Our blogs
Thursday 4th June, by Mrs Campion
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 4:34pm
Good Morning Owls and welcome to Thinking Thursday!
The weather has turned very rainy all of a sudden so these activities might help to fill a rainy day at home. My boys have enjoyed going out in the rain and jumping in lots of puddles. Leo really likes finding big muddy ones the best!
Here are some of the links to some of today's activities.
• Learning some new tricky words videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NOzgR1ANc4
• You can use some of these words for the tricky post it activity to help you to remember them.
• I know lots of you love to draw so here is a link of videos to help you draw lots of different things http://www.robbiddulph.com/draw-with-rob
• If you want some quiet time today why don't you relax and listen to an online storytime: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJ9gKPJ8qTNCCkghPHxRDi1xsZAbOaq_U
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOSzoWxvyvg&t=180s- This is a story about being special. (You are all very special)
I have also included a reading challenge sheet.
Remember you do not need to do all of these activities just choose the ones that you think you will enjoy!
In our Maths the snail certainly has an adventurous journey!
Today he is on another journey. Can you see where he goes, who he meets and if it is an odd or even number?
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Love from Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Being Grateful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/dilMMKU762g
Lucky showed his gratitude to Jack by saving his life, and Jack did not abandon his faithful friend. He, too, showed gratitude in return.
Think about and discuss the following questions:
• Who are we grateful to?
• Who has helped us recently?
• Are we people who say ‘thank you’ often?
• Is there someone to whom we should show gratitude today?
Dear God,
Teach us to show our gratitude for what we have
By caring for those around us,
And for the wonderful world in which we live.
Monday 8th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 3:54pm
Morning Goldfinches and Happy Monday!
Today we are going to test out the Discussion part of the Blog. (I have attached the pupil guide again) Today have set one up all about the 3 'What Went Wells' that we have been trying out last week. I'm looking forward to seeing your comments and just wish I could see you in person.
Storytime: Today you have a little treat of storytime with Mr Beswick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gITpnVTZPI0&feature=youtu.be
My Niece (who is in Y6) sent me an activity she has been really enjoying. She wrote a play for the rocketship theme and got her sisters to film her! I thought some of you would like this idea as you are such creative writers. You could write stories, plays, poems, instructions, explanations, diaries, letters....anything you like.
School jobs:
English: Continue with our work on Blue John. I have attached the activities for this week. Have a go at one today.
Geography: We are continuing with our Caves topic this week so if you didn't get chance to find out about caves last week you can have a go this week. We would have gone into the Great Orme Copper Mine at Llandudno so this week I have added an idea for a task for that. All the details are in the Summer 2 Week 2 home learning plan attached.
Spelling: Y3/4 words column 6. Have a go at your own spelling doodle or perhaps you could chalk your spellings outside (ask an adult first though!)
Times Tables: Revise the 3x, 6x and 9x tables. How do they work together? What do you notice about their multiples?
I found these x table songs on the Super Movers site: can you create your own dance moves and get active while you are learning?
I love seeing your book reviews. Here is another fabulous one. Keep them coming!
Have a super day and I look forward to seeing your comments in our discussion.
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Would you like some new teachers? How about today tuning into one of these lessons from celebrity teachers? https://www.bbc.co.uk/mediacentre/latestnews/2020/celebrity-supply-teachers
Lesson timetable:
Week 1
· Monday 8 June Geri Horner: English
· Tuesday 9 June Tim Peake: Science
· Wednesday 10 June Marcus Rashford: PE
· Thursday 11 June Jeff & Zoe: Gardening
· Friday 12 June Heston Blumenthal: Food Science
Week 2
· Monday 15 June Gary Lineker: Spanish
· Tuesday 16 June Tez Ilyas: Science
· Wednesday 17 June Nikki Lilly: IT
· Thursday 18 June Ricky Wilson: Art
· Friday 19 June Kelis: Cookery
Week 3
· Monday 22 June Darcey Bussell: Dance
· Tuesday 23 June Katie Piper: Wellbeing
· Wednesday 24 June Mark Labbett: Maths
· Thursday 25 June Isabel Clifton: Drama
· Friday 26 June Ed Balls: History
Week 4
· Monday 29 June Matthew Morrison: Musical Theatre
· Tuesday 30 June Ellie Simmonds: Geography
· Wednesday 1 July Martin Bashir: History
· Thursday 2 July Rachel & Maisie: British Sign Language
· Friday 3 July End of Term Review
Enjoy the lessons and please tell us what you think!
Toucans 3.6.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 8:48am
Toucans Blog Wednesday 3rd June
Please click here for a message from Mrs Whittingham
For today’s English lesson I would like you to follow this link for the BBC lesson on synonyms and antonyms.
Today we will look at another Fluency Grid.
Using today’s fluency grid, decide on your own numbers to work with (e.g. 4, 50, 86, 700 etc) and just do a variety of the activities. Can you remember what a composite rectilinear shape is? How many mls in a litre? How can we compare miles to kilometres?
(A composite shape is made up of 2 or more shapes. Examples: The shape below is a composite shape because it is composed of two rectangles. It is also a rectilinear polygon. To find the total area of the shape, find the areas of each of the two rectangles separately.)
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s lesson History – An introduction to the ancient Maya Civilisation
Mrs Powell’s Worship
Pause for Thought: Be Thankful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Hp_g_5Hphd8
We can be thankful for things every day! If you’d like to, have a go at the following:
Can you think of someone whom you would like to thank? Could you send them a message or write a letter to them today? Free printable thank-you cards that are ready to colour in are available at: https://printable-cards.gotfreecards.com/categories/color-your-card/thank-you
Why not make a list of as many things as you can think of that you are thankful for today? You could ask your family to join in. I wonder if you can think of 100 things!
Dear God,
For families and friends…
We are thankful.
For the beauty of nature and the world around us…
We are thankful.
For all the things in life that we too often take for granted…
We are thankful.
Please help us to be willing to show our thanks - not only in what we say, but also in what we do - every single day…
We are thankful.
I think today you all deserve another gold star for your fantastic home learning!
Best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
Wednesday 3rd June, by Miss Beattie
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 8:33am
Good morning everyone J
I hope you are all well this morning and have settled back into home learning.
I have recorded a little video for you all this morning. You will have to excuse my puffy eyes and running nose due to hay fever! You can watch it here:
I was browsing the internet last night for some new challenges I could set for you, and I came across some weekly challenge worksheets. They have a variety of puzzles, quizzes, maths challenges and short literacy activities. I have attached the first one below – let me know what you think J From now on, I will attach a new one each Monday morning for you all to have a go at.
Our class timetable is also linked below if you would like to carry on with your projects I have set this week.
Please remember to share whatever you get up to with us on Twitter @LostockGralamPr
Have a lovely day and work hard! Speak tomorrow,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Be Thankful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Hp_g_5Hphd8
We can be thankful for things every day! If you’d like to, have a go at the following:
Can you think of someone whom you would like to thank? Could you send them a message or write a letter to them today? Free printable thank-you cards that are ready to colour in are available at: https://printable-cards.gotfreecards.com/categories/color-your-card/thank-you
Why not make a list of as many things as you can think of that you are thankful for today? You could ask your family to join in. I wonder if you can think of 100 things!
Dear God,
For families and friends…
We are thankful.
For the beauty of nature and the world around us…
We are thankful.
For all the things in life that we too often take for granted…
We are thankful.
Please help us to be willing to show our thanks - not only in what we say, but also in what we do - every single day…
We are thankful.
Y2 03.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 8:10am
Buenas Dias lovely Swallows class
A little hello from me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh1-McktvPU
Hi everybody, how are you? "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring..." My plants are saying thank you to God for this rain, they needed a big drink. I know that most of you will be inside today becuase of the rian so I thought that you could have a go at this active maths activity:
Think of an exercise to the numbers 2, 5 and 10 Start by counting in ones to 20. Whenever you say a number that is in the 2 times table complete the exercise you have chosen for 2. Now count in ones to 20 but each time you say a number in the 5 times table, complete the exercise you have chosen for 5. Repeat for the 10 times table. Can you join them all together? Count in ones to 20 but perform all three exercises. How many exercises will you need to do when you say 10? Good luck! Maybe you could practise this forst then perform it as a show for your grown ups. Can they join in with you? Let me know how you get on.
Just a reminder of this brilliant website where David Walliams reads his own stories to you. A rainy day is the perfect time to snuggle up and listen to a wonderful story. This week, he is reading Bad Dad, my family went to the theatre to see him read this a few years ago, it is a great story. You can go back and listen to other stories that he has already read if you don't fancy this one. https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/
Our maths lessons continue with measures, today is solving problems with litres. Why don't you ask a grown up if you can look in your kitchen for equipment that has a scale on it. Maybe it is a measuring jug, some scales, a medicine syringe....see if you can work out what each little line is worth on the scale. https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-2/#schedule
Swallows, please always ask a grown up before touching anything in the kitchen!
A message from Mrs Powell
Pause for Thought: Be Thankful Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Hp_g_5Hphd8
We can be thankful for things every day! If you’d like to, have a go at the following:
Can you think of someone whom you would like to thank? Could you send them a message or write a letter to them today? Free printable thank-you cards that are ready to colour in are available at: https://printable-cards.gotfreecards.com/categories/color-your-card/thank-you
Why not make a list of as many things as you can think of that you are thankful for today? You could ask your family to join in. I wonder if you can think of 100 things!
Dear God,
For families and friends…
We are thankful.
For the beauty of nature and the world around us…
We are thankful.
For all the things in life that we too often take for granted…
We are thankful.
Please help us to be willing to show our thanks - not only in what we say, but also in what we do - every single day…
We are thankful.
Have a super day Swallows. Mrs Elson and I are thinking about you every day and we miss you lots and lots, like Jelly Tots! Be kind at home, always use your manners and keep smiling. Like Winnie The Pooh says, we are together in our dreams.
Before I go, here is the link to the fabulous video that we called Lostock's Lockdown Story. Seeing all of your faces makes me so happy, it is just beautiful. I hope that you enjoy it if you haven't already seen it.
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxxx
3.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Wednesday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 6:51am
Hello my SUPER Starlings,
It is Wednesday again already, the middle of the week. How did the new week start for you? Did you complete any of our ‘Boredom Buster’ activities yesterday? I have attached some more for you to have a go at today too.
Please continue to follow our attached timetable and task list for today. Below are some other activities that you might like to try today.
Follow the link and watch the videos https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkgkwty. Complete the activity to make a musical jam jar. Please send me your photographs for the website. Have fun!
Boredom Buster
Choose one (or more) of the activities from the document attached below. They are short activities to keep you busy, and some of them you may have never done before. Take photos and send them to me via email, I would love to see which ones you have chosen.
Enjoy these relaxation activities. Take time to just enjoy some quiet, calm reflection and feel positive. The best way to enjoy these is to lay on your bed, or on the sofa in a quiet room. Please share your feedback about what you think about them. Enjoy!
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mX4JBBIcBk
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtMHCVBgV00
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iRwqSWcUWU&list=OLAK5uy_nKjsXXOcGO9T9UlUdWgdAv-ZtZLgN10EQ&index=2
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neRnbbvCah0&list=OLAK5uy_nKjsXXOcGO9T9UlUdWgdAv-ZtZLgN10EQ&index=5
Today’s Oak Academy lesson is all about the wind. Wind is when air moves. We cannot see wind but we can see it moving objects around us. We will be looking at types of wind and conducting a wind logging experiment.
Please please remember to keep up with your daily Read Write Inc lesson and challenge yourself to read a book every day this week. This can be either a paper book or an online story on the Oxford Owl website.
Take care everyone and stay safe!
With lots of love from
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
Pause for Thought: Be Thankful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Hp_g_5Hphd8
We can be thankful for things every day! If you’d like to, have a go at the following:
Can you think of someone whom you would like to thank? Could you send them a message or write a letter to them today? Free printable thank-you cards that are ready to colour in are available at: https://printable-cards.gotfreecards.com/categories/color-your-card/thank-you
Why not make a list of as many things as you can think of that you are thankful for today? You could ask your family to join in. I wonder if you can think of 100 things!
Dear God,
For families and friends…
We are thankful.
For the beauty of nature and the world around us…
We are thankful.
For all the things in life that we too often take for granted…
We are thankful.
Please help us to be willing to show our thanks - not only in what we say, but also in what we do - every single day…
We are thankful.
Friday 5th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 10:01pm
Happy Friday to my wonderful class.
You are working wonderfully. A huge pat on the back for every school job, exercise, creative activity and helpful act you have done this week. I am so proud of you. Hot Chocolate time for anyone who would like one!
Lostock's Lockdown Memories Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggN2PNKY6fA&feature=youtu.be it's another brilliant one. Enjoy!
From next week, things are changing and I am going to be working more days in school. (I'm really sad that it's not with my fabulous y4 class though.) I will still look out on Twitter and for any e-mails you would like to send me (I love seeing your smiling faces and all the things you have been doing)
BLOG Discussion: There has been an e-mail sent about the discussion part of the Blog so we will be trying that out from Monday. It will be lovely for you to be able to reply to any discussions I set up and this will also give you chance to ask any questions about the home learning work set and share any of your learning too. I promise I will respond as quickly as I can in between teaching at school and teaching my little gang at home. I hava attached the pupil guide on how to use the Discussion Blog.
School Jobs:
English: Each Friday this half term I am going to attach a SPAG lesson to help you to recap the punctuation and grammar learning we have already done in Y4. This week we will practise Possessive apostrophes with this lesson: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvwwxnb/articles/zx9ydxs
Maths: Try another Fluency Grid (attached) Remember you can make it the right level of difficulty for you by choosing a 2-digit, or 3-digit number to go in the star. I have attached a Y3 and Y4 grid for you to choose from too.
Reading: Read Chapter 1 of Blue John https://issuu.com/barringtonstoke/docs/blue_john_chapter_samples
Spelling: Y3/4 words column 6. Maths Frame lets you do a practise test if you want to or just keep playing the games or using our pen and paper activities. https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/50/32-Word-list-years-3-and-4---or--to-pre-
Making Movies: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/careers-in-film/z7yh6v4 I found this film (filmed long before corona virus) which teaches us all about how movies are made and the different jobs involved. I have attached the recording sheet but there is no need to print it. I thought some of you might be interested.
Have a lovely day despite the rain (which will be good to help our plants grow!)
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Smile, it’s Summer
Scientists have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions:
· White makes us feel cold.
· Red makes us feel warm or angry.
· Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.
· Orange makes us feel warm or happy.
· Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.
· Black makes us feel sad.
· Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.
When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them. An unknown poet said, ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’ In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.
Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.
How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?
Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’
Dear God,
Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.
I think especially of… (pause for the children to fill in the names).
Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.
Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.
Thursday 4th June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 9:58pm
Morning Team Goldfinch,
How are you today? What Went Well for you yesterday?
Here is the next part of Little Red Reading Hood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRD-O1GX4no&feature=youtu.be I love the way this story has been twisted.
I found this link to James and the Giant Peach read by different celebrities. https://www.roalddahl.com/taika-and-friends if you feel like relaxing and just listening.
School Jobs:
Maths: Dividing a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number. Summer Term WEEK 3 LESSON 4 https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ Like Tuesday's lesson you might find it easier to split this lesson in half and have a break in between or do it over 2 days.
Reading: Have a go at this reading comprehension about caves as it will help with your research into our Caves Topic https://www.softschools.com/language_arts/reading_comprehension/science/504/all_about_caves/
For some reason this week I am unable to download the issue of First News. I'll keep trying and attach it when I have solved the glitch!
Have a super day today - work well, play well and rest well,
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Being Grateful Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/dilMMKU762g
Lucky showed his gratitude to Jack by saving his life, and Jack did not abandon his faithful friend. He, too, showed gratitude in return.
Think about and discuss the following questions:
· Who are we grateful to?
· Who has helped us recently?
· Are we people who say ‘thank you’ often?
· Is there someone to whom we should show gratitude today?
Dear God,
Teach us to show our gratitude for what we have
By caring for those around us,
And for the wonderful world in which we live.
Wednesday 3rd June Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:48pm
Good morning and a happy Wednesday to you all!
My not so little puppy Ruby had her hair cut yesterday, she wants to share a smile with you...
Since going into lockdown, it has been lovely to hear all the new exciting things you have all been learning to do. Thank you for all the photographs you have sent in for our Lostock Lockdown Story. If you missed out on sending images for this then as I said in my last blog we are doing another. Please send in your photos before Thursday 4th June.
I have been enjoying reading over the past weeks and having the time to become really engrossed with some great books. What have you been reading? Tweet me with book reccomendations or send an email to admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk to share which books you have enjoyed.
Today, I would like you to continue your learning of fractions by completing the online lesson or you can continue working through your maths packs: Problem solving with fractions
How have you all been getting on with learning your times tables? Why not have a go at this activitiy where you have to beat the clock and it helps you to speed up as well as securing your knowledge of times tables. You can choose the format by clicking on the attachment sheets I have provided. Record the time it takes you to complete the whole table and it will make it clear which tables you need to practice more.
Have a go at completing this online lesson: Setting and subordinating conjunctions
Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Be Thankful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Hp_g_5Hphd8
We can be thankful for things every day! If you’d like to, have a go at the following:
Can you think of someone whom you would like to thank? Could you send them a message or write a letter to them today? Free printable thank-you cards that are ready to colour in are available at: https://printable-cards.gotfreecards.com/categories/color-your-card/thank-you
Why not make a list of as many things as you can think of that you are thankful for today? You could ask your family to join in. I wonder if you can think of 100 things!
Dear God,
For families and friends…
We are thankful.
For the beauty of nature and the world around us…
We are thankful.
For all the things in life that we too often take for granted…
We are thankful.
Please help us to be willing to show our thanks - not only in what we say, but also in what we do - every single day…
We are thankful.
Keep smiling my amazing Skylarks!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
Wednesday 3rd June, by Mrs Campion
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 6:23pm
Good Morning Owls. Hope that you enjoyed lots of animal fun yesterday.
Today is 'Around the World' Wednesday. I have attached some ideas that you might want to do. Maybe choose a place that you would like to visit and find out about it, write some facts and draw a picture. I cannot wait to see all the wonderful things you do.
Here are the links to help with some of the activities:
Make a clock https://www.boredteachers.com/videos/diy-in-the-classroom/teaching-how-to-tell-time-interactive-diy-clock
Quiz time link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ysFP8dysAo (Scroll to 8minutes 30 seconds for the quiz!)
Duplo challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQMxPspueZI
Lets go link https://www.thenational.academy/year-1/foundation/what-is-australia-like-year-1-wk2-1
Listen to the story of 'The Snail and the Whale.' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZAtKDaFU6c
Look at each page and see if you can find how many problems or dangers he might come across.
Write or tally the number or just tell your grown up. Could you make a numbered list?
Which do you think was his biggest problem? For here is the link for today: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/
I have included a video of a story I would like to share with you about an animal adventure. I hope that you enjoy it.
We miss you all very much and hope to see you soon. We are so proud of you. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins
Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Be Thankful
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Hp_g_5Hphd8
We can be thankful for things every day! If you’d like to, have a go at the following:
Can you think of someone whom you would like to thank? Could you send them a message or write a letter to them today? Free printable thank-you cards that are ready to colour in are available at: https://printable-cards.gotfreecards.com/categories/color-your-card/thank-you
Why not make a list of as many things as you can think of that you are thankful for today? You could ask your family to join in. I wonder if you can think of 100 things!
Dear God,
For families and friends…
We are thankful.
For the beauty of nature and the world around us…
We are thankful.
For all the things in life that we too often take for granted…
We are thankful.
Please help us to be willing to show our thanks - not only in what we say, but also in what we do - every single day…
We are thankful.
Toucans 2.6.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:38am
Toucans Blog Tuesday 2nd June
Please click here for a message from Mrs Whittingham
Take a look at the attached Wellbeing Calendar for June. There are some great ideas on here. I’m going to try as many as I can. I may change the order and just do my favourite ones but plenty to keep us busy. I’m sure you will enjoy these.
Like yesterday, I would like you to focus on ensuring that you can spell the majority of spellings from the Year 5/6 spelling list. Remember to make it interesting for yourself. You can use the attached ‘Make Spelling Fun’ document to help you. Also continue working through the other activities in the attached ‘Spellings at home’ booklet.
Make sure you have completed your green Read Write Inc spelling book, if you brought it home! Also try one of the Sats styled spelling tests from your CGP books.
Today we will continue to work on developing our Maths Fluency skills. Again continue to work through the activities in your CGP books, if you have not completed these already. Also ensure your Times Tables are fluent by regularly going on Times Tables Rock Stars.
Using today’s fluency grid, decide on your own numbers to work with (e.g. 4, 50, 86, 700 etc) and just do a variety of the activities. Can you remember what a factor is, a prime number, how to find a percentage?
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s lesson PSHCE – No Outsiders
Can I accept being different and being proud of who I am?
Mrs Powell’s Worship
Pause for Thought: Be Kind
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Qcyc68d6OAk
We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds).
Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week?
Dear God,
Please help us to be kind to those around us.
Please help us to think about the needs of other people.
Please help us to seek to live in peace.
Remember we are so proud of everything that you do and I’d like to give you all a gold star!
Best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
2.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Tuesday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:27am
Good morning Starlings,
How are you? Did you have a busy day of home learning yesterday? What have you got planned for today? Keep sharing what you get up to either on Twitter or in an email to admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk.
Please continue to follow our attached timetable and task list today. I would like to highlight today’s PSHE lesson. As we start to think about our return to school, it is important that we remind the children about the importance of effective handwashing. In today’s Oak Academy lesson, we will discuss the use of a time capsule, as a way of storing memorable items from our time in COVID-19 lockdown. We will start by discussing how to stay clean and healthy, which will be followed by making a sign that can be used to promote good handwashing and reduce the risk of spreading germs.
Below are some other activities that you might like to try today.
History Challenge
Look at some photos of when you were younger. What things have stayed the same? What things are different now? Now see if you can look at some photos of when your parents or grandparents were little. What things have stayed the same from then until now? What things are different?
Please read or listen to the story of The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. If you have this story at home then please use the book. If not, please watch this video of the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUTb1dAnnK0.
Once you have read the story or watched the video, please complete the two activities below.
- Can you design your own creature?
- Can you write your own book review? Here is an animation video for you to enjoy, just for fun!
PSHE – Would you rather?
Create some ‘Would you rather…?’ questions to ask people at home. For example, would you rather be a cat or a dog? Would you rather have three legs or three arms?
Design and create a woodland creature of your own. This may be the same as, or different to The Gruffalo. Here are some examples to help you. I am looking for you to be as creative as possible, you could even try to use some natural materials from outdoors. Please send me some photographs via Twitter or email.
Boredom Buster
Choose one (or more) of the activities from the document below. They are short activities to keep you busy, and some of them you may have never done before. Take photos and send them to me via email, I would love to see which ones you have chosen.
Have a wonderful day and remember just how special you all are to Mrs Southern and I. We are so excited to see you soon.
Miss Gillam
Message from Mrs Powell
Pause for Thought: Be Kind
Click here to watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qcyc68d6OAk&feature=youtu.be
We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds).
Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week?
Dear God,
Please help us to be kind to those around us.
Please help us to think about the needs of other people.
Please help us to seek to live in peace.
Tuesday 2nd June, by Miss Beattie
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:26am
Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday J
I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday and managed to slowly ease yourself back into routine!
Teddy is exactly 4 months old today – Look how much he has grown since I brought him home!! He can’t wait to finally meet you all!
What have you got planned for today? I have attached our class timetable again in case you would like some ideas. Please also continue with your maths and English lessons from either BBC Bitesize or Oak National Academy.
I know before the half term, lots of you were enjoying the First4Maths activity sheets (Lego, cooking, active, arty maths, etc.) so I have attached them to this blog again to save you scrolling through. Who knew maths could be found in so many different places?!
Whatever you do today, remember to have fun, be kind and keep smiling.
Sending you all big virtual hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Be Kind
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Qcyc68d6OAk
We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds).
Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week?
Dear God
Please help us to be kind to those around us.
Please help us to think about the needs of other people.
Please help us to seek to live in peace.
Y2 02.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:21am
Buenas Dias Swallows
How are you all today? It looks like it is gloing to be another sunny day, I have just been out into the garden to hang out my washing and the sky is a beautiful, clear blue colour with only a few clouds. I imagine you are all so tanned because of this lovely weather, I won't recognise you when I see you again. Plus, I bet you have all grown taller!
It was lovely to see some photos of people learning about Rosa Parks yesterday. If you didn't mange to, look back at yesterday's blog for the link or visit the BBC home learning page for Y2.
How did you get on with the 10 spellings that I gave you before the holidays? I bet you were great! This week, let's look at words that end with the suffix "ness".
quietness, calmness, laziness, brightness, kindness, happiness, loneliness, forgiveness
Remember the rule of changing the y to an i when adding a suffix like in happiness.
Our maths learning today focuses on reading scales again, this time in litres. This is the unit that we measure liquid in. We also look at how to say the colours in Spanish as well continuing to find information in our reading lessons.
I would like to intoruduce you to a research project based on Judaism that can last for the rest of this week. This is the religion that we would be learning about if we were at school. Jesus was born as a Jewish person as that was the religion at that time. It is a very old, fascinating religion and there are many Jewish people all over the world, in England too.
I would like you to find out the Jewish holy book called "The Torah". It was originally a scroll and so in many synagogues today, the words are written onto a scroll, not printed in a book. What is the Torah? What is it written on? How is it looked after? Where does it live in the Synaggoue? Who is allowed to read it? Can you touch it with your finger in the Synagogue? Do Jewish people have a copy of The Torah at home?
This website might help you https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/what-is-the-torah/zhs2t39
There is also a video on there about a little Jewish boy, Charlie, from Manchester who talks about his life as a Jewish person. The Synagogue in that video, is the one that Y2 visit each summer. It is beautiful. I will show you photographs when we are back together again. I have attached a Power Point explaining a little bit more for you as well. Maybe you could make a poster of what you have found out, label a picture, video yourself explaining what you have learnt and send it to me or bring your work into school.
A message from Mrs Powell
Pause for Thought: Be Kind Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Qcyc68d6OAk
We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds).
Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week?
Dear God,
Please help us to be kind to those around us.
Please help us to think about the needs of other people.
Please help us to seek to live in peace.
Have a wonderful Swallows, we miss you.
Love from Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Tuesday 2nd June, by Mrs Campion
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 7:19pm
Good Morning my lovely Owls.
Hope you all had a wonderful Outdoor Monday in the sunshine. I went into school yesterday and did a video with Mrs Hoskins, Mrs Esling and Mrs Judge showing you round the classroom and some of the changes we have made. We have some new dolls that Mrs Powell has bought us and some new happy land things.
Today is Animal Tuesday. I know how much you all love animals. I have included some ideas of activities you might like to do and some sheets you might want to print off on Tapestry. Don't worry if you do not have a printer as you can do them on paper or in your exercise book.
Here is a lovely activity making snail spirals using cotton buds. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/ https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Day-2-The-Snail-and-the-Whale.pdf
I hope you have a wonderful day today and please share all of your animal adventures with us.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Message from Mrs Powell: Pause for Thought: Be Kind Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Qcyc68d6OAk We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds). Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week? Dear God, Please help us to be kind to those around us. Please help us to think about the needs of other people. Please help us to seek to live in peace. Amen.
Tuesday 2nd June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 12:05pm
Guten Tag Goldfinches. Wie Gehts?
Thank you for Tweeting or sending e-mails of the things you have been up to. I'm missing you all loads and it has been lovely to see what you have been enjoying and discovering over the past few weeks.
Remember to tweet with @LostockGralamPr
or email admin@lostockgralam.cheshire.sch.uk and ask the e-mail to be forwarded to Mrs Evans.
The Evans' peas, beans and pumpkins are growing so well now. They have all developed flowers so that means they are getting ready to grow their seed pods (the tasty parts we can eat!) Sadly, the sunflowers we planted were all eaten by the slugs. How are your plants coming along?
Peas and beans
pea flower
bean flower
School Jobs:
Maths: Dividing a 2-digit by 1-digit number. White Rose Maths Summer term WEEK 3 LESSON 3 https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/ Lola and I did this one yesterday. It is quite long so you may want to split it into 2 parts with a break or do it over a couple of days. It is really good and is a great recap of the work we were doing with Power Maths before we finished. Goldfinches you will be brilliant at this.
Reading: Choose a reading comprehension from your pack or an activity from the pick and mix reading activities.
Geography: Caves- choose an activity or website to look at from the weekly plan (attached) What can you find out about today?
Have a wonderful day Goldfinches. Keep smiling and keep safe.
Mrs Evans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhjZcOQ1r44&feature=youtu.be
Message from Mrs Powell
Pause for Thought: Be Kind Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Qcyc68d6OAk
We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds).
Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week?
Dear God,
Please help us to be kind to those around us.
Please help us to think about the needs of other people.
Please help us to seek to live in peace.
Toucans 1.6.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:40am
Toucans Blog Monday 1st June
Please click here for a message from Mrs Whittingham
Take a look at these video clips if you haven’t already
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evfOzPrzIu0 I Am With You At Home with Olaf
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PnnFrPaRgY&fbclid=IwAR1R5JmXr7NHJ-krywFwv883lVzoK9Qjk0yRaA7x2w1-sMJao7oUxfmONdM While we Can’t Hug
Today and tomorrow I would like you to focus on ensuring that you can spell the majority of spellings from the Year 5/6 spelling list. You will see it on page one of the attached document – Spellings at Home.
Start by making sure you can read all of the words. Then make sure you can explain what each word means.
Take a look at some of the suggested activities and try and complete all of these over the next 2 days. I know some of you have done these already but it is important that you regularly revise these words so that you will spell them correctly in Year 7. You can always come up with some of your own activities.
Over this half term, we will be focusing on ensuring we have covered everything on the Year 6 curriculum so that you are ready for Year 7. Continue to work through the activities in your CGP books, if you have not completed these already. Also ensure your Times Tables are fluent by regularly going on Times Tables Rock Stars.
Over the next 3 days, I will attach some Fluency Grids, that we began to work on in class before the lockdown, as these will remind you of the key facts that you need to know. Decide on your own numbers to work with (e.g. 4, 50, 86, 700 etc) and just do a variety of the activities. Today you will revise place value and fractions.
See the attached Home Learning Timetable for today’s lesson Art – Drawing - become an illustrator
Lostock’s Lockdown Story
Take another look at this wonderful video
Wishing you all the best from Mrs Downing, Mrs Whittingham & Mr Beswick
1.6.20 Starlings Class Blog - Monday, by Miss Gillam
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 7:30am
Good morning Starlings,
How are you? I hope you have had a lovely half term and have made the most of the glorious sunshine. We have been so lucky with the weather, haven’t we? Have you explored anywhere new this week? I went for a walk by the river yesterday afternoon and saw so many ducklings, cygnets and beautiful butterflies.
In case you missed it, we have put together a video of ‘Lostock’s Lockdown Memories’ for the children. Don’t worry if you didn’t send in a photo for this video, we will be making a part 2 video soon! You can watch it here:
Once again, I have attached a new timetable for you to follow this week with new tasks and projects to complete – remember this is only a suggested timetable and activities are always optional! I know ots of you are going to really enjoy my SPACE focus this week. Just do what you can, when you can. Your child's mental health is much more important than a home learning task.
- Everybody Worries - Written and illustrated by Jon Burgerman
In this bright and friendly picture book, children learn that it’s okay to worry about coronavirus. Fun rhyming couplets keep the tone gentle and supportive, and you will find plenty of ideas for dealing with coronavirus in a positive way.
Everybody Worries offers your Starling the reassuring message that this crisis will pass, we are there for them, and we will get through this together. Follow the link below to read along or just listen to the story.
- Find out about what Star Qualities are here. Write a list of what you think your star qualities are. Ask a member of your family to do the same about you and then compare lists. Now swap over and think about the star qualities of a member of your family.
Find out about exclamation marks here and listen to the story of Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus. Then have a go at the activities attached below.
Remind yourself about how to tell the time to the hour and half past with this video. Use a clock or make your own to practise telling the time to the hour or half past.
Using a felt tip pen or paint, take a thumbprint from everyone in your house. Use a dark colour pen or pencil to make the thumbprints into something. Have a look here for some ideas.
Are you keeping up with your reading? There are so many fantastic online resources available for you to use for free.
Mrs Southern and I miss you lots and can’t wait to see you all very soon. Keep working hard and making good choices at home.
Sending you all big hugs and lots of love
Miss Gillam
Monday 1st June, by Miss Beattie
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 7:15am
Hello again Robins!! J
Good morning and Happy Monday! I have missed chatting to you all this week. I hope you had a wonderful half term and a well-deserved rest. Thank you to those who shared some lovely photos with me of what you have been up to – it put a big smile on my face! It did also make me miss you all though! Can you believe it is June already? I keep my fingers and toes crossed every day that we will be able to see each other again before the summer holidays.
Here are a few snaps of what Teddy and I have been up to over the half term. Lots of walks and adventures (and of course snoozing):
In case you missed it, we have put together a video of ‘Lostock’s Lockdown Memories’ for the children. Don’t worry if you didn’t send in a photo for this video, we will be making a part 2 video soon! You can watch it here:
I have attached a new class timetable below with some suggestions for history/geography, science and RE projects. I hope you enjoy them! Remember this is only a suggested timetable and task list – you can pick and choose what you would like to do and personalise the timetable to fit in with your day J
For your maths and English lessons I would like you to follow the lessons on either Oak National Academy or BBC Bitesize:
Have a lovely Monday and a great first day back to home learning after the half term. I will speak to you all again tomorrow morning J
Sending you all big hugs and lots of love,
Miss Beattie and Mrs Esling xxx
Y2 01.06.20, by Mrs Rice
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 7:13am
Buenas Dias Swallows
Happy 1st of June. I hope that you all had a lovely half term holiday in the sunshine with lots of rest and play. We spent lots of time having water gun fights! Time for a little bit of work again.
One important lady that we were going to be learning about in our worship is Rosa Park. We have a beautiful book about her in our library. Please have a little look at this website to find out all about her. I wonder if you can learn why she was special? What did she do that was very brave? This story also links to our No Outsiders work.
Our RE topic is Judaism this half term. Tomorrow, I am going to give you a little research project on Judaism. Our Oak Academy lessons today will give you a little sneek peek into Judaism. It is my favourite topic to teach in RE, I wish that I was in the classroom with you all. The maths lessons are teaching you how to read scales, thermometers today. I wonder if you can find out how hot it is in your house? Take a look:
Have a great day my lovely Swallows. Please keep reading and listening to stories. Thomas and I are reading The Demon Dentist by David Walliams at the minute, it is a very exciting story.
I miss you all so much. Remember to keep saying thank you to your grown ups.
Abrazos (hugs)
Mrs Rice and Mrs Elson xxx
Monday 1st June, by Mrs Campion
Date: 31st May 2020 @ 7:18pm
Good Morning my lovely Owls and welcome to another new month! How is it June already?
Hope you had a wonderful half term. Hasn't the weather been gorgeous? We have spent most of the week in the garden and going on lovely walks together. I went into school last week and met Teddy. He is very cute and cuddly. He likes digging a lot.
This week, I thought we could do something a little bit different so each day we are going to have a different theme with some activities linked to it that you may like to do at home. Remember you do not need to do them all just choose the ones that you like the best! You might even think of your own ideas linked to our theme.
Today is Outdoor Monday. I have included a picture with some ideas for today. Please remember to share with us on Tapestry. We love seeing you!
A little while ago, I read one of my favourite stories to you 'The Snail and the Whale.' This week there are lots of lovely Maths activities linked to this story on the White Rose website. Here is the link if you would like to try some of them. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/ On Iplayer you can watch an animated film of the story-https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000cslw/the-snail-and-the-whale
I have uploaded this weeks reading onto Tapestry for you.
I hope you have a brilliant day and enjoy some outdoor fun.
We miss you all and remember we are so proud of you all.
Love Mrs Campion and Mrs Hoskins x
Tuesday 2nd June Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 31st May 2020 @ 12:02pm
Good morning Skylarks class,
I hope you are all getting settled back into a routine after half-term. As you are aware over half-term an email was sent out about me creating a Lostock Lockdown Story. Thank you to those who sent in some fantastic images. Here is a link to the story: Lostock Lockdown Story
Don't worry if you missed out sending an image in as I am going to create Part 2 this week. Please email school or tweet any photos that you would like to be in the story.
Continuing working with fractions please follow the link for today's lesson based on Multiplying mixed numbers by an integer. Multiply mixed numbers by an integer
Our focus for this term would have been Hinduism. In a previous week I have set tasks that link to this topic. I have come across these activities that explain different themes of the religion: Hinduism activities
Message from Mrs Powell:
Pause for Thought: Be Kind
Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Qcyc68d6OAk
We should be kind because we care about other people. However, the video that we just watched suggests that kindness is also good for us. Ask the children to think about why this might be. You might like to start by revisiting the ideas suggested in the video (go to 0.20 minutes and play the following ten seconds).
Can you make a list of something kind that you could do each day of the week?
Dear God,
Please help us to be kind to those around us.
Please help us to think about the needs of other people.
Please help us to seek to live in peace.
Keep smiling you are doing a great job and should be so proud of yourselves!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
Monday 1st June- Skylarks home learning, by Miss Thwaites
Date: 31st May 2020 @ 11:58am
Good morning my superstars!
Please click on the following link to hear my good morning hello: Miss Thwaites morning hello
It is time to start easing yourself back into your home learning after a lovely week off enjoying the gorgeous sunshine.
The best way to start your day is with some light exercise so maybe you would like to go on a morning walk or a bike ride perhaps with your family members.
Or maybe you would like to start your home learning with a fun PE challenge? What do you think? Why not play a game of connect four but combine PE activities with it and play with a sibling or a member of your family. Please see attached two sheets called Connect 4a PE challenge and Connect 4b PE challenge. The rules of the game are written on there for you and it is a great way to get you motivated and ready for the learning ahead of you.
You have spent lots of time learning about adding and subtracting fractions as improper fractions and mixed numbers. To start us back, I would like you to either continue working through your maths in your home learning pack or as an optional extra you can complete the lessons I outline in my blog. This following lesson is based on multiplying unit and non-unit fractions by an interger. Remember the denominator (bottom number of the fraction) remains the same. BBC bitesize multiply fractions
On the home learning document I have attached to the blog you will notice just one project for you to do this week. I would like you to take time researching and spend a little bit on it each day to ensure that you are not puttting yourselves under too much pressure and that you are looking after yourselves. Attached to support you with our new topic on Earth and Space is a knowledge mat that outlines all the key vocabulary and specifics we will be learning about.
Take care my super Skylarks, keep smiling and keep tweeting all the wonderful things you are doing!
Miss Thwaites and Mrs Hulse x
Wednesday 3rd June, by Mrs Evans
Date: 28th May 2020 @ 3:04pm
Hi lovely Goldfinches,
I hope you had a good day yesterday.
In my family we have started thinking about and sharing 3 things that went well during our day: 'What Went Well' . My What Went well yesterday was finishing a book i was reading about creating a happy return when we come back to school, finding a lovely surprise letter from Amelie hidden on my bed and making a yummy curry for tea. What are your 3 What Went Well moments going to be today I wonder?
I've got a story for you today. Click on the link and I will begin reading... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qa3amFFfn4&feature=youtu.be
School Jobs:
English: Continue with the activities about our Blue John story (attached)
Spelling: Y3/4 Column 6 words https://spellingframe.co.uk/spelling-rule/72/34-Word-list-years-3-and-4---sep--to-su-
Times Tables: practise your 2, 4 and 8x tables division facts. (sheets attached if you want to use them. You don't need to print them out)
If you want to play a different game which tests all of the tables have a go at https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/544/Stone-Age-Stu-Times-Tables
Mindfulness: listen to this calming music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFZKK7K52uQ and try an activity from the ideas attached.
Have a great day. I'm thinking of you all lots and am so proud of you all.
Mrs Evans
Message from Mrs Powell
Pause for Thought: Be Thankful Click here to watch the following video: https://youtu.be/Hp_g_5Hphd8
We can be thankful for things every day! If you’d like to, have a go at the following:
Can you think of someone whom you would like to thank? Could you send them a message or write a letter to them today? Free printable thank-you cards that are ready to colour in are available at: https://printable-cards.gotfreecards.com/categories/color-your-card/thank-you
Why not make a list of as many things as you can think of that you are thankful for today? You could ask your family to join in. I wonder if you can think of 100 things!
Dear God,
For families and friends…
We are thankful.
For the beauty of nature and the world around us…
We are thankful.
For all the things in life that we too often take for granted…
We are thankful.
Please help us to be willing to show our thanks - not only in what we say, but also in what we do - every single day…
We are thankful.
Toucans 25.5.20, by Mrs Whittingham
Date: 25th May 2020 @ 9:06am
Toucans Blog Monday 25th May
Please click here for a message from Mrs Whittingham https://youtu.be/pSf2HS2mI14
Good morning!
As we enter the start of what should be another half term, and we embark on another, tenth, week of lockdown, we wanted to thank you all for the amazing work you have done to keep your children safe, support their home learning, and communicate with us here at school. You have done an incredible job and we want to make sure that you are looking after your own mental health needs in this time of uncertainty.
It is important that we take some time to do something that will make us smile. That will make our children smile and that will bring us together at such a tricky time. So have a look below at some of our suggestions and choose one thing every day that brings happiness.
- Enjoy a yummy breakfast together; pancakes, boiled egg and soldiers, bacon sandwiches or maybe your favourite cereal.
- Have a carpet picnic, or a garden picnic at tea time
- Make something that shows off what makes you special for the school sharing window and deliver it to school on Monday or Wednesday this week.
- Draw a picture for somebody in one of our local care homes
- Tell us about something you have done in lockdown that you’ve never done before. Have you learnt to ride your bike, or tie your shoelaces? Have you baked bread for the first time? Have you planted some seeds and nurtured them into flowers?
- Talk about your favourite things to do and have a favourites day. Eat your favourite breakfast, listen to or dance to your favourite song, sing your favourite songs together, play your favourite game, watch your favourite movie or tv programme, read your favourite book or comic, wear your favourite outfit, arrange a video chat with your favourite friends or family member.
- Find a new way of hugging! Right now, hugging is a tricky thing because we have to keep our distance. Can you find a new way to send a hug to somebody? Perhaps send a postcard, or create a picture or video of you doing something funny/showing off a new skill.
- Facetime, zoom, whatsapp – keep in touch with those people closest and most important to you.
- Create a calm box, a little like the Christmas Eve boxes that so many of us use, put your favourite snacks, pyjamas, movie inside and settle down together for a soothing evening.
Remember, we are collecting photos of you doing wonderful things during lockdown so send your photos into school so we can share them as a whole community.
Look after yourselves, be kind to yourselves and have a wonderful week.
Remember Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Downing and Mr Beswick are very proud of each of you and also thought you would enjoy watching these….