Our blogs
15.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Monday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 7:54am
Good morning Starlings
The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hip hooray! Well it's sunny as I'm writing this, hopefully it is still sunny as you read this! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to? Perhaps you could share a photograph or write a sentence about what you go up to this weekend in our class discussion on School Spider? I have also asked you all a question today. I wonder if you could reply by typing your answer and attaching a photograph or picture?
Once again, I have attached a new timetable for you to follow this week with new tasks and projects to complete – remember this is only a suggested timetable and activities are always optional! Just do what you can, when you can. Your child's mental health is much more important than a home learning task.
Today’s history lesson focuses on Florence Nightingale. Learn about the life, actions and achievements of Florence Nightingale by watching the video linked below. We then have an exciting BBC Bitesize activity to complete.
Write a list for each of these words with words that rhyme with; jug, cat, jam, pen, man, pig, log, box, ball, cake, sun. Try to think of at least 2 rhymes for each word. EXTRA: come up with your own words that rhyme.
- Time yourself writing numbers 0-20. See how quickly you can do it and try to beat your time during the week. Make sure all of your numbers are facing the correct direction!
- Draw a clock for each of these activities and draw the hands on the clocks to show what time you did them; get up, breakfast, lunch, dinner, go to bed. Add 3 more activities you do during your day.
Write down a list of the 5 different senses humans have and the body part each sense belongs to, e.g. hearing - ears. Now watch this video https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9yycdm/articles/zxy987h . For each sense, write down one interesting fact you have learnt.
For today’s special treat Mrs Downing has decided to read you a story called ’Franklin’s flying Bookshop’. To watch simply just click on the following link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFwOWhgOB6w
That's all from me for now, I will speak to you tomorrow. Hope you have a super start to the week. Keep smiling, you are all amazing!
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
Alex Staniforth
Alex has had many barriers in his young life but found that he had a passion for the outdoors at a very young age. He found that if he was outside he was happy and chose many challenges including two attempts up Everest which failed due to an earthquake and avalanche. He said that we can’t always choose our challenges but we can choose how we respond to them. He says that Everest was just one step on his journey and his mission is to help others discover their own Everest in life and go for it. Alex is an amazing person, remember you can achieve anything in life that you want to do. Many years ago Alex went to school in Cheshire just like you do, I know because I taught him. I wonder what you will achieve and what your Everest will be? He and I would both say, you can do anything! I have emailed him recently and he has promised to come and talk to you all in school when it is safe to do so.
Y2 15.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 7:53am
Buenas Dias Swallows class
I hope that you all had a super weekend in the sunshine. What did you get up to? Hop on over to our discussions page to tell me all about your weekend. We have another beautiful sunny day today, please go outside and enjoy this gorgeous weather. Remember your sun cream!
Today's stoy is Mrs Downing reading Franklin’s Flying Bookshop- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFwOWhgOB6w. Get comfy and cosy and enjoy
I have found a lovely little poem for you that was written by a child in Primary School. Can you guess what the poet is describing in their poem?
Black and white
Thick and furry
Fast as the wind
Always in a hurry
Couple of spots
Rub my ears
Always comes when his name he hears
Loves his ball; it's his favorite thing
What's most fun for him? Everything!
Great big tongue that licks my face
Has a crate, his very own space
Big brown eyes like moon pies
He's my friend till the very end!
Chat to a member of your family today about your pet (or a pet you wish you had).
- What does it look like?
- What does your pet like to do?
- What’s your favorite thing about your pet?
- What makes that pet special?
Can you wrie your own pet poem like the one above? Have a go and show me. You can always upload your poem onto our discussions page for us all to read and enjoy. We could guess which pet you are describing in your poem.
Our RE lesson today looks at the prophet Abraham and tells us how Judaism began.https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-was-the-first-covenant-between-abraham-and-god
In Writing, we will look at how to contract two words into one using an apostrophe. I have attached some activities that you can have a go at by yourself.
In Maths, we are moving on to understanding what a third is.
A message from Mrs Powell
Alex Staniforth
Alex has had many barriers in his young life but found that he had a passion for the outdoors at a very young age. He found that if he was outside he was happy and chose many challenges including two attempts up Everest which failed due to an earthquake and avalanche. He said that we can’t always choose our challenges but we can choose how we respond to them. He says that Everest was just one step on his journey and his mission is to help others discover their own Everest in life and go for it. Alex is an amazing person, remember you can achieve anything in life that you want to do. Many years ago Alex went to school in Cheshire just like you do, I know because I taught him. I wonder what you will achieve and what your Everest will be? He and I would both say, you can do anything! I have emailed him recently and he has promised to come and talk to you all in school when it is safe to do so.
Have a wonderful sunny day Swallows. Remember to use your manners and always show the lovely kindness that you all have inside.
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Monday 15th June - Robins, by Miss Beattie
Date: 14th Jun 2020 @ 9:00pm
Good Morning everyone J
Another Monday is upon us! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, I’m hoping the sunshine will come out this week!
This morning Mrs Downing has read a story for you:
You will find attached a new home learning timetable with further project and task recommendations to keep you busy at home. Our Class Discussion is also up and running for today if you have any questions or queries. For maths and writing, we will continue with our Oak National Academy Lessons. Today they are looking at fact retrieval and ordering mass.
Maths: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/ordering-mass/
English: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-comprehension-fact-retrieval-573214/
There is also a lovely PSHE lesson on there today about our NHS heroes: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/do-you-want-to-be-a-hero/
Finally, I have attached this week’s new challenge booklet for you this morning – I know lots of you have enjoyed them the past couple of weeks. This week we have a pyramid puzzle, missing number maths challenge and a synonym activity. I will post the next challenge booklet on Monday. Enjoy!
Have a super Monday and I will speak to you all tomorrow.
Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Alex Staniforth
Alex has had many barriers in his young life but found that he had a passion for the outdoors at a very young age. He found that if he was outside he was happy and chose many challenges including two attempts up Everest which failed due to an earthquake and avalanche. He said that we can’t always choose our challenges but we can choose how we respond to them. He says that Everest was just one step on his journey and his mission is to help others discover their own Everest in life and go for it. Alex is an amazing person; remember you can achieve anything in life that you want to do. Many years ago Alex went to school in Cheshire just like you do, I know because I taught him. I wonder what you will achieve and what your Everest will be? He and I would both say, you can do anything! I have emailed him recently and he has promised to come and talk to you all in school when it is safe to do so.
Monday 15th June Home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 14th Jun 2020 @ 7:56pm
Good morning Skylarks class,
I trust that you are all well and had a lovely weekend, the weather is hopefully starting to get better and improve.
Here is today’s positive thought of the day:
Today is an important week, it is Refugee week. So I thought it would be nice to ease you in to a new week through doing some activities related to it this morning instead of your usual maths and English work. This year’s theme is to look at resources and ‘imagine a kinder world’. This ties in really well to current things in the news and the current pandemic that really gets you to think about how it is important to be supportive and kind towards others. During this activity you will look through a range of different resources:
- Developing understanding and building empathy
- Adapting to challenges
- Family and community
- Sharing stories
All of these aspects really help you to develop a sense of understanding of the wider aspects of our lives and then lives of others.
The learning outcomes of these activities will be:
- Think about the meaning of and how to build empathy
- Explore how understanding people is a kind act
- Reflect on how empathy can create a kinder world.
Looking at these three outcomes there is an important word throughout ‘empathy’. If you are unsure of what this word means to begin with then here is the following definition.
Empathy- the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
To access this learning then follow the link where all the resources can be downloaded: https://www.redcross.org.uk/get-involved/teaching-resources/refugee-week-imagine-a-kinder-world## There is a PowerPoint that will guide you through the activities this can be found on the link or here I have attached it (just double click the icon).
For today’s special treat Mrs Downing has decided to read you a story called ’Franklin’s flying Bookshop’. To watch simply just click on the following link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFwOWhgOB6w
Message from Mrs Powell:
Alex Staniforth
Alex has had many barriers in his young life but found that he had a passion for the outdoors at a very young age. He found that if he was outside he was happy and chose many challenges including two attempts up Everest which failed due to an earthquake and avalanche. He said that we can’t always choose our challenges but we can choose how we respond to them. He says that Everest was just one step on his journey and his mission is to help others discover their own Everest in life and go for it. Alex is an amazing person, remember you can achieve anything in life that you want to do. Many years ago Alex went to school in Cheshire just like you do, I know because I taught him. I wonder what you will achieve and what your Everest will be? He and I would both say, you can do anything! I have emailed him recently and he has promised to come and talk to you all in school when it is safe to do so.
Take care and stay safe!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
12.6.20 Starlings Class Blog FRIDAY, by Miss Gillam
Date: 12th Jun 2020 @ 8:40am
Happy Hot Chocolate Friday Starlings! 😊
Here is a lovely little story for you to listen to while you enjoy your delicious hot chocolate today.
You have all made me so proud once again. Well done for another week at home! You and your adults at home really are doing so well. I know it’s tough but you’ve got this! My sticker drawer in the classroom hasn’t been used in a while so I’m sending you lots of virtual Christian Value stickers to say a huge well done and to make you smile! I know you love them! ❤️
I don’t know about you, but I’m really fed up with this miserable weather now! I’m keeping my fingers crossed today for some sunshine over the weekend! ☀️
Please continue to follow our attached timetable and task list today. Below are some other exciting activities that you might like to try today.
When we add –ed to the end of a verb (a doing word) it shows us it happened in the past e.g. Tom looked at the book. Add –ed to these verbs and then write a sentence for each word; walk, jump, clean, want, work, push, play, wash, brush, kick.
Remind yourself of the value of different coins using real, toy or you could make some paper money. Practise making these amounts with your coins: 3p, 4p, 5p, 10p, 12p, 15p, 20p, 25p, 30p, 32p, 40p, 41p, 50p. Use your 2s, 5s and 10s to help you! Perhaps you could make yourself a little shop too? What will you sell? What could you buy at your shop for 20p? Could you buy two items for 20p?
Ask someone to draw around you if you have chalk or some large bits of paper, if not draw a smaller version of you on a piece of paper. Label these body parts: head, neck, arm, shoulder, elbow, hand, wrist, finger, thumb, chest, tummy, hip, leg, knee, ankle, foot, toe.
Make up your own version of head, shoulders, knees and toes using different body parts. For example, shoulders, hips, back and feet, back and feet; shoulders, hips, back and feet, back and feet and ears and nose and lips and chin; shoulders, hips, back and feet, back and feet! Video yourself performing your song.
Read Write Inc
I know some of you at home have been watching RWI lessons already but from next week they are adding even more to help at home.
There’s a new video for each lesson every day. They aren’t very long but will make a BIG difference! Here is a little bit about what each lesson is.
Watch them here!
Try and watch a few lessons each week. Focus on the set 3 sounds, hold a sentence 2 and red words 2. Lots of you will be able to give the longer words a go too! Let me know if you have any questions. 😊
Have a wonderful weekend everyone, I will speak to you again on Monday.
With lots of love from
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
Today and every day we would like you to enjoy story time from one of our teachers or teaching assistants!
Have a lovely day and remember we think you are amazing!
Toucans 12.6.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 12th Jun 2020 @ 8:36am
Toucans Blog Friday 12th June
Good morning Toucans, I hope you are all keeping well. Anyone got any good book recommendations for your classmates? Please add these to our Discussion today? Have a great day and weekend.
We will continue to work through this booklet so I would like you to read Activity 3 on page 7 and complete Activity 4 on page 8 – Persuasive Techniques.
How is your arithmetic? Do you think you can still remember everything that we covered in Year 6 in preparation for the SATS? Have a go today at the attached Arithmetic paper. I will attach the answers for you to check afterwards! On Monday I will attach the Reasoning and Problem Solving paper.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s lesson and resources PSHCE – No Outsiders – We’re all Wonders
Message from Mrs Powell
Today and every day we would like you to enjoy story time from one of our teachers or teaching assistants!
Have a lovely day and remember we think you are amazing!
Here is your story for today - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf1ZlyePsg4
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and have a fabulous day!
Y2 12.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 9:01pm
Buenas Dias Swallows class
I hope that you are all well and looking forward to the weekend, it is just around the corner!
In our writing lessons today, we look once again at conjunctions.
To understand how to use coordinating conjunctions like because, if and when in sentences.
In our maths lesson, we continue to find quarters, of amounts this time.
I thought that we could learn some new Spanish words today. This time, we will learn the names of pets.
I have attached a pets matching game for you to play with. I hope you enjoy this.
Have a wonderful weekend Swallows. Remember to hop on over to our discussions page to chat with other people from our class.
A little prayer from me to you:
Dear God
Thank you for every child in Swallows class. Thank you for their friends and their families. Please let my children know how treasured they are and how extremely special each and every one of them is to me. Please keep them safe and happy during our time away from school. Send your love to them every day and keep them in your heart until we all meet again.
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Friday 12th June - Robins, by Miss Beattie
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 4:57pm
Good morning everyone
Happy Hot Chocolate Friday and thank you all for working so hard this week and every week. You are all so special and amazing!
Today Miss Thwaites has read you another story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf1ZlyePsg4
Let’s start our Friday like always with some positive thinking… Write down 3 things that have made you smile this week. What have been your favourite moments? What are you grateful for? What have you achieved? Whatever it may be, just remember that you are all doing the most amazing job learning from home and I am so very proud of you! Why not share your 3 things with me over on our Class Discussion?
Today is the final day of this week’s Oak National Academy lessons on letter writing and measurement (mass). Click the links below to access them:
English: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-write-a-letter
Maths: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/measure-to-read-mass-on-a-scale
Remember our Discussion is up and running today if you need any help.
Have a lovely weekend Robins! Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Mrs Powell's messages:
Today and every day we would like you to enjoy story time from one of our teachers or teaching assistants!
Have a lovely day and remember we think you are amazing!
Friday 19th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 3:07pm
Morning superstars!
I hope you had a lovely day yesterday despite the rain! It looks very much like a Hot Chocolate kind of day today and you all deserve one.
On Wednesday Toby and Lola found some tiny frogs while out on a walk with Mr Evans. I wonder what wildlife you have spotted whilst out and about on your daily walks?
Discussion: As Amelie has now gone back to school, we were talking at tea time last night about what we miss most about school. What do you miss most about school? Go on to our discussion page and have a little chat about it.
School jobs:
English SPAG: Recap using prepositions with this lesson. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh8nscw
Maths: Fluency grid- choose a 3-digit number to go in the star and solve the calculations. If you want to make it easier choose a 2-digit number or if you want to make it harder choose a 4-digit number
Reading: Curl up with a book or listen to an audible book.
Spelling: Can you make your own wordsearch to test your suffix spellings this week. https://thewordsearch.com/maker/
Art/Geography: How has your Amazon Artwork come along? Have you enjoyed learning the different techniques?
Have a wonderful day and a lovely weekend
Sending big virtual hugs,
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell
Here is a lovely story for you this Friday : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA4fDaafVBU&t=3s
Thursday 18th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 3:06pm
Hello to my wonderful team,
It will be lovely for you all to see today's mystery reader... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0JNLQntC0U
Discussion: Have a look at our discussion today about our favourite movies.
School Jobs:
Maths: White rose maths Summer 2 Week 5 Lesson 2 Equivalent fractions https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ Have a go at this lesson to help you understand equivalent fractions.
RE: Continue learning about Islam. Have a go at lesson 2. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-do-muslims-believe/
Reading: Continue with the Butterfly Myth Comprehension (attached) re-read the text. Have a go at answering a few more of the questions.
Art/Geography/Science: Lesson 4 is attached. Can you combine some of the techniques you have learned so far into making one big picture? Remember to Google John Dyer images to get an idea of what the artwork looks like.
This is my favourite of all John Dyer's paintings.
Have a lovely day Goldfinches,
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Geordie Stewart
Geordie has been on countless adventures in his young life, in August ’18, he cycled 22,500 miles over 430 days through 4 continents.
Geordie decided to set his sights on this ambitious venture when he was 17 and had no climbing experience.
The Seven Summits consists of:
– South America: Aconcagua
– Africa: Kilimanjaro
- Europe: Elbrus
– North America: Denali
– Antarctica: Vinson Massif
– Australasia/Oceania: Carstensz Pyramid
– Asia: Everest
When discussing his adventures he said that the reading books about adventures and going on adventures are very different. He challenges us to all make our own adventures and discover whether this is the same as you think. Have you read about somewhere or seen something you would like to do? Remember Alex said at the beginning of the week that we all have our own challenges whether this is riding a bike or solving a maths question. We all have our own Everest to climb and challenge us!
Wednesday 17th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 3:05pm
Morning Goldfinches,
And our mystery reader today is............... ME!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njoiXEV_FkM
Discussion: Today we are discussing Gratitude. Gratitude is being grateful for the things in our lives.
Some people like to keep a Gratitude Diary or write down the things they are grateful for or people they are grateful to. Please share today what you are grateful for.
School Jobs:
English: Continue with your work on Blue John. (Attached)
Times Tables: Test your tables with this game https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/544/Stone-Age-Stu-Times-Tables or use TTRock stars if you are enjoying it.
Mindfulness: This is a gorgeous guided meditation to listen to. Listen and relax!
Art/Geography/Science: Another art lesson and information all about the Amazon Rainforest. (Attached)
Or if you didn't see the e-mail yesterday about World Sea Turtle Day, have a look today. https://www.wwf.org.uk/updates/world-sea-turtle-day
Have a wonderful day. I hope you enjoyed my story. I thought you would really enjoy it!
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Wednesday – Mark Beaumont
Mark Ian Macleod Beaumont BEM is a British long-distance cyclist, broadcaster and author. He holds the record for cycling round the world, completing his 18,000-mile route on 18 September 2017, having taken less than 79 days. So many of you have learnt to ride a bike over the past few months and have been going on really long bike rides. What could your challenge be?
Tuesday 16th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 3:04pm
Good morning my lovely Goldfinches,
Wasn't it gorgeous yesterday! We enjoyed a lovely long bike ride for our active time.
We have been learning to get better at playing badminton and although we started only being able to hit 2 or 3 shots back and forth, we have improved daily and reached 16 without dropping the shuttlecock yesterday!
Discussion: Today can you share something you have had to persevere with in order to get better?
School Jobs:
Reading: Have a go at the butterfly myth reading comprehension (attached) start by just reading the text and highlighting or jotting down the words which are new to you or you don't understand.Ask an adult or use a dictionary or google to find the meaning. Then choose 2 or 3 questions to answer today.
Maths: Lots of the work in our Summer Term 2 home learning pack is about fractions. Work through this pack just a little bit at a time. Have a look at the White Rose Maths lesson in SUMMER TERM WEEK 2- Lesson 2 Halves and Quarters to support your learning. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/
Art/Geography/Science: If you Google 'John Dyer images' you will be able to see the style of painting he uses. It's so bright and colourful. Have a look at lesson 2 (attached) which shows you another art technique.
Spelling: https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/8/1-Adding-suffixes-beginning-with-vowel-letters-to-words-of-more-than-one-syllable use Spelling Frame to help practise the suffix words or do your own doodle in pen or chalk!
Mystery Reader: Who will tell you a story today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sVF3VfI2KQ
Have a lovely day today- be your usual kind and helpful selves please.
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Tuesday – Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner
Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner has been climbing mountains since she was just thirteen years old.
In adulthood she became a nurse, but kept climbing as often as possible: She was always working to save up for her next climbing trip. She eventually became the first female to climb all of the world’s 8,000-meter peaks (and above) without the use of oxygen. Wow! Just remember you can achieve anything if you want to do it. What will you do?
Friday 12th June Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 11:13am
Happy Friday to my fabulous Skylarks,
Thank you to those who have participated in sharing their work through the school spider login area. It would be lovely to see more of your work and more Skylarks joining in on the discussions, this will help you feel like you are back with friends at school and may encourage you when you are feeling unmotivated. Remember, it is okay to be not okay. You may be feeling lots of different emotions and maybe even some new ones you have never really felt before and that is okay!
I have attached to today’s blog a pdf file that has a link that you can log in to My Happy Mind. This is something that we do every week in school. So today, why not start it off through focusing on your breathing and following some of the online lessons.
This link gives you free access: https://myhappymind.kartra.com/page/ParentKitBundle
Today, here is something a little bit different for you to do and I know a few of you will enjoy this. It is based around time and you need to calculate the times in football. This is good practice to support your understanding of the time: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zbdwg7h
Carrying on with your reading work you did yesterday today you are going to focus on word meaning: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/set-of-instructions-reading-comprehension-word-meaning
Today’s special treat for you:
I have decided to read you an extract from a book called ‘Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls’. Please click the following link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf1ZlyePsg4
Message from Mrs Powell:
Today and every day we would like you to enjoy story time from one of our teachers or teaching assistants!
Have a lovely day and remember we think you are amazing!
Take care and have a safe weekend!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
Toucans 11.6.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 8:51am
Toucans Blog Thursday 11th June
Thank you to everyone who has logged onto our new Discussion tool on the website. It was great to hear about your favourite animals yesterday. Today could you have a think about a book that you would like to recommend to your classmates to read and add this to the Discussion.
Take another look at some of these fantastic ocean resources if you have not done so already.
I hope you enjoyed looking at this new booklet yesterday. Today I would like you to complete Activity 2 on page 6 – Persuasive Games.
Today we will look at Algebra Please follow this link.
I will also attach the Walking Maths ideas that you might like to have another go at.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s lesson and resources Science – Everything Changes – Why do living things become extinct?
Message from Mrs Powell
What would you like to be when you grow up? Many people have dreams about the future and that is good. Have a look at the following video: https://youtu.be/ECP87EFic48
The video below tells the story of Joseph, a famous dreamer from the Bible. When Pharaoh put him in prison, Joseph dreamt of being let out, but it wasn’t until Pharaoh had some dreams of his own that Joseph was called upon to help and secured his own release from prison.
It is good to dream of being happy when we are older: happiness is vital! However, Jesus pointed out something important about happiness.
Jesus said that people would be happy if they did the following
- care about other people
- always try to be fair and just
- are kind and show mercy
- work to make peace
Dear God,
Please help us to work hard to achieve our ambitions and to become what we want to be.
Whatever we do or however we live our life, help us to remember the needs of others.
Help us to care about other people, to be fair and just,
To be kind and merciful and to make peace, wherever we are.
Further activities you could have a go at… you could try making a dreamcatcher to catch your own dreams. There are some instructions available at: https://tinyurl.com/y7acpruh
Have you read the book The BFG by Roald Dahl? Why not try making a BFG dream jar? There are some instructions available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xhSTjBea0
Here is a story for you to enjoy, read by Miss Beattie - Dogs don’t do ballet - https://youtu.be/-5h7VQfaGQo
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and have a fabulous day!
11.6.20 Starlings Class Blog, by Miss Gillam
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 7:57am
Hello Starlings
Happy Thursday! It is nearly the weekend again already. I hope you are all well and had a productive day of home learning yesterday.
As always, please continue to follow our attached timetable today.
I have listed below some ideas of activities for you to complete at home today. I hope you enjoy them. I have repeated one of our activities from yesterday as I felt that you may need a little bit more time to complete it. Please remember to write a little message in our class discussion today. Our class discussion is a way for us to be together as a class when we can’t be together. It would be lovely if you could all drop it and say ‘hello’.
Snail Hunting
Watch the video using the link https://offschool.org.uk/super-science/hunting-for-snails-observing-and-recording/. Use the PowerPoint ‘All about snails’ to find out more information about them. Then, go into your garden and search for snails. What can you find? How are they different?
Activity 1
After you have observed them, and looked closely at their details, please complete the ‘my snail booklet’.
Activity 2
Can you write an acrostic poem about snails? Try to use some adjectives to describe them e.g. slimy, hard shell
Activity 3
Can you create your own colourful snail shell? I have attached a blank snail template which you could use, or you could draw and colour your own.
Playing together but apart
In today’s lesson, we will be adding another important item into our time capsule. We will take the challenge of not being able to play some of our favourite playground games and create new ones or adapt the existing ones. The key will be that they will be safe and ensure a safe distance is maintained. Isn’t it interesting to think how future generations may view this?
The Oak Academy are back with another assembly, thinking all about movement. We’re joined by Olympic Bronze medallist, three times World Champion and six times European Champion gymnast Beth Tweddle who will be sharing her journey into professional sport. Artist researcher Stacie Lee Bennett-Worth has put together an incredible dance class, designed to get us all feeling great through moving. This is extra exciting because we have the Beth Tweddle gymnastics school helping us to become fantastic gymnasts too each Tuesday.
Story Time
I wonder which adult will be reading our story of the day today?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEB5oavzP_U&feature=youtu.be - Oi Cat!
Today’s story was written by Jim Field. He also wrote one of the stories that we focused all of our writing on earlier this year. Can you remember which other story he wrote?
As you listen to the story, have a little think about the authors style of writing. Does the story remind you of ‘The Lion Inside’ or is it totally different? Perhaps working along side a different author makes his writing style differ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5h7VQfaGQo&feature=youtu.be – Dogs don’t do Ballet
Have a fantastic day Starlings. Please remember that I don’t expect you to complete ALL of the activities that I set each day. I am trying to give you lots of options so that you can choose what you enjoy the most. Fingers crossed we can have a little chat on our class discussion today, see you there.
Love Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
What would you like to be when they grow up? Many people have dreams about the future and that is good. Have a look at the following video: https://youtu.be/ECP87EFic48
The video below tells the story of Joseph, a famous dreamer from the Bible. When Pharaoh put him in prison, Joseph dreamt of being let out, but it wasn’t until Pharaoh had some dreams of his own that Joseph was called upon to help and secured his own release from prison.
It is good to dream of being happy when we are older: happiness is vital! However, Jesus pointed out something important about happiness.
Jesus said that people would be happy if they did the following
- care about other people
- always try to be fair and just
- are kind and show mercy
- work to make peace
Dear God,
Please help us to work hard to achieve our ambitions and to become what we want to be.
Whatever we do or however we live our life, help us to remember the needs of others.
Help us to care about other people, to be fair and just,
To be kind and merciful and to make peace, wherever we are.
Further activities you could have a go at… you could try making a dreamcatcher to catch your own dreams. There are some instructions available at: https://tinyurl.com/y7acpruh
Have you read the book The BFG by Roald Dahl? Why not try making a BFG dream jar? There are some instructions available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xhSTjBea0
Y2 11.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 6:03pm
Buenas Dias Swallows children
Happy Thursday! Nearly the weekend!
Our story today is read by Miss Beattie, another beautiful Irish accent to listen to. Grab a teddie and enjoy! https://youtu.be/-5h7VQfaGQo
Our writing work continues to focus on Conjunctions today
We are moving onto quarters in Maths https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/
I thought that this "Playing together but apart" lesson will help us to understand the new ways that we can play with our friends.
Life is vey different for us all at the minute but our friendships haven't disappeared. Don't forget that you can send your friend a message in a safe way on our discussions page. It is lovely that some of you have visited that page and chatted wtht me. It would be lovely to talk to you all that way.
A message from Mrs Powell
What would you like to be when they grow up? Many people have dreams about the future and that is good. Have a look at the following video: https://youtu.be/ECP87EFic48
The video below tells the story of Joseph, a famous dreamer from the Bible. When Pharaoh put him in prison, Joseph dreamt of being let out, but it wasn’t until Pharaoh had some dreams of his own that Joseph was called upon to help and secured his own release from prison.
It is good to dream of being happy when we are older: happiness is vital! However, Jesus pointed out something important about happiness.
Jesus said that people would be happy if they did the following - care about other people - always try to be fair and just - are kind and show mercy - work to make peace
Dear God, Please help us to work hard to achieve our ambitions and to become what we want to be. Whatever we do or however we live our life, help us to remember the needs of others. Help us to care about other people, to be fair and just, To be kind and merciful and to make peace, wherever we are.
Further activities you could have a go at… you could try making a dreamcatcher to catch your own dreams. There are some instructions available at: https://tinyurl.com/y7acpruh
Have you read the book The BFG by Roald Dahl? Why not try making a BFG dream jar? There are some instructions available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xhSTjBea0
What ever you do today Swallows, have fun, stay safe and remember to always use your Christian Values. You are excellent at showing our values every day in the classroom. They are friendship, love, hope, forgiveness, respect and courage. Now is a time for really focusing on hope and courage as we need to be brave when we are feeling a little shaky and be hopeful about when we can all return together.
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Thursday 11th June Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 5:20pm
Good morning Skylarks class,
As you are aware, you would be having cello and violin lessons in school. I know a few of you did not take your instruments home when school closed. Therefore, Edsential who teach you have put together a timetable of lessons you could where you learn about musical terms and go through different activities. Please see attached to this blog the document.
For my birthday, my partner bought me a ukulele and I know how fantastic you all are at the Ukulele, maybe there is something you could teach me? You could share these with me on our discussion page. Maybe you could write a song?
Continuing to develop your knowledge of decimals please complete this lesson today which requires you to compare and order decimals: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z68rn9q
Have a go at this reading comprehension that focuses on the use of language: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/set-of-instructions-reading-comprehension-language
Today’s special treat for you:
Miss Beattie has decided to read you a story this morning called ‘Dogs don’t do Ballet’. Please click the following link to listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5h7VQfaGQo&feature=youtu.be
Message from Mrs Powell:
What would you like to be when they grow up? Many people have dreams about the future and that is good. Have a look at the following video: https://youtu.be/ECP87EFic48
The video below tells the story of Joseph, a famous dreamer from the Bible. When Pharaoh put him in prison, Joseph dreamt of being let out, but it wasn’t until Pharaoh had some dreams of his own that Joseph was called upon to help and secured his own release from prison.
It is good to dream of being happy when we are older: happiness is vital! However, Jesus pointed out something important about happiness.
Jesus said that people would be happy if they did the following
- care about other people
- always try to be fair and just
- are kind and show mercy
- work to make peace
Dear God,
Please help us to work hard to achieve our ambitions and to become what we want to be.
Whatever we do or however we live our life, help us to remember the needs of others.
Help us to care about other people, to be fair and just,
To be kind and merciful and to make peace, wherever we are.
Further activities you could have a go at… you could try making a dreamcatcher to catch your own dreams. There are some instructions available at: https://tinyurl.com/y7acpruh
Have you read the book The BFG by Roald Dahl? Why not try making a BFG dream jar? There are some instructions available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xhSTjBea0
Take care everyone, stay safe and keep smiling!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
10.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Wednesday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 9:10am
Hello Starlings
Wow! Here we are at the middle of another week. I hope you are all being busy and doing the jobs that your adults are asking you to complete at home. I left school feeling incredibly proud of you all yesterday after speaking to lots of your parents on the phone throughout the day. Thank you so much for working so hard.
As always, please continue to follow our attached timetable today. The most important thing is that you try to do a little bit of Maths, Writing and Reading each day. This does not have to be a full hour of Oak Academy/BBC Bitesize lesson. Your writing activity for the day could be writing a letter to a friend using capital letters and full stops or making your own comic strip.
I have listed below some ideas of activities for you to complete at home today. I hope you enjoy them. Please remember to write a little message in our class discussion today. Our class discussion is a way for us to be together as a class when we can’t be together.
- Writing – Make your own comic strip. Watch the video linked below and create your own comic strip. Great fun! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufOXBuGhVWg
- Writing – POBBLE 365 is a wonderful website which provides children with a focus image each day. They then give story starters, sentence challenges, drawing challenges and ‘Sick Sentences’ which the children have to improve at home. This is a fantastic website for reluctant writers wanting to try something a little bit different.
The ‘Literacy Shed’ have many fantastic animation videos which can be used to encourage children to get writing. Today I have chosen a lesson all about bubbles. Please watch the animation video and listen to the sounds of the sea.
When it all seems blue, happiness may be close by… if you just look closely at your surroundings perhaps you will find it! Gabby is walking on the beach and finds a bottle of bubbles - when she blows it she gets transported into fantasy. She has fun riding on bubbles and meets people and things on her way.
Where could she go? Who could she meet? What will she do? Write your ideas down, maybe you could think of more than more idea?
- Maths – I have attached a fantastic interactive PowerPoint which focuses on being able to count, read and write numbers to 100. There are lots of problems for the children to solve included on this PowerPoint. You may choose to write things down or you might just like to solve each problem practically.
- Outdoor fun - snail hunting
Watch the video using the link https://offschool.org.uk/super-science/hunting-for-snails-observing-and-recording/. Use the PowerPoint ‘All about snails’ to find out more information about them. Then, go into your garden and search for snails. What can you find? How are they different?
Activity 1
After you have observed them, and looked closely at their details, please complete the ‘my snail booklet’.
Activity 2
Can you write an acrostic poem about snails? Try to use some adjectives to describe them e.g. slimy, hard shell
Story Time
I wonder which adult will be reading our story of the day today?
Have a wonderful day Starlings. Please remember that I don’t expect you to complete ALL of the activities that I set each day. I am trying to give you lots of options so that you can choose what you enjoy the most.
Love Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
Some of you are returning to school but we need to remember lockdown is hard for everyone. Talk about their feelings to someone special at home and to try to understand that everyone is finding this time difficult in some way. Have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/-RXF5-29VGU
You may wish to use the following prayer.
Dear God,
During this time of lockdown,
Please help us to think about others and their needs.
Help us to be kind and helpful.
Help us to talk openly about our feelings
So that together, we can grow stronger and closer.
Toucans 10.6.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 10th Jun 2020 @ 8:52am
Toucans Blog Wednesday 10th June
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all keeping well and got a chance to use the Discussion tool on our website. Did you get to make a video in support of Chester Zoo? What is your favourite animal there? Maybe you could log onto the discussion to tell me.
Also have you had a look at these amazing activities about the Ocean.
Save our Zoo
We have been asked by Chester Zoo to help share our children's voice by making little video clips at home of around 20 seconds. I know Mrs Evans has already emailed everyone (I will attach her letter again) and her children have posted some videos on Twitter. Please take a look at these and record your own video today. Please send it via admin (admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk) to Mrs Evans.
Over the next few days we are going to have a go at some different activities using the attached booklet ‘The Gadgets’. We will start today by looking at codes. Commence with the code activities on pages 2 and 3. Then listen to the modelled piece of writing and read page 4. Finally for today I would like you just do Activity 1 on page 5.
Today we will look at Finding a rule with one and two steps. Please follow this link.
I will also attach the Maths at Home booklet that you might like to have another go at.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for our project work on the Maya Civilisation
Message from Mrs Powell
Some of you are returning to school but we need to remember lockdown is hard for everyone. Talk about their feelings to someone special at home and to try to understand that everyone is finding this time difficult in some way. Have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/-RXF5-29VGU
You may wish to use the following prayer.
Dear God,
During this time of lockdown,
Please help us to think about others and their needs.
Help us to be kind and helpful.
Help us to talk openly about our feelings
So that together, we can grow stronger and closer.
Don’t forget to have a go at using the new ‘Discussion’ tool on our school website, even if it is just to say a quick hello. Remember this will be our new way to allow you to share your lovely work with me and ask me any questions.
Here is a story for you to enjoy, read by myself – Oi Cat! By Kes Gray https://youtu.be/IEB5oavzP_U
Best wishes from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick and keep smiling, we are so proud of you all.
Y2 10.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 9th Jun 2020 @ 7:32pm
Buenas Dias Swallows
I hope that you are all happy chappies today. It is so lovely chatting to you on our discussions page, please bob on over to take a look at what today's discussion is.
I know that some of you are beginning to get bored now and really want to comeback to school. I totally understand this Swallows. It will happen one day, I am not sure exactly when, but on that day, I will be there to welcome you back to our special school and we will do lots of lovely activities together.
Time for a story, it is the turn of Mrs Whittingham today. I love listening to her beautiful Irish accent as she reads. https://youtu.be/IEB5oavzP_U
I forgot to add yesterday's story so I will put it here too, I'm sorry! Here is Miss Twaites reading The Darkest Dark. https://youtu.be/taG8mwAHBeI
Ours lessons today focus on word endings in English https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zxpx8hv
In Maths, we look again at finding halves of amounts . I have attached some shading fractions sheets for you.
In RE we are going to learn about what Jewish people believe about The Messiah. I have attached a word search that you might like to do.
I have made home learning packs for you all, please contact the office if you would like to collect one.
A message from Mrs Powell
Some of you are returning to school but we need to remember lockdown is hard for everyone. Talk about their feelings to someone special at home and to try to understand that everyone is finding this time difficult in some way. Have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/-RXF5-29VGU
You may wish to use the following prayer.
Dear God,
During this time of lockdown, Please help us to think about others and their needs. Help us to be kind and helpful. Help us to talk openly about our feelings So that together, we can grow stronger and closer.
Have a wonderful day my super Swallows. I have also attached a beautiful picture book called Rain Before Rainbows for you to read. Just enjoy the gorgeous illustrations.
I miss you all every day, more and more.
Love Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Thursday 11th June - Robins, by Miss Beattie
Date: 9th Jun 2020 @ 5:53pm
Hi Robins and Happy Thursday! J
This morning I have read a story for you: https://youtu.be/-5h7VQfaGQo
I know lots of you have been completing the Maths and English lessons on the Oak National Academy so I have added the link for today’s lessons below:
Our timetable is also linked below with suggested topic-related tasks.
I have been loving reading more at home recently – so much so that I have bought myself a kindle! It is so important that you are remembering to read as often as you can at home too – it might be a newspaper, magazine or online book. You could even listen to an audio book if you’d prefer. The following website is AMAZING! It is full of links to YouTube videos where various book snippets are read aloud by famous authors! My favourite is Gansta Granny read by David Walliams. He reads with such expression!
Have a lovely day my gorgeous Robins. Lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
What would you like to be when they grow up? Many people have dreams about the future and that is good. Have a look at the following video: https://youtu.be/ECP87EFic48
The video below tells the story of Joseph, a famous dreamer from the Bible. When Pharaoh put him in prison, Joseph dreamt of being let out, but it wasn’t until Pharaoh had some dreams of his own that Joseph was called upon to help and secured his own release from prison.
It is good to dream of being happy when we are older: happiness is vital! However, Jesus pointed out something important about happiness.
Jesus said that people would be happy if they did the following
- care about other people
- always try to be fair and just
- are kind and show mercy
- work to make peace
Dear God,
Please help us to work hard to achieve our ambitions and to become what we want to be.
Whatever we do or however we live our life, help us to remember the needs of others.
Help us to care about other people, to be fair and just,
To be kind and merciful and to make peace, wherever we are.
Further activities you could have a go at… you could try making a dreamcatcher to catch your own dreams. There are some instructions available at: https://tinyurl.com/y7acpruh
Have you read the book The BFG by Roald Dahl? Why not try making a BFG dream jar? There are some instructions available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52xhSTjBea0
Wednesday 10th June Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 9th Jun 2020 @ 5:02pm
Good morning to all of Skylarks class,
I hope that you are all looking after one another and continuing to try hard.
On the weekend, I went to a place called Buxton in the Peak District. Whilst I was walking around, I came across something unusual that I was blown away by. It was called the Covid-19 snake. I have found an article that shows you what it is about and why and who has decided to do this. I wanted to share this with you: https://explorebuxton.co.uk/covid-19-snake-2/
Here are some of the photos that I took that I wanted to share with you. I would love for you to all make your own stone of art and decorate it with something that is a key memory to you or something you love that can represent what has been happening as this will be a key part of history in the future.