of stories being read by their authors. The link is: https://www.booksfortopics.com/storytime-online To scan the codes, please download the posters attached at the bottom of today’s blog.
Read Write Inc
Instructions for how to find your RWI learning for today can be found on our English PowerPoint. Here is the link to the Read Write Inc home page on YouTube. It might help to add this as a favourite so that you can quickly find your Read Write Inc learning each day. Please remember that the website updates at 9:30 each day. You may notice that the sounds will start to repeat soon. The children revisit sounds many times when we are teaching Read Write Inc in school. We want to encourage fluency. We want the children to be able to read a text containing each sound at speed, without the need to Fred Talk. In order to achieve this, the children need to see each sound several times. Please continue to focus on the spelling, red word and hold a sentence videos.
Please use your spelling whiteboard and roll and spell game to help you to learn our 5 spellings for this week. Remember to think of rhymes, songs and actions to help you.
would who whole any many
Please have a listen to the next chapter of our beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. You will find the audio at the end of our English PowerPoint. I will read a little bit of the story to you here each day. We are almost half way through the story now.
It is time for an ‘Open the Book’ worship again today. We love singing along to their special song in school, don’t we Swallows? Please sing along and listen to the story of ‘The Two Houses’.
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week so we have been thinking of lots of lovely activities for you to choose from to help with your wellbeing. Please have a look at the wellbeing plan which is attached at the bottom of our blog today.
PE –
For today’s fitness challenge I would like you to have a go at ‘Jack Jack’s Super Shapes’ challenge. It's your turn to shapeshift like Jack-Jack – he can transform his body! Can you lead everyone in a shapeshifting routine?
We are very excited to be taking part in a fantastic award winning #EcoschoolsAtHome campaign open to 30 schools in Cheshire West! By taking part our school could win one of 3 litter picking kits worth £770. This challenge will help us to keep our Eco Green Flag Award for the coming years.
Below are ways in which you at home could help us to win this challenge.
· Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and display in a window at school or at home
· Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new
- Deliver a short(remote) presentation on the danger of litter to wildlife to the rest of their school or family
· Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter
· Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing. (perhaps via video call from home and the findings put into a document)
We hope that you have fun making these with your families.
Thank you for sharing your work with me yesterday, I am looking forward to seeing your work on our homework pages again and being able to provide you with some feedback on your learning again today.
Have a brilliant day Swallows and I will see you at 9:20 for our Zoom call this morning. Please have a piece of work that you are proud of ready to share with your friends at the end if you would like to.
Lots of love from
Miss Gillam
Toucans Home Learning 2.2.21, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 5:43pm
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Good morning Toucans.
I hope you are all keeping well and had a good day yesterday. It was great to see your achievements being shared on our Discussion and Homework pages. You are all working extremely hard and we are very proud of you. Keep up the great work.
We must wish Teddy a very Happy Birthday today!
As you know this week is Children’s Mental Health week where we will celebrate the theme ‘Express Yourself’. Try this activity today.
We have attached lots of ‘Well-Being Ideas’ for you to try out this week on our blog. Have a go at the activity - How well do you know each other?
Also take a look at this video - Creativity goes on
FRACTIONS - Multiplying – This week we are continuing to work on Fractions before we move onto Shape and Geometry next week.
Have a go at playing some of these Fraction Games from the Topmarks website.
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
If you have your Maths CGP book complete pages 32 and 33 on multiplying fractions or see the Word document attached to the blog, including the answers for you to self-check.
Times Tables
Recap all your times tables using TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today? We have been so impressed with your daily scores.
Writing – Journal Writing
- To produce a piece of writing about a day trip or holiday that you have been on.
- Practise using punctuation ( )
Please watch this video - the PowerPoint is too large for us to attach to the blog today. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
New edition of First News for you to read today
- See page 28 find out what happened to a young girl who kicked her football into the Irish Sea
- Have a go at the Puzzles on page 23
Toucans, we would love you to read a little each day of the school book you have or a book you have been reading at home.
This week we will be looking at the spellings ible and able
We will focus on the first 3 words today - understandable, visible, possible Write each word out 3 times in your best handwriting.
Circle the ible and able in each word.
Can you write an explanation for each word, maybe put the word in a sentence to explain its meaning?
Take a look at this second lesson from Oak National Academy on investigating the suffixes ible and able
Spelling words: reliable, terrible, comfortable, understandable, visible, possible, responsible, sensible, reliable, suitable
‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell
Please follow this link to see Mrs Whittingham read some more of our new class novel.
Open the Book – have a listen to the following story
The Two Houses
#2021FitnessChallenge – 10 Yoga poses for self-love
Have a great day everyone. Remember to use the Discussion page on School Spider to chat to us and upload your home learning tasks using the Upload your Homework tab.
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham and Mr Beswick.
Tuesday 2nd February, by Mrs Judge
Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 5:31pm
Tuesday 2nd February
Good Moring Starlings.
As it’s Children’s Mental Health Week, could you try the idea above –look at the weather and think about how it makes you feel? It’s Teddy’s birthday today so maybe you could send him a wish? Here’s a photo of him celebrating:
I’m really looking forward to seeing your smiling faces on our Zoom call at 9.20 and you’ll need a pencil and paper. I’ll also be available for a ‘chat’ on the Class Discussion and Homework page.
As usual, please do your home learning on maths, writing, phonics, spellings, worship, reading and a fitness activity.
I hope you are having fun finding things in your house to measure and compare the length and height. Please see the PowerPoint attached or follow the link to the YouTube video:
Today, you are going to start planning your own version of ‘Tortoise and Hare’ so you need to think of a slow and a fast animal who could be the characters in your story. Please see the PowerPoint attached or you can follow the link to the YouTube version:
Read, Write, Inc Phonics
Please follow the YouTube links provided to find your group's phonics videos online. The link is the same as last week but new sound videos will be uploaded by the RWI team. (Remember this is after 9:30am)
Red group – you need to look out for set 1 videos on the link below:
Green group you need to look out for set 2 videos on the link below:
Pink, yellow and blue groups you need to look out for set 3 videos on the link below.
The links are also at the end of the English PowerPoint if you need them or the video version of instructions can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRNrR2TuHO0&feature=youtu.be
The final slide of the English PowerPoint has today’s spellings. Please have a break after completing your work and come back to the spellings later on.
I have read you a story called to do with making our minds happy called 'The Good Egg' which is all about celebrating being unique:
Please enjoy Open The Book’s performance of ‘The Two Houses’
Fitness Challenge
As it’s Children’s Mental Health Week, please do the Cosmic Yoga Zen Den to help take care of your mind:
Follow the link and the instructions below to access Oxford Owl’s e-libraries:
Username: starlings1
Password: Home
Make sure you get some fresh air to help your mind stay fit and healthy!
Mrs. Judge, Mrs. O’Marah, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern
Y3 02.02.21, by Mrs Rice
Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 5:30pm
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Good morning gorgeous Robins, I hope you enjoyed some mindfulness and wellbeing time yesterday. I am attaching the suggested activities for you again to choose from throughout the week. Time for a scavenger hunt today.
Thank you for sharing your work with me yesterday, I am looking forward to seeing your work on our homework pages again and being able to provide you with feedback on your learning.
Today’s worship is from Open the Book. Today’s Bible story is The Two Houses
You can even enjoy joining in with the Open the Book song.
Here is the vimeo link if the sound quality is not very good on my video.
Please click here to watch my lesson as we draw pictograms to represent data.
Times Tables
Have a go at the grid challenge today. Explore level 1 and level 2 if you fancy a challenge…
Please follow this link for today’s lesson where we will be the first paragraph of our story.
Please spend time enjoying further articles in the First News newspaper that I am attaching. Can you share which article you have enjoyed reading the most with me on School Spider?
Remember in class how we use lots of different techniques to help us like
drawing boxes around the word
using fancy writing
robot writing
highlighting the tricky bits
making the word into a picture
writing with our eyes closed
making your own spelling doodle
Today’s new words:
build (building, built, builder)
busy (busier, busiest)
breath (breaths)
breathe (breathing, breathed)
Story Time
Please follow this link to hear how Sophie and The BFG capture the giants!
Here are the 5-a-day login details: If you write them in your diary, you will be able to log on whenever you need an active break throughout the week.
Home Access Username - LGPS97
Home Access Password - LosGr9
We are very excited to be taking part in a fantastic award winning #EcoschoolsAtHome campaign open to 30 schools in Cheshire West! By taking part our school could win one of 3 litter picking kits worth £770. This challenge will help us to keep our Eco Green Flag Award for the coming years.
Below are ways in which you at home could help us to win this challenge.
· Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and display in a window at school or at home
· Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new
. Deliver a short(remote) presentation on the danger of litter to wildlife to the rest of their school or family
· Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter
· Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing. (perhaps via video call from home and the findings put into a document)
We hope that you have fun making these with your families.
Well done for being such hard workers. Remember today to show your lovely manners, be helpful and respectful to your family at home and keep smiling.
Love from Mrs Rice xx
Skylarks Home Learning 02.02.21, by Miss Beattie
Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 4:26pm
Tuesday 2nd February
Good morning Skylarks 😊
I hope you are all well this morning and staying motivated with your school work. Today is a very special day because it’s Teddy’s 1st birthday!! Here he is showing off his birthday bandana and cupcake!
Please find the link for this week’s zoom sessions in your emails or on our class discussion – Teddy might even join us this morning.
See below for today’s home learning tasks and remember that I will be available on our discussion/homework area throughout the school day to help you and provide feedback on your work.
This week is Children’s Mental Health week where we will celebrate the theme ‘Express Yourself’.
Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share your feelings, thoughts, or ideas and doing activities that make you feel good.
Please find attached a word document that contains lots of different ideas of things you can do to support your positive wellbeing at home. These activities allow us to explore our feelings and emotions, but also give us time to switch off our brains from school work and focus on doing things that make us happy.
Here is a gorgeous video you might like to watch at home. It reminds us that even though things are a bit different and strange at the minute, people around the world are finding new ways to share love, laughter and hope with each other:
Comparing Area: For your maths lesson today, please see the PowerPoint attached. Just click on the little speaker icon on the PowerPoint page to listen. Today we are going to continue to look at area. We will be comparing and ordering shapes based on their area which means we will need to use our more than, less than and equal symbols (> < or =).
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the maths lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
Times Tables
This week can you practice your x8 tables? Don’t forget to practice other tables that you still find tricky too. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of this number? Do you know the division facts? Why not use TTRS or hit the button to help you:
Hansel and Gretel: Again, please see the PowerPoint attached. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. Today, we will continue to look at the book ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. In today’s lesson, we will be using our notes from yesterday on the old woman’s appearance and personality to write some speech for her using inverted commas.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the writing lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
It would also be super if you could spend 10-15 minutes each day reading your school book that you have taken home or another book you have been enjoying at home.
This week’s author of the week is Sally Gardner. You can read her book ‘Mr Tiger, Betsy and the blue moon’ at the link below:
Remember to continue writing in your reading diary and get an adult to sign in, then we can collect our raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Why not tell me what book you are reading over on our discussion?
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix -ent. You could make your own spelling doodle and add to it throughout the week. I will add a new word each day and then on Friday we can have a little quiz.
Today’s word: different
Previous words: confident
Story: You will find our story embedded into our Writing PowerPoint.
Eco Schools at Home Campaign
Mrs Brennan has registered our school into an #EcoSchoolsAtHome campaign and she needs your help! Have a look at the below eco-challenges that we would love you to complete before 26th March 2021:
- Draw a ‘Don’t drop litter’ poster and drop it to the school reception area to be displayed in the window
- Upcycle a plastic bottle into something new (e.g. a bird feeder)
- Carry out a 2 day single use plastic audit at home – this means keep a record of all the times you use single-use plastic that needs to be thrown away after use
- Design a new anti-littering slogan and logo for fast food, soft drinks or PPE litter
- Interview an older person to ask them about their thoughts on if the amount of litter is increasing
You can share photos of your work or you completing the eco-challenges with us on Twitter, or drop off anything you do make into the school reception area.
Today we will take part in an Open the Book worship where we will listen to the story of ‘The Two Houses’:
Have a super day Skylarks and remember I will be on our class discussion during the school day for a chat or to help you with your home learning 😊
Love from Miss Beattie x
Swallows - Monday 1st February 2021, by Miss Gillam
Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 10:29pm
Monday 1st February 2021
Good morning SUPER Swallows and welcome back to our blog.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I can’t wait to show you something new and exciting on our Zoom call this morning. I hope you are ready for a bit of a giggle today. Here is a little clue….
Please see our task list and PowerPoint presentations below to see what your home learning tasks are for today. Please also remember to take a few moments to look at the class discussion page each day where I will be available to ‘chat’ to you about the work that I have set for that day. You can just pop on there to say hi or tell have a little chat with your friends. The children can type in their own messages. It is a lovely, safe way of us staying in touch.
Maths – Can you find the difference?
We are continuing to focus our learning on money this week. Please see the talking Power point video linked below.
Here is the link to the White Rose video mentioned in the PowerPoint. You may want to use this link if you have any problems with sound today.
Times Tables
Please use Times Tables Rock Stars to continue to learn your 2 x table. If you would like your child's log in details, please contact the school office via the admin address and they will email them across to you. Alternatively, you could play ‘Hit the Button’. Please section the 2, 5 or 10 x table.
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/36325
Note: When you log in to TT Rock Stars, please select schools, students and then enter our school name and your login details.
Here is a brilliant song to increase your fluency when learning your 2 x table. Can you sing along?
Can you write a description of a cat?
Please see the talking PowerPoint video linked below. I have recorded the instructions so just click play and then pause when it is time to complete an activity. I hope you enjoy learning how to use Kung Fu punctuation. I wonder who will surprise their adult by using a comma in their writing today?
Please spend some time reading either the school book you took home with you or a book you have been reading at home each day. Please also remember to use our Oxford Owl website to access reading books online. Here you can access Read Write Inc and other story books at your level.
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home
- https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-pupils/pupil-home?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=&age_group=age%204-7&series=&level=¤t_page=school_ebooks
Username: starlings1 (from the last lockdown)
Password: Home
If you get an adult to sign your reading diary each time you read, you will still be able to collect your raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Here is another great resource to access lots of brilliant reading books online.
Children use a QR code to access a range of stories being read by their authors. The link is: https://www.booksfortopics.com/storytime-online To scan the codes, please download the posters attached at the bottom of today’s blog.
Read Write Inc
Instructions for how to find your RWI learning for today can be found on our English PowerPoint. Here is the link to the Read Write Inc home page on YouTube. It might help to add this as a favourite so that you can quickly find your Read Write Inc learning each day. Please remember that the website updates at 9:30 each day. You may notice that the sounds will start to repeat soon. The children revisit sounds many times when we are teaching Read Write Inc in school. We want to encourage fluency. We want the children to be able to read a text containing each sound at speed, without the need to Fred Talk. In order to achieve this, the children need to see each sound several times. Please continue to focus on the spelling, red word and hold a sentence videos.
Our sparkly new spellings will be on our English PowerPoint each day. Please use your spelling whiteboard and roll and spell game to help you to learn them.
would who whole any many
Please have a listen to the next chapter of our beautiful story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. You will find the audio at the end of our English PowerPoint. I will read a little bit of the story to you here each day.
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week so we have been thinking of lots of lovely activities for you to choose from to help with your wellbeing. Please have a look at the wellbeing plan which is attached at the bottom of our blog today.
Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship below which is linked to Children’s Mental Health Week.
PE –
Please spend some time completing some of our 5-a-day activities today. I recommend using these activities to break up tasks throughout the day. Perhaps you could complete a little dance in between your writing tasks today? As I want you to keep calm but also keep moving, I recommend the ‘Time-2-Chill’ videos for breaks during learning time. Perhaps you could then reward yourself for completing the lesson by completing one of the more energetic ‘Fitness’ videos.
There are NEW login details for 5-a-day
Home Access Username - LGPS97
Home Access Password - LosGr9
Have a brilliant day Swallows and don’t forget to let me know how you are getting on with your learning today on School Spider. I will see you at 9:20 for our Zoom call this morning. Please have a piece of work that you are proud of ready to share with your friends at the end if you would like to.
Lots of love from
Miss Gillam
Monday 1st February, by Mrs Judge
Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 7:22pm
Monday 1st February
Good Moring Starlings.
I can’t quite believe it’s February already! Did you all have a lovely weekend? This week is Children’s Mental Health Week so Mrs Esling has lots of lovely activities for you to choose from to help with your wellbeing so please have a look at these which are attached. Mrs Powell has a worship to watch to launch this and Mrs O’Marah has read a story linked to this topic. I’m really looking forward to seeing your smiling faces on our Zoom call at 9.20 and we’re going to play guess my shape. I’ll also be available for a ‘chat’ on the Class Discussion and Homework page.
As usual, please do your home learning on maths, writing, phonics, spellings and a fitness activity.
This week, we are going to have lots of fun starting a new topic all about Length and Height. Please see the PowerPoint attached or follow the link to the YouTube video:
This is our last week of our ‘Hare and Tortoise’ story and today we are comparing ourselves with the characters in the story. Please see the PowerPoint attached or you can follow the link to the YouTube version:
Read, Write, Inc Phonics
Please follow the YouTube links provided to find your group's phonics videos online. The link is the same as last week but new sound videos will be uploaded by the RWI team. (Remember this is after 9:30am)
Red group – you need to look out for set 1 videos on the link below:
Green group you need to look out for set 2 videos on the link below:
Pink, yellow and blue groups you need to look out for set 3 videos on the link below.
The links are also at the end of the English PowerPoint if you need them or the video version of instructions can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRNrR2TuHO0&feature=youtu.be
The final slide of the English PowerPoint has today’s spellings. Please have a break after completing your work and come back to the spellings later on.
Mrs O’Marah has read ‘The Mixed Up Chameleon’ which is all about being yourself and enjoying being unique:
Please click the link to Mrs Powell’s worship today which is linked to Children’s Mental Health Week:
Fitness Challenge
In Starlings, we love 5-a-day Fitness and they have very kindly allowed us to share our log in details. As it’s Children’s Mental Health Week, please do the ‘Time 2 Chill – Flow’ exercise:
Home Access Username - LGPS97
Home Access Password - LosGr9
Follow the link and the instructions below to access Oxford Owl’s e-libraries:
Username: starlings1
Password: Home
We are missing you lots – keep smiling and happy Monday!
Mrs. Judge, Mrs. O’Marah, Mrs. Esling and Mrs. Southern
Toucans Home Learning 1.2.21, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 4:26pm
Monday 1st February 2021
Good morning Toucans!
I hope you all had a lovely restful weekend with your families and are ready for another week of home learning.
This week is Children’s Mental Health week where we will celebrate the theme ‘Express Yourself’.
We have attached lots of ‘Well-Being Ideas’ for you to try out this week on our blog. Have a go at the Colour Exploration activity today or try and complete one of the Scavenger Hunts.
Well-being worship with Mrs Powell
Subtracting Fractions - Great work last week on finding Equivalent fractions and being able to compare them. I was also impressed by your work on Friday – Adding Fractions. This week we will continue to work on Fractions before we move onto Shape and Geometry next week.
Remember to take a look at some of these Maths games to revise key facts on fractions.
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
Times Tables
Recap all your times tables using TTRockstars https://ttrockstars.com/ Where can you get to on the leader board today? We have been so impressed with your daily scores.
- To produce a piece of writing about a day trip of holiday that you have been on.
- Practise using punctuation ( )
See the Power point attached. Like the Maths, Mrs Downing has recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do.
Please watch this video if you can’t access the audio on the PowerPoint. Remember to just pause it when needed and you can play back too if required.
There is also a travel planning sheet attached to the blog that you may want to use.
Toucans, we would love you to read a little each day of the school book you have or a book you have been reading at home.
New edition of First News is on the blog today. I would recommend reading the following articles.
- Space Travel page 14
- Music for Mental Health page 25
This week we will be looking at the spellings ible and able
We will focus on the first 3 words today - reliable, terrible, comfortable,
Write each word out 3 times in your best handwriting.
Circle the ible and able in each word.
Can you write an explanation for each word, maybe put the word in a sentence to explain its meaning?
Take a look at this lesson from Oak National Academy on investigating the suffixes ible and able
Spelling words: reliable, terrible, comfortable, understandable, visible, possible, responsible, sensible, reliable, suitable
‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell, read by Mrs Whittingham
Please follow this link to see Mrs Whittingham read some more of our new class novel.
Let’s take a look at some workouts from 5-A-Day.
Home Access Username - LGPS97
Home Access Password - LosGr9
Have a great day everyone. Remember to use the Discussion page on School Spider to chat to us and upload your home learning tasks using the Upload your Homework tab.
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham and Mr Beswick.
Skylarks Home Learning 01.02.21, by Miss Beattie
Date: 30th Jan 2021 @ 5:26pm
Monday 1st February
Good morning Skylarks 😊
Happy Monday everyone! I can’t believe it is February already! I hope you are all well and had a nice, relaxing weekend. I enjoyed some lovely long walks with Teddy. It was amazing to see so many of you on our Friday zoom session – it really made me smile to see all of you together again.
Please find the new link for this week’s zoom sessions in your emails or on our class discussion.
See below for today’s home learning tasks and remember that I will be available on our discussion/homework area throughout the school day to help you and provide feedback on your work.
This week is Children’s Mental Health week where we will celebrate the theme ‘Express Yourself’.
Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share your feelings, thoughts, or ideas and doing activities that make you feel good.
Please find attached a word document that contains lots of different ideas of things you can do to support your positive wellbeing at home. These activities allow us to explore our feelings and emotions, but also give us time to switch off our brains from school work and focus on doing things that make us happy.
Mrs Powell’s worship today links to the theme of wellbeing and mental health. Please watch it using the link below:
Calculating Area: For your maths lesson today, please see the PowerPoint attached. Just click on the little speaker icon on the PowerPoint page to listen. Today we will be continuing with our lessons on area.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the maths lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
Times Tables
This week can you practice your x8 tables? Don’t forget to practice other tables that you still find tricky too. Can you say it forwards and backwards? Can you write out the multiples of this number? Do you know the division facts? Why not use TTRS or hit the button to help you:
Hansel and Gretel: Again, please see the PowerPoint attached. Like the maths, I have recorded the instructions so just click on the audio button to hear what to do. Today, we will continue to look at the book ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm. We will read chapters 5 and 6, focussing on collecting information about the old woman’s appearance and personality.
I have attached chapters 5 and 6 to this blog if you wish to print them out.
If you cannot access the PowerPoint, please view the writing lesson at the following YouTube link:
If you are watching the lesson through the YouTube link, you may need to pause the video at appropriate times to give yourself time to complete the tasks.
It would also be super if you could spend 10-15 minutes each day reading your school book that you have taken home or another book you have been enjoying at home.
I have attached this week’s issue of First News for you to enjoy.
Remember to continue writing in your reading diary and get an adult to sign in, then we can collect our raffle tickets when we are back in school.
Why not tell me what book you are reading over on our discussion?
Have a go at reading, saying in a sentence and spelling words with the suffix -ent. You could make your own spelling doodle and add to it throughout the week. I will add a new word each day and then on Friday we can have a little quiz.
Today’s word: confident
Story: You will find our story embedded into our Writing PowerPoint.
Have a super day Skylarks and remember I will be on our class discussion during the school day for a chat or to help you with your home learning 😊
Love from Miss Beattie x