Our blogs
Owls Home Learning, by Mrs Campion
Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 8:22pm
Please find all of Owl's Home Learning on Tapestry.
Thank you.
Wednesday 10th June - Robins, by Miss Beattie
Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 5:21pm
Good Morning Robins and Happy Wednesday! J
This morning Mrs Whittingham has read a story for you: https://youtu.be/IEB5oavzP_U
The middle of the week already! How are you all? I hope you are well and enjoying the week so far.
Why not carry on with the Maths and English Lessons from the Oak National Academy?
I have shared this link with you before but thought I would include it in today’s blog as a little reminder. The following spelling website has all the year 3 and 4 spelling rules. Each comes with a word list and lots of fun interactive games to help you learn them. You could focus on a new rule each week. Why not ask someone at home to carry out a mini quiz with you at the end of the week?
For my little Man United fans out there, Marcus Rashford has teamed up with CBBC to put together a PE session for you all. You can take part at 9.25am this morning by clicking the following link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000jycy
Remember our Discussion tool is up and running today so if you have any questions or need any help just add it to our discussion and I will reply as quickly as possible.
Have a wonderful day everyone. Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Some of you are returning to school but we need to remember lockdown is hard for everyone. Talk about their feelings to someone special at home and to try to understand that everyone is finding this time difficult in some way. Have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/-RXF5-29VGU
You may wish to use the following prayer.
Dear God,
During this time of lockdown,
Please help us to think about others and their needs.
Help us to be kind and helpful.
Help us to talk openly about our feelings
So that together, we can grow stronger and closer.
Tuesday 9th June - Robins, by Miss Beattie
Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 5:17pm
Good Morning Robins! J
How are you all this morning? I hope you are happy, healthy and staying safe! It was so lovely to chat with some of you using our Discussion tool yesterday – remember you can pop by to share your work or ask for help if you need it!
This morning Miss Thwaites has read a story for you: https://youtu.be/taG8mwAHBeI
If you are feeling a little bit fed up or bored, below is a 30-day challenge for you. Why not see how many of the activities you can complete in just one day? Let me know how you get on on Twitter @LostockGralamPr
30 day challenge: https://www.saintnathaniels.org.uk/home-learning (Scroll down to the last activity)
In case you missed it yesterday, I have also attached our weekly challenge booklet number 2. I know lots of you enjoyed it last week J
Today I would like you to carry on with the lessons from Oak National Academy. Remember that they carry on from the previous day so if you didn’t do yesterday’s lesson, I recommend starting there. Our timetable is also attached for your project work.
Have a super day everyone!
Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Ask your child, ‘How many of you belong to a team?’
Encourage them to speak of their role in sports teams and uniformed organizations such as Cubs and Brownies and their varied experience of teamwork in school. Establish how, as members of a team, different people work together and aim to help one another.
Introduce the following story, which tells how Jesus invited others to become part of his team of helpers. Listen carefully for the ways in which the story speaks of helping one another.
Jesus Calls Four Fishermen
Imagine that you are standing by a wide, blue lake that is surrounded by hazy, grey-green hills. On the shore there are some fishing boats, and a crowd of people have gathered nearby. They’re listening (just like you!) to someone by the water’s edge. Who is it? It’s Jesus of Nazareth! Everyone loves his stories and wise sayings, but today, not everyone can see or hear. What can be done?
Jesus has an idea and calls to one of the fishermen, ‘Could I use your boat?’
‘You can have it!’ replies the fisherman, whose name is Peter. ‘We’ve been out on the lake all night and haven’t caught a thing.’
Jesus clambers into the boat and sits down. Peter and his brother, Andrew, push the boat into the water so that it floats close to the shore. Now everyone can see and listen!
Eventually, however, it is time to finish. Jesus says a thank-you prayer and the people return to their villages.
‘Are you hungry? What about some fish?’ Jesus asks the fishermen. ‘Let’s find some deeper water and catch some.’
‘But we’ve tried,’ the fishermen say. ‘We’ve tried all night and caught nothing.’
Jesus doesn’t say a word; he just points towards the middle of the lake. Peter and Andrew shake their heads, but set out again.
When they reach deep water, Jesus tells them to let out their nets. Peter and Andrew do as they are asked. Quickly, the water starts to swirl and splash and the net becomes heavy with fish. In fact, the net is so heavy that the men struggle to pull it back in! Peter shouts to some other fishermen nearby, ‘James! John! Quickly! Come and help us!’
Together, they slowly draw in the net. Soon, fish are flipping and flapping, slithering and sliding all over the floor of the boat. They have to use both boats to get the catch safely back to shore. Peter is amazed that there are so many, but also a bit ashamed that he’d been so ready to give up.
‘Now,’ says Jesus, ‘you’re fishermen, but I need a team of followers who will help to spread a net of friendship. Will you help to draw all kinds of people together in care and respect?’
He looks at each of the fishermen in turn: Peter, Andrew, James and John. Then, Jesus begins to walk slowly away from the shore. The four fishermen watch as he goes and then look at one another . . . ‘Yes,’ they decide, ‘it would be good to help.’
Encourage your child to think about the importance of teamwork in all aspect of our lives:
- Together
- Everyone
- Achieves
- More
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who help us in our lives.
Thank you for the people who have already helped us today.
Please help us to help one another.
Please help us to remember that it is good to work together in a team.
Y2 09.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 5:02pm
Buenas Dias Swallows
I hope that you all had a lovey day yesterday. How are you enjoying finding out all about Judasim? I hope that the lessons are useful to you. I have attached some Judasim based colouring in sheets that you can print off and decorate. Following on from yesterday's lesson, I have attached a reading comprehension about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. This is a little challenging as the text is quite long so you may need a grown up to read this with you. (I have also given you the asnwers, don't cheat!)
Julia Donaldson's A Squash and A Squeeze has a wise old man in it who gives the old lady an important message, although she doesn't quite understand at the beginning. He reminds me of a Jewish Rabbi (teacher) Jewish people have Rabbis in their communities who teach them strories from The Torah and who lead services in the Synagogue. They are like priests and vicars in Christianity. Listen to the story being read out loud on You Tube, can you think of what the wise old man is trying to teach the old lady? What is the message of the story? Maybe you have this book at home and can read it yourself?
Today in English please look at suffixes on the BBC site. Today is the suffic 'ly'.
The suffix ly
A suffix is a letter or group of letters that attach to the end of a word and changes the word's meaning. An example of a suffix is -ly, which, when added to the end of a word, is used to describe a verb.
Watch the short video below to find out more.
In Maths we contiue looking at fractions, today is all about halves.
Finally in RE we continue our learning about Judaism.
What do Jews believe about the Messiah?
In this lesson, we will be learning all about what Jews believe about the Messiah. We will understand that different Jewish people hold different beliefs about whether the Messiah will be a person, or an age and a world that we must all bring about.
A message from Mrs Powell
Ask your child, ‘How many of you belong to a team?’
Encourage them to speak of their role in sports teams and uniformed organizations such as Cubs and Brownies and their varied experience of teamwork in school. Establish how, as members of a team, different people work together and aim to help one another.
Introduce the following story, which tells how Jesus invited others to become part of his team of helpers. Listen carefully for the ways in which the story speaks of helping one another.
Jesus Calls Four Fishermen
Imagine that you are standing by a wide, blue lake that is surrounded by hazy, grey-green hills. On the shore there are some fishing boats, and a crowd of people have gathered nearby. They’re listening (just like you!) to someone by the water’s edge. Who is it? It’s Jesus of Nazareth! Everyone loves his stories and wise sayings, but today, not everyone can see or hear. What can be done?
Jesus has an idea and calls to one of the fishermen, ‘Could I use your boat?’
‘You can have it!’ replies the fisherman, whose name is Peter. ‘We’ve been out on the lake all night and haven’t caught a thing.’
Jesus clambers into the boat and sits down. Peter and his brother, Andrew, push the boat into the water so that it floats close to the shore. Now everyone can see and listen!
Eventually, however, it is time to finish. Jesus says a thank-you prayer and the people return to their villages.
‘Are you hungry? What about some fish?’ Jesus asks the fishermen. ‘Let’s find some deeper water and catch some.’
‘But we’ve tried,’ the fishermen say. ‘We’ve tried all night and caught nothing.’
Jesus doesn’t say a word; he just points towards the middle of the lake. Peter and Andrew shake their heads, but set out again.
When they reach deep water, Jesus tells them to let out their nets. Peter and Andrew do as they are asked. Quickly, the water starts to swirl and splash and the net becomes heavy with fish. In fact, the net is so heavy that the men struggle to pull it back in! Peter shouts to some other fishermen nearby, ‘James! John! Quickly! Come and help us!’
Together, they slowly draw in the net. Soon, fish are flipping and flapping, slithering and sliding all over the floor of the boat. They have to use both boats to get the catch safely back to shore. Peter is amazed that there are so many, but also a bit ashamed that he’d been so ready to give up.
‘Now,’ says Jesus, ‘you’re fishermen, but I need a team of followers who will help to spread a net of friendship. Will you help to draw all kinds of people together in care and respect?’
He looks at each of the fishermen in turn: Peter, Andrew, James and John. Then, Jesus begins to walk slowly away from the shore. The four fishermen watch as he goes and then look at one another . . . ‘Yes,’ they decide, ‘it would be good to help.’
Encourage your child to think about the importance of teamwork in all aspect of our lives:
- Together
- Everyone
- Achieves
- More
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who help us in our lives.
Thank you for the people who have already helped us today.
Please help us to help one another.
Please help us to remember that it is good to work together in a team.
Have a great day Swallows. Please hop on over to our discussions page and join in with today's discussion which links back to last year's whole school zoo project . Why is Chester Zoo so important?
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
8.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Monday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 8th Jun 2020 @ 7:19am
Good morning Starlings
I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend, hopefully the sun comes out for us again this week. Thank you once again for my special birthday messages, I had a very lovely day. Unfortunately, my birthday tea was a wash out on Friday but it will HOPEFULLY go ahead on Thursday evening instead. Fingers crossed!
Here is a link to our second Lostock Lockdown video. It is so lovely to watch and see so many familiar faces. Enjoy!
Each day, we are going to read you a story and put the link here on our blogs. First up is Mr Beswick reading "The Stone Cutter". Snuggle up with a teddy and a blanket and enjoy!
Reminder: Today we will be starting to use the ‘Class Discussions’ area of our website. I have attached our guidance for you in case you missed it. There will be a new discussion each morning. Click ‘View’ on the discussion started for today. This discussion can they be used to share photographs, upload work you have completed and to ask any questions that you might have about home learning. Please remember that these comments and questions will be visible to the rest of the children in our class and you will also be able to see the comments and work shared by other Starlings. Click ‘Post your reply’ when you are finished. Keep checking the discussion for feedback, I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Once again, I have attached a new timetable for you to follow this week with new tasks and projects to complete – remember this is only a suggested timetable and activities are always optional! Just do what you can, when you can. Your child's mental health is much more important than a home learning task.
History Lesson
Today, we will be learning all about the incredible adventures of Sir Ernest Shackleton. He wanted to be the first man to reach the South Pole. Sadly, after 4 attempts to get there, he never made it. During this lesson, we look back at the heroic journey Shackleton and his team took, trying to reach the South Pole.
Please share the story of The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson. If you have this story at home then please use the book. If not, please watch this video of the story.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x887mPO9X9c. Once you have read the story or watched the video, please complete the two activities below.
★ Activity 1
At the end of the story, the snail tells his friends all about his adventure. Can you write what he might have said to them?
★ Activity 2
There is a lot of rhyming in the story. Can you find the rhyming words? Can you find other words which rhyme with them?
Here is an animation video for you to enjoy, just for fun!
Please follow the links below to the Oak Academy and BBC Bitesize daily maths lessons. Complete the maths lessons for each day (look for the correct date at the top). Please watch the learning video, and complete the interactive activity below. Once you are happy that you understand the lesson, complete the worksheet activity included. You do not need to print them if you do not wish, just complete them in your home learning book.
Watch the video using the link https://offschool.org.uk/get-creative/water-painting/. Use a paintbrush to paint something on the ground/ on a wall. Can one of your family guess what you have painted? Now swap, can they challenge you? How can you describe what you have painted? Try to use lots of adjectives in your discussion.
Mrs Southern and I miss you lots and can’t wait to see you all soon. We understand that it is disappointing that we have to wait that little bit longer before can be together as a class again but we are now ready to go as soon as it is safe to do so. Keep working hard and making good choices at home.
Sending you all big hugs and lots of love
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
Would you like some new teachers? How about today tuning into one of these lessons from celebratory teachers?
Lesson timetable:
Week 1
- Monday 8 June
Geri Horner: English - Tuesday 9 June
Tim Peake: Science - Wednesday 10 June
Marcus Rashford: PE - Thursday 11 June
Jeff & Zoe: Gardening - Friday 12 June
Heston Blumenthal: Food Science
Week 2
- Monday 15 June
Gary Lineker: Spanish - Tuesday 16 June
Tez Ilyas: Science - Wednesday 17 June
Nikki Lilly: IT - Thursday 18 June
Ricky Wilson: Art - Friday 19 June
Kelis: Cookery
Week 3
- Monday 22 June
Darcey Bussell: Dance - Tuesday 23 June
Katie Piper: Wellbeing - Wednesday 24 June
Mark Labbett: Maths - Thursday 25 June
Isabel Clifton: Drama - Friday 26 June
Ed Balls: History
Week 4
- Monday 29 June
Matthew Morrison: Musical Theatre - Tuesday 30 June
Ellie Simmonds: Geography - Wednesday 1 July
Martin Bashir: History - Thursday 2 July
Rachel & Maisie: British Sign Language - Friday 3 July
End of Term Review
Enjoy the lessons and please tell us what you think!
Tuesday 9th June Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 9:38pm
Good morning fabulous Skylarks,
I was blown away by your kindness! Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful message for me on my birthday! You brought tears to my eyes and I miss you all so much! It reminded me of our last day when we either shared a hug or a high five! You have all grown so much and I’m super proud of you all!
For this week’s afternoon project, I thought you would enjoy recapping your prior learning about what you all achieved during our palm oil project last year. I would love to see the drawings that you create and the beautiful pieces you create at the end of the project. You can tweet pictures to show me or even email them into school and they will be passed on to me.
Please have a go at this following lesson today: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zx2dbqt
If you are still working through any sheets in your maths packs then please continue to do this.
Today, I would like you to have a look at the differences between facts and opinions and how you can incorporate these into a newspaper report. Follow the link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zjykjp3
Today’s special treat for you:
I have decided to read you all a story this morning called ‘The Darkest Dark’. Please click the following link to listen. I hope you enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taG8mwAHBeI&t=39s
Message from Mrs Powell:
Ask your child, ‘How many of you belong to a team?’
Encourage them to speak of their role in sports teams and uniformed organizations such as Cubs and Brownies and their varied experience of teamwork in school. Establish how, as members of a team, different people work together and aim to help one another.
Introduce the following story, which tells how Jesus invited others to become part of his team of helpers. Listen carefully for the ways in which the story speaks of helping one another.
Jesus Calls Four Fishermen
Imagine that you are standing by a wide, blue lake that is surrounded by hazy, grey-green hills. On the shore there are some fishing boats, and a crowd of people have gathered nearby. They’re listening (just like you!) to someone by the water’s edge. Who is it? It’s Jesus of Nazareth! Everyone loves his stories and wise sayings, but today, not everyone can see or hear. What can be done?
Jesus has an idea and calls to one of the fishermen, ‘Could I use your boat?’
‘You can have it!’ replies the fisherman, whose name is Peter. ‘We’ve been out on the lake all night and haven’t caught a thing.’
Jesus clambers into the boat and sits down. Peter and his brother, Andrew, push the boat into the water so that it floats close to the shore. Now everyone can see and listen!
Eventually, however, it is time to finish. Jesus says a thank-you prayer and the people return to their villages.
‘Are you hungry? What about some fish?’ Jesus asks the fishermen. ‘Let’s find some deeper water and catch some.’
‘But we’ve tried,’ the fishermen say. ‘We’ve tried all night and caught nothing.’
Jesus doesn’t say a word; he just points towards the middle of the lake. Peter and Andrew shake their heads, but set out again.
When they reach deep water, Jesus tells them to let out their nets. Peter and Andrew do as they are asked. Quickly, the water starts to swirl and splash and the net becomes heavy with fish. In fact, the net is so heavy that the men struggle to pull it back in! Peter shouts to some other fishermen nearby, ‘James! John! Quickly! Come and help us!’
Together, they slowly draw in the net. Soon, fish are flipping and flapping, slithering and sliding all over the floor of the boat. They have to use both boats to get the catch safely back to shore. Peter is amazed that there are so many, but also a bit ashamed that he’d been so ready to give up.
‘Now,’ says Jesus, ‘you’re fishermen, but I need a team of followers who will help to spread a net of friendship. Will you help to draw all kinds of people together in care and respect?’
He looks at each of the fishermen in turn: Peter, Andrew, James and John. Then, Jesus begins to walk slowly away from the shore. The four fishermen watch as he goes and then look at one another . . . ‘Yes,’ they decide, ‘it would be good to help.’
Encourage your child to think about the importance of teamwork in all aspect of our lives:
- Together
- Everyone
- Achieves
- More
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who help us in our lives.
Thank you for the people who have already helped us today.
Please help us to help one another.
Please help us to remember that it is good to work together in a team.
Take care!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
Y2 08.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 9:35pm
Buenas Dias Swallows
Happy Monday to you all. I wish it was a sunny one! I hope that you all mananged to enjoy the rainy weekend? My garden loved having such a huge drink :)
Today, I thought that you could have a look at these clips from the BBC site all about suffixes. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6vc86f There are activities for you to do at home. This week for our spellings, let's look at the suffix 'ment'.
excitement, investment, department, cement, payment, movement, argument, ornament, document, basement
Some of our children have been using the White Rose maths lessons at home and have been really enjoying them. I thought that I would pop the link on here for you. As you have had fractions work in your home learning pack, the next few maths lessons that I will put on here are excellent at explaining all about fractions. Take a look: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/ There are 5 lessons here, one for each day. I'm sure that you will recognise some of the visual imagery that we use in school. You don't need to print the sheets off, just jot your answers in your book or on a white board.
Continuing with our Judasim work, follow this link to learn about some Jewish festivals. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-are-the-jewish-festivals/ Hannukah is my favourite festival, one reason being that Jewish people eat foods cooked in oil during Hannukah like doughnuts! Yummy! Can you find out why?
Each day, we are going to read you a story and put the link here on our blogs. First up is Mr Beswick reading "The Stone Cutter". Snuggle up with a teddy and a blanket and enjoy!
A message from Mrs Powell
Would you like some new teachers? How about today tuning into one of these lessons from celebratory teachers? https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2020/celebrity-supply-teachers
Lesson timetable:
Week 1
· Monday 8 June Geri Horner: English
· Tuesday 9 June Tim Peake: Science
· Wednesday 10 June Marcus Rashford: PE
· Thursday 11 June Jeff & Zoe: Gardening
· Friday 12 June Heston Blumenthal: Food Science
Week 2
· Monday 15 June Gary Lineker: Spanish
· Tuesday 16 June Tez Ilyas: Science
· Wednesday 17 June Nikki Lilly: IT
· Thursday 18 June Ricky Wilson: Art
· Friday 19 June Kelis: Cookery
Week 3
· Monday 22 June Darcey Bussell: Dance
· Tuesday 23 June Katie Piper: Wellbeing
· Wednesday 24 June Mark Labbett: Maths
· Thursday 25 June Isabel Clifton: Drama
· Friday 26 June Ed Balls: History
Week 4
· Monday 29 June Matthew Morrison: Musical Theatre
· Tuesday 30 June Ellie Simmonds: Geography
· Wednesday 1 July Martin Bashir: History
· Thursday 2 July Rachel & Maisie: British Sign Language
· Friday 3 July End of Term Review
Enjoy the lessons and please tell us what you think!
Have a super day Swallows, remember to take a look at our discussion for today on school spider. Hop on over and chat to me, I'm waiting.....
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxxxx
Monday 8th June Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 9:27pm
Good morning Skylarks,
I hope you are all well and still shining as bright as you possibly can. Today, I would like you to write down a list of about 5 things you have learnt to do or enjoyed doing during lockdown. Then, write around these things what you love about you!
Today, I would like you to have a go at the following maths lesson on BBC Bitesize that follows on from the previous work you were doing last week: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrsc86f
Do you remember reading the book ‘The Lost Happy Endings’? It was such a brilliant book and you all worked so hard to incorporate dialogue in your work. To recap your learning of this please have a go at following this online lesson about direct and indirect speech: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zm63c7h
Today’s special treat for you:
Mr Beswick has decided to read you all a story called ‘The Stone Cutter’. Please click the following link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gITpnVTZPI0
Message from Mrs Powell:
Would you like some new teachers? How about today tuning into one of these lessons from celebratory teachers?
Lesson timetable:
Week 1
- Monday 8 June
Geri Horner: English - Tuesday 9 June
Tim Peake: Science - Wednesday 10 June
Marcus Rashford: PE - Thursday 11 June
Jeff & Zoe: Gardening - Friday 12 June
Heston Blumenthal: Food Science
Week 2
- Monday 15 June
Gary Lineker: Spanish - Tuesday 16 June
Tez Ilyas: Science - Wednesday 17 June
Nikki Lilly: IT - Thursday 18 June
Ricky Wilson: Art - Friday 19 June
Kelis: Cookery
Week 3
- Monday 22 June
Darcey Bussell: Dance - Tuesday 23 June
Katie Piper: Wellbeing - Wednesday 24 June
Mark Labbett: Maths - Thursday 25 June
Isabel Clifton: Drama - Friday 26 June
Ed Balls: History
Week 4
- Monday 29 June
Matthew Morrison: Musical Theatre - Tuesday 30 June
Ellie Simmonds: Geography - Wednesday 1 July
Martin Bashir: History - Thursday 2 July
Rachel & Maisie: British Sign Language - Friday 3 July
End of Term Review
Enjoy the lessons and please tell us what you think!
Take care everyone, stay safe and keep smiling!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
Monday 8th June, by Miss Beattie
Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 4:57pm
Good Morning everyone and Happy Monday!
Class Discussion: I have started our first class discussion this morning! Just log in to your pupil VLE to join in. You can share your work, ask me questions or just pop by to say hello. I will try my best to reply to your messages as soon as possible!! I can’t wait to speak to you all J
This morning Mr Beswick has read a story for you: https://youtu.be/gITpnVTZPI0
I hope you all enjoyed our first weekly challenge workbook that I posted last Wednesday. I have attached the second one below – it contains puzzles, quizzes and short maths/writing tasks. Keep your eyes peeled for weekly challenge number 3 next week.
For maths and writing this week I would like you to follow the Oak National Academy lessons which focus on multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and summarising.
Maths: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/multiply-and-divide-by-10-and-100/
English: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-comprehension-summary/
I have also attached our class timetable below so that you can work on your projects this week if you wish. As always, this is only a suggested timetable and task list and you can pick and choose activities from it as you please.
Have a wonderful Monday!
Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Would you like some new teachers? How about today tuning into one of these lessons from celebratory teachers?
Lesson timetable:
Week 1
- Monday 8 June
Geri Horner: English - Tuesday 9 June
Tim Peake: Science - Wednesday 10 June
Marcus Rashford: PE - Thursday 11 June
Jeff & Zoe: Gardening - Friday 12 June
Heston Blumenthal: Food Science
Week 2
- Monday 15 June
Gary Lineker: Spanish - Tuesday 16 June
Tez Ilyas: Science - Wednesday 17 June
Nikki Lilly: IT - Thursday 18 June
Ricky Wilson: Art - Friday 19 June
Kelis: Cookery
Week 3
- Monday 22 June
Darcey Bussell: Dance - Tuesday 23 June
Katie Piper: Wellbeing - Wednesday 24 June
Mark Labbett: Maths - Thursday 25 June
Isabel Clifton: Drama - Friday 26 June
Ed Balls: History
Week 4
- Monday 29 June
Matthew Morrison: Musical Theatre - Tuesday 30 June
Ellie Simmonds: Geography - Wednesday 1 July
Martin Bashir: History - Thursday 2 July
Rachel & Maisie: British Sign Language - Friday 3 July
End of Term Review
Enjoy the lessons and please tell us what you think!
Toucans 8.6.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 7th Jun 2020 @ 4:55pm
Toucans Blog Monday 8th June
Good morning everyone, please watch this video clip with a message from Mr Beswick.
Today we will continue to develop our story writing skills by learning to use parenthesis. Please click on the link to access the lesson. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-and-p7-lessons
Today we will continue to revise fractions with this lesson on comparing fractions, decimals and percentages. Please follow this link.
I will also attach some Active Maths ideas that you might like to do.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for our new and exciting project - Art/Geography – Spirit of the Rainforest
Don’t forget to have a go at using the new ‘Discussion’ tool on our school website, even if it is just to say a quick hello. Remember this will be our new way to allow you to share your lovely work with me and ask me any questions. Here is a special treat for you, a story read by Mr Beswick https://youtu.be/gITpnVTZPI0
Message from Mrs Powell
Would you like some new teachers? How about today tuning into one of these lessons from celebratory teachers?
Lesson timetable:
Week 1
- Monday 8 June
Geri Horner: English - Tuesday 9 June
Tim Peake: Science - Wednesday 10 June
Marcus Rashford: PE - Thursday 11 June
Jeff & Zoe: Gardening - Friday 12 June
Heston Blumenthal: Food Science
Week 2
- Monday 15 June
Gary Lineker: Spanish - Tuesday 16 June
Tez Ilyas: Science - Wednesday 17 June
Nikki Lilly: IT - Thursday 18 June
Ricky Wilson: Art - Friday 19 June
Kelis: Cookery
Week 3
- Monday 22 June
Darcey Bussell: Dance - Tuesday 23 June
Katie Piper: Wellbeing - Wednesday 24 June
Mark Labbett: Maths - Thursday 25 June
Isabel Clifton: Drama - Friday 26 June
Ed Balls: History
Week 4
- Monday 29 June
Matthew Morrison: Musical Theatre - Tuesday 30 June
Ellie Simmonds: Geography - Wednesday 1 July
Martin Bashir: History - Thursday 2 July
Rachel & Maisie: British Sign Language - Friday 3 July
End of Term Review
Enjoy the lessons and please tell us what you think!
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and don’t forget you are all superstars in our eyes!
Friday 12th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 2:34pm
Good morning to my wonderful class. I can't actually believe it is Friday again- so Happy Friday!
Over the last few weeks my little gang have been turning old boxes into mini rooms. they have put so much detail into them- even sewing little cushions and beanbags. It has kept them busy and amused and has been something they have kept going back to and adding to over time.
Discussion: Today we are having a little chat about how you have been finding the school work and home learning in Lockdown and which topics you have enjoyed learning about.
School Jobs:
English: SPAG Recap our work on Nouns and Pronouns with this BBC Bitesize clip and activity https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z64q7nb
Maths: Try a Bitesize quiz https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zv8v382
Or do a fluency grid today. Remember grid 3 is easier and you can make any of the grids harder by choosing higher 3 digit numbers or 4 digit numbers to go in the star.
Reading: Curl up somewhere cosy and enjoy your book. Or listen to James and the Giant Peach being read to you https://www.roalddahl.com/taika-and-friends
Spelling: Use your spelling doodle, make up your own test or have a go at the test on Spelling Frame
Have a wonderful day. Remember: You are all AMAZING and are doing an INCREDIBLE job of all of this home learning. Be PROUD of yourselves because I certainly am.
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Today and every day we would like you to enjoy story time from one of our teachers or teaching assistants! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf1ZlyePsg4
Have a lovely day and remember we think you are amazing!
Thursday 11th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 2:32pm
Good morning to all of you.
Thank you for all of your ideas for our circuit activities in our discussion yesterday. Why don't you give them a try today. How many can you link together to make your own workout?
Look what Toby and I noticed yesterday! Our Peas, Courgettes and Strawberries are growing and producing flowers, fruits and seed pods! I've heard about lots of you being fantastic gardeners and looking after your beans, sunflowers and gardens really well!
Storytime: Watch Miss Beattie reading 'Dogs don't do ballet' today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5h7VQfaGQo&t=9s
School Jobs:
Maths: Use White Rose Maths Y4 WEEK 1 LESSON 1 to recap tenths and decimals. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Have a go at the worksheet with this link https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/homelearning/year-4/Y4-Spring-Block-4-WO1-Recognise-tenths-and-hundredths-2019.pdf
RE: This half term we would have been finding out about the religion of Islam. Have a go at this lesson from Oak National Academy https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/how-did-the-religion-of-islam-begin/
Reading: Choose a reading comprehension or an activity from the Reading Journal activitiy sheet in your first Home Learning Pack or read another article in First News attached in yesterday's blog.
Have a wonderful day Goldfinches
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
What would you like to be when they grow up? Many people have dreams about the future and that is good. Have a look at the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECP87EFic48&feature=youtu.be
The video below tells the story of Joseph, a famous dreamer from the Bible. When Pharaoh put him in prison, Joseph dreamt of being let out, but it wasn’t until Pharaoh had some dreams of his own that Joseph was called upon to help and secured his own release from prison.
It is good to dream of being happy when we are older: happiness is vital! However, Jesus pointed out something important about happiness.
Jesus said that people would be happy if they did the following - care about other people - always try to be fair and just - are kind and show mercy - work to make peace
Dear God, Please help us to work hard to achieve our ambitions and to become what we want to be. Whatever we do or however we live our life, help us to remember the needs of others. Help us to care about other people, to be fair and just, To be kind and merciful and to make peace, wherever we are. Amen.
Further activities you could have a go at… you could try making a dreamcatcher to catch your own dreams. There are some instructions available at: https://tinyurl.com/y7acpruh
Have you read the book The BFG by Roald Dahl? Why not try making a BFG dream jar? There are some instructions available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xhSTjBea0
Wednesday 10th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 2:31pm
Good Morning to my fantatstic team,
Yesterday I enjoyed a little bit of time in my garden to unwind after work. It is lovely to be outdoors and it's important to get lots of fresh air each day. Is there a little spot in your garden or in a nearby park you can just relax in and listen to the birds or look up at the sky and clouds? My 3 children love trying to spot different animals when they look up at the clouds.
Active time: How is your active time going? Are you making time every day to be active and exercise. We all need to remember how good exercise is for our bodies and for our brains and happiness. Our 'Discussion' today is to share some ideas to help each other. Have a look at the discussion blog and see what you can add.
Storytime: Today storytime is with Mrs Whittingham. Sit back and relax! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEB5oavzP_U
School Jobs:
Spellings: Spelling Frame games https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/73/35-Word-list-years-3-and-4---t-to-w
Times Tables: x3, x6, x9 division facts (sheets attached - remember you don't have to print them)
Have a look at this to find out the divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 https://www.softschools.com/math/topics/the_divisibility_rules_3_6_9/#:~:text=The%20Rule%20for%206%3A%20The,digits%20is%20divisible%20by%203.
Mindfulness: Have a go at the Blue Yoga session from world ocean day https://worldoceanday.school/ or choose an activity from the mindfulness pack attached.
I finally managed to upload the next First News for you. Which articles will grab your interest today? I thought the one about the lonely elephant was so interesting!
Have another wonderful day. Sending you lots of virtual hugs,
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Some of you are returning to school but we need to remember lockdown is hard for everyone. Talk about their feelings to someone special at home and to try to understand that everyone is finding this time difficult in some way. Have a look at this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RXF5-29VGU&feature=youtu.be
You may wish to use the following prayer.
Dear God,
During this time of lockdown, Please help us to think about others and their needs. Help us to be kind and helpful. Help us to talk openly about our feelings So that together, we can grow stronger and closer.
5.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - FRIDAY, by Miss Gillam
Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 9:02am
Good morning Starlings,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am totally blown away by your surprise birthday messages. I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Thank you!
I will be celebrating by having a special tea with my family in the garden this evening. Fingers crossed the rain disappears by then or it is going to be a very soggy one. It will be worth it to get to see my amazing big sister and brother-in-law though. I haven’t opened my presents yet… that will be my next job after posting this. HOORAY.
Please continue to follow our attached timetable today. I have also listed some additional activities that you might enjoy having a go at below. Enjoy!
Art/DT Lesson
- In our Oak Academy lesson for today we are going to be making a terrarium. A terrarium is like an aquarium, but for plants instead of fish. We will be making a simplified version of this terrarium, including items we may have readily available in our homes and gardens.
- There is also a lovely DT lesson on the BBC Bitesize website today. Follow the link below to learn the basics of product packaging design and production.
Computing – How Games Work?
Learn all about what goes into making a computer game and how algorithms work.
Look at some photos of when you were younger. What things have stayed the same? What things are different now? Now see if you can look at some photos of when your parents or grandparents were little. What things have stayed the same from then until now? What things are different?
Practise reading more words with your set 2 and set 3 sounds using the booklet attached below. Try to read at least two pages a day over the next few weeks. Don’t worry if you find these works tricky to read, practise makes perfect.
- Say the sounds you can see
- Say the sounds faster and listen – Can you hear a work?
- Say the word
- Check for meaning
Well done for asking working so hard, Mrs Southern and I are so proud of you all.
Lots of love
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
Smile, it’s Summer
Scientists have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions:
- White makes us feel cold.
- Red makes us feel warm or angry.
- Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.
- Orange makes us feel warm or happy.
- Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.
- Black makes us feel sad.
- Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.
When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them. An unknown poet said, ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’ In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.
Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.
How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?
Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.
I think especially of… (pause for the children to fill in the names).
Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.
Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.
Toucans 5.6.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 8:46am
Toucans Blog Friday 5th June
Please click here for a message from Mrs Whittingham https://youtu.be/ikidU1Blw6I
Also here is our Lostock’s Lockdown Part 2 https://youtu.be/ggN2PNKY6fA
Today we will focus on developing our story settings by using fronted adverbials. Please follow this link to complete the lesson. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-and-p7-lessons
Today we will revise equivalent fractions and decimals. Please follow this link.
I will also attach some Cooking with Maths ideas that you might like to do over the weekend.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s lesson RE – The Good Samaritan
Mrs Powell’s Worship
Smile, it’s Summer
Scientists have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions:
- White makes us feel cold.
- Red makes us feel warm or angry.
- Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.
- Orange makes us feel warm or happy.
- Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.
- Black makes us feel sad.
- Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.
When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them. An unknown poet said, ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’ In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.
Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.
How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?
Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.
I think especially of… (pause for the children to fill in the names).
Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.
Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.
Have a great weekend everyone! Don’t forget from Monday we will be using the new ‘Discussion’ tool on our school website. This will allow you to share your lovely work with me and ask me any questions. I will attach the ‘Pupil Guide’ which will tell you how to use this tool.
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
Friday 5th June, by Miss Beattie
Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 7:41am
Hi Robins and a huge happy Friday to you all J
It’s the weekend!! Another week down which means another week closer to being back together again! I just want to say well done my lovely Robins – I know it’s not easy being stuck at home for all this time but just remember you are keeping others, and most importantly, yourselves safe. You certainly will be remembered as heroes for years to come and I am extremely proud of you!
Miss Thwaites has been busy creating another Lostock Lockdown video for you all. Thank you to those who sent in lovely photos. You can watch part 2 here: https://youtu.be/ggN2PNKY6fA
Let’s start our Friday as usual with some happy thoughts… What are you grateful for? What has made you smile this week? What have you achieved? Write them down or share them with somebody in your house.
Thank you to everyone who has shared photos with me on Twitter this week – I have loved seeing what you have been up to and your lovely smiling faces!
Our timetable and task list is linked below for some suggested activities.
You should have received an email this week regarding how we intend to further develop our home learning. One way we are doing this is by providing the children with a platform to ask their teacher questions and receive feedback on their work. We will be doing this through the ‘Discussions’ tool on the pupil VLE on our school website. I will be starting our first class discussion on Monday and look forward to chatting to you all and seeing what you have been up to. I have attached the guide to support you getting set up on our discussions, but f you need any further help, please just email. We also have new home learning packs available on requests for those who would like one. Again, just email if you are interested J
Have a lovely weekend Robins! Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Smile, it’s Summer
Scientists have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions:
- White makes us feel cold.
- Red makes us feel warm or angry.
- Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.
- Orange makes us feel warm or happy.
- Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.
- Black makes us feel sad.
- Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.
When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them. An unknown poet said, ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’ In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.
Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.
How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?
Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.
I think especially of… (pause for the children to fill in the names).
Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.
Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.
Y2 05.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 9:29pm
Buenas Dias Swallows children
How are you all today? Happy Friday! I know that Monday may feel strange for some of you as our Owls children are returning to school. We all wish that everyone was coming back together again. Mrs Elson and I were saying yesterday how much we wished that we could see you on Monday. However, you have to stay at home where you are safe with your families. One day, we will be able to see each other again and I am looking forward to that day so much.
I am so proud of how well you have been getting on at home. You have impresed me with the amount of work and learning that you have all done. The photographs that your grown ups send me really cheer me up when I am missing you. Well done to all of you. It will be strange for me too on Monday as Thomas has been my little shadow during this time away from school!
Our lessons today can be found here. There is a lovely Science lesson on making a habitat for plants at home.
Each year, we listen to this three times tables song in Swallows class. It is a really catchy tune and will help you to remember the multiples of 3. Take a listen!
Here is another active maths challenge that helps you with your number work.
Using chalk, draw the numbers 1-10 in circles on the ground. Roll one or two dice and add them together. Now jump on as many circles as you need to make the total on the dice by adding the numbers together as you go. How many ways can you do it? Instead of adding the dice together, make a two-digit number and then jump on as many circles so when the numbers are added together, they make the two-digit number.
From Monday, I will be opening a daily "discussion" on School Spider where you and your parents can chat to me, it will be a little bit like sending each other text messages. You can just send me a message or upload work on there for me to look at. I am really looking forward to this. I'm attaching a parent guide so that your grown ups know how to find our class discussion.
Here is the link to part 2 of our Lostock Lockdown Story video. It is just brilliant to see you all having so much fun with your families. You will have so many stories to tell me when I see you again!
A message from Mrs Powell
Smile, it’s Summer
Scientists have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions:
· White makes us feel cold.
· Red makes us feel warm or angry.
· Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.
· Orange makes us feel warm or happy.
· Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.
· Black makes us feel sad.
· Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.
When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them. An unknown poet said, ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’ In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.
Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.
How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?
Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.
I think especially of… (pause for the children to fill in the names).
Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.
Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.
I am making another home learning pack on Monday so please let the office know if you would like one and they will be ready from Tuesday onwards.
Have a wonderful weekend Swallows and I look forward to "chatting" to you on School Spider each day next week.
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Tuesday 9th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 8:42pm
Guten Tag Goldfinches. Wie Gehts?
Over the last week me and my little gang have started watching the Secret Life of the Zoo again. Have you seen the news about the problems the zoo is facing because of the Corona Virus Lock down? Yesterday, I e-mailed a little task that you might like to get involved in and have added it to our discussion thread for today. If you are having any problems getting on to the VLE discussion then just e-mail admin and we will sort it out for you. I loved seeing all your comments yesterday.
Storytime: today is with Miss Thwaites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taG8mwAHBeI&feature=youtu.be
School jobs:
Maths: Remind yourselves about decimal numbers with the Super Movers and this BBC Bitesize lesson and activity. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zvyrkxs
Reading: Read all about the Great Orme Copper Mine to help you with your Geography task this week.
Geography: Look at the weekly home learning plan for an idea for a task based on The Great Orme Copper Mine.
New Pack: There is a new Home Learning Work Pack available for Y4. Just phone or e-mail admin to order one. Please ask for 'Summer 2 Pack 1' as there are a few now!
Finally- here is another gorgeous book that I think you will like. The illustrations are beautiful!
Have a great day my hardworking Goldfinches. Be your usual kind and helpful selves.
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Ask your child, ‘How many of you belong to a team?’
Encourage them to speak of their role in sports teams and uniformed organizations such as Cubs and Brownies and their varied experience of teamwork in school. Establish how, as members of a team, different people work together and aim to help one another.
Introduce the following story, which tells how Jesus invited others to become part of his team of helpers. Listen carefully for the ways in which the story speaks of helping one another.
Jesus Calls Four Fishermen
Imagine that you are standing by a wide, blue lake that is surrounded by hazy, grey-green hills. On the shore there are some fishing boats, and a crowd of people have gathered nearby. They’re listening (just like you!) to someone by the water’s edge. Who is it? It’s Jesus of Nazareth! Everyone loves his stories and wise sayings, but today, not everyone can see or hear. What can be done?
Jesus has an idea and calls to one of the fishermen, ‘Could I use your boat?’
‘You can have it!’ replies the fisherman, whose name is Peter. ‘We’ve been out on the lake all night and haven’t caught a thing.’
Jesus clambers into the boat and sits down. Peter and his brother, Andrew, push the boat into the water so that it floats close to the shore. Now everyone can see and listen!
Eventually, however, it is time to finish. Jesus says a thank-you prayer and the people return to their villages.
‘Are you hungry? What about some fish?’ Jesus asks the fishermen. ‘Let’s find some deeper water and catch some.’
‘But we’ve tried,’ the fishermen say. ‘We’ve tried all night and caught nothing.’
Jesus doesn’t say a word; he just points towards the middle of the lake. Peter and Andrew shake their heads, but set out again.
When they reach deep water, Jesus tells them to let out their nets. Peter and Andrew do as they are asked. Quickly, the water starts to swirl and splash and the net becomes heavy with fish. In fact, the net is so heavy that the men struggle to pull it back in! Peter shouts to some other fishermen nearby, ‘James! John! Quickly! Come and help us!’
Together, they slowly draw in the net. Soon, fish are flipping and flapping, slithering and sliding all over the floor of the boat. They have to use both boats to get the catch safely back to shore. Peter is amazed that there are so many, but also a bit ashamed that he’d been so ready to give up.
‘Now,’ says Jesus, ‘you’re fishermen, but I need a team of followers who will help to spread a net of friendship. Will you help to draw all kinds of people together in care and respect?’
He looks at each of the fishermen in turn: Peter, Andrew, James and John. Then, Jesus begins to walk slowly away from the shore. The four fishermen watch as he goes and then look at one another . . . ‘Yes,’ they decide, ‘it would be good to help.’
Encourage your child to think about the importance of teamwork in all aspect of our lives:
- Together
- Everyone
- Achieves
- More
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who help us in our lives.
Thank you for the people who have already helped us today.
Please help us to help one another.
Please help us to remember that it is good to work together in a team.
Friday 5th June, by Mrs Campion
Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 6:20pm
Good morning Owls and welcome to Fun Friday! Another week has passed!
I have attached some activities that you might like to do today. Please remember to share all of your fun with us on Tapestry.
• Maybe today you could have a Disney day, make some yummy treats and watch your favourite film!
• Here is a recipe to make some chocolate cereal treats https://tasty.co/recipe?0=%252F3-ingredient-chocolate-cereal-treats&slug=3-ingredient-chocolate-cereal-treats&canonicalUrl=https%253A%252F%252Ftasty.co
• Watch this video to help to learn a magic trick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl_Mr_4JZwk
• Relax and enjoy a story time: https://www.oliverjeffers.com/books (These are stories by one of my favourite authors Oliver Jeffers. We have read some of his stories together in class.)
• This is a lovely animated story called 'Treasure' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOo7pl052Ww
To finish our Maths this week you need to make a trail for the snail. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/
I am very excited that some of you will be returning to school on Monday. I cannot wait to see you. Don't worry if you are not coming back to school just yet. I will still be checking in with you everyday and sharing lots of activities that we do in school that you can also do at home. We have made a little video to share what school is like. It looks a little different but we will still be having lots of fun together. Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UUeSDIQIgU&feature=youtu.be
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I am super proud of you all.
Love from Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell: Smile, it’s Summer
Scientists have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions:
• White makes us feel cold.
• Red makes us feel warm or angry.
• Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.
• Orange makes us feel warm or happy.
• Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.
• Black makes us feel sad.
• Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.
When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them. An unknown poet said, ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’ In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.
Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.
How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?
Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.
I think especially of… (pause for the children to fill in the names).
Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.
Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.
Thursday 4th June, by Miss Beattie
Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 8:46am
Good morning everyone and Happy Thursday!
How are you all this morning? I hope you are well and still smiling J
Click here for this morning’s video message – I decided to read you another silly poem this morning:
Did you enjoy the weekly challenge booklet I set for you yesterday? If you did, then look out for the next one on Monday J
What have you got planned for today? Have a look at our class timetable for some suggestions. I know so many of you are loving the daily maths and English lessons on BBC Bitesize and the Oak National Academy. If you want to have a look at these today, I will pop the links below:
Don’t forget how important daily reading and times tables practice is too. You could go on times tables rockstars or hit the button to kick start your brains this morning!
Remember if you need anything at all, including a new home learning pack, please do not hesitate to contact school via telephone or the admin email address: admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk
Have a lovely day and I will speak to you again tomorrow J
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Being Grateful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/dilMMKU762g
Lucky showed his gratitude to Jack by saving his life, and Jack did not abandon his faithful friend. He, too, showed gratitude in return.
Think about and discuss the following questions:
- Who are we grateful to?
- Who has helped us recently?
- Are we people who say ‘thank you’ often?
- Is there someone to whom we should show gratitude today?
Dear God,
Teach us to show our gratitude for what we have
By caring for those around us,
And for the wonderful world in which we live.
4.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Thursday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 8:29am
Good morning Starlings
I hope you are all well and looking forward to another day of home learning. I have been very busy in school this week, it still feels strange to be there and not see your little faces. I have them all in my mind though. Our bubble classrooms are nearly ready and I can’t wait to welcome you all into our new zones soon. It won’t be long now.
There are the four adults who will be working with our two Year One bubbles. Mrs Elson will be working with Miss Gillam in one bubble and Mrs Rice will be working with Mrs Southern in the other. We have chosen to work like this to ensure that you ALL have an adult that you know really well to help you to settle back into school. Working and playing in a bubble just means that we are working with a smaller group of our friends, a smaller Starlings team. There will be no more than 15 children in each Starling bubble. We have made a lovely video to share with you soon where Teddy shows you exactly what our school looks like now that there have been a few little changes. I will keep telling you little bits about our return so that you know exactly what to expect when we get to see each other again in a couple of weeks’ time.
Please continue to follow our attached timetable today. I have also listed some additional activities that you might enjoy having a go at below. Enjoy!
A few weeks ago, our Maths work focused on Volume and Capacity. I wonder if you could solve some problems on the BBC Bitesize website today? In today's lesson, learn how to solve some farmyard problems about capacity and volume.
Today I would like you to learn how to correctly write the days of the week in order and use them in writing. Remember that the days of the week always start with a capital letter and all end in 'day'.
You need to remember the sequence for the days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Please follow the link below to see a lovely BBC Bitesize lesson with a video and activities to help you to learn the days of the week.
Who is Valentina Tereshkova?
In today’s History lesson we are going to be learning all about Valentina Tereshkova. She was the first woman to go into space! We will be listening to and drawing the story of her phenomenal life. Get your space suit ready so we can blast off into space!
Have a lovely day Starlings, fingers crossed the rain will stop soon so you can enjoy spending some more time outdoors.
With lots of love
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
Pause for Thought: Being Grateful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/dilMMKU762g
Lucky showed his gratitude to Jack by saving his life, and Jack did not abandon his faithful friend. He, too, showed gratitude in return.
Think about and discuss the following questions:
- Who are we grateful to?
- Who has helped us recently?
- Are we people who say ‘thank you’ often?
- Is there someone to whom we should show gratitude today?
Dear God,
Teach us to show our gratitude for what we have
By caring for those around us,
And for the wonderful world in which we live.
Friday 5th June Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 6:42pm
Happy Hot chocolate Friday to my amazing Skylarks!
As you know I have been requesting lockdown photos over the past couple of weeks. After the first part being so successful and a great opportunity to showcase the idea, we thought it would be great to create a second one. Please click on the following link to access the next part: Lostock's Lockdown story part 2
Have a go at the following challenges for week: Maths challenges
Fronted adverbials is something you have been using for a few years now and you are all brilliant at using them accurately in sentences. To refresh your minds and to support your future learning it would be fantastic if you could complete the following lesson today: Using fronted adverbials
Message from Mrs Powell:
Smile, it’s Summer
Scientists have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions:
- White makes us feel cold.
- Red makes us feel warm or angry.
- Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.
- Orange makes us feel warm or happy.
- Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.
- Black makes us feel sad.
- Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.
When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them. An unknown poet said, ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’ In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.
Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.
How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?
Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.
I think especially of… (pause for the children to fill in the names).
Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.
Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.
I hope you have a safe and fun weekend!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
Thursday 4th June Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 6:30pm
Happy Thursday morning to you all!
I hope you are all well and still smiling! Remember success doesn't have a size if you have successfully completed something you thought you couldn't then that is something you should be proud of!
You have been working super hard this week on fractions so I would like you to carry on with this work through BBC Bitesize: Fractions of amounts applied in a context
Please have a go at completing this following reading task where you will develop your skills of infering what is happening through using evidence from the text: Reading text for today
Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Being Grateful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/dilMMKU762g
Lucky showed his gratitude to Jack by saving his life, and Jack did not abandon his faithful friend. He, too, showed gratitude in return.
Think about and discuss the following questions:
- Who are we grateful to?
- Who has helped us recently?
- Are we people who say ‘thank you’ often?
- Is there someone to whom we should show gratitude today?
Dear God,
Teach us to show our gratitude for what we have
By caring for those around us,
And for the wonderful world in which we live.
Keep smiling as always!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
Toucans 4.6.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 5:28pm
Toucans Blog Thursday 4th June
Please click here for a message from Mrs Whittingham
Today we will focus on developing our characters to improve our story writing skills. Please follow this link to complete the lesson. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zncsscw/year-6-and-p7-lessons
Over the next few weeks, I will be choosing a variety of Maths lessons to ensure we have covered everything from the Year 6 curriculum so that I know you will be ready for High School. We may jump around a bit from one topic to another, as I look back at any of the objectives that we found tricky throughout the year. Today you will look at converting fractions to percentages.
I will also attach the Arty Maths ideas that we were using last half term as I know you enjoyed them. So as the weather is not great at the moment you might like having a go at doing some of these again.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s lesson Science – Everything Changes – How do living things survive?
Mrs Powell’s Worship
Pause for Thought: Being Grateful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/dilMMKU762g
Lucky showed his gratitude to Jack by saving his life, and Jack did not abandon his faithful friend. He, too, showed gratitude in return.
Think about and discuss the following questions:
- Who are we grateful to?
- Who has helped us recently?
- Are we people who say ‘thank you’ often?
- Is there someone to whom we should show gratitude today?
Dear God,
Teach us to show our gratitude for what we have
By caring for those around us,
And for the wonderful world in which we live.
Have a great day everyone!
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
04.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 4:48pm
Buenas Dias Swallows
I hope you are all well and looking forward to another day. I was busy in school yesterday, it still feels strange to be there and not see your little faces. I have them all in my mind though. How are you getting on with your Judaism research about The Torah? Please show me what you have found out.
Today's lessons continue with litres and mililitres.
Next time your grown up is cooking or baking, ask them if you can help to read the scales on the measuring jug or weighing scales. I have attached some work sheets that may help you to learn how to read scales.
Here is another link to fabulous stories being read to you. This site is Roald Dahl books beginning with James and the Giant Peach. Snuggle up with a teddy and get lost in this fabulous adventure.
I am also attaching the Y2 wriitng activities that you can choose from.
A message from Mrs Powell
Pause for Thought: Being Grateful Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/dilMMKU762g
Lucky showed his gratitude to Jack by saving his life, and Jack did not abandon his faithful friend. He, too, showed gratitude in return.
Think about and discuss the following questions:
· Who are we grateful to?
· Who has helped us recently?
· Are we people who say ‘thank you’ often?
· Is there someone to whom we should show gratitude today?
Dear God,
Teach us to show our gratitude for what we have
By caring for those around us,
And for the wonderful world in which we live.
Have a wonderful day, we miss you.
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx